Serpent's Charm Ch. 04


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She remembered what happened next. Desperately, she tried to rally her will, to keep from turning to look into the gorgeous eyes of the gorgeous creature whose coils were even now beginning to wind around Liminnie's unresisting body.

But Emma wouldn't let her get away so easily. The bimbo witch beamed, meeting Liminnie's eyes, and batted thick lashes. "I bet she'd like to see that," she burbled, as she handed her own thong up to Celeste's waiting hand.

Liminnie trembled. She could see Celeste's other hand there, palm-up, empty.

Expectant. Waiting.

"Aw, come on, Minnie!" Emma smirked, her own hands dipping down... to cup her massive tits. She gave them a little bounce, and her bubbly laughter filled Liminnie's head as she clearly noticed how quickly Liminnie's gaze... settled. "Be a good bimbo like me!"

"Emma," Liminnie whispered. She didn't recognize her own voice anymore. She sounded so meek. So defeated.

And so eager to be humiliated. Her knees felt weak at the mere thought. The thought of Celeste claiming... her prize. Once and for all. And punishing Liminnie's hubris.

How had Liminnie ever believed she could win?

Or... had she ever?

She was a bimbo.

"Bounce-bounce-bounce," Emma sang, drawing Liminnie's mind from her thoughts and into her tits. She giggled, those plump, pouty, kissable lips overflowing with bubbly laughter. "Bouncy-bouncy-bouncy!"

"Emma." Liminnie's voice was barely a breath. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the coil fiend's hand beckon.

Bouncy. Bouncy. Bouncy.

"Bouncy-bouncy-bouncy!" Emma bounced on her toes as the coils began to wrap around her hips. Her tits jiggled and bounced, so... so soft and squishy... Liminnie knew all too well just how soft and pillowy they were... "Boobies bounce, thoughts go squish! Boobies bounce, thoughts go squish!"

Her words sank into Liminnie's emptying head like liquid candy. She swayed, eyes wide. Thoughts bouncing and squishing and... and... gods, she was so horny, and the pulsing red coils all around them were flashing with that dull, mind-melting glow, and it was so warm... so hot...

"Squish," Liminnie gasped.

Emma flashed her a smug look. Her bouncing rhythm changed. Slowed down. "Boobies squiiish," she said, her voice dissolving into almost a moan as she fondled herself, "thoughts... go... bounce!"

"B-bounce," Liminnie whimpered. Pleaded.

And as the coils wrapped around her own ankles and rapidly began to climb to her knees, she found herself staring between two sets of bouncing breasts. Celeste had curled around to smile down at her.

And still she held out her hand, waiting for Liminnie to obey.

And meekly, obediently, cheeks burning hot pink, staring up at the quadrupled assault of bouncy squishy hypnotic pleasure, Liminnie found herself handing her thong to her enemy.

Celeste smirked as she took the thongs from them. "Now I have two from you, sssweet thing!" Her eyes glimmered. "What a pity I mossst likely won't get to take a third."

As if for emphasis, the tip of her tail delicately teased Liminnie's asshole, making her jump.

Liminnie squeaked. She didn't know how she had any thoughts left. She felt so weak, so squishy and bouncy, so... so horny and empty and slutty...

And she loved it. She loved it more than anything. But she knew she wasn't supposed to. She had to resist! She had to... had to...

So bouncy. So squishy.

She stared dumbly, positively drooling, as the demoness and the witch bounced their tits in front of her, clearly both loving her totally subservient, suggestible state. Bouncy. Squishy.

She felt the coils starting to slide under her rear end, and instinctively, she flinched. Bouncy. She knew she was in danger. Squishy. She had to fight back! Had to flee. Had to. Had to.

Bouncy bouncy bouncy... squishy squishy squishy...

... had to...

She started slack-jawed, glazed, glassy, dazed and drooling, at Celeste's massive, bouncing breasts, as Emma took her by the hand and started to gently, firmly, insistently, guide her to sit back, back down, even as Liminnie's wobbly knees struggled to hold on for dear life...

"Isss Minnie.." Celeste purred, a sly, seductive smile flitting across those perfect lips, as her breasts bounced and squished and jiggled. And Liminnie's heart lurched into her throat as she realized too late. "... a thirsssty girl?"

Minnie sat back down against the coils, obeying Emma's touch, plopping her bare, sensitive ass down onto the pulsing, vibrant crimson coils with barely a sound.

Her own plump lips moved, almost of their own accord, as she whispered, "Li... minnie is a thirsty girl."

And she melted a little bit more as they both giggled, beaming down at their captive, hopeless bimbo.

And she heard herself positively mew aloud as Celeste moved in closer, bringing those soft, heavy breasts closer, closer... "Are we a thirsssty girl?" she cooed, her voice as sweet and dreamy as warm honeyed milk before bedtime.

Just like Emma knew the Milky Baroness had liked to make it for Minnie.

"Minnie is a thirsty girl," she squeaked.

And her lips parted as Celeste leaned in closer still, and Minnie began to suckle.

"Good bimbo!" she heard Celeste purring. She heard Emma giggling—giggling at how easily Minnie had slipped, at how eagerly she had obeyed, at how Minnie was giving little moans of pleasure now as the sweet, intoxicating milk trickled into her mouth. "That'ssss my good, eager, obedient bimbo. There she is!"

"Mm-hm!" Minnie could only gaze up as she suckled, entranced, adoring, into Celeste's beautiful eyes—eyes she had missed so very, very much, eyes she had so long craved to look into, to lose herself to once more, all the way this time.

And there was no one to save her now.

Only, the bimbo bounty hunter thought, as she felt Emma's lips smacking against her neck and arms, planting kiss after kiss on her pretty, pleasure-enslaved body, former friends to drag her even deeper down with them.

Other bimbos to play with, the bounty hunter bimbo thought, as she eagerly, obediently, docilely suckled at Celeste's breast like an eager, thirsty bimbo who needed to be filled. Minnie was a thirsty girl.

She stared up happily into Celeste's swirling, spiraling eyes as she felt the tail massaging her ass in an all-too-familiar embrace, one that left her whole lower body feeling ever-so-deliciously limp.

Celeste was smiling slyly, eyes heavy-lidded with amusement. She whispered something, her sweet, sibilant voice trickling into Minnie's empty head, filling Minnie with more degrading, humiliating praise and promise.

Minnie drowned in the coils as they squeezed and massaged her. She barely noticed Emma get pulled away, the coils starting to wrap up, up around her belly, and then her breasts. She gasped and sighed, the breath from her chest stolen as easily as her mind and heart, the coils tightening around her chest, massaging her upper body with the same care as her ass.

She was being corrupted through sheer indulgent pleasure. Sheer gluttonous decadence. Minnie moaned and sucked and wiggled helplessly in the serpent's coils as she rose higher and higher into the air.

I can't... She squirmed and nodded happily as Celeste cooed something to her, something questioning, something that merited only ever a 'yes'. She suckled eagerly, needily, and nodded along with Celeste's and Emma's teasing praise. Can't... lose... this easy...

But even the stubborn spite of an amoral bounty hunter was a candle to the furnace of lust Celeste was melting her in.

The eyes were so swirly. Such pretty, pretty spirals. Minnie beamed as she sucked at and worshiped Celeste's glorious breasts, drank down the wonderful corrupted milk of the serpentine succubus, utterly powerless to stop grinning like a brainless idiot bimbo.

And as the tail continued to knead and stroke and massage her, the smooth, hot, pulsing scales sliding so delightfully against her nipples, between her legs, massaging her ass, making her quiver with lust even as she melted into a state of total weak limp submission, Minnie knew her own eyes had to be swirling with that same pretty pattern.

"Thirsssty girl," she vaguely heard Celeste murmur, as she was lifted up, higher and higher and higher even as she sank deeper and deeper, staring worshipfully into those glimmering eyes as her plump lips remained locked, greedily suckling the corruptive nectar.

The tight coils lifted her until she was plopped right down on her rear astride the very tip of Celeste's endless tail.

She half-blinked. Celeste smirked down at her as her suckling merely half-slowed, as confusion began to dawn in her mind. Confusion mixed with a growing terrifying realization, a dim, fuzzy, hazy, milky memory of what was going to happen next. What Celeste always did next.

"Good bimbo," Celeste purred, and tugged back, leading Minnie's lips to leave the nipple with an audible pop. Minnie stared up vacantly into Celeste's gorgeous swirling eyes, her mouth still hanging open. Her lips were parted in an inviting 'o' shape, she realized, staring up and seeing the faint reflection of herself in those eyes—the strawberry-blonde Minnie naked, straddling a vibrating crimson-scaled serpent's coil, red-faced and swirly-eyed, gorgeous in her pure wanton sexual desire.

Parted in an inviting 'o', as if waiting to be filled.

Filled. Filled. Emma's word echoed in Minnie's increasingly syrupy head. Minnie swayed back and forth atop the tail, watching Celeste bob back and forth. Bimbos needed to be kissed. But they really, truly needed... to be filled. All their holes filled. Obedient. Eager. Filled.

She could almost feel the sinfully delectable milk sloshing around in her head as she swayed. Filled.

With a tiny gasp, Minnie swayed forward, following Celeste's alluring eyes, her beckoning finger... and slumped limp as a rag doll onto her chest.

She lay there for a long moment, trembling with lust, as the tail vibrated against her whole body, stimulating her needy, perky nipples.

Filled, she thought happily, and heard herself giggle as she began to slide downwards. The tail stroked along her breasts, her nipples, and between her slick thighs as she slid down the spiraling coils and towards her final destination.

"That'sss right," Celeste hissed in triumph. "Ssssiiiink."

And Minnie sank. Minnie sank down, down, down, staring deep into the endlessly spiraling serpentine lengths as she slid face down along the coil. Her mind felt like it was melting with colors as she watched her surroundings swirl around her. Her breasts tingled with helpless delight as her nipples stroked daintily against the smooth, warm, pulsating scales.

She slid down, down, heedless of the giggles around her, heedless of the laughter, unable to even think about her own humiliation as she lost herself in the swirling coils surrounding her. Her lips remained parted as a single word echoed in her head.




And she only snapped out of the trance at last when the coils suddenly snapped taut, and tightened, and with little warning, Minnie felt Celeste's coils bind around her in a comfy, warm, pulsing prison—a cocoon of coils without end.

She hung there, upside-side, and couldn't help but moan as they rubbed over her body, giving her the most indulgent, mind-melting massage of her life.

Soul-melting, almost.

It was just like before. She drooled, remembering. Exactly like before.

Only this time...

There was another hot body trapped in the coils with her.

She felt hot breath against her dripping pussy lips, and whimpered as Celeste's eyes met hers, shining with amusement even as Minnie's shone with powerless pleasure.

"Comfortable?" Celeste cooed, tapping Minnie's nose with her finger. Like she was a cute little pet.

Minnie whimpered. By this point, the spiraling eyes had her completely brainwashed. Completely helpless. She could feel that drooling smile spreading across her face, beatific, positively radiant with dumb, brainless bimbo bliss.

"She w-wants—aah!m-more, Mistress," she heard Emma sigh, voice half-muffled and punctuated with tiny squeaks as the coils writhed and pulsated and massaged around them. Minnie felt a tiny lick between her thighs, and she squirmed eagerly, powerless to avoid the touch—powerless even to beg for more. "B-Bimbos—ooh!ee!—always do!"

"Oh, do they?" Celeste asked smugly, sweetly, as she leaned in toward her entranced plaything. "More... hypnosssissss?"

Swirl. Swirl. Minnie whined. Yes, yes, absolutely, that was it. She needed more hypnosis! More, more, more!

The eyes' spiral seemed to swing, shifting to counterclockwise. "More... boobies?" Celeste reached down and gave Minnie's tits, squished between the coils, another long, indulgent squeeze.

Squish.squeeze. Bounce-bouncy. Celeste's own breasts were magnificent, glorious, awe-inspiring. Minnie stared at them worshipfully as her own tits were fondled. Toyed with. "Ggghhuuuh..."

More boobies. Yes, definitely, of course, it made sense now. More bouncy, squishy, soft, pillowy, milky bliss. More, please, please, more!

"Or do bimbossss," Celeste whispered, smiling innocently as she wiped a tiny droplet of drool from Minnie's parted lips, "ssssimply want more... pleasssssure?"

And Emma gave her another lick.


Minnie's eyes widened. She couldn't help but bob her head eagerly—and more eagerly still as Emma licked her again, nodding with an intense need she had never felt before in her life—and would only ever feel from now on, she sensed, she hoped, she prayed. "Oh! Ooh! Y-Y-Yes! Yes, Ce-Celeste! pleEEEeease!"

Celeste's smirk widened. "Please? Oh, my ssweet Minnie... would you like... to beg?"

Her eyes swirled. She gave Minnie's tits one last squeeze as the coils pulsated rhythmically.

And something inside Minnie melted completely.

"Yes!" she squealed, nodding desperately. "Ooh, yes! Yes, Ce—M-Mistress!" Minnie the ex-bounty hunter squirmed and thrashed and moaned as Emma's licking seemed to speed up, her tongue teasing along Minnie's needy pussy, her sensitive asshole, up and down, back and forth, around and around... "Please please please," she whined, "please, pleasure, yes, yes—"

"That'sss aaaall bimbos need?" Celeste purred. It wasn't even really a question. She pinched and flicked Minnie's nipples playfully, admiring her prize, her toy, her captive bimbo slave.

"A-All we need," Minnie managed, as pure pleasure from the spirals and the licking and the squeezing and the flicking and the humiliation of it all threatened to overwhelm her beyond coherent speech. "Please! Ooh, i—i——pleasepleaseplease pleasure yes need need bimbo yes—"

The tip of Celeste's tail slipped into her mouth, and instantly her bimbo lips locked around it, and she was salivating, moaning, sucking and licking and worshiping it like a cock, like a breast. She heard Celeste laughing, but couldn't comprehend what was being said as the coils wrapped around her tighter, rising to encircle her head.

And then, as Emma's licking sped up, the former witch's pussy came into Minnie's vision. She breathed in the sweet, intoxicating scent.

And meekly, obediently, the bimbo began to lick. She ate Emma out, and it was like an aphrodisiac, like a drug, and she couldn't get enough. She moaned in delight at the wonderful, addictive taste, leaning in, licking up and down along pussy and asshole and savoring Emma's soft cries of delight.

The bimbos licked and kissed and moaned, lost in each other, as the coils around them tightened, began to loop up and down, swirling them in the air until neither knew which way was up or down anymore.

All Minnie knew was pleasure.

And coils.

And Emma.

And that, she thought, glowing with pride as orgasm began to seize them both at the same time, flooding their bodies with brain-melting endorphins and making them squeal and moan and lick even more eagerly, she was a good, good bimbo!

~ ~ ~ ~

Celeste gave a happy, sly, indulgent smile as she watched the two writhing and moaning, barely visible within her coil prison. All she could hear were their sighs and moans—and the wet, messy, delightful sounds they were making, of course.

She stroked her own breast, somewhat missing the feel of her needy, thirsty girl's lips on them. Perhaps I'll bring little Minnie back out sometime, she mused. When she's ready to be fiiiilled properly.

Minnie would take lots of indulgent conditioning this time. Celeste was not taking any chance of the adorable bimbo getting away from her again. But Minnie, Celeste was sure, watching Minnie's little toes wiggle with delight—or were they Emma's toes? Oh, who could tell anymore?—would love every second of it.

Her pet slave bimbos always wanted more in the end.

She giggled. Oh, yes, she would leave these two together in their prison for a while. She could tell they had a lot to catch up on together, a lot of issues to work out.

She was distracted from her reverie, though, by the crack of a twig.

The coil fiend turned, blinking big, swirling green eyes, to behold a gorgeous, curvy redhead, totally nude, face crimson, trying to 'quietly' crawl away from the scene.

Celeste giggled again, louder. "Oh, Vivi," she purred, enjoying the way Vivi froze at her name, "I had almossst forgotten about you!"

The sorceress tried to run, of course. Some niggling remnant of panic seized her as she sprang into the air and tried to bolt for the clearing's exit—only to be tripped by a coil sweeping under her feet. And then she was in the air, dangling from a single loop around her ankles, squirming hopelessly, writhing in Celeste's grip like a rabbit in a snare.

Her squirms slowly ebbed and died, though, as she was brought closer—and as her eyes kept drifting towards Celeste's, lingering longer every time.

At first, she tried to look away. Then she started pretending she was trying to look away. And eventually, she couldn't help but stare openly.

Her eyes began to mirror the swirl. A soft, breathless moan slipped from her parted lips.

"That'ssss right," Celeste cooed, watching the fight fade from the bimbo sorceress's eyes. "Sssink into my eyessss. Oh, how rude of me to misssplace a sssweet thing like you."

She caressed Vivi's cheek, brushed a finger over those pouty, cocksucking lips. Vivi whimpered.

"How lovely," Celeste hissed, almost to herself. "Three for the price of one!"


~ ~ ~ ~

Nicole's Note: Thanks so much for reading! I hope you're staying safe and well, and please keep on doing your best to stay home, distance yourself, wash your hands, and don't touch your face! We're getting through this together. <3

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Limini and Celeste are def my fav ship

GigglingGoblinGigglingGoblinabout 4 years agoAuthor

Thanks for reading! I really hope you enjoyed this little series—and don't worry, Limini and Emma will be back in the future! They're slippery minxes, those two. ;P

If you liked this story and would like to see more like it, consider checking out my Patreon! There are alternate Bad Ends, bonus stories, polls on future content, early updates, roleplay/erotic D&D sessions, and much, much more! My patrons really help me keep releasing these regularly. <3

Stay safe and well! Wear a mask! ACAB!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Oh Goblin was this amazing!

Idk if it's the quarantine making me hornier but I liked the teasing in Liminie's struggle so much that I almost came by imagining that alone.

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