Sex Study - First Visit


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I looked at the form stunned. Ingesting semen? So was this really a study or a clever way to get someone like me to take up porn? But no video? Something didn't add up. Looking again at the women in the room it appeared this could be a main source of income for some of them. I wondered if any of the women were regular participants.

I looked at the form again. It said $200 was the minimum if the candidate participated, and went up from there based on acceptance of additional tests. How was I supposed to ingest semen, and why did I need to be stimulated? It wasn't at all clear to me. The form said more information about the test would be provided inside. I could reject the test right now and walk out with nothing. The only way to know for sure what was expected of me was to sign the form. The form said I could still decline after I found out more information, and signing this form was only to indicate that I knew what the study was about.

I looked up at the receptionist behind the window who was looking at me. I felt the receptionist was waiting on me impatiently. I looked at my phone to see the time. It was five minutes past my appointment time. I signed the form and rushed up to the desk to hand it in. The receptionist thanked me and asked that I have a seat.

"Can I ask you a question about the study?" I asked.

"No, they will give you more information once you go inside."

I sat down again and waited anxiously. A few minutes later a woman walked through a door and called my name. "Sara?"

I stood up and the woman welcomed me and asked me to follow her through the door.

Inside it was like a big warehouse with partitioned rooms. I was brought to a carpeted room with a love seat, coffee table, and two facing chairs. There were prints on the walls and it looked like they were trying to make it a warm setting. "Have a seat anywhere, Sara. Someone will be in shortly. Would you like some water?"

"No thanks."

I sat in one of the chairs and waited nervously. There were a few magazines on the table and I picked up the Cosmo and just flipped through the pages mainly looking at the pictures. A few minutes later another woman walked in. She looked like she was in her mid-twenties and she was very attractive. She was dressed professionally with a nice white blouse, above-the-knee-length red skirt, and matching strappy heels. I couldn't tell for sure, but it seemed she may have been braless because I could sort of see what looked like her nipples and I didn't see any outlines or color indicating a bra or shear bra underneath. Either way she filled out her top nicely.

"How are you, Sara? I'm Rachel. I'm going to discuss the test with you and see how you would like to proceed."

"Hi. Is this a real test or a clever way to get people into porn?" I asked. I realized after I said it how blunt that sounded and I was a little embarrassed.

"It's a real test," Rachel said with a laugh. "There are no shortages of women willing to do porn so this would not be necessary to get people in. Our test results are shared with physicians and organizations studying sexual behaviors. Our compensation comes from those organizations. However some women do choose to be filmed and ask us to help them market themselves for pornography. In that case we determine if they were really a study participant or only here to be filmed and get into porn. If it is the latter we segregate their results in the study so that it isn't skewed. For full disclosure, we also receive compensation from porn sites for those women who ask us to help them market their video and photos.

"So video and photos are not taken if I don't want them?"

"Yes. We only take them if you ask. I'll explain that in a minute."

"So what exactly are you trying to learn in this study?" I was still skeptical.

"We cannot divulge the true meaning of the study until you finish. Otherwise it would skew the results. All I can say is that we are funded to study the effects of male semen ingested by females."

"And how are the results of that used?"

"It could be used for development of a drug. It could also be used for sexual therapists, etc. We don't know all of the uses of the data, and future research organizations could purchase this data for other reasons than what we currently know. That said, as you saw in the privacy form you signed, none of the data collected will be captured with your name, address, or any other information that could identify you as a study participant."

"Hmm." I thought for a moment. "So what would I have to do exactly?"

"We want you to swallow semen while you are being stimulated orally. Depending on how much you are willing to do will determine how many data points we get."

"How much I am willing to do?"

"Yes. The test goes something like this. If you agree to be tested, we take you to wardrobe where you work with someone to choose an outfit. Once you are ready we bring you to the testing room. Next to that room is another room with one-way glass so that you can see into that room, but people in that room cannot see you. In that other room will be men who went through the same kind of clinical tests you did for drugs, STDs, HIV, etc. They all passed and are healthy. They also met our criteria for attractiveness and have been confirmed to be able to produce average to more than average amounts of semen.

To begin, you will select two of the males from that room. All of the men will be naked, and they have agreed to be viewed by you and us through the glass. They have agreed to participate in the study with the female candidate. Also, since you may use more than two guys, we ask that you eliminate anyone not acceptable. Once they enter the room you will choose which guy's semen you will swallow and which one to stimulate you."

"I have to give one of them a blowjob?"

"That or they can masturbate in front of you. But we want them to ejaculate in your mouth and we want you to swallow it. The other guy will stimulate you orally for each test."

"For each test? I have to do this more than once? And why do they have to stimulate me?"

"No, you don't have to do it more than once. You don't even have to participate and you can leave at any time. But if you decide to do more than one test we like the guys to change positions immediately without any delay. You get $200 for the first test. If you continue after that you get another $100 each for the next four guys. You get $200 each for the next two guys for a total of $1000. You can stop whenever you want. And if you want to be filmed we can do that and give you a private link to view it. It won't be shared with anyone unless you ask us to help market it."

"Huh. I thought this sounded like porn, but you make it sound so clinical. I really thought this was a study where I answered questions."

"It's a lot of money Sara for just answering questions. I can't tell you what to do. We have a lot of girls that would like to participate in the study. It has to be your choice if you want to participate, and I need you to sign this form saying you understand what I just described, that you accept any risks to your health, and that you are a willing participant. I also need to see and copy your two forms of ID proving your age. Here are the test results of your potential male participants. Copies of these tests will go in your file for traceability. You should also know that we have never experienced any health issues. We are very careful in our selection process."

I looked over the form and it appeared to describe what I was told. I also looked at the clinic results from the men. They were all negative and showed each person was in good health. I thought about how badly I needed the money. It was $200 for a blowjob and $300 for two blowjobs. I really could use a lot more than that. I thought again about my credit card bills and the rent due in a few days. Three blowjobs could pay the minimum amount due for all of my credit cards and part of the rent. I stared at the form again and then looked up at Rachel and saw her looking at me expectantly. "I don't believe this," I said as I signed the form and placed my IDs on the table.

"Sara, that's great! We are really glad to have you participate. I'll just copy these and be right back." After she left I sat there noticeably shaking and wondering what I just did.

Rachel returned a few minutes later. "If you are ready I'm going to take you to our wardrobe room where you can choose an outfit. There is a restroom as well, and you can have makeup applied if you want to be filmed. Do you think you want to be filmed? Again, nobody but our film editor sees it and we ensure nothing leaves our computers. It will be securely stored and only visible to you."

"Do most people choose to be filmed? If so, why?"

"To remember an unforgettable event in their life. This may be the only time you do something like this, or it may be the beginning. You have nothing to lose by filming it and it doesn't cost you anything. I would say well more than half of the people choose the video, and many of those that don't the first time regret it and choose it on their second visit."

I thought for a few seconds. Nobody will see it but me. I guess it would be interesting. "Well, I guess it is ok to video as long as it is secure. It cannot get out!"

"If it did we would be out of business, sued, and criminally charged."

"Okay. I guess that is true."

"Just sign this waiver then that says we can take pictures and video. It also says just what we talked about. We cannot share anything without your written permission and this form does not give that permission. It says we will make a link available to you to view the contents, and only you or anyone you give the link and password to will be able to view the contents. Nobody can download the video or pictures.

I signed the form. I then followed Rachel to a dressing room where another young attractive woman was waiting. She stood up and said with enthusiasm, "Hi, I'm Tiffany. You must be Sara."

"Hi, yes I am."

"I'll leave you two then. Sara, I'll see you in the testing room. Tiffany will bring you over," Rachel said.

Rachel stepped out and closed the door. Along the side wall to my right were racks of clothing. Along the back wall was a table with all kinds of makeup, nail polish, and stuff to fix up your hair. There were a couple chairs and a large mirror on the wall with bright lights. It looked just like a dressing room for movie stars. Opposite the racks of clothing to my left was a restroom.

Tiffany was trim with light-brown hair and possibly an inch or so shorter than me but it was hard to tell with shoes on. She was wearing a pinkish V-neck tank top with thin shoulder straps that showed a lot of cleavage and fit snuggly around her boobs. She appeared to be a big B or small C cup. She also wore a black leather mini-skirt and cute sexy leather sandals.

"Okay, let's choose an outfit," Tiffany said. "We want something that makes you feel sexy, and we want it to allow access to the guys."


"To allow them to stimulate you. So that means the bottoms either have to come off or need to allow easy access with them on. The top can be whatever you want, but the sexier it is for the guys the easier they will have their orgasm. And it will be better for your video if you are doing that."

"I did choose the video option, although I'm wondering if I'll regret it."

"It's safe. Don't worry. When I did it I was reluctant also but ended up glad I did it."

"You did a study also?"

"Sure. So did Rachel and a few others that work here."

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but what did you do in your studies, and did you post your video to the Internet?"

I did six studies. Some were with men and some with women. I published two videos. The first one I didn't have taped and wished I did because it probably was the best. A few others I didn't like. It really wasn't my intention to post them to the internet, but eventually I was curious whether people would be interested."

"You weren't worried that friends or family would find out?"

"I had on a wig so it was harder to recognize me. But if they found out I felt I could deal with it. I'm not embarrassed about my body or sex. My family is fairly liberal and would probably get over it soon enough if they did find out." She shrugged her shoulders and smiled.

"Thanks. I think I would like a wig. I really can't imagine me sharing any videos, and I think my family would freak out like you wouldn't believe if they did see the video. I would be banned for life by my Dad."

"We have lots of wigs. I think we can make you look different enough that nobody could be sure it was you. Let's have a look at outfits first. Do you have any ideas?"

"I really haven't thought about it. I guess something that looks flattering and doesn't make me look fat."

"Ha! You have nothing to worry about there. Here, based on your bikini photo I chose some possible outfits for you. I think you should definitely highlight your boobs because they looked amazing in the photo. Not much of the bottom half of you was in the close-up photo and it was only a frontal, but based on what I see now I think a thong would be nice with black fishnet tights to go with sexy heels."

Tiffany pulled out some clothes from the rack. There were a couple top options. One was a sheer baby doll and the other was a crop-top fishnet Camisole. Both tops had very deep wide openings that would barely cover my breasts. She then handed me a black crotchless thong that was cut to fit around the sides of my pussy and with essentially a string up the back. She also handed me the tights and a black leather mini skirt with a zipper in the back.

"Here, try these on and I'll be back in a minute."

"Okay," I said as I looked at the rack to see what she didn't choose. Tiffany left the room and closed the door. I stared at the items in my hands and the rack and decided to try on the baby doll first. I stepped in front of the mirror and took off my shoes first, and then I took off my tank top and skirt. The mirror was a flattering and made me feel thin. With the lights overhead and the overall setting of the room I kind of felt like a stripper for a moment preparing to go on stage.

I took off my bra next and put the baby doll on. It was a very see through black material that was tight around my breasts and hung loosely below them to the bottom of my panties. My nipples and belly button were clearly visible through the fabric.

Next I removed my panties and put on the thong. I was glad I regularly shaved my pussy, including the day before, because the thong would have looked horrible otherwise. My pussy was clearly exposed as the fabric stretched around the sides and up between my cheeks. I turned my torso to look from behind and could hardly tell I was wearing any panties except for the strap around the waist. Finally I put on the fishnet tights which had elastic around my thighs to hold them up. It was definitely an outfit you might see in a strip club.

Tiffany walked in and I saw her in the mirror as she stopped behind me and to my left side. "Wow! You look amazing in that outfit!" I impulsively brought my arm up to cover my breasts as I looked at her in the mirror and watched her admire my body from behind me. She had an excited look and I let my arm drop realizing that I wasn't going to be able to hide. I tried to smile. "That's really going to get these guys excited. What do you think?"

"I'm not sure. I guess it will work. I'm just not used to seeing myself like this."

"You haven't worn lingerie for a boyfriend before?"

"No, I don't really have any."

"Well you look amazing. Shall we try the other top?"

"Sure." I realized she was going to watch as she stood there looking at my body in the mirror. I reached for the sides of the top to pull it off.

"Here, I'll help you."

Tiffany stepped forward and placed her hands near mine and she lifted the top. I raised my arms and she brought it over my head. She then walked around me to my front and grabbed the fishnet top from the table and handed it to me. There wasn't much to it and I slipped it over my head. The V-neck was wide and deep and the opening barely covered my breasts, although "cover" is loosely applied in this case since the top was just thin knotted threads.

Tiffany looked at me for a moment and grabbed the bottom edges of the top and twisted it slightly to even it out and then stood back to look again. "Oh my God," she giggled. "That looks so incredible on you!"

She stepped to the side so that I could see in the mirror. The bottom came to my mid-belly area just above my belly button. The fabric over my breasts was taught and my eraser-sized hard nipples fit just perfectly through the holes.

"I love how that looks on you. What do you think? The guys may be ejaculating before they get to you."

It was interesting that the assumption was that I would do this with more than one guy. I still wasn't sure I would do it with even one. "I guess that would make the test go faster."

"It might skew the results. Remember the test is about you and not them."

"It is about me? Rachel didn't really tell me what the test was about."

"I cannot tell you the details either without jeopardizing the study results. You'll find out when it is over. All I can say now is that you need them to cum in your mouth and you need to swallow it. And for a useful test it needs to be more than one guy. If you stop at one, the odds of you being invited back are much less because the data isn't that useful. In fact, the more guys the better for the data."

"Hmm..." It made sense that they needed more than one data point. But still, they were asking me to swallow cum from strangers! I looked at myself in the mirror and decided both tops looked good, but equally frightening, and I decided to stay with the Camisole.

"I like this one on you a lot. What do you think?" Tiffany asked.

Let's stay with the Camisole I guess."

"Great choice! Okay, let's get some makeup and a wig on you for the video and get you ready."

After about fifteen minutes I was ready to go. Tiffany handed me four-inch pumps that were difficult to walk in but I managed. It was also strange looking at myself in the mirror with a brunette shoulder-length wig. I was given a robe and we walked over to the testing room.

The door was open and I saw Rachel inside the room. There was a small booth with glass walls in the back right corner of the room, but nobody was inside it. On the left side of the room was a big glass mirror. Video cameras were mounted in all corners of the room near the ceiling, and there was a tripod camera in the back as well as a hand camera sitting on a chair along the right wall. In the middle of the room was a spongy mat, and in the back was a light reflector that directed light toward the mat. Opposite the wall mirror were lights focused on the mat.

"Hey, perfect timing! We are just about ready. I like the wig!" Rachel said as she saw me enter the room. "Let's talk through what's going to happen so that you are sure, and most important, comfortable. Because you chose to do the video, we want to ensure it is perfect. That's why we have all these cameras and lights. I will operate the tripod camera and Tiffany will operate the hand camera. The wall cameras will be on as well and will be operated remotely by our video editor. Don't worry about the sounds. We can edit anything out. So we can talk to each other as needed. Questions so far?"

"Um, I don't know exactly what to do."

"I was just getting to that. So most of the testers start on their knees and suck the first guy, and then after a few minutes they lay down on their back. We have pillows if needed. The other guy goes down on you when you are ready. The guy you are sucking will position himself near your mouth. You could also do it reversed where the guy eating you out is beneath you and you are on your knees. The most important thing is that you are being orally stimulated throughout."