Serving the Amazons Ch. 02


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"Come in, Anteros," said Ninsala. "I have something for you."

The women were smiling as he stepped into the room. Ninsala held out a long object wrapped in cloth. "This is yours now, Anteros. You are a man and will enter the next stage of your training tomorrow. Soon you will be traveling with our traders to protect them. Unwrap it."

Anteros could feel that the object was heavy as he removed the cloth. His face lit up as he realized the gift that she'd given him. It was an iron sword. The long handle was wrapped in tacky feeling leather. The blade was at home in a stiff leather sheath that was attached to a thick matching belt.

His face beamed as he said, "Thank you, Mistress!"

"You're welcome, Anteros. Diana will teach you to care for the sword. It is a fine one and will last the rest of your life if you don't neglect it. Be careful with it because the sword smith put a sharp edge on it."

"I've never seen one quite like it, Mistress. The color is different than others I've seen."

"It is a new process that we learned from Atlantis. The iron is mixed with something else and they purify it somehow. Then the smith pounds more layers on the edge. I really don't understand it. My talent is in using weapons, not making them. The iron is supposed to be more durable."

"It is a gift I am not worthy of, Mistress. It must be very expensive. Please allow me to return it to you and you can give me one of your old swords," insisted Anteros.

"I see your wits are returning, Anteros. That is what I'd expect of the respectful young man that you usually are. In fact, I intended to give you one of my old swords. That is usually all you need until you are actually expected to use a sword in battle. However, Mistress Rosella bought this one and insisted that I give it to you instead. She seems to like you for some reason."

"I am honored that she would give me such a gift," Anteros said.

"How do you know Rosella?" asked Ninsala. "It puzzles me what interest such a high ranking woman would have in you."

"Uh... I just met her this morning. I guess she likes me," Anteros answered nervously.

"You don't want to talk about it do you, Anteros? It is obvious that there is more to the story than that. I have plenty of time. Now tell me," she ordered. Then she spread her arms and motioned to the three other women in the room. "Tell us."

"It really isn't very interesting, Mistress. I don't want to bore you," Anteros said, trying to evade Ninsala's order.

"Nonsense, Anteros. We all want to hear it so stop being evasive. Where exactly did you meet Mistress Rosella?"

"In the public baths." Anteros was in a social corner and he had no choice but to answer.

"And how did she come to notice you in particular? I know that you wouldn't presume to approach her."

Anteros was trapped and he knew it. It was considered extremely dishonorable to lie in Amazon society, even more so to lie to someone that was in a superior position. Ninsala was female, a respected martial arts trainer, his teacher and twenty years his senior. She outranked him four ways. He was forced to tell the tale of his humiliation at the baths.

"I'm guessing it was Rosella that took you to see Lien," said Ninsala.

"Yes, Mistress. That is correct," Anteros confirmed.

"And she participated in your initiation too, didn't she?" asked Ninsala.

"Yes, Mistress."

"You must have made quite an impression on her to be worthy of such an expensive gift. I'm sorry I wasn't there myself," said Ninsala with a chuckle.

This elicited soft laughter from the other women. Anteros noticed that some of them were looking at him in a different way, including Ninsala. This made him uncomfortable but he knew that he was expected to return her gaze when she spoke to him.

"Very well, Anteros. Congratulations on becoming a man. Remember your lessons well. Diana is a marvelous archer and quite competent with a sword as well. She was one of my assistants a few years ago. She really is a splendid teacher." Ninsala walked over to him, put her arms around him and embraced him firmly. "Learn well, Anteros. You may be the one at my back during a battle and I am not yet ready to die."

Anteros returned her embrace. Her words bit into his brain better than anything else she'd said to him today. Someday, perhaps soon, others would depend on him to keep them alive. It was that thought, on that night that changed his attitude toward his lessons in martial arts.

Each of the other teachers congratulated him and embraced him as well. He thought he saw a tear in Ninsala's eye. He did. For 18 years she'd thought of him as a little boy. His size hadn't changed that, but the fact that he was going to train with the warriors, made her see him as a man.

"Go back to Lien now, Anteros. I'm sure she has a valuable lesson to teach you tonight," said Ninsala. The women broke out in spontaneous giggling.

"Learn Lien's lessons well too, Anteros," said one of the women. "I will be giving you a test later!"

The women were laughing openly now. Anteros wasn't offended. He knew they were only having a little fun with him.

Anteros, always respectful of his teacher, cradled his new sword and returned as he was told.

Chapter 4

When Anteros returned to Lien's house she wasn't there. One of her assistants, a beautiful brown haired woman was waiting for him. She was obviously of Amazon blood. She was tall, lean and had a face that Anteros could only describe as angelic. She was wearing a simple garment that was little more than a silk cloth with a hole cut in it to place her head through. There was a gold braid tied around her waist, which kept the garment close to her body and also emphasized the contrast between her small waist and gently flaring hips. The hole was cut into a deep V and Anteros could see much of her chest and the insides of her larger than average breasts. There were no sides to her garment, which reached down to just above her knees in the front and back. On the sides, he could see her lovely skin from her shoulders down to her toes. He was also certain that she had nothing under it since it was sheer enough that he could tell the exact size and location of her nipples.

"You must be Anteros," she said with a smile. "I am Phoebe, one of Mistress Lien's assistants. Mistress has told me that she will be training you personally this evening. She has instructed me to make sure you are bathed and fed. Then you may wait for her in your chamber. Put your armor and weapons away then come back here. I'll show you the way to the bath."

Anteros took his treasured new sword, his old wooden sword, his bow and his armor to the room Lien assigned to him earlier. It was a small, simple room, but more luxurious than he was used too. In fact, he'd rarely had a room to himself. He'd never even thought of having one. He'd always been perfectly content in sharing a room with others.

He returned to Phoebe and she simply motioned him to follow her. He intentionally avoided looking at her lovely shape and kept looking past Phoebe to avoid getting an erection. He was in no hurry to get in trouble again.

She led him to a room that contained a bath that was far smaller than the public baths. Most Amazon homes had nothing so luxurious as an indoor bath. This one was could probably accommodate six people at a time, but not more than that.

"You may bathe here, Anteros. Give me your garments and I'll have them cleaned for you. There is clothing and a towel for you on that bench," she said as she pointed to them.

Anteros started to disrobe. He'd been bathing in front of women his entire life and it never bothered him until today. He moved slowly and kept his back to Phoebe. If he avoided looking at her, perhaps he wouldn't get an erection. Even if he did, she probably wouldn't see it.

"Anteros, I've never seen anyone remove their clothing so slowly in my life! Will you please hurry?" asked Phoebe.

Anteros didn't move any faster and was hesitating to drop his trousers.

"By the gods!" exclaimed Phoebe. "I'll do it for you if you can't do it yourself."

Phoebe put her thumbs in his waistband and pulled down. Anteros, who was much larger and stronger was pulling up, so his trousers stayed in place.

"What in the world are you doing, Anteros? Why won't you disrobe?"

"Because I'm getting an erection and I didn't want you to see it," he blurted out.

"So what? Do you think your penis is the first one I've ever seen? I work in the school that teaches everyone about sex! Now take off your trousers!" she demanded.

Anteros dropped them to his ankles and stepped out of them.

"You look very strong and fit from the back, Anteros. Now turn around and show me what you are so afraid that I'll see."

It was an order, not a request. Anteros turned around. His penis was half erect. He looked down at the ground, which Ninsala would have scolded him for had she seen.

"I see nothing you need to hide, Anteros. You have a fine looking body and you are a handsome young man. You don't even have an erection, just a poor attempt at one. I'll fix it for you," she said.

Phoebe stepped forward and took his penis in her hand. Anteros started to stiffen immediately. He took a step back.

"Don't resist me and look at me, Anteros," insisted Phoebe. She stroked his penis to full erection as she said, "This is nothing to be ashamed of. Sex is a wonderful thing and you will learn all about it here. Never be ashamed of your desire, Anteros."

She released his erection, which was pointing up at a 30-degree angle from level and stepped back to admire her work. "You have a fine penis, Anteros. It is big, strong and hard as iron. It will be a pleasure training you. Now get in the bath and wash yourself. Don't you dare play with your penis, just wash it."

Anteros washed himself being very careful not to stimulate his penis any more than was necessary to clean it. Phoebe sat on the bench and watched him. She stayed just so that he wouldn't be tempted to masturbate. The Amazons taught their boys not to but Anteros was very excited. She knew that if she stayed it would be easy for him to resist the temptation.

When he stepped out of the bath he was still fully erect. Phoebe handed him a towel. He still looked ashamed of himself.

"Anteros, it is obvious to me that you are still hesitant to share your erection with me. That simply won't do. If we were walking down the street it would be considered improper for you to be naked and sporting an erection, but we aren't on the street. It is just the two of us and we are in the privacy of Lien's home and school. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress," Anteros said softly.

"You should be proud that you are so virile, as I am flattered that you have an erection because of me. Tell me that you are proud of your erection, Anteros. Go ahead, say it."

"I am proud of my erection," he said, still speaking softly.

"You don't sound like you mean it. Say it like you mean it!"

"I am proud of my erection!" he said, louder this time.

"Well, you still don't sound like you mean it, but that will do. Finish drying yourself."

When Anteros finished drying himself, Phoebe offered him a white silk robe. She stood behind him as he put his arms through the sleeves and he pulled it closed and tied it himself.

"Come with me. I'll see that you are fed," said Phoebe as she led him to the kitchen.

The kitchen was equipped to seat 30 but only he and Phoebe were there. An old woman served him familiar looking food. He was given tea. He'd never had tea before. He knew that physicians prescribed it for various ailments, but he'd never been ill enough to warrant it.

"Mistress, Phoebe, why am I being given tea? I'm not ill."

"The tea is made from herbs that will make you even more virile, Anteros. All adult males drink it here. We also have a tea for women that will prevent pregnancy, but there are so few males here, we don't drink it often," she answered.

Anteros ate his meal as Phoebe sat across from him, sipping a cup of tea.

"The purpose of sex is procreation," she explained. "But sex is also a lot of fun. Amazon women are sex starved because of the small population of men. We also only have sex with our own men. Because of this, we don't permit marriage or exclusive sexual relationships. We share the men we have. All of our men are permitted to have sex, but we are selective about which men father our children. It is important that the Amazon race stay strong. We only procreate with men that have the traits we need to survive. They must be large, strong, intelligent, and brave. It is obvious that you are large, strong, and intelligent. If you are also brave, you will probably father many children. All of them will be girls because we don't bear male children, but you already knew that."

Phoebe continued. "You can only show your courage in battle. Eventually you will show your courage, your cowardice, or be killed. If you are killed, then I'll have wasted my time teaching you. If you are a coward, you can learn a trade and we can still teach you to be a good lover. If you are brave, we can teach you to be a good lover and women will seek you out for reasons you'll learn later. Women that want to bear daughters will also seek you out. Life for an Amazon man, even a coward, can be quite pleasant. Life for a brave Amazon male is incredibly good. You don't often see an unhappy man here, do you?"

"No, Mistress. It is rare to see a man that isn't smiling," answered Anteros.

"You'll soon learn why, Anteros," said Phoebe with a smile.

Lien came into the room. "Phoebe, when Anteros is finished with his meal, bring him to my chamber."

"Yes, Miss Lien," she answered.

Phoebe took me up the stairs to Lien's chamber. She knocked at a large wooden door.

"Enter," said Lien.

Phoebe pushed the door open and motioned Anteros inside. "Will you be needing me, Miss?" she asked.

"No, Phoebe. That will be all. Anteros, close the door and come here," she commanded.

Lien looked fantastic. It was evening now and the room was bathed in candlelight. Lien's hair was neatly arranged on top of her head, showing off her long graceful neck. She was wearing a black silk garment very similar to Phoebe's white one. It was ankle length and the cord that tied it together was black, but otherwise it was the same. Anteros stared at her.

"I said come here, Anteros. If you want to stare at me you can do so while standing closer."

Anteros walked forward. He stopped a single step away from Lien. She looked very small to him, but she was clearly the one in charge here.

"Did you get an erection when Phoebe took you to bathe?" she asked bluntly.

"Yes, Mistress. She said I shouldn't be ashamed of it."

"You shouldn't. That usually happens to a boy when he comes here. We plan on it. Did she tell you the two purposes of sex?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"What were they?" she asked.

"Procreation and pleasure."

"Correct. Any idiot can procreate so that isn't what I'm going to teach you. I'm going to teach you about sex for pleasure. It is fairly simple to pleasure a man, but can be quite complex when you are dealing with women. I know that you are a good student so I expect you to learn to please women quite well. Are you ready to start?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good. First I will teach you how to touch a woman. Touch my hair. Gently. That's it. Now use both hands and touch my face very softly. Some women may want you to use a firmer hand but most like to be touched tenderly. You are doing fine. Now touch my neck and throat."

Anteros had never touched a woman in this manner before. It was quite exciting and he felt a pulse in his penis. He explored Lien's hair, face and neck with his fingertips until she told him to touch her shoulders and arms.

"You are doing fine, Anteros. Your touch brings me pleasure. Continue."

"Thank you, Mistress."

"Put your arms around me, Anteros," said Lien as she wrapped her small arms around his waist and pulled her body close to his. She felt his fully erect penis poking against her body. "You have an erection as you should have. It seems that your equipment is working properly. Now I want you to kiss me. Kiss my forehead. That was nice. Now gently kiss my eyelids. Now my mouth, Anteros."

Anteros, who had never kissed anyone on the mouth before, was surprised when he felt Lien's tongue press against his lips. "Open your mouth just a little," she said. "Now let me taste your tongue."

Their tongues explored each other. Anteros had never imagined that a kiss could feel so good. He felt Lien's hands on his broad back. She let them slip down to his buttocks and held them there, pulling his erection tightly into her body.

"You kiss well, Anteros. You seem to have a natural gift for it. Please continue and explore my backside with your hands if you wish," said Lien.

They continued to kiss for several minutes. Lien did different things with her mouth and Anteros tried to duplicate everything she did. His hands felt her back through the sheer silk of her garment. He tried to touch her buttocks but his hands didn't quite reach. Lien was grinding her body against his erection. Anteros, who had only one orgasm in his entire 18 years, was about to have another one. Lien stopped her grinding and stepped back.

"You were about to ejaculate, weren't you?" she asked without emotion.

"Yes, Mistress. I think I was," Anteros answered.

"You must not do that, Anteros! Never ejaculate without the permission of your mistress! Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress. But what am I to do when I feel like I am going to ejaculate? I can't stop it."

"We will work on that, Anteros. I will train you to control your orgasms. If you are losing control and can't stop it, you must tell your lover so she can stop stimulating you. If you tell her and she continues to stimulate you, then she probably wants you to ejaculate. In that case, hold back as long as you can. Eventually you will reach orgasm anyway but delaying it makes it more intense for you and your partner."

"Yes, Mistress. I will."

"Now it is time to go to the next lesson. I know you've seen naked women before, but you haven't had the opportunity to touch one, have you?" Lien asked.

"No, Mistress."

"Then you may touch me," said Lien as she removed her garment.

She looked incredible in the candlelight. The light shimmered off her light brown skin. Her small perky breasts were especially enticing and Anteros stared at them.

"Go ahead, Anteros. Touch me with your hands, but remember that I like to be touched gently," said Lien.

Anteros reached out slowly with both hands and touched Lien's firm little breasts. Lien closed her eyes and rolled her face slightly upward. Her nipples hardened noticeably as Anteros explored them. Anteros was intrigued by every detail of her naked body. He gasped as Lien said, "You may kiss my breasts, Anteros."

Anteros dropped to his knees, which brought the breasts of the much smaller Lien directly to the level of his face. He gently kissed around the nipples of each breast. He grabbed the firm globes of Lien's tight bottom as he first took a nipple into his mouth.

"That feels wonderful, Anteros. Use your teeth a little but be gentle," said Lien.

Anteros, with some coaching by Lien, was soon making her moan in pleasure. Lien held his head tight against her breasts.

"You learn quickly, Anteros. Stand up and take off your garment," said Lien.

Anteros stood and removed his robe, no longer ashamed of his throbbing erection. Lien had made it quite clear that it would be an offense not to have an erection when pleasuring a woman.

"You have a beautiful body for one so young, Anteros," said Lien as she moved her hands across the sculpted muscles of his chest, down the hard muscles of his stomach and down again until her hands found his eager genitals.