Seven Days Aboard


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"And the third seat? Sister? Or brother?" I asked with a much more relaxed smile.

"The girl couldn't make it either," he said, his voice suddenly flat.



'The girl' was clearly not a sister. And she had gotten blocked by the snow, too. The kind of girl you brought along on a long cruise with your parents.

I was suddenly unhappy, and I couldn't figure if I was jealous or competitive. Neither were appropriate.

And speaking of inappropriate, he had a serious girlfriend who was kept away from him for the week, and the first night of the cruise, he is sitting at a bar, flirting with me!

He was flirting with me, right? Oh shit. Maybe I was flirting with him, and he was just being polite?

And if he was just being polite, what did that say about me and my skills? My attractiveness?

Or maybe I was just some cheap whore, hitting on a spoken for man...

He waved for another beer.

Or maybe we were two grown-ass adults... just strangers having a casual conversation over a drink in a bar while traveling. That thought relaxed me thoroughly.

We ended up talking about desserts, of all things. We started out by expressing our disappointment in the offerings that evening at dinner (though we had both eaten all of ours), then branched off into Dessert Theory, if that is a field of academic pursuit, and found common ground in the belief that while sugar is the universal ingredient, bacon is the secret to great, truly great, sweet endings.

Then, we both simultaneously yawned right in each others' faces. We giggled, and I remembered that I had had to wake up early enough for a six AM flight. Dale's flight had been at the luxuriously late hour of 7:10.

"It's been a slice, but I have to hit the hay," Dale said, covering a second yawn with the back of his hand. "It's been fun talking to you. Thanks for keeping a single traveler company."

"You'll have fun this week regardless," I reassured him. "And thanks for keeping me from drinking alone. I just hope that my roommate hasn't locked me out of our cabin."

"Heavy sleeper?"

"If Kimmie has locked me out, it won't be because she is sleeping," I chortled.

"Really?" Dale said slyly. "Perhaps I should meet this Kimmie."

"Ha! Maybe," I shot back as he rose from his bar stool. Over my dead body, I found myself adding silently while I could not help but watch him walk away. That was a nice ass.

I shook my head at myself for about the umpteenth time this trip already. If Kimmie found him on her own, they were welcome to each other, right? Or any of my friends. But for my own part, I was not catting around on this cruise.

I got back to the cabin, where I found to my surprise that Kimmie had returned first, and alone.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in," she said from her bed.

"You are back already?" I asked as I slid my sundress off my shoulders and started to remove what little makeup I was wearing.

"No guys first night, remember?" Kimmie said cheerily. "Or did you forget that? Where have you been, girl?"

"After you guys all abandoned me on the dance floor, for guys I might add, I wandered back up to the Eagle's Nest for a nightcap," I replied haughtily.

"The geezer bar where we drank first? Why?"

"It was quiet, if a little crowded. I was in a mood for some chill."

"You were chilling for a while," Kimmie said, snuggling down under her covers.

"I ended up in a conversation about baking and desserts with the guy on the next stool," I said, looking through the closet for my nightgown. "We were both unimpressed with the ship's offerings in the dining room."

"Oh ho," she murmured into her pillow. "So you were out later than the rest of us, with a guy!"

"I was out late discussing bacon in desserts," I said, quellingly. "And it was just that guy I had seen by himself in line when we boarded."

"Wait," Kimmie said, sitting bolt upright in her bed. In contrast to my soft cotton nightgown with its pale blue flowers, Kimmie sleeps naked, even when she sleeps alone. Her bouncy tits popped free and I swear I could see her nipples getting hard right there. "You went out and tracked down Line Guy? How good-looking is this man?"

I rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom. "He looks fine. Get real, Kim," I said around my toothbrush. "He just happened to be sitting on a stool next to the only empty seat at the bar." I spat out and rinsed.

I turned out the light as I left the bathroom, my ego not needing to see any more of Kimmie's hotrod bod that evening. I felt my way to my bed.

"Uh huh," Kimmie laughed as I heard her snuggle down once more in the darkness. "Well, if you just happen to 'run into' this guy again, like, say, back here in this cabin, give me a heads up if you can."

I flipped her the bird idly, then realized that was a futile gesture in the dark. I think she heard it anyway, because she laughed.

"And if you 'run into him' for too long, be warned," she teased. "I may go ahead and come in to watch."

"Yeah, like I'd put up with you sitting there watching!" I scoffed. It took me a second to register, then shake my head at the fact that I had denied the idea of her watching, not the idea of having the guy in here with me. Was I getting that generally horny after one day on this boat?

"Okay, fine," Kimmie said slyly. "I'll join in, if you insist..."

From the sound of it, I tagged her perfectly with the pillow I swung at her in the dark. I yanked it back and we both giggled in the dark before settling in to sleep.

For just a second, I found my mind actually picturing having Kimmie crawl into bed with me and some faceless guy. And I wasn't completely shying away from the image! I really was getting that horny, apparently.

But she wasn't going to be getting in any beds with me and Dale.

Because Dale wasn't going to be in any beds with me, right?


Our first full day of the cruise would be spent at sea, as the boat sailed fast to reach Barbados by the morning of day three. The weather was spectacular, with blue skies and warm air. The only breeze was supplied by the steady nineteen knots of our passage through the blue Caribbean waters.

The four of us met up for breakfast at the buffet. Over eggs and bacon, Adrian and Sophia regaled me with tales of all the handsome guys they met the night before, which were worth being pursued by, and which were worth being pursued by until they caught them. I shook my head at all their increasingly raunchy chatter.

"So far my favorite from last night was Jimmy," Adrian said. "The blonde guy with the soul patch," she added in response to Kimmie's inquiring look.

"Isn't he kind of short for your tastes?" my roommate asked.

"Yeah," Adrian shrugged. "But I kind of got hung up watching his tongue licking on an ice cream cone, though. That monster looked like one helluva fun ride."

Even I squealed in deliciously scandalized laughter. Then, I couldn't help myself, asking what we all had pretty much assumed by now. "So Todd is officially in the rearview mirror?"

Adrian winced a little, then shrugged. "Not officially, but... Hey! What happens in the Caribbean, stays in the Caribbean, right?"

"What has made you decide to be such a hall monitor on this vacation, Daisy?" Sophia asked, more curious than irritated.

But a little irritated.

"I'm not a hall monitor," I protested. "You guys can do what and who you want, and I'll enjoy seeing and hearing about it. I'm just not in the hookup market anymore myself, so random dudes on a cruise I'll never see again are not interesting to me."

Just then, Captain Giuseppe and his interesting voice came on over the PA to congratulate us all on our wisdom in choosing the Wanderer for our cruise, and this week in particular, as the weather was going to be the best he had seen all season. He had a few more words about activities on this, the first of separate two days at sea during our cruise, then with a dong of a bell, he signed off.

We all looked at each other for a few moments.

That voice. That rich, lightly accented, deep, sexy voice...

"But if the Captain were available..." Kimmie teased me.

I actually found myself shivering a little. "Yeah," I smirked, leaning forward. "I haven't even seen him, but I'd suck his cock so hard, just to hear that voice say thank you..."

More gales of laughter. As jokes went, it was weak, but it was dirty. And I mostly just wanted to reassure my friends that even if I wasn't currently in the market myself, I still was a big fan of sex.

"But," I went on with an exaggeratedly mournful sigh, "since the Captain is still probably married, possibly fat, certainly old, and inevitably contractually obligated not to avail himself of any of us passengers, I shall just continue with my plan of enjoying myself, drinking small amounts throughout morning, noon, and night, and following along with you guys. What are our plans today, oh cruise director?" I asked Sophia, who had taken lead on most planning for this vacation, including selecting this excellent boat.

"Sunbathing, and maybe lunch, on the Top Deck," she replied promptly. Kimmie smirked and agreed happily.

"The top deck? I thought the Eagle's Nest bar was on the highest deck. There isn't anywhere to sun up there," I said curiously.

"The Top Deck is forward, not aft," said Sophia, showing off her nautical lingo. "It's a smaller open deck, um, exposed to the sky."

"I figured that you guys would have boy hunting on your itinerary," I smirked.

"Oh, I am sure there will be men," Kimmie smirked right back.

"Speaking of sun, lunch, and especially men, let's get on with the day," Adrian chimed in. "I say we go back to our cabins, suit up, and meet in the Porthole Pub forward. We can do a shot, then go on up once we are together."

Back in our cabin, Kimmie was stripped naked in a flash, then her progress ground to a halt as she tried to select a swimsuit. She was standing there, holding a gold lamé bikini bottom that seemed too small to be decent, and a white one that seemed possibly even smaller. Either would look amazing in contrast with her exotic skin tone.

I ignored my naked roommate and examined my own options. "How did I let you guys talk me into this Bikinis-Only Policy?" I groused.

"Because you know you look hot in them?" Kimmie asked idly, still trying to decide.

I rolled my eyes.

I want to be clear. I love bikinis, and love how sexy they make me feel, so I had readily agreed to the policy when we first booked the cruise. But since then, I had purchased a sling-type one-piece that was way hotter on me that any of my bikinis, and I was still bent that Kimmie had actually hidden the damned thing to keep me from packing it.

So I had brought three bikinis, and I instantly chose the blue one. It was the most conservative, and I figured that would piss off Kimmie. The bottom was high waisted and low cut around the thighs, and looked more like a pair of 40s or 50s pin-up shorts than bathing suit bottoms. The top was generously cut as well, but I will admit it still showed plenty of cleavage. Pretty much any bikini top has lots of cleavage on me.

Instead of being put out, and trying to get me to go with one of my racier choices, Kimmie just shrugged at my choice. "Which one?" she asked me plaintively, holding out her options.

"Gold," I said exasperatedly. "Now suit up. I want a drink and some time in the sun with my book."

"Thanks," Kimmie said, shimmying into her suit. "And I hope the book is at least smutty."

"Filthy-minded wench," I growled at her. Then after a beat, I showed her the cover. The heroine, whose bigger tits than mine were falling out of her dress, swooned in a field at the feet of a shirtless man with six-pack abs and pecs that cast their own shadow.

"Busted," crowed Kimmie, settling her own tits securely into the gold top. "But don't get too hung up on that, and forget to look around at your fellow passengers."

I looked at her sternly for a moment, then let out a sheepish grin. "Don't worry, girlfriend. I may not be buying, but I promise I'll do my share of window shopping."

We grabbed our pool bags, threw on some cover-ups over our suits, and headed along the passageway and down to the deck with the Porthole Pub. It was a nautically-themed space with lots of old-style mahogany paneling, and ropes and pulleys everywhere. We sat down to wait, and Kimmie ran her hand along one thick rope right by her head, of course making a bondage joke. I snorted at her and we giggled.

To my knowledge, Kimmie had never actually tried bondage, for all her active lifestyle and smutty mind. I doubted she ever would.

I was the one with that little secret in my past experience. The first guy who I'd tried bondage with, in college, had made it seem hot as blazes for me. The second guy, whom I had hooked up with shortly after moving to Dallas, had made me swear off handcuffs forever... Kimmie needed to know about none of it.

It was almost fifteen minutes before Adrian and Sophia dragged themselves in. Kimmie waved them over to the booth we had commandeered in the center of the place. "About time you two showed up," Kimmie scolded. "We were about to die of thirst!" She turned and traded glances with the bartender who had not much to do at that time of day.

"Blame Sophia," Adrian grumbled. "She took forever going back and forth about which suit to wear, like it matters." Like it mattered? I supposed it didn't. Sophia was the least voluptuous of us all, but the tallest, and probably the most elegantly beautiful. She had been born in Denmark before moving to the US as a baby, and she had those classic Scandinavian features of striking blonde hair, brown eyes, and comically high cheekbones. She looked like a fashion model and even baggy sweats looked amazing on her.

The bartender wove through the mostly empty bar toward us, an appreciative look on his face that morphed into simple professionalism as he arrived at our table. We decided that the Shot of the Day would be Kamikazes, and in short order were delivered four excellent ones, free with our drink package.

We all tapped our empties down on the table together, and Adrian said, "Well... let's do this!" She was almost quivering.

We were going to go lie in the sun. What had her so nervous? I realized that it had to be a guy, and I wondered how long it would take to figure out which one it was. All my friends were practically bouncing as we climbed the forward stairwell, which I for one had not even been on yet. I guessed the hunt for guys was on in earnest.

At the top of the stairs, we turned and went outside through the starboard doors. On cruise ships, there is usually a pair of glass bypass walls to keep the sea breezes from blowing too hard directly into the interior. The one's on this deck were opaque for some reason.

We passed out into the sunshine. It was indeed a glorious day.

And I knew what had my friends so antsy.

The Top Deck was a top-less deck.

I froze. How the fuck had I missed this? I felt a fleeting moment of relief to see that it was actually 'top-optional', as almost a quarter of the women in the area still wore something on their tits, but that relief faded as I remembered who I was with.

I instantly knew Sophia was somehow behind this. I grabbed her arm as we looked around for chairs. "How did you find a boat with a nude deck?" I hissed at her. And how was I not informed?

"It's a European line," Sophia shrugged as if that explained everything.

"And all three of you just forgot to mention this to me in advance?" I sarcastically interrogated our group as a whole.

A lovely older woman with an olive complexion deepened by a rich tan walked by us, wearing a huge hat and sunglasses, and sporting even huger, bouncing boobs. We all paused to watch, unable to help ourselves. We weren't the only ones looking. I was pretty sure I saw one guy who was obviously on the cruise with his wife practically sprain his neck trying not to track the woman's movement.

As she turned away from us, I glared again.

"It is in every brochure, and on the website," Sophia said, straightening her spine. "All you had to do is read a little about your big vacation."

"Sorry, babe," Kimmie said, laying a hand on my upper arm in genuine, if still amused, apology. "We actually bet on whether you'd demand a different cruise when you finally saw it." She shrugged even more sheepishly. "And when it became clear that you weren't going to notice this little feature of the boat, we all decided it was just too funny to spoil it for you." It is always hard to remain mad at Kimmie for long. And dimly, I was aware that they had probably had some pretty good laughs--laughs I have to admit I would have shared had it been someone other than me who was the one in the dark...

"And it isn't mandatory," Adrian blurted, looking at my still stormy visage. "It's just tops-optional." That earned her a glower from both Sophia and Kimmie.

I sighed. That didn't matter. As we wound our way toward four chairs that Kimmie spied, I reflected on the power of peer-pressure that the four of us exerted on each other. There was no way I was not about to find myself with naked tits in public for the first time in my life.

Kimmie's cover-up and top were off before we even reached the seats, though I saw even her have a moment's hesitation before she whipped off that gold top. No wonder she had only been worrying about which bottom to choose.

I stared down my friends, daring any of them to take the lounger by the rail. I wanted all three of them, and more importantly their naked tits, between me and what looked like half the guys on the boat. I spread out the towel I had grabbed, dropped my book, with its suddenly demure-seeming cover facing up, and reached behind me to unhook the back of my top.

I looked up to see both Sophia and Adrian standing there nervously, both with their tops still on. "What the Hell?" I asked exasperatedly.

"I... I've never done this before," Sophia, Miss I'm So European, admitted.

"Me either," Adrian agreed, plucking nervously at the big plastic U that held the cups of her bikini together.

"Like I have?" Kimmie asked, holding her arms out to the side, pushing her delicate, bouncy boobies out at us... and half the boat. "Get with it, girls!"

I actually was lifting my top off over my head before either of our friends got over their paralysis. If I was going to have to get my tits out, I was determined to get it over with, so I could read my book.

The sensation was... terrifying. But exciting, I'll admit. I shivered and looked around. Amazingly, the entire deck had not fallen silent in order to stare disapprovingly and/or hungrily at my nudity. In fact, my state was only getting a few sidelong glances.

I was briefly irritated at that.

But I was more irritated at my plotting besties that still had their tops on. I caught Kimmie's eye, and we both cleared our throats sternly.

Sophia and Adrian looked at us, then each other. Then they giggled, and ditched their tops. We all gingerly lay back on our chaises. Almost as one, we suddenly heaved a big sigh. "I can't believe this," I grumbled.

After a moment, Kimmie leaned over toward us and whispered, "I'm not going to lie, guys. I think we are the best looking group of girls up here."

"Come on," Adrian said. "What about that lady over there?" she asked, subtly indicating a stunning thirty-something redhead on the other side of the small pool, lying with an equally beautiful man who was likely her husband. Her boobs were... unearthly.

Kimmie paused to look. Then paused some more. Then she turned back and hissed, "She's not in a group!"

Sophia laughed and shoved Kimmie.

And we all lay back in the blazing sunshine. I even picked up my book. The world had not fallen in, and the sun did feel awfully nice. The fact that I was lying there, in public, with my boobs on full display only felt like there were a few ants in my pants, rather than the full hive I'd have expected.