Sex Bombshell Sister-In-Law Says Yes

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Lifetime of lust for relative explodes.
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It was a late summer evening and I walked out to my deck to sit and enjoy the respite from the brutally hot weather. I also went out there to contemplate for the millionth time a fantasy that I had been having over and over for almost 20 years. I unfolded the chair, eased into it, and unscrewed the top on my ice-cold beer. I shook my head, laughing at myself. "Here I sit," I thought, "having the same sexual fantasy I've had most of my adult life. And I'm still wrestling with the all-but-impossible dream that this fantasy could actually become a reality."

But could it become reality? Did I have the nerve to even attempt to make it happen? As a very shy, withdrawn person by nature, making such a move would be totally out of character for me. Not only that, but I was not a good decision-maker by nature. In my professional life, I make split-second decisions constantly without blinking, always confident in my judgment. Yet, in my home and personal life, I usually put off major decisions. Instead of taking action, I choose instead to procrastinate, to go back and forth in my mind trying to decide whether I should or shouldn't. My decision is usually to make no decision.

Like Shakespeare's Hamlet, my inability to act was my weakness. But, also like Hamlet, I still convinced myself that I would one day indeed take action and thus resolve the conflict.

But how did it come to this? How does it come to pass that a 48-year-old married man with grown children is sitting alone on his deck--drinking beer, listening to music--wondering why he has never acted on a lifelong fantasy to make love to his stunningly-beautiful and highly sexual sister-in-law?

I had first wanted to eat Gloria's pussy when she blossomed into womanhood at age 16 and had fantasized about fucking her for almost as long. But that was 17 years ago and my fantasies were still just fantasies.

Gloria was just seven-years-old when I first saw her. She was a very quiet child, very well-behaved and unassuming. I certainly had no indication at that time that she would grow into an incredible beauty and a very sexual woman. I was 22-years-old, just out of college, and working at my first-ever job in the real world. I had only been in the work world a few weeks when I began dating Sondra, one of my co-workers. After several dates, Sondra invited me to her home to meet the family. She had three brothers and a baby sister, Gloria.

It was a great time in my life. I was young, in love, working hard, and basically enjoying life. I got along great with all of Sondra's family and we had many good times. I married Sondra a little more than one year after we met and we've been married now for 26 years. It's been a good marriage but, like many men I guess, it hasn't made me stop fantasizing about other women.

It's hard for me to remember exactly when I started looking at Gloria in a way other than just as Sondra's little sister. My best guess is that it occurred when she was about 15 or 16-years-old. Gloria was a normal child during her early teenage years and certainly gave no indication at that time that she would become a very sexually-oriented person. My wife is a slender, trim woman with small breasts and without much of a figure. But, as Gloria entered her teen years, she seemed to develop all the physical attributes that her sister lacked. She had great legs and very well-developed thighs. She was very pretty with big beautiful eyes. But I guess the biggest physical differences between Gloria and my wife were that Gloria developed very big tits and a very tight, nice ass. So there I was, at age 31, married for nine years, and all of a sudden having sexual fantasies about my 16-year-old sister-in-law. That was 17 years ago and I'm still having those same fantasies today.

The first few years of Gloria's "sexual awakening" were very tortuous for me. Gloria was just 11-years-old when her mother died and she started spending a lot of time with us. She lived with her father and one brother in a town 45 miles away but she was at our home during most school holidays and most of the time during the summer.

Things were as normal as they could be until Gloria reached her mid-teens and started to develop. Having this young, gorgeous, ripe, hot body around all the time was very tough but at the same time very enjoyable. Certain images still stand out even to this day. For some reason, I remember her thighs more than anything. In the summer, Gloria would wear very short, shorts and I still remember the site of her sitting at the kitchen table with her legs crossed, her shorts riding all the way up to the tops of her thighs. It remains to this day one of the most erotic visions I have ever experienced. I still remember those many sleepless nights when I would lay awake fantasizing about burying my head between those beautiful thighs and eating and sucking Gloria's virgin pussy, wondering what it tasted like, wondering how she would react to having her pussy eaten for the first time.

I also remember vividly the first time I got a little more than the normal view of Gloria. It was during one of the summer months when she was probably 16 or 17-years-old, maybe a little older. As usual, Gloria was staying with us, helping us with our two young daughters. Our air conditioner broke down one Sunday and the heat in the house was brutal. But there was nothing we could do until the next day but try to bear with it. We borrowed some fans, opened the windows, and generally just tried to survive the discomfort.

I was downstairs watching television late that night, trying to keep cool and worrying about how much the air conditioner repair would cost. I went upstairs to the bathroom, having no idea that I was about to see something that would haunt me from that day forward. When I left the bathroom, I noticed that the door to the bedroom where Gloria was sleeping was open. Usually the doors were closed but everything was wide open because of the fans going and the heat. I still don't know why I did it but I decided to take a look into the bedroom where Gloria was sleeping. I will try to describe the sight I saw as best I can. Gloria was lying on her stomach on the bed. Her short nightgown was pulled all the way up to the middle of her back, exposing her bikini-clad ass and thighs for me (and all the world) to see. I'll never forget the feeling I had at the time. It was like being punched hard in the stomach. My breath was completely taken away from me. There right in front of me was a sight that I had only dreamed about. And, as is usually the case, the reality was far better than the dream. Gloria's ass was big, beautiful and looked rock solid. Her thighs were tanned and extremely shapely. This had an incredible effect on me. It wasn't just the fact that I was seeing this young, gorgeous, object of my lust, in a compromising position. It was also the fact that I was only a few feet away from her naked ass. I suppose men have varying preferences when it comes to women but I do not hesitate to say that I absolutely lust for great asses. And Gloria not only had a great ass, but probably the best ass I had seen up to that point in my life.

I was so excited I didn't know what to do. I didn't stare long for fear of getting caught but I must admit that I had to force myself away. I compensated by making numerous trips to the bathroom that night. I must have gone up there for another look at Gloria's ass and thighs at least a dozen times.

How many times I thought about that vision and imagined myself walking up to her, crouching behind her and sliding those panties off. My overactive imagination always included nothing more than me licking and sucking every inch of Gloria's beautiful ass and thighs. One of my great turn-ons was to imagine just burying my face completely in her ass, being totally engulfed and smothered by it.

That early incident sticks out in my mind. There were others as time went on that just reinforced the fantasy that continued building in my active imagination. My wife Sondra, believe it or not, provided one of those images. When Gloria started developing physically, it was hard not for anyone to notice. As I've mentioned, she had one of the most awesome chests on a teenage girl that I've ever seen. During one of those times when Gloria was staying at our house, my wife came up to me and said. "Have you seen how big Gloria's boobs are getting?" She then raised her right arm in front of my face, holding her thumb and index finger about three inches apart. Then she said to me. "And you wouldn't believe it but her nipples are this long." That's all I needed. It wasn't enough that I was constantly fantasizing about eating Gloria's pussy and fucking her. But now my wife, of all people, had planted an image in my head that I knew could never be erased. The thought of what those huge tits must look like with those protruding nipples has driven me crazy for these past 17 years. Unfortunately, I had been able to only imagine and dream.

This may sound crazy, but I've always believed that I have a sixth sense-the ability to read certain things about people. These instincts are not evident all the time. Maybe there is a just connection between me and certain people that cause these feelings to surface. I don't know. But I do know that my ability to read people was reaffirmed with Gloria.

For some reason, I guess it is my sixth sense, I always had the feeling, even at that early age, that Gloria would become very sexual, the type of woman who really loved men, or I should say sex. Now let me qualify that by saying I had no outward evidence of this. She never gave any hint that she had such a notion. Maybe it was the way she looked at me with those bedroom eyes. Or was that just my imagination? Maybe it was her killer body. I don't know. It was just a feeling I had that I can't explain.

As time went on, my instincts proved true. As Gloria moved into her late teens and early 20's, I began to hear more off-handed comments about Gloria that just reinforced my instincts about her sexual nature and that also reinforced my fantasy to fuck her. My wife would say, "Gloria doesn't wear any panties" or "Gloria sleeps in the nude." I wonder sometimes about women and how little they know about the male brain. Evidently my wife had no idea that she was planting strong sexual images in my mind that would never go away. And so, every time I looked at Gloria wearing a tight pair of jeans or shorts, my first thought was that she was not wearing anything underneath. This, of course, would drive me crazy. It was the same with thoughts of her sleeping in the nude. I thought about her beautiful bronze sexual body stretched out in bed and, of course, I had to imagine what it looked like. I never got to the point in my fantasies of actually touching her naked body because I think that would have been too much to take.

Like many young girls growing up in a small town, Gloria got married right out of high school to a local boy who was two or three years older than she. The first four or five of years of her marriage to Tom were basically uneventful and the couple seemed to have the perfect marriage. Gloria had two children, a daughter and then a son. It was soon after she had her second child that things started to change for Gloria. First, she lost her father to lung cancer. Then, we started getting reports that her husband was becoming physically abusive.

It was also during this time that Gloria, now in her mid-20s, began to reveal her true sexual nature. Gloria's husband kept her confined to an isolated house in the country and eventually I think this wore on her. Having gotten married right out of high school and living her whole life in an isolated country town, Gloria had never been able to party and sow wild oats like most young people her age. We began to hear rumors that Gloria was having an affair or affairs. No one in our family really knew if any of the reports of Tom's physical abuse or Gloria's sexual escapades were true. But as things developed, it became more and more evident that the rumors, on both counts, were probably closer to fact than fiction.

Things deteriorated rapidly for Gloria in her marriage to Tom and they separated twice, the second time leading to divorce. It was after her divorce that Gloria really went wild. I think that is the only way to accurately describe it.

For the next several years, we saw very little of Gloria and had very little communication with her. We might see her at Christmas but that was usually it. We would hear rumors or second-hand information about her and the reports were usually not good. We heard that Gloria was partying all the time and there were the usual rumors of sexual promiscuity, drugs and alcohol. Things got so bad for Gloria that she not only lost her home but she also lost custody of her children to her ex-husband. She was really going through a strange time and had just about lost all contact with her family members.

Gloria finally resurfaced a few years ago. She had talked to one of her brothers and decided to move out of her hometown and in with him and his family. The plan was for her to find a job and try to get her life straightened out. We all had our doubts but Gloria really began to make an effort to rebuild her life. She was faithful in keeping her job and she began to see her children on a regular basis.

I still did not see Gloria much, usually during holiday family get-togethers or maybe once or twice during the summer. She was still very beautiful and, approaching her mid-30's, her body had matured well. It was during this time that she got on a tanning kick. Gloria was one of those women who became obsessed with the tanning bed. It gave her body a dark, beautiful color. Everybody always gave her a hard time about it, telling her that she was way too dark. But I always loved it. I thought it made her even sexier if that's possible. And, with her body so beautifully tanned, Gloria in a bikini was always a thrilling sight.

Even though Gloria calmed down as the years went on, I could tell that she still had that streak of wildness in her. She still liked to party and she could drink with the best of them. And she still had that gleam in her eye that told me that she still loved to fuck. I only hoped that I would someday find out just how good a fuck this woman was. I think I knew that answer already.

Gloria didn't dress as provocatively as she did in her younger days but she still dressed herself well. No matter what she wore, it was hard to hide her glorious body. She is the type of woman who looks good in anything she wears.

With the long and eventful history now reviewed in my mind, I opened the top on my fourth beer to contemplate the current situation. It was amazing how little had changed in all these years. I fantasized about making love to my sister-in-law but didn't have the nerve to say anything to her. I always wondered how she would react if I did. Gloria is the type of woman who probably gets propositioned all the time by men. Would I be just another one in a long line and be dismissed or would I be different? Would she be offended or shocked since I am her sister's husband? Or, on the other hand, would her true sexuality take over and thus make her very receptive to me?

I had to be realistic. Fantasies and dreams are just that. They are not real. In my dreams, Gloria would always respond to me with an open mind and be very willing. But that was just a dream.

I was at a time in my life in I really needed something. I wouldn't say it was a mid-life crisis. I think probably life crisis would be more accurate. I began to realize more and more how precious each day of life is. It seemed like I was being bombarded constantly by tragedy, reminding me almost daily how short life is.

I also began to realize that life is, indeed, for the young. At age 48, I was starting to have regrets and it was very painful. It was sad to think that I might be 70-years-old someday and look back and say to myself, "I wish I had done this. I wish I had done that." With so much experience in life, I also now knew that the joy in life centers around specific moments. Every great memory a person has is usually centered around a specific moment in time or a specific event that lasted for a specified time. Without these special moments in our memory, life would be meaningless.

I don't know what it was, the beer, the contemplation or maybe it was just all the years of frustration reaching the breaking point. But I knew it was time to act and I had to do it now before my courage waned once again, like it had so many times in the last 17 years. I put my beer down on the deck and with a big smile on my face, I rose up and went into the house. I had finally committed in my mind to doing what I wanted to do and I was determined to act before I could talk myself out of it. I wanted to make sure there was no turning back.

I reached for the telephone but realized I didn't know Gloria's phone number. Undeterred, I grabbed the phone book from the top of the refrigerator. I knew that sometimes my wife scribbled numbers on the inside jacket of the white pages. Much to my delight, there was her number, written on the inside cover.

With my heart pounding with nervousness, I dialed the number. Gloria answered on the third ring. "Hey Gloria," I said. "This is Joseph. How are you doing?" "I'm fine Joseph," she said in that sweet southern drawl of hers. "Are you doing alright?"

"I'm doing ok," I said. My voice was shaking and my heart was pounding and for just a brief instant I thought I was going to lose my nerve. But I recovered quickly and my undeterred resolve quickly came back. "Hey listen," I said. "I need to talk to you about something. It's nothing bad but I do need to talk to you. I was wondering if we could get together for lunch one day next week or maybe we could meet for a drink after I get off work one day?"

There was a silence on the other end of the line. It was so quiet that I could almost hear my own heart beating. Finally, Gloria said, "Well, Joseph, what do you want to talk to me about? Is something wrong?"

"No, there's nothing wrong," I replied. "Believe me. Don't start getting worried. It's not bad. You may even think it's good. But I think it is important and I need to talk to you about it alone."

"Well, my goodness, I don't know what to say," she said. "It must be important. When did you want to talk to me?"

"You tell me. When are you off again? We can get together on one of your off days."

"I'm off next Thursday and Friday," she said.

"Ok, why don't we plan on Thursday," I said. "Can you meet me around 5? Do you know where the Grill Restaurant is at the Hilltop Shopping Center? They have a bar in there where we could sit and talk for a while."

"I know where it is. You don't want to tell me what this is about?"

"Gloria, don't give this any thought. It's nothing bad and I'll explain it all Thursday. I'll check with you during the week next week to make sure we're still on."

"Ok, if you say so," she said, followed by a nervous laugh.

"I really appreciate you doing this. And, like I said, don't worry about it. Other than that, how is everything with you? How are the kids doing?"

"They're fine. They've been spending a lot of time with me this summer with school being out. They've been having a good time."

We chatted for two or three more minutes before the conversation ended. I must admit that I had a funny feeling when I hung up the phone. It was almost a scared, sick feeling. What in the world was I doing? I guess that panic was starting to set in.

I went back out onto the deck and opened another beer. I was still shaking. I took a long swig and eased back into the chair. Suddenly, a calm came over me and I smiled to myself. All of a sudden I was so glad that I made that phone call because I knew that I had started down a path that would end 17 years of frustration, one way or the other.