Serving the South

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A house slave serves white men's wives.
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One after another, the esteemed gentleman of the south filed into the room, their expressions distraught. All had the same thought in mind, what to do of the rising of the darker races?

William Earlson, former white master, and seller of slaves trained to service the households of wealthy southerners, had called this meeting of the most influential men of the state. They had a most important and extremely delicate matter to discuss. They needed a plan to keep the former slaves in their place.

After several scattered conversations died down, the men settled themselves. Some sat on couches, others on chairs around the tables of the room but the two most important men sat facing each other.

William Earlson faced Byer White, the oldest man there and the most respected. White would speak for the others as none wanted to talk too openly about the contents of the meeting. After the civil war, the Northerners had little tolerance for even perceived sedition. Even this meeting was a great risk to their lives.

Byer White puffed his cigar. "William, it is because I hold you in such high regard that I have come here today. You must have a good reason for calling us, knowing the risks."

With his legs crossed and fingers intertwined on his knee, William Earlson leaned forward. "Oh yes, I do, good sir. And I am sure none would have come if you, Byer, were not also held in high regard." The man liked to be reminded of his status and it would comfort the others to remember Byer willingly acted as cover for their actions.

More smoke puffed out of the old man's lips. "Yes, this is true. I simply don't know what you hope to achieve by this meeting William."

"My letter was brief, I know. But as you all know, there are white Southern traitors everywhere." The crowd nodded, muttering in agreement. "Also, by now you must have heard a black man now has possession of one of the more prosperous plantations." At this, the crowd murmurs swelled in volume.

A wave of Byer's cigar hand settled the gentlemen. "If you want to know of our feeling about the new laws regarding the treatment of former slaves, then our response is obvious. The terms are onerous and downright insulting. We must offer contracts to employ the blacks and need good reason to punish them. Worse yet, we can no longer entertain ourselves with their women."

The gentlemen of the room all nodded at Byer's points but stopped at the mention of their relations with the African women. Few wanted to admit the great beauty of the blacks excited them to affairs away from their wives' beds. Wise as Byer may be, he came from a different time where such things were spoken of openly.

Leaning back on his chair he began the next step of his plan. William gestured to the door and snapped his fingers. Immediately several black females wearing loose thin garments came with desserts and wine. Eyes followed them as they bent to serve the guests, trailing to their rounded bottoms and pendulous breasts. Most importantly, Byer became youthful in their presence. This display would remind all present of Earlson's specialty: the training of loyal house slaves.

Unlike the others whose slave abandoned them or demanded to be treated better, he still had loyalty from his dark subjects. At least, that is how he wanted it to appear. The truth was different. Almost all his slaves had departed as well, finding gainful employment as clerks in the northern offices and officers in the Black Armies.

He shuddered at the thought the dark men armed with cannon and rifle. William took care for the gentlemen not to see his fear. At another gesture from him the black women scurried to the sides of the room, heads bowed and arms folded in front of them, truly the sight of subservience.

The men had their fill and now plied with food William got to the meat of the day's gathering. "The issue is, good sirs, that the white men of the South are suffering from defeatism. Almost all have accepted the new order, but it does not have to be so!"

Byer wiped the crust of cake from his beard. "I presume you have a plan?"

"Yes. We must instill fear and distrust of the black man. The people need to be fed a steady diet of the horrors their freedom has brought on southern society. We must inspire the people once again to rebellion." At this, the crowd gasped. Curses, he'd gotten too heated and said the wrong word. He recovered with haste. "Rebellion against the Governor's policies."

Shouts of, "here, here" and "down with the Governor" sounded through the room. They were back on board.

"How do you propose we do this William? We have already spread the stories of white slavery and the masses know the truth of it, there was no such thing. Our credibility has suffered. A false story of the Black will no longer be taken at face value," said the owner of the largest newspaper in the south.

"Good question, sir. The answer is simple, the story will not be false."

Coughing on his drink Byer became alarmed. "Whites are being taken as slaves." The old man's eyes almost popped from their sockets.

"No, no. I propose we engineer an outrage that will not be forgiven and publish the evidence of it. I propose," and for this, he paused for effect, "that we have a black man seduce a white woman."

Nobody said a word. They waited for Byer to speak and so he did. "What fool of a black man would do this?"

Good, they had not dismissed the idea out of hand. "One of my most loyal male slaves." The only one he had left. "He will seduce the governor's wife."

"Thus, striking back against our enemy and showing the dark lusts of the Black man." Byer stroked his beard, nodding.

"Once the evidence is published, laws will be put in place by the Governor himself to keep the races separate."

"With no cooperation from whites, they can never hope to thrive. How would this loyal slave of yours get close to the wife of the governor of all people?"

The others in the room looked astonished that the plan would go this far, but they listened, stopping their meals, and putting out their cigars.

Earlson grinned inside. "Governor Tim likens himself as a friend to the Black man, as such I have dared him to be in the presence of the Black man. My slave Andre is already with him, gaining his trust and comfort. The next step is to get him alone with, Maria, the Governor's wife."

"A fine woman. A shame we must sacrifice her for the cause. To have some dark beast pinning her slim white arms down to the bed while his huge shadow of a body ruts over her and into her, black chest mashing against her thick white breasts. The force of his violation knocking her ever closer to the headboard..." Byer trailed off, his description had some shifting where they stood and sat.

"...Yes, horrible." William finished for him. "This is why we must act, to prevent something like this from happening in the future. For now, we control this, but in the future, it could be us." More murmurs of agreement came from the crowd.

"So as to be clear my good man. This plan is to have a black cuckold white men to prevent the future cucking of other white men."




The house slave in which William Earlson spoke of was currently balls deep into the Governor's wife. He bounced her smooth white bottom on his lap, thrusting the entirety of his black shaft into Governor Tim watched. He'd long since seduced the lady. With a mostly impotent husband and forced to spend all her time alone in the house, it was easy to lure her to bed.

He eased his hands down so that Maria's behind stilled on his lap. He needed to pay attention to the female house slave's report. "Continue," Andre requested.

The black young woman was enraptured by the show he put on but managed to speak. "He is going to set you and the lady Maria up so that he can use the evidence to slander all blacks in the state. If he succeeds, he believes the governor will turn on all of us."

A desperate Maria writhed in his lap, trying to stir him into resuming his thrusts inside her. "Good job, girl. Leave us," she directed.

The slave bowed. "Yes, mistress."

"Husband, what do you—ah! What do propose we do?" Maria gasped as she got her wish and Andre resumed his thrusts into her pink hole.

Said husband, Governor Tim, an ally to the Black cause had his white member out, stroking it with fervor. He watched the show Andre put on for him with great glee." Why we play along? Nothing those people can do can ply me from the Black cause."

As a reward for his words, Andre used his strong arms to keep the man's wife's pussy just at the tip of his cock. She loved it when he displayed his strength using her body and the Governor loved to watch his wife exposed lewdly. Governor Tim's strokes increased, and he craned forward for a better look at his wife's dripping and spread entrance.

Slowly, Andre eased her back down. "Then the plan to enshrine the rights of blacks in the state constitution goes on." He eased Maria back up, her pussy wet and tight as it enwrapped his cock.

"I am having trouble with some of the state senators but a few bribes and reminders of the Black Army stationed in the state will convince them."

"Good. Your reward."

Andre roughly repositioned Maria, so that she faced her husband, hands, and knees on the bed. He grunted and pushed himself back into her, Maria's pussy still tight after their frequent lovemaking. She made no attempt to hold back her cries, wanting her husband to hear how much the black cock in her depths pleased her.

Once the final inch of his black cock settled inside her, Andre rested his hips against her bottom, her skin smooth and warm against his. He made sure Tim took in the sight. Him kneeling tall behind her, muscled arms holding her ass in place as she tried to buck against him. Under him, in the position of a rutting dog, her eyes watered and large breasts hung down.

As Tim hammered at his cock, precum leaked on to his hand. "Do it. Fuck that cheating white slut. Fuck her Andre. Show her what that black cock can do."

"Yes, sir." Andre withdrew and used the power of his hips to ram himself back into her pussy.

He kept a steady pace, hard as it was for the shapely white woman. Each joining of their bodies punctuated by loud slaps of their hips, her ass turned red as if suffering a spanking.

Maria's face edged closer and closer to her husband's, Andre's cock pushing her forward on the bed. Andre's hands roamed both her back and her ass sending shivers to the woman. His large hands knew every sensitive pleasure spot of her body after weeks of constant fucking.

He'd come to this mansion as a spy for his master but he would leave its conqueror. William Earlson had no idea of Andre's plans, the depths of his knowledge or the strength of his heart.

Tim got close enough to kiss his wife, who he still loved dearly. Their embrace heartened Andre. Wanting to help them along, he deliberately slowed his thrusts. Instead, he withdrew his entire cock before plunging back in so that Maria moaned into her husband's kiss.

Unable to please his wife through normal means, Tim accepted Andre's seduction of his wife with great regret, until he demanded to see what Andre did to her. Tim's cock had erected and pulsed at the sight of the black man humping into his wife and from then on Tim never missed a show.

This result even surprised Andre. He'd thought the cuckolded man would slink away like all the others before but now he encouraged their couplings and even made suggestions.

Andre clenched his teeth and his hands tightened on Maria's hips. His balls churned, signaling his finish.

Tim knew the signs and stood, jerking his cock into his wife's face.

"Both of you, stain me! Pour yourselves all over my white face."

If that is what the white lady wanted, who was he to disagree? Pulling himself from her, he moved to stand side by side with the Governor. Andre's black cock dwarfed the other man's still sizable white cock. Soon they came, showering her face in their cum.

Maria sighed as if she bathed in cool water instead of the seed of both a black and white man.

Tired, Andre sat, enjoying the vision of Tim once again kissing his wife's cum soaked lips. He'd truly conquered this household and soon he would do the same to William Earlson's.


Betty Earlson waited for the arrival of Maria with great trepidation. She much admired the lady and bore much guilt over what she planned for the woman. Her husband had told her everything about the plan he and the other gentlemen of the South wished to carry out. It wasn't often he included her in the doings of men so she knew what he wanted of her.

He'd asked for her aid in their dark endeavor and she'd accepted as was her wifely duty. It meant betraying a friend but for the good of the South, it was necessary.

Betty fanned her heart shaped face, trying to cool down. With the slaves gone, this minor task had to be done herself. Andre was all that remained of the house slaves. The ever-loyal and handsome servant stood behind her now, looming.

Of all the slaves that could have stayed, it had to be him. He'd called this mansion home all his life and was the one to greet her when she came to marry William. He did everything. Cooking, cleaning, entertaining her guests, all with great skill. The problem lay in his eyes, the dark eyes of a predator.

Though the day was hot, she shuddered. Those eyes were on her now. His gaze, while not enough for her to insist on punishment, was enough to make her body react in ways she wished to suppress. New laws meant the punishments she wished to have done to him were no longer legal and it would ruin her husband's plans if Andre was not available to cooperate.

Gone were the days she could order him to strip and stand under the blazing sun. Such a punishment was meant to humiliate him in front of his mistress and the other female slaves.

She remembered back not that long ago when she had inflicted such discipline on Andre for some minor infraction. She secretly watched as his firm black muscles dripped with sweat, while elsewhere in the field, the female slaves giggled and whispered while pointing at him for his misfortune.

Such punishments were not as effective but were far more humane than the whippings, which disgusted her as barbaric and unworthy of genteel Southerners. She had convinced her husband to ban whippings in favor of this. It also didn't hurt that Betty got her own level of pleasure from this, as well. She found her thoughts going back to those specific days with a magnificent Andre standing naked quite often when she was alone.

A knock on the door announced Maria's arrival, disturbing her memories. Andre answered, letting the Governor's lady in. What a sight she was. Maria wore the typical dress of the south, all white clothing but in the current fashion donned a thin ankle-length skirt with much lacey decoration. Gone were the day's women wore skirts that flared widely at his hips. Good riddance, in Betty's opinion. However, this new fashion far better displayed the curvature of a woman's legs. If Maria did not wear riding boots, a man could almost see her bare ankles.

Ignoring Andre, Maria took a seat with her friend. "How good of you to invite me. I have not seen you since the War of Northern Aggression."

Betty took Maria's hands in hers in mutual friendship. "It is good to see you too."

And so, they chatted of the inconsequential happenings, gossip on other ladies, petty scandals, proper women's talk. Andre would silently serve them drinks and cakes all the while. For now, he would humble his presence.

When the afternoon came upon them, the conversation progressed to more important matters. Women's talk often hid more serious intentions with males none the wiser.

Maria spoke, her tone scandalized. "I've heard your husband supports relations between whites and blacks."

"This is true. I am not sure about it. I mean, what kind of damage would that do to a woman's body if a black man had their way with a white lady?"

"How could one know if they never tried? Have you ever considered it?" Maria's eyes widened. Betty had been too blunt.

Andre, in the guise of refilling their drinks, whispered a suggestion. "We must normalize the idea for her. An example is needed."

An example. Yes, she must lead by example. Maria will never consider relations with a black man otherwise. Standing from her seat at the table, Betty placed herself before Andre. The top of her black hair barely reaching his chest.

With great effort, she embraced him, her arms wrapping around him. "See? This is the future. We must embrace our new black brothers."

"Oh my! That is a nice sight. But some think the races will grow closer than that. I don't think it is possible."

"Then look at this." She sprang on her tiptoes and bent Andre's head down to peck him on the lips.

Still, Maria was unmoved. "Is that all?"

Andre leaned down to her to whisper. "We must go farther."

Then his powerful hands hugged her small buttocks and pulled her into him so that her breasts squeezed against him. Before she knew it, the black man's lips touched hers. His tongue darted into her mouth to explore inside and she gasped into him. She wanted to push him away, to remove his firm hands from her delicate behind but ended up yielding to him. Betty's body melted as their kiss stretched onward. His hands continued to ply her bottom flesh.

"My that is wonderful. I am starting to see your case, Betty," said Maria

Finally releasing her, Betty gathered herself, fixing her skirts, rubbing her behind, and smoothing her front clothes. "Then relations with a black man is no issue to you. Maybe you should try kissing Andre was well."

"Was is it as good as it looked?"


"Did you like it?"

Though she hated to admit it, she did. Andre's hands massaging her behind gave her great...comfort. "Yes."

"What of his member? Did you feel it press up against as you embraced?"

She had. Glancing back at Andre she saw his cock bulging against his pants. Thinking it was an object in his pocket, she'd ignored the odd feeling pressing against her torso but now she knew. Did her touch make him so hot?

"I did feel it."

"Then touch it."

Freezing, Betty was a lost at how to respond. Touch a black man's cock? Never.

"Oh look, it's out!"

Turning, Betty shrieked. Andre's had dropped his pants to reveal his proud cock jutting out at them. As dark as it was long, its veins pulsed and a hint of fluid leaked at the purple tip.

She could not fail her husband. Kneeling, she extended her arm to touch the cock, grabbing it with her white hand. Ignoring the warmth of it, she forced a smile. "See, touching him as he is bare and erect is no problem."

"How do you get it in!"

Such a thing was an impossibility, surely. No white lady could take that beast into her gentle little hole. Failure to do so meant the plan would fail. This could not happen. Unwilling to fail her duty, she remembered a lesson her mother once taught her, the means to please a man while keeping one's virtue.

She faced the black cock bravely. It twitched in her little hand, too big for her to wrap her fingers around. She opened her mouth and took the tip in her mouth.

"Hmmmm." Andre hummed in pleasure and Maria cooed as she watched.

Trying not to gag, she pressed onward, straining to get past the very tip of Andre's cock. The black house slave was far too large but now was not the time for half-measures. She'd tried tempting Maria with tepid proposals and failed, thus this became needed. She needed to see a black man pleasured by a white woman for the plan to work.

Unable to get it down all the way, she worked at the black cock, taking small bobs on it till she eventually took the head and got to the shaft. A tingle of accomplished coursed through her at this milestone. Even Andre's moans of approval and Maria's coos filled her with pride. Betty almost forgot she knelt before a slave, working at sucking his cock.