Seven Tails: Tail 02


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Whew! That was close. There was no doubt in my mind that I could have taken him down if it came to it. But I really did not want to damage that fine body of his if I could avoid it. Like I said, I had other plans in my head.

As his body relaxed into defeat I rose from my stool and pushed it back out of the way. "I have one other little demonstration for you this evening, Nathan. Then we will let you get some rest. I will give you a little insight into what I am and what I do. It will give you an idea of what I will demand from you. But I'm afraid that it might come as a bit of a shock."

"A shock? How? Did you kidnap Marie, too?" I laughed again.

"Oh heavens no, boy. Now, don't get me wrong. Marie was pretty enough in her own right. But she was only pretending to be submissive just to keep you interested. I think you know that." I raised an eyebrow and he dropped his head and nodded.

"No. Not Marie, Nathan. Like I said, I have six cages in my stables. Soon they will all be filled with beautiful champion ponies, just like you are going to be, whether you like it or not." I took my remote out of my pocket and he blanched and flinched back just a little. I raised a hand reassuringly. "This is a multifunctional device, boy. It does much more than cause you pain. Relax." I spoke quietly into the remote and got an equally muffled reply then put it back in my pocket. I pulled the curtains a little wider apart so the whole front of his cage was now open. It let him see a bit more out into the stables but still blocked his view of most of the building from where he lay half reclined on the bed. He was moving around and rubbing the still raised welts on his skin uncomfortably.

"I will be right back, Nathan. I will bring you something to help ease the pain." I stepped over to the cabinet and filled a small plastic cup with about an inch of clear liquid from a bottle I kept there. Stepping back into the cage, I offered it to him.

"What is this?" He looked dubious. I sighed. "Nathan. You are naked, chained and in a cage in the middle of nowhere. If I wanted to kill you I could have done that in Cape Placid and been gone hours and hours ago. If I wanted to rape you while you were unconscious I could have done that then, too." He went a little white at the thought. I offered him the cup again. "This will merely help ease your pain and help you get some sleep. Nothing more." He still looked dubious and I sighed again. "Take it and drink it Nathan. Or I will put you back up in the chains and we can start this whole process over again from the beginning. Is that what you want?"

"No Sir! I mean... yes, Sir! I mean..... Uh...." He took the cup from my hand and raised it to his lips and drank the contents down in one swallow and handed me back the cup. I reached out a hand and cupped his cheek in my palm. He tensed and his eyes rolled around and went wide, but I merely stroked his cheek gently with my thumb.

"You are a good boy, Nathan. I have high hopes for you. High hopes. You learn quickly. That is a very good thing."

There was a small noise from the front of the building. The distinctive click of the stable door opening and closing quietly. I rose from my crouch and stepped to the front of the cage and out of the door and held up one hand off to the side and looked back at the young lad reclining on the mattress.

"Before I took you today I only had one other pony in my stable. She is the most beautiful and perfect pony a Master could ever have. And now I am going to have a matched set. I am sure that you two are going to become fast friends."

"As a matter of fact, she made quite an impression on you when you first met, I believe."

A light of recognition came on behind his eyes. "Wait... Are you talking about....."

I held out my hand and Sarabeth walked into view. She was dressed in her parade harness, all shiny patent leather and silver buckles, and the simple bridle without blinders so it wouldn't hide her face. Her long blond hair was done back in a tight braid, of course, hanging down her back and her tail was braided to match as it swung between her legs, poking out from that fine firm bottom. The harness hid very little of her body and actually complimented her form exquisitely. Sarabeths little naked breasts jutted out firmly and I could see that her nipples were hard.


"Hello, Nathan."

"I'm afraid we had to be a little dishonest with you, Nathan. I wanted to meet you face to face and Sarabeth here agreed to help me. Don't be angry with her. Sarabeth did what she did because I told her to."

"B-but.... But..... I thought...."

"Please don't be mad at me, Nathan." Sarabeth looked at him longingly, those big blue eyes wide and tragic. "I didn't want Master to hurt you and I thought if you liked me it would make it..... Easier on you." Her eyes went to the floor and she said "I'm sorry I lied to you."

"It was all a lie?"

"No, Nathan. Not a lie. Half truths, maybe. And only about who we were, not how she felt. She really does like you." I slipped an arm around that slim waist and pulled her in to my side. She wrapped an arm around my waist and cuddled under my arm. "Even though she is a fine little actress, her interest in you was genuine. She wants you, Nathan." I squeezed her with my arm. "Isn't that right, my love?"

"Oh yes, Master." she purred. "I do want him."

"Isn't he beautiful?"

"He is gorgeous, Master." She looked up at me and said "He's the second most beautiful man in this room, Master." I leaned down and kissed those perfect warm lips. One hand came up and took her breast in my palm and pinched her nipple gently. Sarabeth gasped lightly and purred in the back of her throat.

"And what would you do to be with him, Sarabeth?"

"Anything you want, Master." Her blue eyes settled back on Nathan again. "Anything."

"Would you dance naked for me to sleep with him?"

"Yes, Master!"

"Would you suck my cock to sleep with him?" One finger traced over her lips gently.

"Yes, Master!"

One of my hands went down her slim smooth back and cupped one perfect firm ass cheek in my palm.

"Would you take ten stripes from the cane to sleep with him?" Sarabeth gasped and moaned deep in her throat and I could feel her ass tighten up in my grip. I felt her shiver hard against my body. She flushed a deep red at the thought of bending over and taking that kind of punishment on her sweet ass. I'd caned her before, of course. But never for pure punishment and not very hard.

"Yes, Master, I would take ten stripes to be with him."

"You see, Nathan? She does like you. She would endure ten stripes with the cane, infinitely more painful than the tawse, believe me! Just to spend time with you." I turned Sarabeth around in my arms and framed her sweet bottom with my hands. It also gave him a very good look at the tail protruding from her cheeks.

"Would you like to see me cane her, Nathan?" I spread my fingers across her ass cheeks like I was drawing a map of where the stripes would go. "Would you like to see her bent over getting this perfect bottom striped? Hearing her cries? Knowing she was going through such pain just to show how much she likes and desires you?" Sarabeth trembled a little in my arms.

During this whole conversation the lad had sat with his mouth slackly open and his eyes glazed. Part of that was from the lust that was raging around wreaking havoc with his hormones. Some of which was from the drugs I had given him earlier and some from just seeing the little blond paraded in front of him like that. He was clutching the pillow tightly to his groin and I could see his hips writhing against it. I was going to have to do something soon or he was going to need a clean pillow.

"Do you want to see that, Nathan?" He jumped a little as he became fully aware of what I was saying and blurted "Please god, no!"

"What was that?"

"Please don't hurt her, Sir. Please don't."

"Even if it means I won't let her sleep with you?"

"Even if it means that. Yes, Sir. Please don't hurt her."

I turned Sarabeth around again and we walked into his cage and stood right next to his bed. The boys eyes traveled up and down her perfect little body while she smiled down at him softly. Crouching down, I laid a hand against the side of his head and tousled his hair.

"You made a good choice, Nathan. A very good choice. Deciding between pleasure and pain is what life is all about. Especially here. So...." I stood back up and slipped an arm around her shoulders, one hand draping down to cup a small firm breast. She snuggled into my side. "I will give you another option, then. And once again, you must decide what you will do." I gestured towards the pillow he was clutching so tightly against his hips. "It's obvious you want her. And from her responses, Sarabeth wants you, too." I squeezed that soft tit in my hand. She groaned a little and put her hand over mine and squeezed my fingers with hers.

"Do you want Sarabeth to suck your cock, Nathan?" After a moment where his eyes got even wider an almost tortured moan left his lips and his whole body shivered.

"Do you? Yes or no."

"Y-y-yes, Sir." His whole body flushed a deep red. Both from embarrassment and desire.

I stared right down into his eyes. "Yes.... Master."

A conflicting wave of emotions swept over his face. There was a silent gasp and he mumbled "Yes, Master."

"Please allow Sarabeth to suck my cock, Master." He shivered again and thrust his hips against the pillow and repeated my words.

"Very well, Nathan. You are learning quickly. But, as with almost everything here, there are conditions. If you want her to do this, you must lay back on the bed with your head on the pillow. Stretch your hands over your head and cross your wrists. I will tie your wrists and ankles to the bed and they will stay that way until we are through. That is the only way that this will happen."

"B-but....." he stammered.

"Decide, Nathan. Do it or not, I don't care. You have ten seconds."

He wasted about three seconds staring at me in indecision. Then he tossed the pillow up to the top of the bed and lay back with his erection pointing at the ceiling, quivering with anticipation. His hands and arms were quaking as he stretched them over his head and crossed his wrists. I pulled a short length of rope out of my back pocket and looped it around his wrists and snugged them together firmly. At my touch he shivered hard again and moaned "P-please don't hurt me any more!"

I patted his arm and said "I am not going to hurt you, Nathan. I promise." and secured the other end of the rope to a small metal eye set in the headboard of the bed. I had handed two more chunks of rope to Sarabeth and she gently spread his legs apart and secured his ankles to the far end of the bed frame while I worked on his hands.

During this whole process he trembled and moaned in a mix of fear and desire. He moaned and whispered "Oh god... oh, god... oh, god..."

Also throughout the whole process his prick stayed completely hard and straining towards the sky as his hips rotated ever so slightly. Even if he was frightened, it seemed that the thought of being bound was secretly turning him on even more.

Sarabeth and I got to our feet and looked down at him. My mouth almost watered. Stretching his body out like that really brought his physique into fine detail. Granted, he was a bit on the skinny side from poor nutrition and not enough exercise and too many stimulants. But my training plan was going to remedy that quickly. We would build up those muscles and add just the thinnest layer of fat to soften the edges..... Shape him into something that a classical sculptor would kill to use as a model.

Nathans chest and torso were wide and vee-shaped, narrowing down to his slim waist. Smooth and fine and almost completely hairless except for a fine line of fur running from his navel down into the thick bush of pubic hair that surrounded that large fat prick. His balls were tight and snugged up against his body with tension. Those fine muscled legs he got from walking and riding his bike writhed unconsciously against the ropes binding him to the bed. His whole body was in slight motion as he trembled and tugged against the ropes holding him down.

My own cock was hard, and had been hard for the better part of an hour ever since we started, and straining at the leg of my jeans. It took all of my not inconsiderable self control not to leap on him and ravish his body myself.

But he wasn't quite ready for that just yet. He would be, whether he wanted to or not, pretty soon. Just like being my pony, he really had no choice in the matter. I would take him and make him mine one way or another.

I could be patient, but it was difficult.

"Isn't he beautiful, Sarabeth?" She clutched my bicep and rubbed her nipples up and down the back of my arm, almost dancing with her need.

"He's gorgeous, Master! Can I have him now, Master? Please? I want him so bad...."

"It looks like he wants you too, girl. And quite desperately too, from the looks of that pretty cock standing there." He blushed again, all the way down his chest. "Let's start off with something slow and easy, like a kiss, shall we?" I stepped out of the way and the little blond knelt down on the edge of the mattress and leaned over him, one hand going to the side of his face.

"You aren't still angry with me are you, Nathan?" she whispered, her fingers curling in his hair as she caressed him. "I only did what I did so Master wouldn't hurt you. And I wanted to be with you too. Please don't be mad at me." All the while she spoke her lips got closer and closer to his. Right before their lips touched he shook his head and whispered back "I'm not mad at you, Sarabeth." With a little greedy moan, she kissed him hard, both of her hands holding his head in place. Nathans whole body writhed and strained against his bonds.

"You see, Nathan. Things aren't as bad off as you thought." I said, not really knowing or caring if he was listening to me or not. "You can have pain or you can have pleasure here. It's your choice. Let's hope..." I concluded "That you continue to make the correct choices in the future." I knelt down behind Sarabeth and ran my hand up and down her back, bumping over the straps of her harness and making goose bumps run up and down her skin while she kissed him.

"Is he a good kisser, Sarabeth?" She sighed happily through her nose. "Mmmmmm-Hmmmmmm!" One of her hands slid down and bumped over the boys hard nipple then grabbed it and pinched it lightly. Then it was his turn to groan and squeak through his nose while his mouth was busily occupied. After a moment or so she pulled her lips away from his and leaned down over his chest and sucked his other nipple into her mouth, nipping at it with her teeth and sucking on it gently while she tweaked the other one with her fingertips.

I smiled as his hips writhed even more, making his prick wave around like a flagpole in a high wind.

"You like that, boy?"

"Ahhhh.... Oh yes. Nobody has ever really done that to me before.... Oooh... god."

I smiled again. "Then you are in for a real treat. My little pony girl can do things with her mouth you have never even dreamed of before."

"Oh..... god."

A slim little hand slid down over his belly, heading south, making his stomach muscles ripple and jump. The fingers tangled in his pubic hair and then slid right past his prick down between his thighs and grasped his balls gently in her hand and rolled them around.

Her hand and her head came up at the same time. Those strong slim fingers wrapped around the shaft of his cock leaving maybe an inch of space between her thumb and fingers of being able to wrap all the way around. Nathan moaned aloud and his prick jumped in her hand. Sarabeth stared at his meat as she stroked him up and down a few times then those bright blue eyes looked up at me.

"He's got such a big beautiful cock, Master!"

"Yes he does. I'm sure we are all going to enjoy Nathans pretty cock, and all the rest of his body as well."

"Oh, god...."

Sarabeth shifted lower and threw an arm across his waist, which brought her head right down on a level with the head of his cock, only an inch or so away from her mouth.

"Stop!" Sarabeth froze and glanced up at me. Nathan cried out in frustration. I reached down and grabbed his chin roughly and turned his face until he looked me in the eyes.

"Who am I, Nathan?"


"Who.... Am... I?"

"You.... You are my M-master..."

"And who are you?"

His face burned in embarrassment and other things. He gasped a few times then said "I am y-your p-pony, Master."

"And don't you forget it, boy. You are going to be my pony for the rest of your life." I nodded at Sarabeth. Smiling happily, she pulled back the foreskin of his cock and planted a soft kiss right on the tip, making him jump and moan again. Turning her head, she let her lips trail down the shaft. I knew that her hot little tongue was licking the side of his shaft like she did mine. That always felt heavenly. She licked her way back up to the top and, placing her lips right on the tip of his prick, very slowly opened her mouth and took him deep inside. I could hear the little wet sounds of her tongue dancing against the head of his cock as she moved it slowly in and out of her mouth while her hand stayed in time, sliding up and down.

It struck me for just an instant that I was a little jealous. Which was ridiculous when you looked at it, but I was. The sheer stupidity of that though almost made me break out laughing.

I knew my little pony girl and what drove her the best. I also knew that Nathan had taken my sleepy time drink and if he was awake fifteen minutes from now I'd be real surprised. But after all of this time together it was odd seeing her with another mans cock in her mouth. Even if it was what I wanted, it took some getting used to.

Sheesh. What was I going to do when I had six ponies? Learn a new appreciation for voyeurism, I guess. It was like watching Randy and Amanda when I allowed them to play together for my amusement. Back then it just seemed natural because Amanda was Randy's mate.

But Sarabeth is my mate. And now she is Nathans mate as well. And he is mine too, though I don't think the full implications have seeped through just yet.

While I was mulling over the social ramifications of our new situation, I had been missing a great show. Nathans cries had grown louder and louder and his hips flexed and pumped his meat up into the little blonds sucking mouth and his whole body got tighter and tighter until finally, with a howl, he froze with his ass up off of the bed and came into her mouth. I could hear her little squeak as the first salvo hit the back of her throat and then more audible gulps as she swallowed down his come with her mouth still full of his cock.

The next few moments were filled with nothing but the sound of breathing. Nathan alternately held his breath and panted and gasped like he'd just run a marathon. Little inarticulate moans occasionally escaped his lips. I could hear the soft hiss of Sarabeth breathing through her nose while she milked him of every last drop of his come. Finally his body relaxed back onto the mattress and she released him with one last kiss and laid his soft prick back on his belly. I crouched back down and patted Sarabeth on the bottom as she looked up at me and smiled.

"You still with us, Nathan?"


"Yes, Master." I said slowly.

"Ummm... Yes, Master." His eyes were closed and there was a dreamy smile on his lips. I snapped my fingers in front of his face and his eyes opened but were unfocused and rolling around a little. It was obvious that between the shattering orgasm and the drug I had given him he wouldn't be with us for much longer. At least not consciously. I reached up to untie his hands and gestured to Sarabeth to free his ankles.
