Sex in Sci-Fi Ch. 05


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'Having you with me would certainly make my role a lot easier, and make it harder for my superiors to block my wish to be with you. There would be sympathetic support from the media too, they love a story of individuals who battle the system. Well so long as the battle isn't with the media system they do.'


'So let's do it, but only if you are sure it will not cause you too many problems Peta.'

'No more than there would be anyway. So now we just have to decide, when?'

There was something in her voice, and also an odd shift in the colours of her eyes that gave me a clue as to the reply she hoped I would give. 'I think we should delay it for one further rotation Peta.' I said.

'Ah, we are in agreement about that too Jake!' she replied enthusiastically. 'There are still things we need to know about each other before we face anyone else.'

'Such as?' I asked as I slipped my arms around her and pulled her close to me.

'Oh, satisfying each other's curiosity about each other's mental and physical functions and capabilities. Finding how many different ways there are for us to stimulate each other, both mentally and physically. How much time we each need between meldings. Many, many such things.'

'I doubt we will have enough time to do all of those Peta, I think it will be a matter for ongoing research.' I replied with a grin. 'Perhaps for the time being we should limit ourselves to a few of the more easily answered questions.'

'You are right of course, but I look forward to participating in the ongoing research Jake.'

'Me too, but for now, simple questions - you first.'

She didn't answer immediately and when she did her voice was more hesitant than usual, and had an almost diffident tone to it.

'I find myself thinking a great deal about your body, especially your genitals, I have to admit that your penis fascinates me Jake. And I hope that you will allow me to indulge myself in some part of this time we have given ourselves. But for now, I have told you I have monitored you while you slept, and I have thought I have seen something occurring.

'And what was that?'

'Well of course it may just have been a fold in the fabric that covered you, but it gave the impression that your penis had become stiff.'

'It probably had, it's called a spontaneous erection, males get them several times during sleep.'

'Really, how remarkable! It does not wake you?'

'As you would have seen, no.'

'I was tempted to see if I could link with you, perhaps feel what you were experiencing, but there was much to do. Do they occur during dreaming?'

'Sometimes the two are linked, but most of the time males are not aware of either their erections or of dreaming. And detumescence follows quite naturally too.'

'Without ejaculation?'

'Usually so, though occasionally, and as I previously told you, much more frequently in puberty, there are emissions. You remember I mentioned the archaic term still used for those, a 'wet dream'?'

'Ah, of course.'

'Tell me, when you were looking at me, did that give you thoughts?'

There was a pause before she answered, and if she had been a human female I would have said there was a note of embarrassment in her reply. 'Yes Jake, very strong thoughts.'

'And they were?' I prompted.

'Many things, many, many things. I wished you had not covered yourself before sleeping. I wished I did not have so much still to do with our systems. I thought about other things I wanted us to explore together.'

'When you have those thoughts, do you become aroused in some way, I mean physically?'

'To answer that I have to explain that our usual reaction is more cerebral, we need to establish a mental link with an individual before even considering a physical one. But even then, even once the physical link has been made, which usually, but not always leads to a melding, it is still the mental process that triggers the physical response. But, although we have not yet established a strong link, I find that I am reacting at the physical level.'

'But in what way? My response is clear to see, is there anything similar happening to you?'

'Not as dramatic, but yes. There is a start to the 'bliss-flow' and both the male and female genitals become somewhat suffused with blood. But as I have explained, that response normally follows the mental link, with you the reaction is much stronger and is starting even though that link is not in place. And although curious as to how this can be, I find I like those feelings.' she added in a much quieter voice.

'Then we should use some of the extra time we have given ourselves to explore these things further. Your curiosity should not be unfulfilled.' I said, pulling her closer and kissing her.

During the next few hours we certainly did many things, both to and with each other. Luckily Peta already appreciated that although by comparison with the males of her species I might appear to be a super-man, in fact I was not inexhaustible, so we satisfied some of her curiosity without trying to give me an orgasm every time.

She really was fascinated by the effect she could have on my penis, both during the process of engorgement, and even more so when it was fully erect. So once she was sure I had no objections to whatever she wished to do with me I found myself spending quite a lot of time between actual meldings being slowly re-aroused. Then once she had got it erect she sometimes wanted me to walk around so she could watch it bobbing about, sometimes asking me to just sit or stand still so she could watch its full range of reactions when she teased or gently played with it.

But the action certainly wasn't all one way and I spent almost as much time ministering to her pleasures as she did to mine. She got a real kick from my caresses, and especially when I did that while licking her body and she stroked my hair, and of course she got an even bigger one when I sucked her receptor and probed its opening with my tongue. And it was while doing that, the nearest we could get to cunnilingus, that an idea as to something else she might like occurred to me.

I waited until she was indulging herself in another bout of between-melding-penis-watching then asked her to sit down, then keep her tongue out of the way while I slid it in and out of her mouth. My idea had been to see if it were possible to arouse her by just stimulating the gland at the back of her throat that way.

Doing it without her tongue liberally coating my cock with 'bliss-flow' meant it was far less sensitive, and that gave me the chance to hold back from my own climax for much longer than I would have been able to do if it had. But the direct stimulation of the gland was certainly incredibly effective for Peta, and after her first, surprisingly quick climax, I felt her mind reaching out for mine so I could share in some of the ecstasy she was continuing to experience.

Apart from being spectacularly successful, as that was something else the males of her species were incapable of doing it gave my ego a particularly healthy boost and we later incorporated that activity into some of our longer, and stronger full meldings.

And of course as well as exploring our individual ideas we spent even more of the time we had given ourselves in melded joy, the link between Peta and I becoming steadily stronger with each truly amazing session.

But we didn't spend the entire time making love to each other, we also did a good deal of talking, talking through a whole range of things. Some talk was to do with questions and thoughts we each had, which gave me the opportunity to answer one practical question that had been bothering me, personal waste disposal.

I found that although we had completely different systems in that department, her liquid and solid waste being evacuated through a single duct, like an avian cloaca, she still had to do so daily. She then showed me how to access the recess where she did that, and gave me a brief, if somewhat unnecessary description of how the waste was converted for re-use.

But other than similarly basic questions we also talked about what we might do once back in civilisation, and about various personal arrangements we would also need to make. But sometimes our thoughts and conversation took us on far more fancifully erotic flights of imagination, leading us to exchange ideas of what and where we would each do certain things to excite the other.

Then, having eaten, as it was getting close to the time limit we had originally agreed to, our professionalism kicked-in and we decided we should leave any more personal exploration until later. So I returned to my ship, and having established a navigational link between the two, we commenced our individual transmissions.

Although we had been using tachyons, waves or particles that cannot travel slower than light speed, for point to point communications for quite some time, Peta told me their systems used a sub-set of the little beasties that enabled broadcast, and what sounded to me like a very weird variety of other transmissions. And because of that capacity she assured me that her message would be received by all her contacts while mine was still being processed by just the mother ship. And of course as we were not the first aliens her species had made contact with, although there would be excitement, it would not be of the same intensity that my report would cause.

I tried to imagine the emotions being felt on board the mother ship, but although first contact had been discussed, and in many quarters, planned for, for many generations, I really couldn't. And I didn't even try to imagine the effect of the last part of my report, which not only dealt with the fact that I would be returning with one representative, but that I would be remaining with her from then on.

To say that between us we set off every alarm in our part of the system would be to put it mildly. Apparently, so I was told some time after we had returned, Peta's message triggered a pretty quick, and far more comprehensive message from a more senior representative of her people, which arrived at the mother ship just an hour or so after mine. The combination of the two caused even more excited confusion than even I had imagined there would be. My people not only had to face the fact that contact had finally been made with another sentient species, that it was far more advanced than ourselves, that I was 'bringing one home with me', so to speak, and that the two of us would then be remaining as 'partners', but also prepare to receive a visit from a small delegation of them, a group that specialised in establishing the initial links with other species.

I was glad we were not there at the time, and that the few days it took us to travel to the rendezvous point gave everyone time to start getting used to the idea we were no longer alone.

Even with Peta around to verify everything I said it still took a few more to convince the authorities that I hadn't gone either permanently or temporarily mad, and then another couple for them to understand that we were serious about wanting to continue working, but in partnership. Then the importance of all that got somewhat lost when the representative team of Peta's people arrived and the really serious stuff began.

Peta went through a similar, albeit much shorter grilling than I had been subjected to before she made them realise she too was serious and that there could be some very real benefits to having a scouting team comprised of two separate species.

Although desperate attempts had initially been made to keep what was going on under heavy security wraps, as always, somebody leaked something to someone and once the faintest whiff reached the media they went into truly frenzied over-drive. Recognising the inevitable, the authorities decided on what they called limited co-operation, putting out a document that they hoped would give enough, but not too much information about the contact, and allowing Peta and I to be seen together, but not interviewed.

That plan couldn't and didn't succeed for too long, and as I had suggested to Peta, the media proved to be the unstoppable force that actually helped us. At first the suggestion was that we could talk to the media about stuff that wasn't still heavily classified, and they wanted to include in that anything hinting at our physical relationship. Then someone with a bit of common sense realised that would work for about five minutes, so I think they decided to hope we would be a one day wonder, then just vanish off the screens.

We were given a grudging clearance to do and talk about what we had proposed, and although it took the bureaucrats a lot longer to work out exactly how to officially transfer me, I was allowed to physically move into her ship.

I gave Peta a crash course in the way our media worked and some idea of what indignities she could expect from them, then we set up a full day of meetings. In spite of the demands for individual, face-to-face sessions we did only joint, group interviews, but even so it was immediately obvious that the media was going to love us. And why wouldn't they, we gave them a bit of everything; adventure, personal risk and hazard, a brave new world for all mankind, and of course even more importantly, sex...

Peta and I had agreed on a strategy to deal with what I knew would actually be the focus of most media people, the sex bit, and although we didn't deny the possibility of a physical relationship, we refused to confirm one already existed, merely hinting at our hope as to the possibility of one at some time in the future. Instead we stressed the satisfaction we expected to find in applying two distinctly different sets of intellectual and emotional capabilities to solving exploration problems. But of course the general media just brushed over that bit, preferring to latch on to the hint we had given, and most of the stories broadcast variations on the theme of us being 'a pair of love lorn scouts that hoped one day to find true happiness together'. Then adding a range of very creative ideas as to just how that 'happiness' might actually be achieved.

So having given them at least something to get excited about, and then the appearance of the first of many leaks as to what was going on in the meetings between the two official groups, we were left pretty much alone for a day or two.

The private space in Peta's ship shielded us from most of what was going on outside and having stocked up on foodstuffs for me, we simply locked ourselves away. Having been apart for as long as we had neither of us really cared what anyone thought we might be up to, we just got on with making up for lost time, and whether you call it 'melding' or simply 'fucking', that's what we did for most of it.

By the time we reappeared I found that the fund had paid up, making me richer than I had really ever thought possible, and of course once word of that got out it started up a whole new series of demands for interviews. Having got through those Peta and I again disappeared for a while, and although there was of course some more serious physical interaction, we also spent a fair bit of it working our way through details of various places where we might set up our personal 'base camp'.

Because of the minor, but still real physical differences between us we both had to make a few compromises. For instance, Peta needed a planet with less gravity than I could handle, I needed a somewhat lesser oxygen content than she preferred, and there were a few other, less significant things like that. However, we finally found a place on a planet in a pretty remote system, and settled on the purchase of both it and the large island it was built on, adding a probably unnecessarily large bonus for the agent to ensure he keep the identity of the purchaser absolutely secret.

When we then asked to be given some time off together I think the authorities were in some ways glad to have us both out of circulation for a while, and as Peta was allowed the use of her ship we headed off to inspect our new 'home'. Although we agreed there were many things that needed to be done, much of which only Peta's far more advanced technology could provide, we felt sure it would give us somewhere we would enjoy returning to after whatever travels our work required.

But as well as dealing with the practicalities of life we also used the time to continue building my linking skills. Peta came up with a set of mental exercises for me to do that seemed like a complex form of meditation, which, to be honest, I found pretty boring. But I had no such complaints about the more excitingly satisfying practical sessions we frequently did together as I slowly improved.

Although the limitations of my brain meant I was never to develop to the levels that any of Peta's people had, and for a while it concerned me that being with me meant she had to give up too much, she assured me that apart from the other things she liked about me, my physical capacities more than made up for any mental short-fall.

And if her actions were anything to go by she wasn't simply humouring me, apart from testing just how short a recovery time I needed between orgasms, there were occasions when she seemed to be virtually insatiable. As we had no immediate time constraints to worry about we were both free to fully explore our combined creative imaginings, which some days proved to be even wilder than others, and more than once we came out of a particularly long melding to find we had worked ourselves close to actual physical exhaustion.

Just as I never got tired of watching the colour and shade shift in her eyes, Peta never tired of looking at my cock when she aroused it, and with a tongue like hers there were some spectacularly effective ways of doing that. Occasionally, once she knew I had no objections to her doing so, when the rest of my body was literally too tired to do anything more she asked me to just lie back and allow her free play with it. She told me that just feeling it gradually filling, growing harder, then feeling its slow pulsing beat, was enough to give her intense pleasure. Not orgasmic, but still immensely enjoyable.

And quite apart from the physical enjoyment that gave me, knowing she was getting pleasure, and being able to watch the result demonstrated by the progressively more intense display I could see in her eyes, combined to give me just as much.

So, as my melding skills improved, and we grew more and more confident together, the quality of our already amazing sex life increased even more, and I am happy to say that continues to be true, even now, so many years later.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

What happened to Sam?

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