Sera Ch. 30


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"Rebecca went home and up to the fourth floor for what she describes as 'a personal breakdown'. A few days later, she emerged, Samantha describing her as 'dry and cold'. She took her daughter aside and told her that she couldn't stay in that house any longer, that she would soon begin arrangements to sell it and the rest of their properties and business interests. Samantha's job, as Rebecca dictated, was to stay out of her way.

"Now, I'm not saying that Samantha wasn't worried in that house without Odette's protection, but she also told me that it wasn't only out of fear of her mother that she indeed stayed out of her way. She also knew, mostly due to the perceptual awareness that Sera gives some of us, that Rebecca didn't want her in the way of her volatile nature. In other words, Grammie knew that her mother was only looking out for her best interests.

"By the end of nineteen-thirty-five, they had moved here with a new family name, and Grammie was still doing them both the favour of staying out of her mother's way when and wherever possible. This being such a large house, that wasn't overly difficult, other than when Rebecca came looking for her for one reason or another. This left a lot of time for Samantha to spend by herself in a much larger house than the one she'd spent her childhood in, and with wooded grounds that were large enough that a city girl could get quite literally lost without ever leaving her property. Of course, she soon grew to love it here and, when not being educated in the arts of business and finance, something Rebecca insisted on no matter the quiet young woman's lack of interest in such things, she spent time with a staff that was three times the size of the one they had in Toronto.

"Having been bonded, her sex drive had been turned on, and a lot of this time with the staff was spent exploring the woods naked. Her favourite attendant was a Spaniard who was not only her age, but also short which, in her mind, made him non-threatening. This, of course, was Camillo and, after he'd 'rescued the fair maiden' one day out back here, he impregnated her. I've already told you about who and what all came of that, so let me get back to Rebecca before I wind up our story.

"Unlike her mother, Odette wasn't quite as nervous about investing in the markets and, by this time, the smallest signs of economic recovery were beginning to show and she knew that then would be a good time to invest. Seeing what was going on in Europe- Germany in particular- she also knew where to invest and what businesses to buy at a pittance.

"So, by the time Britain declared war on Germany in nineteen-thirty-nine, our mother was three years old and our family was back in the business of natural resources such as forestry, mining and food production. Rebecca also re-entered the manufacturing and cartage sectors, producing many things that ended up onboard merchant marine vessels along with our raw natural resources, brought to port by her trucks and bound for Britain. Again, the family's wealth grew, along with Rebecca's personal power and influence.

"This, however, didn't mean as much to her as it had. Her interest, aside from ensuring long term financial survival, had swung much further towards her sexual exploits. She actually had a special bed built for a special room upstairs in her apartments- now mine- that allowed for all manner of bondage and... other things. Two of you have seen it."

My eyes widened a little as she glanced at me with a tricky smile, remembering the big bed with the eyebolts in her guest room and about the 'employee of the month'. But my jaw sagged when she then glanced at my mother with the same smile as she went on.

"And one of you has experienced it."

Sheila grinned as Auntie Kathleen rolled her eyes with the hint of a smile and the most subtle squirming in her seat.

"But, Rebecca would often use this as punishment- real punishment, I mean- to those staff members who failed her sometimes maniacal demands and standards. It wasn't pretty and the details, of which I'll spare you, were enough to... Well, let's just say that you didn't want to end up in that room for a session with her. In the end, she was bringing outsiders home for use in that room. It was shortly after this that she..."

Auntie sighed, her eyes briefly flashing out the open doors of the study to where Rebecca had hung herself before finishing with, "She knew how dangerous she was, both to herself, the family and to Sera. This duality within her, the thing that emotionally tore her in two, that dark side, for want of a better term, that she couldn't control no matter how she tried... Well, I suppose it was the only way she could win out over it. She's never said as much and none of us will know for sure, but that's my impression."

There was a silence while we took that in, going on with, "She'd performed a final readjustment of any and all business matters and, knowing Samantha's total disinterest, created a management firm dedicated wholly to the Long family business interests. The head of this firm was, of course, heavily influenced to honesty and loyalty to Grammie and brought every new employee to her for his or her influence. Grammie didn't want to deal with even this intrusion from the outside world, but knew it was necessary in order to protect the house and all that supported it.

"And that's how it was left," Auntie summed up with a sigh. "That firm, 'Long Management', still runs things to this day. Yes, I've become familiar with all of our interests and, of course, I sort of oversee them, but I never had the time to take over from them. Between tracking down my sisters while compiling the rest of the family history to the extent that I have, I'd never have time for such a full time job as that and, since Long Management has been doing a good job of it, there was never any real need. As for the rest of Grammie's story, you already know what I've told you, which is essentially all there is aside from those details which are here for any one of you who cares to check them out, and the same goes for our mother, Marie. That said, do any of you have any questions?"

"I do," Stevie responded almost at once.

"Of course you do, sweetie pie," Auntie teased with a knowing smile as she stretched again, me locking eyes on her boobies as her back arched.

"Exactly how much are you worth?" he asked, his eyes on her boobies as well.

"Not me," Auntie corrected. "Us. We. I've told you, it's our money, not just mine. It's in my name because I'm the person it was left to by Grammie because you four weren't then here, but it's ours and I need you all to get used to that. Especially you," she amended, looking directly at my Stevie. "But, to answer your question, we're worth a little over six and a half billion Dollars."

I almost pooped myself as everyone else's face went blank and Auntie went on as though this were nothing.

"You won't find us on any list of Canada's most wealthy people because it's kept hidden for Sera's sake. Rebecca herself saw to that very wise detail before her death. Social influence is one thing when controlled but, with Grammie's situation, it would have been detrimental to her, Marie and to Sera. That number, by the way, does go up slowly, although it's dropped some in recent years due to this recession. Also, strictly speaking, Long management was never really intended to grow the family fortune so much as safely manage and sustain it. Any other questions?"

Finally able to think past that number, I voiced my curiosity over something she'd said much earlier.

"Auntie, um, when you were telling us about how Odette was bonded, you said that when Cary took her nightie off, Odette knew it was really Eleonore. What did you mean by that?"

Auntie smiled, nodding her head in understanding of my question and replied, "Well... that's really a question better suited for our next family meeting, but have you noticed how Lynette is... different? At these little meetings of ours, I mean?"

We all nodded to this, our attention briefly focused to the spaced out blonde who still sat staring at nothing in particular, not even having reacted to the mention of her name.

"You may have also noticed how she and Delores have a way of showing up just when I want them without any prompting from me?"

After we all nodded once again, she explained, "Okay, so you all know we can get into the minds of others. What's happening here is that I, or more accurately, a small part of me, is left inside Lynette. My consciousness is split between this- my body- and hers. You see, although Lynette is influenced to complete trustworthiness, our family history is our business and I feel it best that she doesn't hear any of it, influenced or no, so I've shoved what is her aside. You might say she's on a little vacation in her own mind while a part of me occupies her senses and motor functions so that we may still have her/me as our attendant during these meetings."

"Let me get this straight," Auntie Kathleen said skeptically. "You're saying that you're inhabiting two bodies at once?"

"Yes," Auntie Ashleigh confirmed. "And this is how Eleonore removed Odette's nightdress, even though it was Cary's hands that actually did the work."

Sheila remarked, "That's a pretty handy trick, sis. I'm jealous."

Auntie Ashleigh shrugged, replying, "It's a latent ability. Grammie taught me. Kathleen, you might have the ability now, but you're still a bit young. That said, Sera never really follows any set pattern of development, Sheila being a perfect example of this, so there's no guarantees in terms of abilities where any of us-ss-uuuhh!"

"Uuuhh!" Lynette gasped in perfect concert with Auntie Ashleigh when Auntie Kathleen suddenly leaned forward, running her hand up Lynette's skirt. Their perfectly timed gasps and jerking body movements proved Auntie Ashleigh's claim.

"Oh my god, it's true," Auntie Kathleen breathed, her forearm moving as she prodded Lynette's crotch further, both she and Auntie Ashleigh moaning the exact same notes in perfect timing with the other, jerking and squirming in precisely the same way and at exactly the same time.

"Ka- Kathleen, don't- ohh! Oh, my clit... fuck..."

This was incredible. Even Stevie watched this as though hypnotized as his mummy, with an evil smile, played with Auntie Ashleigh's clitoris via Lynette's. Not surprisingly, Auntie Kathleen wasn't listening to her oldest sister. Actually getting out of her chair to squat in front of Lynette, parting her thighs as Mummy giggled, getting out of her own seat to stand behind Lynette and slip her hand down the front of her blouse. By the time she had it unbuttoned, boobies freed from the attendant's white bra, Auntie Ashleigh's hands were planted on the edge of her desk, eyes closed and enjoying the ghostly sensations in unison with Lynette. Mummy was playing with her nipples, looking at Auntie Ashleigh with grinning awe as her little sister went down on our night attendant.

Stevie looked at me with an expression in his eye that screamed 'horny' and said simply, "C'mon."

I giggled, getting up to follow him to the back of Auntie Ashleigh's desk. He pulled her chair out from it and spread the front of her nightie open, allowing her awesome boobies free of it so we could each have one. In addition to what Sheila was doing, her reaction was quite intense. When we began licking her big, erect buds, she placed her hands at the back of our heads, holding our lips to her big boobies. We began sucking and, when Stevie's hand went between her legs, both she and Lynette moaned loud and long.

It was awesome, suckling Auntie's boobies with Stevie. I looked at him and suddenly loved him all the more for our mutual participation in this taboo act of sexually pleasuring our auntie together and, as much as I wanted it to go on forever, I knew it was time I got between her legs to do my part.

She was delightfully soaked when I got there. My tongue licked Stevie's fiddling finger until it moved to allow me access to Auntie's delicious honey pot. She held her nightie up for me as I slowly, thoroughly licked her lips, tasting her cream and finding more seeping out of her hole. I stuck my tongue right inside her, overjoyed at her reaction as my upper lip caressed her firm, erected clitoris. Again, her hand found its way to the back of my head as our matriarch jumped and jerked to my mouth, hers and Lynette's yelps of pleasure still in perfect harmony.

They, or Auntie- I'm still not sure how I should put it- came in the same perfect harmony, a wild, intense orgasm that was twice the pleasure for twice the pleasuring. When it was all over, the four of us looked at her, obviously proud of ourselves but, to quite an extent, still fairly blown away at this astounding ability to inhabit two bodies at once and all the possibilities it stood for. She was red faced, trying to recover from her dual experience with her legs spread, boobies hanging out and a peculiar expression.

"You people," she accused without being able to stifle an appreciative grin, "are a pack of jackals!"

We all giggled, suddenly stopping as Lynette came around. As though she'd just woken up, personal presence seemed to come to her eyes. She looked down, surprised to find her skirt hiked, white panties at her ankles, and her blouse opened up so that her boobies could hang out.

"That will be all for tonight, Lynette," Auntie Ashleigh excused in a still trembling voice.

"Yes, Mistress," she acknowledged, only pulling up her panties to allow her to get up and walk out the door while we all watched.

Looking back to Auntie Ashleigh, Auntie Kathleen determined, "Okay, you have to teach me that."

We all laughed as I wished I was old enough to learn it myself, but Auntie replied, "That's another meeting. Besides, what makes you think you won't have to earn it?"

"What?" my blonde Auntie asked, seemingly unprepared for this.

"Well, you haven't been very nice to me since you got here, so I'm thinking you're going to have to make up for that in some way before I teach you anything."

Again, we all, excepting Auntie Kathleen, laughed softly at this prospect, leering at her and imagining some fun and totally filthy stuff she might be forced to do. As for her, a smile and a frown simultaneously fought for control of her features. I'm sure she was picturing some fun and filthy stuff too, but she probably didn't like the circumstances. Somehow, that made the anticipation all the better on my part, and I don't think I was the only one who felt that way if the leering grins on both Sheila's and my Stevie's faces were any indication.

"Like... what way?" Auntie Kathleen nervously demanded.

"Some way," her oldest sister smirked, only elaborating with, "You've been such a pain in my ass, such a mouthy little bitch, I'm thinking I'd like to see you in my special guest room upstairs, but we'll have to see."

The look on Auntie Kathleen's face was priceless and, as much as we all loved her, we all loved seeing it there too.

"Of course," she went on while getting up out of her chair, "we can discuss that later, can't we, my beautiful little sister with the nice big tits. Hmmm? Right now, I think we're due for a nice little family fuck-fest in my apartments. I want you all to change into something fun and meet me there in a half hour."

Once again, The Biker Queen had taken control. She walked past us and out the door, the hem of her slippery nightie falling down to above mid-thigh in front, her boobies left exposed.

Auntie Kathleen only stood there at a total loss. We could see what a dilemma she was in, obviously wanting quite badly to learn the trick of splitting herself into two bodies, (so did I for that matter) but very apprehensive about whatever flaming sexual hoops of control Auntie Ashleigh would have for her to jump through in order to attain it. We only looked at her, obviously quite eager to see her jump. When she saw this, she scowled and walked out of the room, leaving me, Sheila and my Stevie to look at each other and giggle before we followed suit.

Once back at my apartment, I sat down on my couch, some of the giddy, horny mood that the three of us walked back to the apartment wing in evaporating as I thought of our family history and, again, how I had a place in it. At the same time, I was unable to ignore the tragic aspects of that history, such as Coby, Dolanna, Rebecca and Marie. It had the effect of a drafty window in an otherwise warm room. It could be avoided by staying away from the window, however one knew that the draft was there, imperceptibly cooling the room. More accurately, it was like a looming specter, this history of mental instability that had plagued the family, the inherent result of Marie Roy's schizophrenia, this monster that my Stevie saw as living within us.

I suddenly felt lonely. My apartment, only half lit for the purpose of changing into something 'fun', as Auntie had dictated, seemed more like the mausoleum Eleonore had been buried in, Gina's absence roaring at me in its voice of deafening silence.

Mr. Sparkles waddled, as kittens have a way of doing, across the carpet to my location. I reached down and picked him up, petting him in my lap as I thought about my poor Gina, about how I'd abused her. About how terrified of me she was just before I snapped, chased her down and tried to beat the hell out of her. Was she right to be terrified?


At that moment, I understood even more clearly how much I really needed Stevie, how right he was in the things he'd said, the things he was trying to tell me about what could happen to the innocent and the people we care about. That was back when I had time, had the opportunity to protect my Gina from that monster, to protect her from... from me. I was the monster. He was right to do what he'd done, both for Gina's sake and mine. And Daddy's.

Mr. Sparkles cried out suddenly, making me realize I was holding him too tight. Startled, I let go of him, watching him dart from my lap to cower at the far corner of the couch as he looked at me with confusion, mistrust and fear in his big golden eyes.

Less than thirty seconds later, I was holding a bottle of vodka almost upside down, the open end at my lips as I guzzled straight from it. The disgusting taste wrenched my thoughts from where they were, the shortly ensuing effects providing a safe place for me to run from my own horrified guilt as Sera, the monster within, began to take over.

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7a9 months ago

Kitten and Kathleen do require strict control. Kathleen no longer really cares about her actions, except with her son and the pool incident. Kitten is aware that she needs control but does not accept the fact that someone other than herself must have that control. This three story series is probably themost well organized, well written and logically intertwined. 5 star rating for the entire series, to date.

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearabout 5 years ago
I still want answers

I love this story, and the sex is great. But, you've written a great story here and I want answers. What is Sera, an extra planer creature? Why are there only females... up until Steven? Why and what makes Steven different? Is there a way to control or get rid of Sera? Is Sera good or bad, or what? ( I would guess chaotic neutral ) Why do the Sera's have to take over the humans they are in? It sound like there is a hidden agenda above reproduction here. Finally, other than the want of how these characters are going to end in this tale, I need answers.

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