Seventh Heaven: Camden Family Sex Ch. 03


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Eric was going to strip and join them, but he didn't have enough energy to join them. He quietly slipped out of the room and went back downstairs. He opened the door and slammed it hard and yelled out; "Hey Annie, I'm home!"

There was a bunch of noise upstairs, doors slamming and Annie came rushing downstairs, her black satin robe clinging to her lush body. She had a wet washcloth in one hand as she was wiping Ruthie's cum from her face. "Hi Eric how was San Francisco and your romp with Jane and Margaret?"

"It was great Annie, but I thought we were going with the story of me being in Buffalo?"

"Why hide it, it's really only for you and I. Thank you for my great anniversary present, my night and morning with Ted were unforgettable. How about some lunch, I'm starving?"

"I can't believe you're still hungry, I thought you'd be full after eating Ruthie for so long!"

She slapped him on the arm playfully; "Oh Eric, how long were you up there and why didn't you join us?"

"Not long Annie, I was going to join you, but I'm just too tuckered out!" He kissed her tenderly and the two of them headed out to the kitchen for some lunch.

The following day Eric headed out to the church office and while there the twin's teacher came to see Eric. Ms. Margo had a thing for Eric, but although Eric fucked around a lot, he never did it without Annie's knowledge or participation. He was tempted by Denise Margo, but didn't want to cross that line, especially after twenty-five years faithful to Annie.

"Hello Mr. Camden, I was wondering if you could give me some relationship advice, I know you're counseled a number of the teachers at my school."

"Please have a seat Ms. Margo and tell me your problem and I'll see if I can help!"

She smiled meekly and as she took a seat on the sofa across from Eric's desk. She crossed her long slender, shapely legs, her short simple black dress slid halfway up her thighs giving Eric an exquisite view of her legs. She licked her full lips and looked up at him started; "Well, first of all Rev. Camden, please call me Denise, I'd feel a lot more comfortable talking about my problem if you'd use my given name."

"Sure ah Denise, if it would help, so what is your problem?"

"Well it isn't so much a problem as a dilemma. You see I have a crush on one of my student's father and I'm not sure if he knows it and not only that, but I think he'd feel the same way if I made my feeling known."

Eric shifted a little uncomfortably; "Well I'm not sure that's a good situation any way you look at it. First a crush on a married man, second a man connected to one of your students. I can't see any good ending to your dilemma."

She was looking down at her hands clutched together on her lap. She looked up slyly at him with those large doe-like eyes and whispered' ""Well Rev. Camden, he doesn't have one son in my class, he had two sons!" She held her breath hoping that revelation would sink in and he would realize it was him.

His jaw dropped and he stuttered; "Oh no, no Denise, I mean MS. Margo, you can't be having those feeling about me, you are talking about me, am I wrong?"

In barely a whisper she replied; "No Eric, no you aren't wrong! I've tried to keep my feeling in check, but I just can't any longer, can you help me?"

As Eric sat there he took in the gorgeous light brown haired sexy teacher. Eric thought she was the epitome of the girl next door, with that tiny nose and sexy lips. Her bottom lip was full and glossy from her red lip gloss. Her upper lip was nearly non-existent was it curly under and hid. He just stared and imagined them stretched around his stiffening cock. He reached down and adjusted it in his pants and Denise smiled when she saw what he had just done.

She slowly walked around the side of his desk and stood before him and looking down at him with those large dark eyes whispered out; "You know Rev. Camden, I've been told I'm an excellent cock-sucker. I'm sure I could help you with that growing problem, what do you think?"

Eric cleared his throat and pushed his lower body further under the desk; "I'm sorry Ms. Margo, but I think this meeting is over, there is no good that can come of this!"

She chuckled and placed her tiny hand on his shoulder; "Oh I totally disagree Eric, I've been thinking about that big cock of yours ever since I heard your daughter Ruthie talking about it to Lucy when I was eating at the Promenade. Yes, I know your secret and I'm very good at keeping secrets if I'm persuaded to do so, what do you think?"

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Pushing away from the desk he spun his chair around; "Well Ms. Margo, it looks like you have me exactly where you want me!"

She giggled as she ran her fingers down his arm; "Oh not yet Eric, but close!"

He stood up with anger in his eyes; "Okay Denise this is how it's going to be, no deviations from this, if there is I'll speak with Lucy and Ruthie and we'll freeze you out, understand with my status in Glen Oak if you open your mouth and try and make trouble for my family, YOU WILL be sorry. Now here is what we will do, you can slip here onto my desk and I WILL make you cum! After that if you want to go any further we'll have to my home and we'll discuss it with Annie. After nearly twenty-five years of marriage, neither of us has ever cheated on each other. Have we had sex with other people? Sure we have, but only after we've discussed it and approved it between the two of us. So tell me Denise, how do you want to proceed?"

Denise slipped onto Eric's lap and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him lightly on the lips; "Well Eric it seems like I don't have a choice now do I?"

"Well you sort of do Ms. Margo, you could get off my lap now and walk out or you could pull up that sexy dress of yours and sit on my desk. Remember you do have all the power here, I'm not the one here chasing after other woman's husband!"

She giggled; "T think that would make you a homosexual wouldn't it?"

He smiled and shook his head from side to side; "Oh no my dear Ms. Margo, that would make me bi-sexual, which I am not, but Annie sure is!"

Eric watched as Denise's eyebrow arched and she stood up, getting off of Eric's lap and in a soft voice whispered; "Oh I didn't know Annie was bi-sexual, that changes everything!"

"How so Ms. Margo, all of the Camden women are, that doesn't make them like men any less. It just gives them a more diverse group of people to enjoy."

"I don't know how to digest this and please Eric call me Denise! For now I believe you said something about making me cum, isn't that right Eric?" She pulled her dress up about her hips and slipped back onto his desk, placing her high-heeled shoes on the arms of his chairs spread her slim, trim legs as wide as she could.

Eric looked up into her dark sparkling eyes and scooting his chair closer to his desk, lowered his head and planted soft wet kisses along her tender thighs. He inhaled her sweet and musky scent as he got closer and closer to her panty clad pussy. "Mmmmm Denise, I've dreamt of eating this pussy since the first time I brought the twins to your classroom!"

Before she could reply he dove in and began sucking at her pussy right through her black lace panties.

Ms. Margo threw her head back and gripping Rev. Camden's head in her fists, she let out a loud groan and humped her hips upward to increase the contact with his mouth.

Eric sucked harder and pulling away slightly slipped his two fingers under the gusset of her panties. He slipped it aside and leaving her pussy exposed, he took in the sight and scent. It was a completely bare pussy with lips so tight, all that was visible was a tight crease and above it her hooded clit. Her musky and sweet aroma made his mouth water and leaning forward he stabbed at the tight line. Eric wedged his tongue into the base of her pussy and shoving it forward it parted slightly, just enough for Eric to slip in about an inch or so. As he slid upward the tight lips parted a little bit more and taking advantage he slipped another inch inward.

Denise was leaning back, her light brown hair brushed against the desk and her gorgeous dark eyes were lidded heavily with lust. She bit down on her lower lip and licked her parched lips. A loud groan escaped her throat as she felt Eric's tongue slip closer and closer to her stiff clit.

Eric slid his tongue higher up and into her tight slit and finally came in contact with her clit. Worrying it with the tip of his tongue, he unhooded it and flicked it back and forth. That was all it took

Denise shot off like a rocket on the Fourth of July and exploded sending a river of cum from her inner pussy all over Eric's tongue and active mouth. Her cunt opened slightly and expelled all of her pent-up cream and it ran down his chin and down his neck. She collapsed on the desk and just moaned and shook from the intense orgasm he had given her.

Eric finally escaped her vise-like thighs and fell back exhausted in his desk chair.

When Ms. Margo finally regained her senses she propped herself up on her elbows and exclaimed; "Oh my god Eric, it was even better than I imagined it would be, YOU HAVE TO FUCK ME!"

She slid off the desk and onto the floor at his feet and tried to open his pants.

Mustering up all of his strength and courage, by god he wanted to fuck this incredibly tight pussy, he held firm as he pushed her hands away and standing quickly moved away from the light brown haired vixen. "I'm sorry Ms. Margo, you heard my condition, now straighten your dress and if you want we can go over and speak with Annie, if that isn't acceptable, THERE'S THE DOOR, LEAVE!"

She lower her head and looked like she was about to cry. She straightened her dress and meekly replied; "I'm sorry Eric, it's just that you gave me the most intense orgasm I've ever had and I just wanted to repay you!"

"That's all well and good Denise, but I have to stand firm with this resolve, do you want to go see Annie or leave, it's up to you?"

Having straighten her dress she slowly nodded her head up and down; "Yes Eric, I would like to go and see Mrs. Camden, right now I'd do just about anything to get that monstrous cock of yours in my tiny, tight pussy!"

"I think it would be best if we took separate cars, you can follow me. This way there won't be any improprieties in the car and if you don't like what Annie says you can leave on your own."

" Alright, but there isn't a snowball's chance in hell that I won't agree with her demands, you've gotten me so fucking hot, I'd fuck you on the pulpit in front of the entire congregation it that was her demands, let's go!"

Eric smiled to himself and he couldn't wait to get her into the house and let Annie loose on her. He loved watching Annie seduce new women to the female on female sexual situations. He knew she would get Denise so fucking hot, she would be begging for him to stuff his huge cock into her ultra-tight pussy.

Eric pulled into the driveway and Denise pulled in right behind him. She was out of the car before he even had the car in park. He led her into the house through the front door and yelled out; "ANNIE, HONEY I'M HOME, I BROUGHT A GUEST WITH ME!"

On the way home he called Annie and gave her the lowdown and she hurried upstairs and changed into one of her slinky new dresses she brought for their anniversary, It was a red slinky dress that was nearly too tight and it was definitely too short for company and for the wife of a preacher.

She came into the livingroom where Denise was already seated, she had her hands clutched together and she was visibly nervous.

"Hi Honey, who do we have here?" She gave Eric a big kiss and when she pulled away she licked her lips; "Mmmmm Eric, I love that taste on your lips!"

Eric cleared his throat; "Annie, this is Ms. Margo, the twin's fourth grade teacher!"

Denise stood up instantly and extended her hand to shake with Annie, but Annie interrupted; "That taste on Eric's lips, is that from you my dear?"

Denise turned beet red and quickly pulled her hand away from Annie; "Aw, well it's like this Mrs. Camden, ever since Rev. Camden started dropping off the twins at school, the two of us sort of had this connection. I could feel the sexual attraction to him instantly and unable to contain my feeling, I sort of went over to his office at the church today and voiced my feeling. One thing led to another and Rev. Camden explained how he has never cheated on you and after twenty-five years of marriage, wasn't about to begin today. He offered to relieve my tension and my god, is he ever good at it, as your most likely know already. He said if I wanted it to go any further I would have to come over here and discuss the problem I'm having with you!" She looked down at her hands that were tied in knots at her belly and whispered; "So here I am Mrs. Camden, here to ask you what I need to do."

Annie took a step closer to Denise and placing her index finger below her chin and slowly coaxing up to make her look onto her eyes, smiled and whispered back; "Boy you sure are all tied up in knots aren't you? First of all call me Annie, Mrs. Camden is my mother-in-law! As for your feeling and what I think of them, well that's an entire separate problem. If it's a sexual urge you have, I think Eric and I can take care of that for you. With as lovely and sexy as you are, I'm sure we can satisfy any and all of your needs. If it's an infatuation, or even a love connection, well then I think we have a definite problem on our hands. Which do you think you have Ms. Margo?"

She smiled back at Annie; "Please call me Denise, and I'll call you Annie. As for my feeling, I first thought it was love, but after Eric performed oral sex on me in his office, I'm sure now it's a sexual thing!"

Annie leaned in and hugged her; "Oh I'm so glad to hear that Denise! I know how good Eric's tongue feels on my pussy, you haven't lived until you've had that huge cock of his sliding in and out of your mouth, pussy and if you're really lucky, your ass!"

Eric spoke up; "Now Annie, don't talk me up so much, you're going to make it difficult for me to live up to your praises!"

Annie took Denise by the hand and began leading her to the stairs, as she passed Eric she patted him on the cheek; "Don't you worry honey, if you can't satisfy this gorgeous creature, I'm sure I can fill in nicely!"

The three of them headed up to the large motorized bed T-Bone, Jane and Margaret has gotten for them. Annie closed and locked the door behind them, turning to Denise smiled warmly at her; "I don't want any of the children or other house guests interrupting us now do we?" She guided Denise to the bed and sitting beside her swept a lock of hair from her face; "Now tell us Denise, what you want and what you expect?"

She cleared her throat; "Well Annie, I want what you, Mary, Lucy and Ruthie have. I know they are family and I know I can never have the same connection that Eric has with you and the girls. I just want to experience the kindness and love that I see when I look at him. I've seen how he acts among his parishioners, his family and close friends. I would love to have a connection like that, physically and hopefully emotionally."

Annie smiled and looked down at Denise once again and leaning forward planted a soft kiss on her cheek. Holding it there she moved to her forehead and as Denise closed her eyes she planted tiny kisses on her eyelids. Moving lower she planted more wet kisses on her cheeks, chin and then lightly closed her lips on Denise's slightly parted lips. The kiss grew more heated and their lips parted and their tongues darted back and forth from one's lips to the others. Annie broke the kiss and sitting Denise up reached behind her and slowly unzipped her form fitting black dress.

The dress parted and Annie slid it off the sexy teacher's shoulders and down to her waist. She turned to the now naked Eric and whispered; "I think we're going to have a lot of fun with this one Eric!"

Eric smiled at Annie while he began stroking his big cock; "Take her bra off Annie, I've been drooling, looking at them all afternoon. I can't wait to get my hands and mouth on them!"

"Me too Eric, let's take a look at them!" She reached around behind Denise's back and deftly popped it open with one hand. Drawing it off, both Eric and Annie's mouths were watering as they stared at the twin mounds of firm flesh. They were full and stood high on her chest. They were coned shaped with cherry nipples and areoles crowning the alabaster flesh.

Annie was mesmerized by them and she leaned forward and Denise let out a loud gasp when Annie's lips closed around the cherry tipped tit.

Denise fisted her hands in Annie's long silky blonde hair. She looked over at Eric and let out a loud groan when she finally caught sight of Eric's stiff extremely long cock. She looked Annie in the eye and groaned out; "Oh Annie, I've wanted his cock for so long, but now seeing how large it really is, I'm not so sure I'll be able to handle that monster!"

Annie moved from one tit to the other and as she lapped at it she laughed; "Oh don't you worry, by the time he's ready to stick it in you, I'll have you so fucking hot, you'll be begging him to stick it in!"

She groaned again and fell back to the bed as Annie worked on the twin mounds of flesh. Her hands tugged at the dress and yanked it off Denise's legs and tossing it to the floor gazed at the nearly naked teacher.

Pulling off of Denise's tits she knelt up and with one quick motion drew her tight red dress off and both Eric and Denise moaned as they stared at the completely naked Annie.

Clambering between Denise's thighs she pulled at the e black panties and drew them off of her. Now naked she laid back and waited for the two Camden's to play with her body and make her cum like never before.

She didn't have to wait long as Annie gave her a hot passionate kiss, her hands seemed to be everywhere at once, on her tits, twisting her nipples, cupping her tight petite ass and slicing up and down her extremely tight pussy lips.

She moved down Denise's tight body and after nipping at her cherry-like nips, she moved to her treasure that Eric already sampled. "Oh my god Eric, you're right, she's even tighter than Lucy was before you took her cherry! Don't you worry teach, I'll have you so hot and wet, you'll be begging for me to guide Eric's huge cock into your tight pussy!"

Denise rolled her head from side to side as Annie began licking up and down her tight slit as if it was a double-dip ice cream cone on the hottest day in Florida. Her eyes where closed and she felt something wet and sticky on her lips. Opening her eyes, she let out a gasp and opening her bee-stung lips just wide enough, her tongue slipped out and lapped at Eric's leaking cock. Her mouth opened wider and she took the fat cockhead into her oral cavity.

Eric leaned in and the entire head entered her mouth. He watched as her tongue whipped around the large head and he wanted desperately to kiss her hard and feel his tongue against her slippery wet tongue.

Denise's eyes were fixed on his and they went even wider when she felt Annie's tongue stab away at her clit. She took more of his cock into her mouth and moaned loudly as she felt yet another orgasm shake the trim tight body.

Annie forced a second finger between Ms. Margo's extremely tight pussy lips and they began to loosen up as a rush of her thick creamy cum coated Annie's invading fingers and her thin cuntlips. Annie now began to saw her fingers in and out faster and faster and her mouth sucked harder on her clit.

Denise was moaning constantly as she came so many times now she had lost count. She had Eric's cock down her throat now and she was sucking air in through her nose seeing her air passage was closed through her mouth.