Serendipity Ch. 28


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I pulled Maria out from behind me, abet unwillingly. Comical after teasing Steven like she had just done! "Maria, this is Justin, he delivered your dress to your Mistress the other day."

"Oh, OK." She sat back down, but wasn't real comfortable about being naked in front of someone she didn't know. I almost had to laugh after her running around everyone else outside...

"Hey ladies." He nodded at all the girls in turn, stopping at Nicole. "Um, I know you weren't planning on going back until Wednesday, but.... Ummm.... I have a group going back Tuesday that heard we had a couple of gorgeous stewardesses on certain flights has requested those stewardesses."

Nicole grinned when she looked at me, "Well I had thought about staying a few extra days, but Brittany can if she wants to."

"Well,...they were kind of expecting two..."

"Well I could go, maybe I can get some seat time on the way back..." Sam piped up, causing everyone to turn and look at her. "WHAT? Give me a Stearman and I'll fly rings around ANY man."

I looked at my naked painter, "What's a Stearman?"

"Best damn aerobatic plane ever made, Grandpa had one for dusting crops."

"Aerobatic?" Justin said staring at this lovely naked young woman, nipple jewelry and all!

"You don't believe me...."

"You can't be more than twenty five..." said the twenty nine year old pilot...

Sam looked at him like she wanted to knock him out, then hopped up and grabbed the phone, dialing like she was going to punch the buttons through the wall.

"Hey grandpa..."

"Pretty good..."


"Anyway, I got someone here that doesn't believe I can fly. Would you fax me my last endorsement pages and the last few pages from my newest log book?"

"GRANDPA!....THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" I could see the blush going down the back of her neck as she rattled off our fax number!


"I gotta ya."

She hung up the phone and grinned going up the stairs two at a time. She came back down a few minutes later, grabbed the printout coming out of the fax machine, and slapped it down in front of Justin before kicking back with her drink, practically daring him to ogle her body.

He picked up the pages, alternating between scanning them and looking at Sam naked beside him, knee kicked out and arms under her chest to prop herself up even more! "Twin rated too?"

"Look closer, I'm type restricted to in line twins. Grandpa and I restored a P337G Skymaster. Never could get enough time in a real twin to get fully certified."

He was still looking back and forth between her and the paperwork, but grinning now. "And aerobatic too..."

"Damn straight..."

"Want to prove it?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, practically daring her.

"Do I get seat time if I do?" he nodded with Sam grinning even more. "YOU'RE ON!"

He turned to me, "Mind if I use your phone?" I just waived him to it.

He dialed out, turning to grin at Sam every little bit, still flashing her wet pussy at him.

"Hey Jason, you busy?"

"Great, have a bit of a situation. I've got a young lady here that claims she knows her way around a Stearman." He grinned at Sam when he said it, she just GLARED back at him...he he he.

"Yeah, I guess you could say she's cute." Her eyes flew open at that!

"Paperwork seems to be in order."

"Okay, we'll see you in about an hour."

He turned back to us after hanging up, "REALLY!" Sam exclaimed.

He barely gave the thumbs up and she launched at him, wrapping arms and legs around him, planting a hell of a kiss, then launched up the stairs. We heard a 'YAHOOO' as she was running up, giving the girls a nice chuckle.

Justin turned to me. "When she makes it back to earth, General Aviation area on the south end, all the way back in the corner of the last row of hangers."

"Okay, we'll see you there."

I turned back to the girls, all looking like they were going to burst. Brittany burst first. "WE?"

"Don't see why not." Brittany and Maria headed upstairs in a hurry, Nicole sauntered over to me with an exaggerated hip swing, gave me a nice soft kiss, then walked back and upstairs the same way. Makes me want to bend her over the counter and fill that chocolate pixie pussy....

I pulled some slacks and a shirt on, but had to grin at the girls, Skimpy white bikini tops and short black skirts again...I could eat every one of them up! Sam at least wore shorts, but they were tight and VERY short! Everybody grabbed something to drink and we headed out in the van.


I'm going flying.... I'm going flying....GOD DON'T LET ME SCREW UP!

It's been a while since I've been up, and in spite of what Grandpa said I'm not flying naked...this time! I wish I had my 'flying jewelry' with me. Solid brass bells instead of the light ones, they REALLY pull on my nipples when I'm inverted, and a set of Ben-Wa balls in me to roll around... I can orgasm SOOOOO many times with them in!

Oh and there she is! Classic bright yellow with black trim. I almost ran to the plane and didn't stop for Justin and Jason. "Damn she's beautiful..."

"Thank you young lady, you're not so hard on the eyes yourself."

Two can play that game! I reach for his hand to give him a hand shake, but lean forward to give him a top down profile instead of stepping the last step toward him. NICE PACKAGE for an older guy! Guess Master isn't the only one that likes my tits.

Took him a second to peel his eyes away from my tits! "So Justin tells me you know your way around a plane."

"Been flying since I could reach the pedals, dusting as soon as I got my certification."

We turned to the plane. "Well she's never been crop dusting, but I go fly upside down every once in a while."

"With smoke?"

He grinned, "Wouldn't be any fun any other way. Care to give her a spin?"

"Mind if I check her over first?"

"Be my guest." as he waived me to the plane.

I checked her over pretty good while the guys checked out my ass. I even gave them a bit of a wiggle as I climbed up on top... Grandpa always said check your plane over close, and other people's planes even closer. Everything was nice and tight, but something felt off on the rudder. "Jason, hold the rudder centered." He held it and I wiggled the stick, Yup, bushings. "How long to your next annual?"

"Just had one two months ago."

"Find a new A&P, you need bushings on the control stick. Nothing serious right now, but don't let it go too long."

The boys were grinning, and Justin elbowed Jason, "That's what he said..."

Jason shook his head, "What do you say we go pester some birds?"

"Works for me!" we pushed her out and climbed in, got all the belts just right squeezing me together a bit. I pulled the headset on, "Ready back there?"

"Your aircraft," Jason responded.

"CLEAR!" She started on the first revolution, a good sign. All the avionics came up nice, while the engine was warming up I got the automated weather, just what I expected with a clear sky, but you never know.

"Tower, Stearman two one seven."


"Stearman two one seven ready for taxi and departure with weather."


"Very funny Frank." I heard over the headset.

There was some chuckling over the radio, "YOU'RE CLEAR FOR TAXI AND TAKEOFF ON RUNWAY ZERO ONE TWO ONE SEVEN."

"Thanks guys. Where can a girl go to blow some smoke and not cause any problems?"


"Any other traffic to worry about?"


"Thanks again guys, two one seven clear."

I taxied out to the run up area and checked magnetos, then we were off. Pulled to the end of the runway, brakes on, power up...brakes off, AND WE'RE ROLLING!

Airspeed up, tail coming up, wheels up, get above ground effect. Almost at max speed near the end of the runway. "Elevator going UP!" and pull back on the stick.

Airspeed dropping off, not quite as much power as Grandpa's plane, but close enough. Probably just a different prop, just have to change my pattern a bit. Turn west and head for the practice area.

If I was by myself I'd be ripping off my top and skirt about now... wonder what Jason would think about a bikini top coming at him? He he he! Getting into the area, better let Jason know what's coming up, it is his plane after all. "Snap rolls coming up."

No response, so here goes. Smoke on, snap roll right...snap roll right...and just to be different...snap roll left, smoke off. Damn I wish I had my heavy nipple jewelry! I thought I heard something from the intercom, but not sure.

"Outside loop next." Still at full throttle, smoke on, roll over quick and push the stick. Pushing up against the straps... this is why they invented Ben-Wa balls... coming up on vertical, speed dropping off, oh they would float so nice inside of me right now.... cresting the top almost stalling out, then down the other side picking up speed.... they would press into the top of my uterus right about now before I flip back over... cross my smoke, rotate right side up and cut smoke.

"YE HA!" I had to yell out! "Hammer time!" Check that we're still at full throttle and max air speed, and pull back to the vertical. Climbing, climbing, airspeed dropping off, just hanging in our own smoke, dropping back on the tail. Push the stick over and nose down power dive! Pull back on the stick and cut smoke and level off.

"No more..." I hear from the intercom, kinda weak. And this was just getting FUN!

I headed back to the airfield. "Tower Stearman two one seven."


"Thanks guys. Two one seven requesting landing clearance."


"Any chance of doing some cross wind touch and goes tower?"


"One each if you don't mind."


"Roger, two one seven cleared for cross wind touch and goes."

Let's have a little fun while I still can! Line up for zero seven, floating on down, bank left into the wind and touch down with just the left wheel. Keep it rolling, right wheel and tail still up. Add power and come up, turn around and head back for the field.

Same song, a whole lot louder and a whole lot more FUN! Bank into the wind again and touch down on just the right wheel, keep it rolling, then ease off the power enough to let the left wheel down, then the tail.

Taxi back to the hangers and shut down. Justin was chocking the wheel as I jumped out. It was happy dance time with Mistress and the girls, stopping to give Justin a big hug and kiss. I was going to do the same for Jason, but he didn't look so good, and I bet the front of the tail was coated with what used to be his lunch.

"Are you OK Jason?" as he crawled out of the plane.

Justin leaned closer and whispered, "I think all he's ever done was soft rolls and upside down..."

I had to smile to keep from laughing, "Maybe we'll go again some time when you're feeling better."

Jason was leaning against the plane, one arm hooked in the rear tub to stay standing, "Next time YOU take her..." he said pointing at Justin.

I turned to Justin, "So do I get seat time now?"

Justin turned to Jason, who gave him a thumbs up. "Looks like it." then whispered again, "We better go before he falls down and embarrasses himself."

"Thanks for letting me fly, we'll have to do it again some time." I waved to him as we left. I heard a groan and a noise as we turned the corner. Justin just chuckled.


Sam was so antsy she could barely stay in her seat. I'm not even sure the van was completely stopped when she opened the door and launched toward the plane. She was actually headed for the plane and decided to stop and talk to the guys standing next to it.

Justin was there with another older gentleman. They chatted a bit, and Sam crawled ALL OVER that plane before they finally got going. It was a nice view of her bent over in her shorts up on the wing. I know I enjoyed the view of her shorts going up the crack of her ass and cupping her pussy!

Justin led us around the corner to a few old chairs against the hanger to watch. Sam started out like I'd seen at an air show, just a lot farther off the ground. The girls were a bit disappointed when she only did a few maneuvers, but from the coating on the front of the rudder and the pale look of Jason it was pretty clear why it was such a short show!

"You know girls, all this time I've been in Vegas and I have yet to go to the casinos or hit the big buffets."

"Anything in particular?" Brittany asked.

"Not really, but a bit of an isolated dining area would be nice."

"I know just the place, follow me." Justin said.

Justin turned for his car, "Master, can I ride with Justin?" Sam asked as soon as he was out of ear shot.

I just grinned, "Go on.." I got a GRIN and a quick kiss before she ran to catch up.

We all piled into the van and followed Justin. The casino was on the edge of the strip, not one of the new glitzy places, but more of the older elegant types. Up around the corner from the casino floor was the restaurant, and they had an out of the way balcony that overlooked the slot machines.

We no more got to the table, Maria handed me Maya, and the girls were off to the buffet. Justin shook his head, "You OK holding down the fort?"

I waived Mayas hand at him, "We'll be just fine!" He had barely started down the stairs when Brittany came back up with a plate full, relieving me of baby sitting. I came back to several conversations going at once. Justin on one end of the table, Sam and Brittany on either side of him talking about being stewardesses and Nicole's teasing the last group. The other end was open for me, with Nicole and Maria on either side of me.

I got a quick kiss from Nicole as I sat down with no interruption in the conversation. Seems Sam was a bit overjoyed at going flying again! Maria did take Justin by surprise though when Maya cried out and she just pulled her bikini top aside and began nursing her. Seems it was OK now to be at least partially naked around Justin!

The meal was winding down, and I saw Brittany eyeing the gambling floor, with Nicole giving it a glance every once in a while as well. Couldn't have that now could we? I slid my clip out slowly under the table and peeled four one hundred dollar bills off. "You know Maria, as much as I love these outfits you made," staring at her nursing Maya, "I have discovered a problem with them."

Her eyes flashed open at me, "HUH?!"

"No pockets.."

"Oh You..." and threw her napkin at me. The girls did the same and I covered my face with my hands holding the four hundred dollar bills. There were screeches, and three of them were snatched. I uncovered my face to see Maria standing up and holding Maya out to me, her tit still hanging out deliciously.

She looked where I was looking and grinned, turned to take the bill from my other hand and shield herself from Justin's view. She pulled the other side of her bikini away and made like she was grabbing at the bill while she pressed her nipple between my lips. I got a nice taste of milk before she managed to get the bill and head for the casino. Wiggling her ass as she was pulling her top back over her tits.

Justin looked at me grinning, "You have such a rough life."

I had to smile back, "Don't I know it. You're looking at one of the most undomesticated guys around. And yet I have a nice clean home, well cooked meals," as I patted my growing belly, "and four lovely women that are not only not jealous of each other, but actually enjoy have a few dozen other women naked out by my pool."

"A FEW DOZEN?" I just grinned. He slapped his forehead and closed his eyes, "Man I gotta find a girlfriend..."

We drug our chairs over to the edge of the balcony and took in the sight below. Now there was a fair share of the 'two ton heifers', but for the most part it was quite a nice smorgasbord of lovely ladies. And quite a few low cut short dresses on both the customers and staff. But I still say my girls in their bikini tops and micro skirts were the hottest!

Maya was settling in for a nap. "So is it going to be a problem with Sam flying with you?"

"Nah, in fact if she can fly like she says she can, and watching her today makes me think so, she could actually be a nice addition every once in a while."

"Even in those skimpy outfits huh?"

"Yeah," he grinned, "I'll just have to force myself to put up with them..." he kind of faltered a bit, but when I began making little comments on some of the more interesting outfits below us he relaxed. Just guy talk about cleavage, nipples, and legs... even a few stocking tops!

Nicole and Maria came back up a few minutes later, having lost their money in the quarter slots. Nicole plopped down beside me and put her head on my shoulder after she handed Maya off to Maria, who promptly sat on the other side of Justin and pulled her top aside to finish nursing Maya.

It was all I could do not to laugh at a bug eyed Justin. Sam came back up a little later, having won five hundred dollars. We were about ready to send out a search party for Brittany when she came bounding back up with a wad of bills in her hand.

"Looks like you did pretty good."

She fanned the bills in front of me, and I made like I was going to snatch them from her. She squeaked and grinned, "Eight thousand four hundred dollars!"

"On what?"

"Black Jack of course!"

I just grinned and shook my head, "Remind me to never play against you..."

She turned beside me and brought my hand to her tit, "But you can play WITH me...."

I gave it a nice squeeze, "So are we about ready to hit the road?" catching her hardening nipple in my fingers.

"I'd rather go shopping..." she said. The girls all chimed in on that, making Justin kick back and laugh.

"Or Justin could give you a ride home while WE went shopping."

The girls all turned to Justin and batted their eyelashes at him. "Oh all right..." he conceded.

"Could you get your old jacket so Maria can cut it down tomorrow?" Sam asked.

"OK, OK, We'll get you the jacket."

It a good thing my slacks weren't all that tight. Nicole reached in and snagged the keys, jingled them in the air and headed for the door with the rest of the girls on her heals. "Well we know where their priorities are!" Justin said.

"Hey, we got the reprieve not having to go shopping with them." I decided not to tell him about the girls necessity for me to check for proper access in what they bought...wouldn't want him to start wishing for a girlfriend again....

We stopped by his apartment, not as far from our place as I originally thought, and dropped me off back at the house just about sunset.

I walked into the house to a strange sound...SILENCE. The house was just the right temp, so not even the little air noise from the AC running. Seeing all the little signs of my ladies. The glow from Nicole's computer, Maria's bottles on the drain board, Sam's pool collar on the counter, some of Brittany's extra jewelry....

I went up to the bedroom, and chuckled at the various bits of clothing around the room. I stripped down and headed out for the a nice surprise.

"Well hello ladies!" seeing Francis and Gladys clearly lit up in the calm spa water, opposite ends of the female spectrum. Francis with her DD, if not DDD, torpedoes with HUGE nipples sitting there bobbing with her every move just under the water, next to the tiny Gladys standing with her arms hooked on the edge of the spa. Probably a small B cup for her size, and yet I could probably take her entire tit in my mouth as easily as I did Sam's. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" as I sank down into the spa between them.