Serendipity Ch. 09


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He handed me a piece of wire with a 9V battery hooked to it and a little light on the end of the wire.

"So what is it?"

"Take a look at the video."

Bob rolled the video forward showing a guy sitting at a slot machine paying out. I didn't see anything. "I don't see anything."

Bob smiled. "That's what he wants them to see. Now listen to the video but watch it and the telemetry screen at half speed."

This time I heard the coins hitting the tray bam bam bam, but the telemetry showed it starting and stopping. "That's weird?"

"Yea, there happened to be an off duty tech two chairs down so they had an idea of what to look for. Problem is how to stop it."

"So what's this thing do?" Holding up the battery and wire thing.

"It blinds the LED receiver thinking there is there are no coins coming out. He does it for just a few coins at a time so it doesn't trip the internal error routine getting him about a thirty percent gain on what the payout should be. The problem is how to keep it from working."

"Well the first thing that comes to mind is change the coin path to make it too difficult or too long for that thing to get in there."

"Not possible, the parts are interchangeable between several models and it would be an outrageous change, and then it would have to go through state gaming approval before it could be implemented."

"Well the next thing that comes to mind would be a dual LED setup so that one was blocked and one was visible at all time, but I would guess that would be right back to state gaming issues again?"


"Show me in the machine."

Bob took me over to one of the machines and closed the door, they all had clear panels for most of the cabinet so you could see inside. "These machines have a free play chip in them for testing." He set it up to pay out and then put the thing up the coin slot. You could see the end slide up into the dispenser. When he hit the switch on the wire the end lit up blinding the sensor. The machine kept kicking out coins but the counter didn't increment.

"And this is battery powered?"

"Yea, there have been a few variations between C cell and 9V, but always battery powered."

I looked at the thing and then opened the door to the slot machine. "May I?" as I pointed to the dispenser.

"Go ahead."

I pulled the dispenser and looked at the sensor. I stuck my head into the machine and looked at the wiring harness. "How sensitive is the receiver and control circuits?"

"Pretty, why?"

"Sensitive enough to detect the 60hz pulse?"

"I think so, what do you have in mind?"

I held up my finger for him to wait and stuck my head back in the machine and looked again. "OK, change the LED supply voltage from DC to AC."

"What good will that do?" staring at me.

"Set your software to detect the 60hz frequency as well as the pulse of the trip finger. If it doesn't see the 60hz it's being spoofed by the light wire and shut it down."

Bob looked at the wire stick and then the dispenser and then to me. He just grinned. "I knew I picked the right guy." He walked over to his desk and hit the speaker phone and speed dial.

"Law Office."

"Hey Christine, this is Bob. I need to talk to Chuck and have him file a new patent ASAP."

"Hold on please."

Bob pressed the MUTE button. "You have to meet her. Big buxom blonde, VERY energetic!" He released the button and cupped his hands at his chest indicating a very health set of tits.

"Hey Bob, you got something already?"

"Not me, this one goes under Danny's name, I'll fax you the details over in a few minutes."


"I'm here."

"So you're on board?"

"Well it looks like it. We were going over things and I figured I better give it a try to see if I could do it."

"So how many days have you been working on this?"

"Uh days? We were playing with it for about an hour."

"BOB!, You didn't tell him!"

"Nope, trial by fire. You still think I'm full of it?"

"Never mind... , I'll start the paperwork." And he hung up.

Bob sat back in his chair grinning at me. We just stared at each other for a few minutes. "OK, ask."

"What did he mean 'you didn't tell me' and what was he talking about 'days'?"

Bob just kicked his head back and laughed. "OK, truth time. First, the in house casino and manufacturer techs have been fighting this for about a month. Second, I got it the day before we talked two weeks ago. Third, you got it about an hour ago." I'm sure I had a totally perplexed look on my face. "Now let's get the paperwork in. For this we can do it by hand. Write out your solution on a piece of paper. Put a one hundred dollar license fee on it, sign and date it... I'm going to get us something to drink. You want something?"

"You got Pepsi?"

"This just gets better and better."

I started writing as Bob walked over to the kitchenette and grabbed two glasses out of the freezer... and filled them from a dispenser. "ON tap?" I asked.

"Only the best. I am an alcoholic, so it's soft drinks only here. That a problem?"

"Never a problem if you deal with your problems instead of them dealing with you," as I handed him the paper. "So how do you make any money on a one hundred dollar license fee?" as he put the paperwork in the fax machine.

Bob just smiled. "Well normally I get around fifty, but they have been working on it for a while. And it's a one hundred PER CHIP TYPE."


"Yea, It doesn't come in right away. They usually make a deposit based on past numbers, but I'd say you just made about fifteen to twenty thousand dollars."


"Hey it doesn't happen every day. So don't spend it all at once, but it happens regularly enough to make a nice income. You should have a check in a few weeks. I'll let you have the first one all to yourself. From here on out it's split 51-49 after overhead and Chuck's fees."

"That works. So how often do you get these?"

"I had three waiting on me when I started but somebody figured them out before I did, and it's usually one or two a month according to the guy who retired. Depends on your ability and reputation. He was getting one a week for quite some time. He retired at forty by the way."

"Forty? Did they hire him in pre-school?"

"Nope, he started when he was twenty seven." I just whistled. "Yea, think about that. He said a good part of it was a particularly tough one that he charged three hundred fifty to one manufacturer because of a weakness only they had shortly after he started. I don't know which one because he got a bonus to sign a non-disclosure on top of that."

"So how is the money?"

"Well it's not a weekly paycheck, but it's reasonable steady. And sure enough for me to bring in a partner. Assuming you're still in?"

"Do you enjoy the work?"

"I love solving problems, so it's not work for me."

"Well then I guess I'm in."

"OK, we'll go by Chucks tomorrow to do the paperwork. We've been at this for a while. You get back to the hotel and we'll meet up tomorrow. I'll leave word what time."

I left feeling giddy. I had started out wondering what the day was going to go like, and by early afternoon I had made fifteen or twenty thousand dollars!

I dropped the courtesy car off, letting them know I would need it again tomorrow, and headed up to the room. I found Nicole kicked back on the balcony in my room in her halter / skirt outfit. I slipped a hand in to play with her nipples and tug on her rings while I nibbled on her neck. "Damn you look good, and feel even better!"

"Well you are alive! I thought I was going to have to send out a search party."

"Bob had a little problem. I took a look at it and came up with a solution."

"Kissing up to the future boss were you?"

"Nope, earning my first paycheck."

"So you're going to make the move. Did you make much?" looking at me with a funny look.

"Bob said it was a little more than usual, and he's letting me keep the first one to myself. He figures it will be around fifteen to twenty." As I nuzzled her neck and brought my other hand in to make it a matched pair of squeezes.

"That will barely buy us dinner."

"Thousand, Nicole dear, thousand."

"BULL SHIT!" her head coming around to look me in the eye.

"Nope, I have to go to the attorney's office tomorrow to fill out the paperwork."

"You're buying dinner." She grinned and hopped up fast enough I almost ripped her top off.

"Only if you're wearing that!"

"Well since I only brought three outfits total so I guess I don't have a choice do I?" leaning back to let her nipples pop through a bit.

"Nope, and expect to be groped and played with!" as I slid a hand down to her ass.

"Uh uh, the tits are up here." As she slid my hand up, around and under her top to her nipples again. "Now feed me."

We took the elevator down to the lobby while my hand caressed her bare side and the barest edge of titty bump, and I was thinking about a nice evening out and then back to bed with her. We had just made the corner to the lobby...

"BUT IT'S OUR HONEYMOON!" a petite young lady sitting on her suitcase was crying. "What are we going to do?"

Nicole the fixer came out, scurrying over even in that flimsy dress. "What happened?" she asked the little blonde.

"We're... we're on... our... HONEYMOON!" and began crying into her hands again.

The young man with her said. "The hotel over booked and we don't have a room. There's a convention in town and the only rooms in the area is out on the edge of town." And the blonde started bawling again.

"Hang on honey." She told the blonde and pulled me off to the side. "Well?"

"Well what?"

"We're not using the second room."

"Oh, well yeah. As long as you don't mind sleeping with me... Naked?" as I pulled her top away from her chest and licked my lips while staring at her banded nipples.

"Well I guess I could be forced to sleep naked with you." As she kissed me, and I mean really kissed me! This could be an interesting evening. "Go arrange things with the manager while I invite them to dinner."

She went back over to the couple while I went over to the front desk to talk to the manager and found out what their situation was. He was reluctant at first until I reminded him who was paying for the room and instructed him to take their bags up to the room. About that time I heard a screeching woman doing her best to strangle Nicole and her new husband looking totally dumbfounded.

I walked over to the commotion, "Danny, I'd like you to meet Beth and James, they have graciously agreed to take the extra room off our hands."

"Oh you did, did you? And just how much did you have to twist their arms to accomplish this?"

"Oh thank you thank you thank you... " As I was being inundated with kisses from Beth. I pushed her back to James, abet with a bit of a grope. Hmmm small chested from the feel of things.

"You've got a wild one there. You let her out very often?"

James just laughed. "Yes she can be a bit of a wild child, but I love her anyway!"

The bellman came up with a cart to get their bags. "OK, let's go!" He loaded up their bags. I put an arm out for Nicole and looked at James. He looked for a second and then did the same for Beth, she grinned and practically strangled his arm while cuddling up against him. We headed for the restaurant. When the bellman took a left at the elevators behind us, James hesitated.

"Uh, where are they going with our bags?"

"THEY are going up to the room. WE are going to dinner."

"Oh, well we'll see you around," as they started to turn.

Nicole grabbed his arm. "No WE are going to dinner."

"Oh! OK." And they fell back in behind us.

We were seated at a secluded table. Obviously NOT the usual run of the mill table.

After we ordered our drinks and the waitress pulled the curtain on the restaurant side of the table and we were looking out at the city with the sun setting off to the left. Beth and James on the other side were whispering back and forth. Both the girls were back lit by the cityscape.

'OK, what's the big secret over there?" I asked.

They look back and forth between each other and then down at the menu. Beth finally pops up. "We're wondering... what's the catch?"


"Yeah, we come here on our honeymoon and walk into a booking disaster. You just happen to come along and not need your second room and bring us out for this lovely meal. I mean no offense, but I'm not sure we can even afford the room much less the meal. We had to save for months before the wedding just to be able to get a little room. I mean this menu doesn't have any prices"

"Beth, where are you from?"

"A little town just west of Des Moines Iowa nobody out side of the county has ever heard of."

I smiled at that, "And this is seeming like a bit of a fairy tale?"

"Yeah, just a little."

"Well Beth I can understand that. So let me tell you a story. I got lucky and got a job with a company where I get to work with this gorgeous lady." Putting an arm around Nicole "Unfortunately that job is coming to an end. But in that job I met someone that decided I had the right skill set to come and work with him and make a very nice income. One of the companies he provides service to, believed him enough to fly us out here and comp our stay. Today on my first day I made about half of what I made in an entire year at my previous job. I've been where you are, getting started in life not too long ago. Someone believed in me enough to take a chance even though they barely knew me. I think it would be OK to pass some of that good luck on, don't you?"

"So this is all for real?"

"Yes, the meal and room are already paid for."

"Well then, let's enjoy!" Finally she seemed relieved and they slipped off their coats. I was right, a pretty small chest. They were a little unsure of what to order, so Nicole and I ordered first to show it was OK, and then they relaxed a little and began to loosen up. I called the waitress over and whispered to her. "Do you have any kind of honeymoon package you could send up to the room?"

"Yes, we have several. A few basic with a nice wine and fruit assortments up to the big one with the champagne and chocolate covered strawberries as well as several other... interesting... amenities." She said with a bit of a grin.

"Good, send one of those up to the West Presidential suite, and no word to the happy couple." I nodded to Beth and James.

"Will do."

"So you two, how did you get together?" I should have known better. That was all it took for Beth to launch. For the rest of the meal we heard about how they got serious at a youth camp and grew up together right up until they got married. Thankfully the story was winding down about the time the meal was. "So what are your plans for tomorrow when you finally manage to crawl out of bed?"

Beth turned fifty shades of red when she realized what I had just said. When she could finally talk she spoke real fast. "Well I was hoping to spend a little time around the pool. I got a few new bikinis that I can't wear back home!" batting her eyes at James.

"Nicole brought a few new bikinis along too, but it looks like she won't need them over at the European pools."


"Beth, they have two European pools. One topless and one is clothing optional."

"But... I can't do that!" looking between me and Nicole.

"Why not, I'm going to!" Nicole added. Beth leaned over to Nicole and whispered something in her ear. "So why is that a problem? James knows what you look like right?" Again she whispered something. "You mean something like this?" and then it was my turn to be surprised. Nicole pulled the halter over her head and let it drop into her lap sitting there topless. She leaned back against the booth and put her arms up on the back thrusting her tiny tits up and out with her gold nipple rings shining. Beth's mouth dropped open and James eyes bugged out. She looked between Nicole's tits and her husband's eyes glued to them, then made up her mind. She unbuttoned her top and reached in to do the 'remove the super padded bra without removing her shirt' thing. Then she grabbed the edge of her top, swallowed, and then pulled her shirt open.

"Yeah, something like that.", revealing her a small chest. A little bigger than Nicole's but with smaller nipples.

"Those look like some nice mouthfuls James!"

"Huh? Oh yeah... I could nibble on them all night long." He said softly staring at his new wife's chest.

"JAMES!" she exclaimed, not realizing she was still holding her shirt open.

"Well I could, they fit in my mouth or my hand just right!" finally looking from her chest to her eyes.

"Oh James!", she cooed as she reached to put his hand on her tit and did her best to kiss him into submission.

I heard someone approaching. "Ah ladies, as much as I am enjoying the view I think we are about to have company. Beth closed her shirt quickly but Nicole took her time giving the waitress a nice look if she wanted to look. She glanced down at Beth's bra sitting on the table.

"I was going to ask if you enjoyed your evening but that seems apparent." Beth grabbed her bra and turned even redder than she had before. We ate with very little chit chat, the girls gossiping about this and that. James eyeing Nicole, and me keeping an eye on Beth's nice little chest. Both girls showing as much cleavage as they thought they could get away with.

"I think it time to head back up to the rooms."

"You boys go watch the game or something in the lounge for a few minutes, Beth and I have a little girl talk to take care of first."

James and I headed for the lounge. It was noisy enough that we could sit and watch the football game without having to carry on a conversation. Football wasn't really my bag, but it worked to kill time.


"You don't have to go with me to the pool tomorrow Beth."

"Are you kidding! I'd love to! You know how hard it is living in a little town where anything less than a high collar is scandalous. The kind of town where you can't even wear a two piece suit at the city pool, much less a bikini!"

"So you 'prefer' something a little less restrictive do you?" I asked with raised eyebrow.

She just laughed. "That's how James and I got together."

"You said you got together at the youth camp."

"That's WHERE, not HOW."

"This I gotta hear!"

"Well like I said, we got together at the youth camp. We were both in middle school the first year we attended. Our senior year was when everything came to a head," she said with a wicked grin. "Most of the girls had managed to sneak a few bikini's in their stuff. They were nothing like today's string bikinis, but back then they were still considered a little scandalous. My only problem was while most of the other girls were starting to fill out, all I got was a pair of bad mosquito bites. Hell I still don't have to shave my pussy but once a month or so."

"I know the feeling. I've went two or three if I haven't been seeing anyone."

"So anyway, I noticed James watching me, we had been friends for several years, but now he was WATCHING me. You know how it is, most of the time they just want to play and tell and score points with the other guys. James was different. We talked about a lot of things. I even caught him trying to look down my top several times but played along like I hadn't. I knew he knew I didn't have much for tits, so I decided to test him." She grinned.

"So what did you do?"

"One of the mornings I knew he was scheduled to get up first and get the fire started, I dressed to reveal and I didn't wear a bra or underwear!"

"Uh uhh... I need details!" shaking her finger at Beth and grinning

"OK, OK; I had a fairly thick pair of panties that looked more like short shorts. The only 'problem' was they were a little small so they cupped my pussy and rode up into it if I walked more than five steps. Of course it somehow managed to work its way up there before I had even gotten out of the tent!"