Seven Tails: Tail 03


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Gael had insisted on going and Sarabeth helped her get cleaned up and dressed. She wore a thin sundress in emerald green with black and white tribal designs. The front of the dress scooped down to show the mounds of her small breasts and the skirt was just short enough to show off her legs. If she had been standing up it would have given fine definition to her pert round little bottom as well. But I made her promise to stay sitting down the entire time.

And of course all of my pets wore their 'formal' collars. They were thinner and dressier with my sigil in silver metal letters on the front.

I was initially going to put Nathan and Sarabeth in charge of Gael but Daniel stepped up and volunteered. He doffed his hat and bowed low and said "Miss Gael ma'am, I'd be proud if you would be my date for the evening." She dimpled and reached up and took his arm and announced "The pleasure will be all mine, Mister Daniel, sir!"

Nathan still had the cell phone to contact me and I made sure he had it on his person and the battery was charged. I told them all to behave and have fun and to call me immediately if anything went wrong or if Gael got too tired. I slipped one of her pain pills in Daniels pocket and told him to give it to her if she started hurting again.

The last thing before they left I had them all gather around Gael in the wheelchair and I snapped half a dozen pictures of them in their formal clothes. At least one of those pics would make it to my wall with the others from this years event.

My stomach was reminding me that I hadn't eaten since breakfast as I headed towards the owners dining room. The stress of the day was catching up with me and I was ravenously hungry. I ordered the biggest steak they had on the menu with a baked potato and a salad and coffee. I wanted a drink to calm my nerves but I knew having one on an empty stomach wasn't a good idea. Maybe a brandy for afterward...

I was just chasing down the last bits of my steak when a polite noise at my elbow caught my attention.

"Do you mind if I join you for a moment, my friend?"

"Certainly not, Sergei. Please have a seat." Taking one look at the expression on his face I asked "Is everything okay?"

Sergei looked a little embarrassed and uncomfortable, which didn't fit his features well at all.

"I'm afraid..." he said hesitantly "That some things have changed which will alter our plans, my friend. There have been some... developments." He sat a moment in silence, as if afraid to elaborate.

"Just tell me, Sergei. You know you can trust me. Anything you say will be held in the strictest confidence."

"I am aware of that, Max." He nodded gratefully. "It seems that confidence has become an issue."

A waiter appeared at Sergei's elbow bearing a cup of tea and a small glass of vodka. He took them and tossed down the vodka, washing it down with a gulp of the tea before raising his finger to the waiter for another.

"It appears that someone on my staff has talked. Katherine has disappeared. She may have learned of our plans or it may just be coincidental. My sources tell me that she boarded a plane bound for Rio late last night in the company of one of the late Lord IX's former employees. They cleaned out the safe in my office of all of the ready cash and are on the run."

I had a pretty good idea who that former employee was.

"There was only a hundred thousand or so in cash." he continued. "And even as we speak, her credit cards are being canceled. I have dispatched a few good men down there to keep an eye on them." He almost smiled a little out of the corner of his mouth. "I know her.. habits. And her ways. The cash will not last them too long. And once that presumptuous young man leaves her side for whatever reason..." He paused again and a cold smile spread across his lips. "I'm afraid he won't be a problem for anybody after that. Making off with things that belong to me is not such a good idea."

"And Katherine?"

He shrugged. "I have decided to let her go her own way, after a fashion. I have some... contacts down there. I suspect that she will find that entering the country is quite a bit easier than leaving it." He looked at me and said "So I guess our business is concluded, Max. It seems that the problem has fixed itself."

I almost cheered, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings. As soon as I had mentioned my solution to the problem with his daughter I had been regretting opening my mouth. There had been many mixed feelings about the whole thing. While I had taken ponies who were unwilling, I had never before taken one that I did not like or desire in any way. She was going to be a major pain in the ass and take up a lot of my valuable training and relaxation time. On the other hand, I did love a challenge and thinking up creative ways to break her down kept my mind occupied.

And I'd already spent quite a bit of money on new bondage gear that I had planned on using on her. But hey, I still had my other pets and they did enjoy new diversions now and then.

And speaking of money...

I started to reach into my inner pocket for the envelope he had given me earlier in the week and realized it was laying on the table back in my suite.

"I will, of course, return..." He waved a hand.

"Do not worry about it, Max. Consider it a gift that will fit in your garage. Besides," he added. "It now seems that there is one other little problem that you may be able to help me with, after all."

"And what is that, Sergei?"

He waved a hand and two of his men crossed the room with a small girl in between them. At a gesture, the men left the girl standing a few feet away from our table and exited the room. She was small and pretty with a mass of curly brown hair that cascaded halfway down her back and the same shade of olive skin that Nathan had. She wore thin cotton pants, almost like pajamas and a fairly snug t-shirt that showed off her smallish but firm braless breasts. She briefly raised her head and I saw large beautiful brown doe eyes.

I was immediately smitten. She was, in a word, hot.

The girl stood uncertainly with her toes turned in and her hands clutched in front of her, those large brown eyes on the floor. Sergei made another gesture and she knelt on the floor with a grateful sigh, hands on her thighs, knees slightly spread and her head tipped down. A perfectly posed maneuver.

"This is Wendy. She came to me last night. You see, I too am the recipient of a bequest from our late friend IX. While she was initially being raised to be a trainer or Mistress, it was discovered that she was be successful in either of those roles. She was given a choice to opt out of the life or be owned. This is what she chose."

Sergei looked down at the kneeling girl. She sat perfectly still, content to accepting whatever happened.

"I find that my time will be a bit short right now and I will not have the opportunity to train her properly. I would be much obliged to you, Max, if you would take over her training."

I wanted to blurt out immediately that I would be happy to take her. Hell, I wanted to push her over and take her right there on the restaurant floor. I knew better than that, of course. It would have been considered distasteful. And, as I said, I wasn't really into public displays anyway. Such things were very private for me.

If I took her, she would be my final acquisition. My last pony. True, she was extremely attractive. She looked to be in good physical shape and I'm sure she would look fetching in the harness. And this would give me even numbers of both sexes.

While I was pondering, Sergei said "Wendy, girl."

She raised her head and turned those pretty brown eyes on him.

"Yes, my Lord?"

"This is Master Max, Wendy." he said, waving a hand in my direction. "I am considering giving you to him to train. Max is a famous trainer of champion ponies and I have every confidence that he will make you a star. Would you like to be owned by a champion trainer?"

She nodded, her eyes flicked towards me. "I would like that very much, my Lord."

"You want to be a ponygirl, Wendy?" I asked.

"Yes, Master Max."


Her eyes went down to the floor again. "I have been around ponies all of my life. I was born in Lord IX's house and when I wasn't in school, I was there. Lord IX loved his ponies very much. He worked hard to take care of them and train them and protect them and make them happy."

"Lord IX wanted me to grow up and be a trainer, but I... I wasn't strong enough. I don't have the...forceful personality to be a trainer. I realized in my heart that I wanted to be a pony. I wanted the warm feeling of being a pony. Of being owned and cared for and loved. The freedom of giving myself to my Lord and being his. I... I wanted to be Lord IX's pony. He would have treasured me and cared for me. But..."

She spread her hands and dropped her head again.

"Now that my grandfather is dead I don't know what will happen to me."

My eyebrows shot up to my forehead. "Grandfather?"

"Wendy is Lord IX's youngest grand daughter."

"Her parents?"

"His youngest daughter Zenia and one of her stock. Apparently even she doesn't know which one for sure. She chose several of them for their beauty and bred with all of them. Each of IX's children was required to pay him a tribute of great price once in their lifetime in order to be eligible for their inheritance. Eighteen years ago Zenia chose to give him her first born child."



"Don't you want to be with your mother, child?"

She shook her head. "No, Master Max. My mother gave me to my Lord when I was born. She has her own house to manage and is only interested in male slaves. She would have no use for me as a daughter or as a pony."

It was my turn to shake my head. There were times when I thought that this weird little world I inhabited was too strange to exist. Then I almost had to laugh at myself. The man who kidnaps and enslaves innocents for his own twisted sexual fantasies making judgments on others!

"Look at me, girl." She raised those perfect doe eyes up and looked at me.

"If I take you, it will be for life. Do you understand that?"

"Yes, Master Max."

"You will live in a cage with my other pets. You will be naked most of the time. Otherwise you will wear only a pony harness and a tail and collar. You will obey me at all times or you will be punished. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master Max."

"You will train hard to be a pony with my other pets. You will help clean my house and grounds and help prepare my meals." I paused for a second then said "I will also require you to give your body to me willingly, Wendy. Both to me and my other pets, both men and women, at my direction. No part of your body will be spared my attention, Wendy. Do you completely understand that? Will you give your body to me willingly as your Master?"

For the first time I saw a slight flush spread across her cheeks. Her eyes went back to the floor and a slight tremor swept through her frame.

"I..." she stammered slightly. "I have never...done that...with a man...or anybody, Master Max." She looked up at me again, her eyes wide.

A virgin? Really.

"But..." she continued "If you were my Master, I would do as you ordered me to, of course. I would be yours, Master Max, to do with as you wished." She blushed again and her eyes went back to the floor.

"Will you swear to obey me at all times and in all things, girl? Will you give yourself to me and be my pony?"

"Yes, Master Max. I swear. I will!"

Sergei rose and said "I guess that settles that, then. Thank you for your assistance once again, Max. I will leave you two to settle your details between you then."

He paused and patted the girl lightly on her head and said "I leave you in good hands, Wendy. Max is a good man. He will take good care of you. Behave yourself, girl."

"Thank you, Lord Krazny. I will make Grandfather proud."

He patted her again and stalked from the room.

I sat, somewhat in a daze. It had been an eventful and traumatic week. Belatedly, I realized that I should have asked Sergei if we were still getting a ride home.

I stared down at the pretty little brunette kneeling at my feet. And I thought about the envelope laying on the table in my suite. The verification of a wire transfer to my account in the Cayman Islands.

Twenty five million dollars.

The price of a daughter.

The price of a favor between friends.

I guess that would fit in my garage.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
OMG this is easily one of the best stories I have ever read on this site

Please keep on writing, I am enraptured with your imagination and the style of writing.

JustrexJustrexabout 9 years agoAuthor
~Bows Deeply~

And to the latest Anon, thank you for your thoughtful comments.

As some here already know, this particular tale was the very first pony story I ever wrote. When I began writing it I knew nothing at all about pony play. Of course some say I still don't but hey... It's my story. When I first published it, the story was so popular I was asked to write sequels and back stories and it turned into seven tales. There are four more chapters after this which I will post as soon as I can.

Max has often been referred to as a "loving psychopath" and that description of him helped shape his character. He's been true to form ever since.

So... except for some small edits to clear up some errors and details, these stories are going back up just the way I wrote them.

I do hope you continue reading and continue enjoying my little foray into the pony world.

I certainly did.


mrsmillwoodmrsmillwoodabout 9 years ago
Creative and believable story

I have only read three pages, but I have enjoyed what I have read. You have obviously thought this story through with a great deal of detail, making it believable. You describe the scenes well without being redundant or slow.

What I like about it so much is that it is plausible. Something like this could actually happen, which for me, makes the story much more enjoyable.

The grammar isn't perfect, but is certainly good enough to still be enjoyable. I look forward to finishing the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I'll start with your writing style: Thank heavens you can write darlin'. There are a lot of stories on here which are simply smut. Yours actually follow a thoughtout plot, you introduce some problems and resolutions, and you are good at keeping your characters true to their personalities.

That said... This is the first time I have read anything really about ponyplay in the bondage world, although I do know from experience some of the "standard". I was concerned with the first story that you had confused the master mindset of bondage with the absolute master of noncom/reluct.... until I finished reading it. You make a very, very important distinction in your stories: The Master/better always has his lesser's needs and wants in mind. He/she cares for them above all else. Your second installment pushed the edges, but ultimately came to the same place.

I think that is one of the reasons I found your stories so interesting. Your main character walks a very thin line between a Narcissist sociopath and proud Master. The Narcissist sociopath in him is what compels him to take "what he wants when he wants it" and requires he be served absolutely even if he must cajole his way to get there. But the Master in him really is adverse to hurting his stock and genuinely desires to see them happy. My reading swapped from pleasurable (of which some of your scenes had me blushing) to that of an analytic at times.

I believe someone else made the request for you to keep going. Please do. I like the length because you use it to further your plot. That said, do watch out for redundancy. Similarity of situation is good, but I felt like some was almost an exact copy without much development value.... but eh, every author's a little different.

Simply put, Well done darlin.

JustrexJustrexabout 9 years agoAuthor
Thank you!

Anon 1: Thanks for the compliments and the recommendation. This was actually the first story I wrote ages ago and then had to go back and write the first two back stories.

Anon 2: Go back to reading comic books or your Pokemon cards, kid.

Anon 3: And thank you, too. Max was really dreading making his deal with Sergei. I was glad i found a way to keep Katharine out of his stables. Sometimes I don't know where the story is going to go until we get there.


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