Serendipity Ch. 25-26


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"Because of this conflict we have decided to do things a little differently tonight. You have been a part of my housed for a short while, and it has been wonderful having you, but it has become apparent you also have yearnings for another house." She was getting worried. "So tonight you will have three choices. You are free to make whatever choice you wish, but you will make a choice."

"You can choose to continue your stay in my house." I pulled the cloth off the collar that had been sitting on the dresser for three days. "You can choose to become Mistress of Dean's house." I pulled the cover off the wide red collar", I thought she was going to faint. "Or you can choose to remain without a collar." And I sat back looking at her.

Her lip was trembling as she looked between the collars, her eyes settled on the red collar and then looked at Dean with pleading eyes. He barely nodded and she beamed. "Master Danny, if Master Dean will accept me I would choose to be with him."

"Present him with your collar."

She knee walked over to Dean and held her collar out to him. "Are you sure Jean?" She smiled and lifted her chin. He took the collar from her hands and snapped it around her neck. She kissed his hand and leapt into his lap. There was a bit of hooting and hollering and all around female hugging and kissing.

"You're not mad at me Danny?"

"I could never be mad at you Jean, and don't think this gets you two out of anything around here. There is still a lot to do that you started. I expect it to be finished in the not too distant future."

About that time Maribel came down and was headed out the door. There was a bit of a Mexican tirade from Maribel, and I expected Maria to flip her off. What I didn't expect was Brittany's reaction. "WHAT!!" and then a string of Spanish between Brittany and Maria. Maria was crying as Maribel was laughing her way out the door. After a bit more Brittany took Maya and Maria into the office, where there was a lot more Spanish and a bit more crying.

Nicole, Sam, and I were looking at each other. "Sam, would you put the pizza in the oven to re-heat. I don't think Maria will be cooking anything right away."

There was another burst of Spanish from the office. "Right away Master."

"Um Master Danny, I think Master Dean and I should leave. I have a feeling this will be something a bit personal."

"We will see you tomorrow then. Don't forget this will be the last free weekend, Chuck and Christine will be bringing by the contracts this weekend for everybody." They waived as they went out the door. Sam went to put the pizza in the oven leaving Nicole and I alone for a bit. She looked at me and back at the office where the Spanish was coming from and I shrugged. "I have no idea." Was all I could say.

The Spanish had stopped, and Brittany brought Maria and Maya back in. Maria looked like she could break into tears at any moment. Brittany ushered me back to my chair and Nicole to the other. She had Maria kneel in the middle and her on one side. Sam came back in and quickly kneeled on the other side of Maria. "Master, Maria has been concealing a fact that she believes will cause you to ask her to leave this house. I, on the other hand, have a different opinion. While I do not minimize the fact of the secret, I don't believe it will have any effect on your desire for her to remain in the house."

I glanced quickly at Nicole, who was staring straight at Maria. I wasn't going to get any help on this one! "That is quite a difference of opinion little one. I would have to know what we are talking about before I could render a decision though. I think an explanation is I order, please continue." I know it sounded corny, but it was all I could think of at the time.

"Thank you Master." Maria started to say something but Brittany shushed her. "About a year ago Maria was given a roofie at a party. She does not remember much from the party, but shortly after discovered she was pregnant and had no idea who the father was. She decided to keep the baby and had little Maya here. Her family thought it shameful and told her to use the same story of her sister, who actually does have a husband in the military in LA."

I looked at Maria. "So your family had you tell the story?" She nodded. "Does your Uncle Martin know?"

"I think he suspects Master Danny. He asks every once in a while about why I came all the way out here to live with Maribel. And how am I going to be able to stay here and do the seamstress work."

I looked between the girls. Sam was non-committal. Brittany and Maria were nervous but for different reasons. Nicole had a confident smile. She already knew I had just figured out I was going to do. Well maybe I could surprise even her. I stood up, which Nicole was NOT expecting me to do. "Ladies, would you follow me."

I took Nicole by the arm and led my queen out the back door and over to the sorority house. Brittany and Maria were following us, with Sam picking up the rear. Of all the girls, only she would have any idea what I was doing. We made it up to the second floor and stopped in front of her workroom door. Sam was about ready to burst. "Maria, I need you to step in here for a moment." and took Maya from her arms. She hesitated and then opened the door slowly. When she flipped on the light I was glad I took Maya from her arms, she dropped to her knees like she did when she saw her machines and there was a string of Spanish again.

Brittany was all smiles so I expect it was the good kind of Spanish. I crooked my finger at Brittany and she pointed to herself as in 'who me?' I handed Maya to Sam and took her next door with Nicole following us. Sam stayed with Maria and Maya. I flipped on the lights to a room full of blueprint cabinets around the walls. "I wasn't expecting you two for a while, but what do you think? I have several doors to refinish for work tables."

"What do I think for what?"

"Your work shop, I thought the big flat drawers would work pretty well for all your little items and chains and stuff, and the two bottom drawers in each cabinet are deeper for other stuff." She ran her hand over the cabinets and pulled open a few drawers, then turned to me and leapt up clamping her legs around my waist, planting a tonsil inspection kiss on me. I just LOVE naked women! "I take it that you approve?"

She managed to stand on her own two feet after leaving a snail trail on my tummy. "It will work wonderfully. I can't wait to try it out."

"What do you say we go next door and see if Maria has reverted back to English yet?" She snickered at that.

We made it back to the other room, and Maria was walking around running her hands over the worktop. "Did you do this Master Danny?" and waived her hands around.

"Many people made it possible Maria, I merely brought them together." She looked like she was going to cry again. "And since you're not cooking tonight we have leftover pizza warming in the oven. What do you say we go back over and eat it?" I put my arm out to Nicole and we headed out. From the lights shutting off behind us I assume everyone was following. I wasn't sure until we were all around the island eating. I got up quick and flipped the computer on, I guess if we were going to have surprises we might as well make a night of it. The girls were going on about how the sorority house was turning out. Rattling off various possibilities. After listening to them for a while I got a bit of a picture of what had been going on between Maria and Maribel this last week...Damn, only a week. It seemed longer.

"Maria, I have some questions for you. Please answer them as best you can."

"Of course Master," that comment slipped by me completely.

"All those heated conversations between you and Maribel in Spanish, the last few where you just flipped her off. Those were like tonight where she was putting you down for having Maya like you did wasn't it?"

She hung her head and replied quietly. "Yes Master."

I lifted her chin and looked her in the eye. "You have nothing to be ashamed of Maria. Your family should NEVER have put you in that situation, much less give you grief about it. Sam, Brittany, this story is Maria's to tell if and when she wishes. You will neither confirm nor deny anything, merely state that you have no idea of what they are talking about. We will not do anything to upset this weekend. Come Monday you will bag up all of Maribel's things and take them to her. You will inform them that while they are Maria's family and we will be cordial, we would rather they NOT come over here uninvited. If they choose to make this situation known before Maria decides to, or does ANYTHING to cause Maria grief, I will make it my life's mission to make theirs a living hell."

The girls looked like they were going to cry. "Aw, hell. Now what did I do?"

Nicole turned me to her and gave me a nice gentle kiss. "Just being you Master. Just being you."

"Well since I'm being me, I have one more surprise for tonight. Follow me Nicole." I took them in the office, and had Nicole sit in the desk chair then pivoted it to the computer. She was looking between me and the computer. I reached out and bumped the mouse bringing it out of sleep mode and The Boutique log in screen popped up.

"OK???? So Shelly let you keep the computer we had at the apartment."

I leaned down a whispered as softly as I could, "Log in."

Her head snapped around. "WHAT?!!"

Now it was my turn to chuckle at her not paying attention. "Did you actually look at the email address I was sending from?"

She turned back to the computer and her fingers flew over the keyboard. I was still a hunt and peck kind of guy. After a few seconds another screen popped up. From her reaction I'm assuming it was the right screen because now I had my little chocolate pixie around my waist inspecting my tonsils! I had to turn and sit back against the desk to keep from falling over. We just held each other and kissed and groped for a while until we realized we had an audience.

"Girls, as special as you all are, I think Nicole and I are going to take some private time." I turned back to Nicole, "Would you run up and get some towels while I get us something to drink? We can go enjoy the spa for a while."

"Of course Master." She finally unwrapped herself and headed up stairs almost on a run. I went to the kitchen and Maria was already getting us some glasses for Ice water.

"Brittany, how far were you able to get on Nicole's fancy collar?"

"They are BOTH complete Master. I brought them with me."

"What did she think of the white one?"

"Mistress has not seen it completed Master. She had seen the collar before I added the beads, and I used the chrome rings for sizing."

I kissed her forehead. "Thoughtful as ever, I'd love to see them when we get a chance, but Mistress not seeing them is more important. Keep the white one handy tomorrow and I'll see if I can get a chance to present it to her." Maria and Sam were looking at Brittany wanting to ask questions. "And yes you can show the girls, but under no circumstances is Mistress to find out about either of them until I present them. I will probably do the white one tomorrow with everyone around. The other will be sometime later with a select group."

I got a 'yes Master' from all three of them as Nicole came down. "Yes Master what?"

"I was telling the girls that I would like to spend the night with you alone if they don't mind." I grabbed the water glasses and held out my elbow. "Now let's go enjoy the spa." I got a quick kiss from all three girls, and Nicole got one from Brittany; then we headed out to the spa. We were able to soak and cuddle. I reached over and turned the spa lights off and we could look up at all the stars.

"So when did you decide to set up a computer out here?"

"You remember when we got back to the apartment and you sat there naked after the shower checking on your stuff?"


"It made me think of the day you were sitting here in the office naked conspiring with Shelly."

She giggled at that, "So you knew the day you left that you were going to set up an office for me out here."

"Yup, and I made Shelly keep the secret. You'll have to wait until Monday to send her a nasty email. It will be a little slow, like working from one of the stores, but with a computer and phone you can be anywhere. That way I can get a few more days with you out here."

"I love you..."

"I love you too, but we're starting to look like prunes. What say we take this inside?"

"Yes Master." I love it when she says it that way.

We walked back around to the house. "Do you think we'll ever have anyone stay with us Danny?"

"I don't know babe, Jean was the longest. Hell Natalie only lasted a few hours."

Nicole giggled, "Yeah, but it was an interesting few hours wasn't it!"

We came around the corner to go upstairs and found Brittany waiting for us. "Master, Mistress. I know you asked to have the evening to your selves, but could you spare a few minutes before you go upstairs?"

"If it's important enough for you to ask then it's important enough to do. Lead on Brittany."

She led us back into the den, but this time Nicole's chair was slightly back from mine. Sam was kneeled in front of my chair, with Maria just behind her. Brittany kneeled off to one side.

As soon as Nicole and I were seated Sam bowed her head and presented me with a regular collar.

"This is a lovely collar Samantha, where did you get it?"

"It is a gift from Miss Brittany until I can get collars of my own Master."

I looked to Nicole, who nodded, and then to Brittany, who also nodded. "Then if this is what you want raise your chin and accept your collar."

She raised her chin and I placed the collar on her gently. "Thank you Master."

"You are quite welcome Samantha."

I started to get up, and Brittany stopped me. "We are not finished Master."

Nicole and I were surprised when Sam got up and Maria got up to take her place and held up the collar she had made for Jean. I looked to Nicole, who nodded slowly. Brittany nodded, and then to Sam. It took her a second to realize I was asking her approval. She smiled and nodded vigorously, which made Nicole chuckle. I took the collar from her hands and she looked up at me. "Are you sure this is what you want Maria?"

"I've wanted it for several days Master, I just thought I would never get the chance."

"Then raise your chin and accept your collar."

She did so, and I put her collar on her and stroked her jaw. She began to cry, but she was smiling. Sam and Brittany came to her, and Brittany looked to me and mouthed 'Thank you Master."

I held my arm out to Nicole and we made our exit. We made it up stairs and collapsed on the bed. "Were you expecting anything like THAT?"

"She's been trying to become a part of things around here, but that was not expected. But it is done for the day. Now come here my little chocolate pixie." I pulled her to me, my turn to attack her. I kissed her neck and her jaw, I nibbled down her shoulder to her delicious nipples, pulling her rings off with my lips, tugging and tugging until they popped off giving her nice little orgasms. I was enjoying nibbling down her body, making my way to her pussy, and it was smelling better and better. She started twitching as I got closer, but her juices flowing from her for me to enjoy were sooo delicious.

I spread her further and dug in. Running my tongue up and down her quivering pussy, I teased her engorged lips. Then licking in and out, sucking and pulling on her lips until Nicole had a nice medium orgasm, even a light squirt that gave me a nice mouthful. I kept on licking and she kept on flowing; licking long enough until my tongue got sore! I fell back beside her on the bed. "God I missed that!"

"YOU! I'm waiting for a filling." And rolled over and proceeded to swallow me down SLOWLY. I could feel her lips descending on every bit of my cock until she reached her tongue out and licked my balls with me buried in her throat. Then back out almost as slowly, lightly dragging her teeth along the way. I was almost ready to pop, but it was such exquisite agony. Up and down, up and down...

"Babe you keep going and I'm going to unload in your throat."

She pulled up again, but came off this time. "Oh no you don't. The first one goes deep in my pussy." She hopped around and slowly lowered herself on my cock, AND THEN CLAMPED DOWN! Oh that was new! She was lifting and turning and clamping. I would get close and then she would settle down and stop. "Don't cum yet Master." And then she would begin again.

I could feel every little ripple of her exquisite pussy; turning, and sliding and clamping down on me. Then she stopped with just the tip of my cock in her. "I'm going to slide down your cock slowly, and I'm going to wait until I have you in me completely before I cum. You're going to watch your cock disappear into me. Feeling every little bit. You're going to wait and we will cum together." She started to slide down, clamped as hard as I had felt. "Watch your cock disappear into your little chocolate pixie's pussy. Do you feel every little ripple of my pussy? Can you feel me quivering Master? I'm so close to cumming, I don't know if I can hold off. But don't you cum until you're completely buried in me."

I could feel her spasming. I was watching her pussy swallow me up and feeling it. "Don't you cum yet... " She had almost all of me in. "Not yet Master... Almost there... Oh God I can feel you in the bottom of my pussy Master, I can't hold back! FILL ME MASTER!! FLOOD MEEEEEEE!" and she started jerking back and forth squirting all over me while still clamped on tight. I couldn't take it and had to unload in her. The last I remember was pumping load after load into a spasming chocolate pussy while she was quivering on top of me.

I woke to her laying beside me, up on her elbow, a pillow case clamped between her legs. "We forgot the towels."

"I discovered that problem the other night, but was lucky enough to have someone to fetch a few. I'm going to have to build a headboard with some storage. Want to try to make it to the shower?" Nicole did a modified version of the pee-pee walk with the pillow case between her legs until she got close and then dropped it and stepped in. She turned to face me and released what she had been holding. It ran down below her knees.

She looked down at her legs, "Not quite as far as Brittany I'm told. We'll have to work on that," and then made a major production of rinsing off. I was inspired to join her for some reason. Something about slick soapy naked women does that to me. We had a nice leisurely shower and crawled into bed. Good thing there was three pillows. I couldn't even begin to tell you where the linens are kept in my own house! I thought I did good to find the sheets the other night to cover the sewing machines. I succeeded at that because I had taken them off my own bed!


For those of you that have stuck with me on this series, thank you. And don't forget to scroll down a bit further to vote, it is appreciated. But remember... it is a series!

Comments from the ladies would be appreciated... I haven't seen any yet...

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biggeoff35biggeoff35almost 4 years ago

Thank you for your time and effort . I love your stories

RB1947RB1947about 8 years ago
Really glad

you brought Nicole back into the picture. She is my favorite character in this story. Without her, I would probably stop reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great story

Just read your last three submissions been away for a couple of weeks. I enjoy reading your work and I am looking forward to future postings. Thank you for writing a wonderful story. M

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