Seven Tails: Tail 04


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And that pretty much took care of that for the moment. She had never been naked that much in IX's house. And never in front of his stock or servants except for the maids that had been assigned to her. She was just going to have to get used to it and that was that.

As we walked into the house I paused and said "There's one thing I might need your help with, Gael. Before we move on to other things, that is."

"Certainly, Master. What can I do?"

I smiled lightly. "Well, I have some stuff here that got delivered just the other day and I wonder if you might know someone who would be interested in having it. It's nothing I can use. Probably just junk, but you might know what to do with it." With that I opened the door to the sun room, ushering the girls inside. Gael had walked into the room looking like she was going to help me dispose of some old junk and be done with it. She took two steps into the room and just froze, her eyes wide and her jaw dropping open in shock at the sight of the easel and canvases and paints that I had set up. She said "Oh..." in a small voice then walked slowly forward and ran her fingers lightly over the easel and the wooden box holding the paints and brushes. We followed her into the room, standing well back to let her enjoy the moment. Sarabeth came up behind me and slipped her arm under mine, pressing her warm soft breasts into my back and arm and she laid a soft kiss on my shoulder.

Gael had been silent after that first small exclamation. I couldn't see her face at all. I was hoping she was smiling. Then I saw the muscles in her back shudder like a small convulsion. And another. Concerned, I started to step forward and she turned around and we could all see her face was wet with tears streaming down her cheeks and threatening to drip off of her chin. She took one lurching step forwards towards me and threw herself in my arms. I caught her and held her just in time as her crutches hit the floor with a clatter. Gael buried her face in my chest and started sobbing uncontrollably, her hands clutching my back.

Oh hell, now what? Wendy looked alarmed and covered her mouth with one hand. Sarabeth moved in and started patting the sobbing Gael on the back. Gael suddenly unwrapped her arms then threw them up around my neck, cracking me a good one on my shins with her cast. She hugged me so tight I could hardly breathe and the pain in my leg almost took us both to the floor. She started peppering my cheek with kisses and wiping her tear stained face all over me getting me damp saying "You are... the most...wonderful... thoughtful... dear Master..." then she burst into tears again.

I was going to need a band aid and a dry shirt by the time we were through.

It took awhile for Gael to calm down enough to let me know for sure that she was happy with what I had bought for her. Sometimes you just never knew with women. She started in right away wanting to bring over her sketch pad and have the others posing for her. I told her that we had an outing planned in a little while but I was willing to leave her here with her new toys if she wished but that she would miss dinner and a ride in the country. I had to promise her that she would have plenty of time to paint while we waited for her leg to heal. Reluctantly, she agreed to leave the studio and come with us. Wendy handed her back her crutches and we all went into the kitchen. On the way there Sarabeth hugged my arm and whispered "That was a nice thing you did, Master. A very nice thing."

I set the girls to preparing food and packing supplies into our big plastic coolers. There being seven of us now meant bigger meals and more work, but it was all good. Since it was a warm day I opted for cold foods. Potato salad, sliced cheeses and lunch meats. Crackers, grapes and apple slices. One soda each, several bottles of water and a small thermos of coffee for me. While they worked they all chattered about Gaels present and how they would like to pose for her. Even Wendy, who was so shy about her luscious little body, agreed to do figure studies. I smiled. Progress!

Since there was not yet an intercom in Nathans new shop and I didn't feel like shouting into the stables, I left the girls to finish packing up and walked over there. I found Nathan busy with a notepad and a cloth measuring tape, taking measurements of both of the other boys and jotting down the numbers as he went. He looked like his mind was swimming with ideas. And other things. He was taking a measurement around Davids upper thigh and the boy had a pretty firm erection going on. I could see his eyes going back and forth between the numbers and that hard member right in front of his face. I suspect that I had gotten there just in time.

I clapped my hands loudly for their attention and they all jumped and whirled around then went to their knees on the hard wooden floor. All three of them went a little pink.

"It looks like we are having a good time here. Just as long..." I said slowly "As we remember our boundaries and respect all of the rules. This activity is a privilege, remember. Something that can be lost just as easily as it was gained."

Nathan looked up at me and said "It was my fault, Master. I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"See that it doesn't, Nathan. Not without my permission, anyway." I clapped my hands again. "Now it's time to put our toys away for the time being. We have things to do. Get number three cleaned up and pulled in front of the house. Top down, ready to go. Then back here and into your sulky harnesses. Nathan, parade harness. Daniel and David, plain sulky. Hmmm... tails for those who have them, of course. Your choice on which. No bells. Bitless bridles. Running shoes. Hmmm..." I did some quick math in my head. The sedan was only set up to hold four in the traces and the big carriage wasn't set up at all yet. We would have to remedy that soon. Maybe a longer shaft on the sedan? That was workable but not right now. I pointed at David. "You bring along the eight foot lead from the corral locker. Set it in my seat then go to the other side and help Gael up into her seat when she gets there. Make sure her crutches get strapped firmly across the trunk. If we lose them along the way I'll paddle you before you get to eat dinner." He turned a dark pink again and said "Yes, Master!"

I took some work and a bit of running back and forth before we got everybody dressed and the carriage ready. But it was all worth it in the end. I had Nathan and Sarabeth in parade harnesses with patent leather and ostrich plumes in the front. Daniel and Wendy behind them. Gael sat next to me in a light training harness which was the next best thing to being totally naked, sitting tall and erect in the seat to keep from driving her tail farther up inside of her. I'm sure the bouncing of the carriage was going to be entertaining. David stood along my side of the carriage at the end of the lead rope which was tied loosely to the door handle in case he stumbled. He looked a little dejected at not being in the team. I told him that he would switch places with Wendy on the trip back home and he seemed to brighten up a little.

We had a favorite picnic spot that was about a mile down a long and winding path across my property. It was a dirt road but I kept it well graded and clear of large rocks and made sure to cover any washouts from the rainy season. And I had laid it out to purposefully wind around as much as possible to make the trip almost three times as long as a straight route would have been. As with so many pleasurable activities, getting there was half the fun. Gael snuggled herself under my arm with one hand on the inside of my thigh. I held her with one arm over her shoulder cupping a small soft breast in my palm and the reins loosely in the other. I was lost in the bliss of Gaels soft touch on my leg and the view of four mostly naked ponies in front of me and one trotting alongside. The smoothly working muscles and the jiggling bottoms and swishing tails and the jingle of the harnesses were like a drug to me. If this were some ancient epic or morality story we would disappear into the woods and ride through them for eternity, like the Flying Dutchman. And me with a happy smile on my face forever.

We went at an easy jog, just taking our time getting there. But all good things must come to an end eventually and my pets pulled up under the huge willow tree alongside the stream and slowed to a stop. My two newest were puffing a bit, but they would get there. Just had to work on their stamina a little. I unclipped the lead from Davids bridle and told him to get Gaels crutches and help her down. I helped the others get unhooked from the traces and had everybody remove their bridles for the time being.

Nathan grabbed Daniel and Sarabeth took Wendy in tow and they fell to unpacking the trunk of the carriage. The girls spread two big soft blankets out under the shade of the tree and the boys hauled out the coolers and set them down nearby. Gael and I reclined on one blanket while the others wandered around a little bit to unwind their muscles and cool off from the jog. While I leaned up against the trunk of the tree, Gael curled herself up under my arm and laid her hand back on my thigh again, stroking softly.

"Is there any way," she said, her eyes wide and trying hard to look innocent "That I can say thank you, Master?"

I wasn't fooled, of course. With Gael she always had ulterior motives. But then I was more than willing to get as much mileage out of her gratitude as I could. Let's see... she felt indebted to me after I drugged and kidnapped her and tortured her and made her a fetish object and basically a sexual slave? And got her leg broken to boot? Oh hell yes. I was running with that. Besides, watching my pets in harness pulling a cart in front of me always got me a little wound up. My prick had been hard while I was inspecting the harness connections even before we had left the house.

I took her hand and laid it atop my hard prick as it tented up the front of my pants. She cooed and her soft hand started stroking me through the fabric of my jeans.

"There is something," I said as I felt my zipper sliding down. "That you can help me with this evening, if you don't mind too much." My pants came open and my hard prick sprung up, greedy and pointing at the sky. Gael turned her body and laid facing me, one arm across my hips and the other in my lap with her soft hand gripping the shaft of my prick. Without much more than a few soft licks, she opened her lips and took me inside her mouth. I groaned softly and stroked her soft hair as her head bobbed in my lap.

"It seems that young David is in need of a lesson in behaving himself and self control. And I'm sure Wendy could use a demonstration to her benefit as well. We could kill two birds with one stone. I thought that you wouldn't mind being part of that lesson." I looked down at the back of her bobbing head and said "You wouldn't mind a little instructive play time in front of an audience, would you my dear? Maybe you and Sarabeth together?"

"Hmmm-Mmmm!" she hummed around the mouthful of my cock. I reached down and undid the buckle of her crotch strap. She turned her hips and parted her thighs receptively as I pulled the strap out of the way and put my hand between her legs. She was soaking wet and one finger slid up inside of her easily and she moaned around my prick again. I put two fingers up against the base of the tail sticking out of her butt and moved it in and out a little as my finger dipped deep into her pussy and the heel of my hand rubbed against her clit, making her moan and squirm. It didn't take too long before her thighs tightened around my hand as she came for the first time. Her little hand tightened down on the shaft of my prick so hard I thought the tip might pop off.

I was so intent and focused on the sensations and the sight of her head bobbing up and down that I hadn't noticed that my other pets had returned and were standing around the spread blankets watching. Sarabeth and Nathan and Daniel were rapt and smiling. David and Wendy stood a little back hesitantly, yet unable to look away. Even though it was a beautiful clear spring day and the air was wafting with the scents of trees and grass and fresh water and clear air, the musky smell of sexual excitation was so thick there under the tree you couldn't cut your way through it with an axe.

I untangled my hand from Gaels hair and waved it at the blankets. "Do sit down, ladies and gentlemen. Please. Relax. Let's unpack our lunch and enjoy ourselves." I glanced down at Gael as she worked busily. Her hips were starting to churn again as she worked her way up towards another orgasm. I patted her head. "She'll be full in a minute, but I'm sure she'll be hungry again real soon." There were a few chuckles.

The little redhead came three times against my hand before I succumbed to her soft sucking mouth and jetted my seed down her throat with a sigh. By then our lunch was unpacked and things handed around to everyone. Sarabeth leaned in and kissed Gael as she sat up and handed her a cold can of soda. Gael downed half the can in one long pull as the flush slowly left her cheeks and she sat still, panting just a little. Wendy and David had been unable to tear their eyes away from the sight and both of them were deeply flushed and sweating just a little at the end. The drugs racing around wreaking havoc with their hormones were doing most of my work for me.

By Tuesday evening both of them would be ready to pop. Excellent. I would have two more willing horny little ponies to share my bed with.

Of course they were both so wound up right now I could have taken them both right there on the blankets in front of the others. But rules were rules, even if they were my own.

We had a light leisurely meal out under the tree and afterward Nathan brought out a frisbee and several of them played and ran and laughed while Gael and I stayed put in the shade, watching and smiling at my pets at play.

At one point I was watching them play and an odd thought struck me and I chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Gael asked.

"Three more."

"Three more what?"

"If I had three more ponies we could field a softball team."

We both laughed long and hard at the mental picture of ponies in harnesses and tails playing softball. What a sight that would be!

It was a good afternoon diversion and they all grumbled and complained bitterly when I told them it was time to go back home.

But if I hadn't made them stop, David and Wendy (not to mention the rest of them) would have been too worn out for the trot back home again. And I wanted those two especially rested for later. I had plans.

While the others napped, I leashed Daniel and took him back to the house for some play time. One of the other toys I had bought was a small frame with a pair of metal stocks and shackles for the ankles that would hold somebody firmly in place bent over on their knees. I added a soft leather blindfold to add to the experience. He never saw the device until afterward. And by then he was barely conscious. I teased him unmercifully with my hands and my tongue and my cock. I put weighted clips on his nipples which made him gasp and squirm and stroked him with a small vibrator until he was at the bursting point and then backed off again. I knelt with the head of my prick against his lips and made him beg me to suck my cock and gave him a swat with the crop every time he let it slip out of his mouth.

By the time I knelt behind him and slid my prick up his tight little ass, he was tightly wrapped and came before I was even all the way up inside of him. I paused while he panted through his orgasm then proceeded to fuck him long and hard. He came again while I was fucking him and once more, weakly, when my prick finally slipped back out of his ass.

When I put him back in his cage after our shower he rolled into the blankets and fell fast asleep. I don't know if he awoke to eat dinner or not and he didn't stir when I came to get David and the girls. On the way out I stopped at Nathans cage and kissed him through the bars and squeezed his fine prick until he was nice and hard. Then I released him as he moaned and told him that Sarabeth would be needing him later.

He moaned again in unspent lust as we walked out of the stables.


A little while later I was enjoying the last of my new toys immensely. It was an elegantly crafted wooden cage that was really only meant for one but was deliciously snug for two. David and Wendy stood upright in the cage facing each other with their hands cuffed behind each others backs. Her soft firm breasts were pressed into his chest and his hard cock was pressing into her belly. I told them in no uncertain terms that neither one of them would be sitting down any time soon if either one of them came from them rubbing together. That position made the cheeks of their butts poke out from between the smooth wooden bars and left them freely available for a pat or a light smack or a squeeze at any time. To top off the whole experience they both had their mouths filled with ball gags. That was another thing they were just going to have to get used to. I had an active dislike for unfilled orifices.

Gael was tied face up on the bed and Sarabeth was busily teasing her to distraction. I told them I didn't want her to come until I was ready and Sarabeth was a champion at that as well. She used her fingers and her lips and her tongue on Gaels prostrate body like a surgeon, bringing her to the edge time and time again only to back away at the very last moment.

The cage holding the other two was on wheels and it had been rolled right up to the edge of the bed so they could watch up close while Sarabeth worked her magic. The girls had been going at it for the best part of an hour and all four of them were bathed in sweat. I lazed in my chair and watched and smiled.

Gael had begged me several times to let her come but I wasn't ready yet and neither was she. Neither were the two in the cage. Like a master chef, I was waiting for just the right moment to turn the meat before it was done.

Then finally: "Please, Master! Oh god, please let me come! I can't stand it!"

I held up a hand to Sarabeth and she knelt up on the bed next to the gasping girl and sat back on her haunches as I came up and leaned down over Gaels body and looked her in the eyes. Her face was wet with perspiration and tears of frustration.

"Please, Master..." she whimpered.

"Do you want to come, my little flame?"

"Oh god yes please, Master!"

"And what will you do for it?"

"Anything! I'll do anything!"

"Anything, Gael? Any price?"

"Anything, Master! Any price, any task. Just tell me and I'll do it!"

I leaned back a little, as if considering while she writhed against her bonds and whimpered in her need. Then I held up my hand and spread my fingers.

"Five. With the tawse." Her eyes went wide and I saw her ass cheeks tighten up beneath her body. "Yes! Ten! Anything!"

I curled up my hand until only one finger was raised. "Only five. One other condition."


I pointed at he two bound together in the cage. "Them too. They must also willingly pay your price." She moaned aloud and said "Oh god, please." then turned her tear stained face towards the cage. "Please!" she wailed. "It's only five with the tawse! Please! I'll make it up to you, I swear! I'll do anything you want! Please let me come!" Her hands were tight around the ropes that held her wrists and she was getting herself so worked up I was going to have to bring this to a close soon anyway. I didn't want her injuring herself accidentally.

David and Wendy looked at each other wordlessly for only a brief moment then looked at me and nodded. I smiled. I motioned for Sarabeth to untie Gaels hands and said "Over the end of the bed then, my love." Gael slid down the mattress and laid her face down pillowed in her arms over the foot of the bed, her bottom sticking up in the air and quivering with anticipation. I opened the cage and uncuffed David and Wendy from each other then removed their ball gags. I let them work their jaws and swallow a bit of water from my cup before I cuffed their hands back behind them and gestured towards Gael. Eyes wide, they both went and bent over the end of the bed on either side of her. Three delightfully tense bottoms stuck out, awaiting their punishment.
