Seven Tails: Tail 06


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"Does that sound like such a horrible thing, Ash?"

"No Master. It sounds lovely. I've.... I've been a fool, Master. Can you ever forgive me?"

"Don't worry about it, love." I held her chin and leaned down and kissed her, then put a finger against her nose. "Keep your spirit, Ash. Keep your freedom in your heart. Fight to be a better pony. Fight for the number one spot, always. Fight to be the best." Her hand came up and wrapped around my finger and she brought it to her lips and kissed it softly.

"I'll try, Master." Then a little of her confidence returned and she smiled and said "I'll be the best pony they have ever seen!"

Chuckling, I said "Of that I have no doubt, love. Sarabeth? Would you take Ash back to her cage so she can sleep?"

"Of course, Master."

As the girls rose, Ash slipped her hand into Sarabeths and turned back to me.

"Master? Can Sarabeth stay with me tonight?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not so sure that is a good idea, girl." She looked stricken.

"Please please, Master? I promise I will be good."

"Under certain conditions then, Sarabeth knows my rules with new ponies and will follow them to the letter. No sexual touching of any kind. And you are not allowed to touch yourself either, Ash. I will be watching and I won't be gentle with you if you break my rules. Or..." I added "If you try to make one of my other ponies to break the rules either."

"Is that clearly understood, girl?"

"Yes, Master! I promise I'll be good!"

"Then goodnight, girls. Sleep well and behave yourselves."

"We will, Master!" They chorused.

There was a small cough in the hallway after the girls left. It seems that none of my ponies were respecting Masters privacy this evening.

"Nathan. Bring Gael with you and wait for me, boy. I will send the others off to bed."

"Of course, my Master."


The two girls lay curled up together in Sarabeths bed under the blanket. It felt funny to Ash, being in bed with another woman. But Sarabeth was so warm and caring and sweet and she made the younger pony feel protected and safe in this new strange place. And the skin of those strong smooth thighs felt really good pressed against Ash's still smarting bottom. The touch felt like a mild electric tingle against her skin and she had to fight to keep from wiggling back into the smaller woman's body.


"Yes, Ash?" Sarabeth was leaning up on one elbow, slowly stroking the younger girls temple with her fingertips trying to get her to relax and sleep.

"Do you love him? Master, I mean?" The blonde chuckled lightly and kissed that dark hair on the back of her head.

"Of course I knew who you meant, silly girl. And yes, I do love him. With all of my heart. I would do anything for Master Max. I've loved him since the first day he took me."

"I....." Ash paused and sighed. "I don't know.... How I feel, really."

Sarabeth leaned over and kissed her on the temple.

"Of course you don't, young lady. It's only your second day here and you slept through all of the first. And I'm afraid Master made kind of a bad impression on you today. He is not a cruel man, by nature. Not that he doesn't hesitate to punish one of us for our mistakes, mind you. That should be... painfully obvious by now."

"Oh yes." The younger girl said, rubbing her bottom softly. "He made that crystal clear." Her hand slipped between their bodies to rub her pink skin and it brushed against the blondes thighs. Ash could feel that same electric tingle go all the way down into her belly. She only meant to ease her own discomfort, but she realized after a moment that her hand was slipping along Sarabeths thighs instead. Her skin felt so soft and smooth, but Ash could feel the power of her muscles underneath. So lost was she in marveling at the touch that she never even realized when her fingers tickled through that neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair and up onto her lower belly.

Sarabeth let the touch go on for just a moment longer, then reached down between their bodies and captured the girls wrist and pulled it around and up between Ash's firm breasts. Using that grip, she pulled the younger girl tighter into her body, holding her as still as she could.

"I know well what you are feeling, Ash. I can feel your body responding." She whispered, as she felt the girl get just a little bit warmer at her touch. "And believe that I want it, too. But Master has forbidden this." She leaned in and kissed the girls bare shoulder, tasting the slight hint of salt in her sweat, then leaned her chin on the girls shoulder and said "I won't risk Masters anger twice in one day. And neither should you."

"Besides, you promised Master that you would be good."

The girls body shuddered, slightly. Once. Then again. Her hand closed tightly on the blondes and Sarabeth realized that she was crying.


"Oh Sarabeth...... I'm.....s-so confused.... I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to...."

"Hush, girl." Sarabeth pulled her in closer.

"I'm so sorry.... I've never...touched anybody like that...."

"It's all right, Ash. I understand. Hush now..."

"I mean.... I never even touched myself like that.... Until Master Max told me to..."

"Really? Well, let me tell you, Ash. When Master lets you play, you are in for a grand awakening. There's a whole world of things he can teach you, if you let him."

"And all the rest of us will help you, Ash. Daniel and David and Gael and Nathan and Wendy. All of us."

The younger girl gulped. "A-all of you?" She felt her belly and thighs twitch when she thought of Daniel lying there next to her. Another one of those electric tingles.

Sarabeth smiled. "Every single one of us, little pony. Over and over again for the rest of your life."

"" Ash shivered at the thought.

"But for now...." Sarabeth pushed the girl gently over onto her belly and put her hands on her back, kneading gently.

"Lets get you some sleep, girl."


I rolled away from the video screen with a smile on my lips. My trust in my little blonde pony girl was never misplaced. She would never have let things get out of hand.

I wasn't watching because I worried about that, even for a second. I was watching to share, even vicariously, a sweet and tender moment between two of my ponies.

Ash would learn that punishment and orders came from Master and that tenderness and mercy came from her fellow ponies. After a very short while it would seem like any boon that I granted her was a precious gift.

I was such a bastard.

A soft muffled moan broke through my reverie and I looked over where Nathan and Gael lay together on the bed on their sides. I'd bound their hands behind their backs and told them that they were only allowed to use their mouths on each other. Then as they smiled at each other I dropped the bombshell.

"If one of you can't bring the other to orgasm with just your mouth, then you just get to stand in the corner and watch while we play."

Of course knowing their talents and their proclivities, I knew that nobody was going to be standing in the corner this evening. Of all of my stock, Gael and Nathan were the most turned on by even the lightest bondage and when they finally managed to wiggle into a "69" position and bury their heads between each others thighs, it didn't take long at all before first Gael and then Nathan squeaked and groaned into their first orgasm. The little redhead lay with her head on his thigh breathing slowly through her nose with Nathans prick in her mouth like a sleeping baby still nursing on a bottle, sucking slowly. I knew with that talented little mouth it wouldn't be too long before my pony boy was hard again.

And Nathan pillowed his cheek against her pale firm thigh, breathing through his mouth, letting his tongue run slowly from one end of that flame-trimmed pussy to the other while her hips slowly churned at his touch.

Threatening any of my pets with not being allowed to play was such a good motivator. And threatening to make them watch was even better. They all remembered when they first became mine, watching Master with another pony repeatedly and not being allowed to play or play with themselves under threat of dire consequences. That always drove them half crazy with wanting and need.

Young miss Ash would be experiencing that very soon. I was sure it would have a very positive effect on her attitude.

In the meantime, I hadn't gotten to play at all since right before the sun came up and was feeling rather neglected. Those soft little moans and sighs and little wet sucking sounds had me hard and ready. I slid my body up behind Gael and my hard prick laid against the soft smooth skin over her ribs. Those gorgeous green eyes rolled to the side and looked at me. One hand wrapped gently in her red hair and the other one went down between her thighs from behind to grab Nathans hair as he lapped slowly at her pussy.

"Did my pony boy make you come, little flame?" She nodded her head lazily and I saw her cheeks hollow as she sucked on his prick.

"Mmmmm....Hmmmmmmmmm....." The vibration made Nathan shiver.

"And did you make him come too? Did your sexy little mouth make him shoot down your throat?"

"Mmmm-hmm! Mmmm-hmm!" She nodded more enthusiastically, making the boy groan and wiggle and I could very clearly see him getting hard in her mouth again. My fingers caressed the top of Nathans head.

"Does my pony girls mouth make you happy, boy?" He too nodded and placed his mouth full over her pussy and said "Mmmmm...Hmmmmmmmmm....." making the little redhead squeak around her mouthful of his cock.

"That's good, boy. Because her mouth is going to make you come again real soon. But for right now...." I reached down and untie her hands and swatted her on the full bottom. "Get up and stretch, girl. You too, pony boy." I leaned over to untie him and pulled them apart, rolling them in different directions while they groaned in dismay. "Get up and walk around and stretch some. After that you are going to be in the same place for a real long time."

Always obedient to my wishes and orders, they both climbed off of the bed and walked around stretching and getting their blood circulating. Not only did it get them limbered up for what might be a long stretch of bondage but it also gave them a moment to wait and wonder what Master had up his sleeve. Anticipation of something was an excellent tool. Both of them watched my preparations out of the corner of their eyes. Nathan was completely hard and Gael was pink and flushed and her nipples were hard enough to cut glass.

I laid a small pillow on the end of the bed and pulled up a small box-like platform on the floor underneath it. It sat about six inches tall and was just wide enough for someone to stand on with their legs spread. Two skeins of rope lay on the bed where I had left them from earlier. Then I pulled around a small side table and sat it near the end of the bed. On it I sat a wide flat wooden hairbrush, a small leather paddle, the bottle of lube and two slim little vibrators.

Both of my ponies eyed these items with some respect and expectation.

After I thought they were well limbered up, I had Nathan lay on his back with his head on the small pillow. At my direction he raised his knees and crossed his ankles and I bound them together, which left him keeping his knees up and legs spread wide open. I told him to lay his hands at his sides and wait.

A snap of my fingers brought Gael to my side. I grabbed a handful of her bottom and turned her into me for a quick warm kiss them my hand went to the back of her head and firmly but gently wrapped that red hair in my fist, making her gasp just a little and stand taller.

"Are you ready, little pony girl?"

"Y-yes, Master." She quavered.

Still holding her by the hair I marched her up until she stood up on the platform, her little red haired pussy just inches away from the top of Nathans head. His eyes rolled upward hungrily. Releasing my grip on her, I had her spread her legs to the edges of the platform, then wrapped a rope around each ankle and snugged it down to the eyes set into the box, securing her legs. One hand on her hip and one in the center of her back bent her over Nathans body, that snug little slit of hers settling right onto his mouth. I tapped him on the forehead and said "Keep your tongue in your mouth until I tell you, boy. Now, hands around her back."

Nathans long arms wrapped around her waist and I tied them together with a rope cuff, which gave him some range of motion in his wrists.

Looking up, I saw my little pony girls head slowly moving. Leaning over, I could see her slowly sucking on the hard prick that was in her face. I knew she couldn't resist, that's why I put her in that position.

But starting without permission was considered a serious offense in my household. My hand went out and grabbed her hair again, this time rather roughly, and pulled her away from his prick. She gasped and gave a little cry of alarm.

"Did I tell you to start, Gael?"

"N-no, Master! I...I'm sorry! It just.... He was..... Please forgive me, Master!" I stared at her for a long moment until I could see desperation in her eyes and just a little bit of panic.

"Wood or leather, dear."

"What? Ummm....ummm... Wood!" I smiled. She knew what I preferred anyway.

"Ten or twenty?"

"Ummm... Ten, Sir?"

"I don't think so. Try again." She shivered and peeked over her shoulder at me.

"T-twenty, Master?" I smiled.

"Good girl." She made a faint inarticulate sound and I saw her ass cheeks tighten up in anticipation.

"One more thing, pony girl. If you put that back in your mouth without permission again I will whip you all the way down your thighs and sent you back to your cage alone. Do you understand that completely?" She looked at me with desperation in her eyes.

"No! I mean yes! I mean... please, Master! I promise I'll be good! Please don't send me away! Please!" I smiled and patted her on the hip then looked down at Nathan waiting patiently between her thighs.

"Comfy, boy?" He nodded slowly and his eyes crinkled up around the edges when he smiled. I curled my fingers in his dark hair and caressed him. "Slow and soft, boy. Just the tip, understand?" He nodded again and his mouth started moving slowly against her pussy. Gael groaned and I saw her hips swirl at his touch.

One hand went to the small of her back as I picked up the wooden hairbrush. She was watching me and made a little mewling sound and I saw her bottom tighten up again. I laid the brush in the center of her ass cheek and said "Count the first ten, little flame."

Her whole body trembled and she lowered her head and said "Yes, Master." in a very small voice. Nathans eyes were wide between her thighs and he watched everything he could see from down there. I knew without even looking that his prick was rock hard right now.

Only giving her the briefest second to prepare, I lifted the brush and brought it down with a hard swat right in the center of her cheek. She jumped and squeaked and said "Ooooooo! One, Master!"

I moved to the center of the other cheek and once again just gave her the smallest hint that it was coming before the wood laid on her ass with another hard smack.

"Aaah! Oooo.... Two, Master!" Back to the first side, just a little off center and another hard smack.

"Ow! Oooooohhhhhhh.... Three, Master!"

Back and forth I went, covering her fine little bottom a few square inches at a time until we got to the final two of the first set. With her counting every single stroke. Nathan still slowly tongued her from underneath and I could see that he was squirming almost as much as she was. My pony boy was a firm aficionado of corporal punishment and the mere thought of it always got him rock hard. I don't think he had ever been this close to watching someone else getting their bottom painted and it was really turning him on.

I laid the brush up against the curve of her ass cheek right above where it met her thigh. The one place that I had purposefully avoided up to this point. I heard a very small whisper "no no no no....." before I brought it up and laid the wood to her skin sharply. Gael almost screamed but bit it off and went up on her tip toes as much as the ropes would allow and when she came down again her body shook so hard I was pretty sure that she had come.

When I placed it on the curve of the opposite cheek she gasped and whispered "wait... I'm not... oh..... Please..."

But I didn't wait. Instead I marked her for the tenth time and this time there was no doubt in my mind that she came. Gael let her body collapse on top of Nathan and she shook and shivered hard repeatedly, face bright red and her mouth open as she gasped and panted.

This time I decided to give her a moment and let her catch her breath. I could be generous like that at times.

"We'll just leave this here for a moment, in case we need it later." I laid the hairbrush across her back right above the crack of her ass and laid my hand up between her shoulder blades, feeling her ribs moving under my touch. I stroked her skin gently, watching goose bumps appear on her skin.

"Was it that good, little flame?" She gulped and panted and softly replied "Y-yes, Master."

"And was ten enough?" She squirmed and rolled her eyes at me, almost imploringly and nodded jerkily.

"Y-yes, Master. B-but you s-said t-twenty." I smiled and patted her back. There was a small movement down by my hip and I glanced down. When I leaned closer my prick ended up lying against her thigh, right above Nathans face. He eyed it hungrily.

"Are you still hard, Nathan?" He nodded. I knew he would be.

Leaning to the side, I put one hand on Gaels burning bottom and reached around and grabbed hold of my pony boys hard prick. Both of them moaned and squirmed.

"Let's use those last ten as a bargaining point, little pony. I'll make you a deal. Do you think you can make Nathan come in less than five minutes?" She nodded against his belly, a small twinkle in her eyes.

"Mmmm.... I could do it in three, Sir." Nathan made a little indignant sound from below.

"So? Well it's time to put your bottom where your mouth is, little flame. If you can make him come with just your mouth in under five minutes, then we will defer the other ten stripes. Put them aside for another time. How does that sound?"

"Mmmm... do I get to pick when I can get them, Sir?" I smiled and shook my head at her.

"You and I will discuss that when the time comes, girl. Now, I have one item that you need to use for your task. Since you can't use your hands on his prick, I'll give you something to keep them busy."

I reached over to the little side table and picked up one of the vibrators and pumped a generous portion of the lube on the tip and up and down the sides. Nathan was watching and he moaned into Gaels pussy, making her twitch.

"Use this, dear. Once it's in and running, you can start. And we'll see if you are as good as you say." I knew that little dig would get her mind on the project.

"Oh, I'll show you both!" Reaching down between Nathans legs, she pressed the thing into his ass while he moaned and wiggled and panted beneath her. And when she turned the knob and it started vibrating inside of him, he jerked his hips upward. Gael held her mouth open and captured the head of his prick when it rose and followed it down, moaning around her mouthful and her head bobbing swiftly.

Seeing that things were well in hand so to speak, I decided it was well enough time for Master to have some hands-on fun himself. I placed my feet on either side of the little platform she stood on and aimed my prick at the opening of her pussy. My cock bumped over Nathans forehead and nose and nudged his tongue out of the way as it pressed to her opening and slid slowly inside of her. My girl was so wound up and ready that I met absolutely no resistance other than her natural tightness which I enjoyed immensely as always. Gael groaned around his prick. I felt my pony boys tongue slide down the underside of my shaft as I slid into her. She made a little squeak as my belly pressed into her stinging bottom. My hands gripped the sides of her hips as I ground my prick into her body.
