Sexual Diversions Ch. 04


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She wasn't thinking, she couldn't, there wasn't room in her mind to cope with the rush of feelings and to think about what they were doing, why they were doing it, where it might lead and the possible repercussions. All she could think about was this big, loveable man who she had known as a dear friend and a husband of an even dearer one. This six feet three black hulk of manhood who even now at, probably forty five, had the firm, lithe, trimmed body he'd had in his thirties and which men half his age craved for. It was Wilson, his mouth, lips, hands, body and, of course, the obvious erection that she was so pleased to realise he was unashamedly pressing against her, pushing into her flesh, enquiringly and invitingly.

Unlike many men when they kissed her for the first time, he didn't try to hide it, he wasn't either, ashamed to show his feelings or, embarrassed at his body's reaction. No, he was happy to show her in the most illustrative way he could how much he wanted her.

Although rarely an instigator of sex, when involved in it, Sammi played her full part. When her inhibitions had gone, when she relaxed, when she was assured of the man's intentions and when she was aroused she found the confidence to play a very full part indeed. So, as Wilson's hand pulled her top out from the waistband of her skirt, slipped inside the material and thrilled her so much with the skin of his fingers on the bare flesh of her breasts, she reacted; she played her part.

And God was he big, she thought as her hand closed over the shape of his erection outside his shorts.

He pushed himself against her hand, just as obviously and as confidently as she squirmed her tit against his. He was daring her, inviting her, maybe challenging or even asking her to go further, which was exactly what she wanted to do.

Still with their mouths clamped, their lips squirming and tongues probing, she undid his zip. Fiddling her hand inside, she was restrained by the tightness of his shorts that is until she felt him reach down and undo his belt and the button at the top of his fly. She felt his hand leave her chest and half felt and half saw him push his shorts down, using both hands. He was not wearing anything underneath. He pulled his body away from hers and looked her right in the eye. Without blinking or even smiling and with a deadly serious look on his face he peeled the yellow vest off and stood before her, fully naked. He took her back into his arms, crushing her frail body against his big, black nakedness.

This was what she liked about older men and why she largely rejected guys her age or younger. The confidence and the assurance they had. The way that Wilson had taken his shorts off, the way he was able to be naked before she was, the way that he led her, taking and directing, but not being assumptive or pushy and the way that he made their lovemaking a mutual expedition.

He grunted as she touched his cock, she sighed as one of his hands returned to her breast and the other slid up her microskirt right onto the cheek of her bum. He felt so rampant as her fingers closed round his long smoothness, she felt so wanted as he lifted her top up and over her head. And they both felt fantastic when the whiteness of Sammi's b cup breasts was crushed against the blackness of his muscular torso.

Her skirt seemed to just simply fall away. They kissed more with Wilson alternating his hands between her tits and the pert cheeks of her bum, and Sammi squirming her tummy against his cock, that she had now clearly established was bigger in both length and girth than anything she had previously seen, let alone had.

It had never happened to her before, well not like this, not like when Wilson, without asking, picked her up in his arms, clamped his mouth to hers and carried her into the bedroom and laid her in the middle of a double bed. She looked up at him standing beside it. He was magnificent. Her heart leaped at his shape, his physique, his muscular body and his smooth, glistening blackness. If her heart leaped at those features, it simply pounded with a combination of sheer horniness, wanton anticipation and real concern for her physical well-being, when she looked properly at his cock for the first time. It was not the length that alarmed her, she was pretty sure that would not be a problem, although she had never seen one in the flesh that reached above, actually some way above, a man's navel. It was its thickness that concerned her, that made her pulses race and which made her start panting half with fear, half with expectation. It looked almost as thick as her wrist.

Not only did Wilson look magnificent, standing totally naked and fully erect alongside the bed, he also looked so proud, confident, relaxed and aroused. Not the arrogance she sees in kids, but the assurance that comes with the knowledge that you look good and are good. And with a cock like that, she was thinking, he has every right to feel good.

Wilson knelt on the bed, but Sammi stopped him lying beside her. She wanted to reciprocate first. Looking him right in the eye she lifted her bum from the bed, slid her fingers into her thong and slipped it down her legs so that she too was nude. And that felt very good, particularly when he did lie beside her, when he took her in his arms, when he kissed her again, when he crushed her soft womanliness against his hard maleness and when he thrust his big cock against her soft belly. It felt even better as his hands ran all over her body and as hers stroked and caressed his chest, his face, his back, his bum and, of course, of course, of course that immense cock. That felt fabulous to both of them.

It got even better though.

Wilson eased her onto her back, he laid on top of her supporting his weight with his forearms, he rested his cock on her stomach, the base of it and that thick sinew or tube that runs up the back, pressing right against her clit. He kissed her, tenderly and gently as he moved his body so that he slid between her legs that she opened for him. He smiled reassuringly, probably very aware of what would be going through her mind, he must be used to it, Sammi thought, before wondering, perhaps they are all big in Barbados? She almost smiled when the thought came into her mind "perhaps that is why it is such a popular place for holidays."

Then it was entering her, sliding in, opening her up, stretching her and finally filling her.

Her womanhood did its job; it expanded to Wilson's cock going in, just as it was designed to expand to a baby coming out. Sure it hurt a little and of course she was tight and apprehensive, but as he penetrated her, it was nowhere near as bad as she feared. But what was so different, what was such a variation to how she thought it would be and what was so much better than even her wildest imaginings would have thought, was the feeling once Wilson had settled himself fully inside her.

All women love the feeling of being filled. It's at the heart of them enjoying being fucked and it's the prime feeling that produces female orgasms and makes them cum. Women love being stuffed, Sammi loved being stuffed and never had she been so filled or stuffed like this.

It was amazing, she felt as though her entire insides were being pushed around and that her pussy was filled to overflowing, it was like putting too much food in your mouth, but not feeling as though you might gag, instead receiving sexual stimulation everywhere there was food.

Wilson held her tight, gently kissing her face, hair, neck, lips and ears. He so considerately waited until her body adjusted to him and until her pussy lips and insides became used to his size. Then, looking her straight in her eyes he fucked her. He fucked her just as they both wanted it, hard, fast and dirty. He fucked her on her back, on top of him and on her side. He made her cum and cum and cum before exploding inside her. And once he had done that, he did it again and again over the rest of that afternoon, evening and into the night


To this day, Mike has no idea how he resisted her. How he resisted when she leaned forward, touching his knee, laughing at his joke and flashing him a great view of her tits. How he stopped himself when she stood before him sitting on the sofa, the mound of her pubis outlined by the thin material of her dress. And how he prevented himself from sliding his arm round her and pulling her body to his when they were saying good bye and she offered her face to him for a kiss.

But he had resisted her, somehow, and despite seeing her twice more on that trip, both times them being alone and both times Emma being a highly provocative, he did not succumb to her charms. Not in Saudi or in London where they met several times about both the new clinic and the progress of his Consultant Assistant.

They had got to know each other quite well during that process. So well in fact that one evening after dinner at Mike's current consulting rooms they had got slightly drunk. Somehow the subject of sex and mixing it with business had come up and he had said.

"I never do that; it's a cast iron vow of mine."

"Thank God for that," Emma laughed.


"I thought I was losing my charm in Saudi when we had lunch."

"Far from it," Mike had replied looking at the outline of her breasts in the tight jacket of her red suit.

They had joked about it quite a bit after that with Emma making remarks such as, "No good wiggling my butt for you is there?" or "Pointless me flashing my tits to you then?"

Mike had been in Riyadh for over a week this time. He had attended numerous meetings as everything was discussed, agreed and finalised. He had not yet seen Emma, but had met Abdullah several times. The next stage would be all the legal work and then the completion which was planned for six weeks time in London.

"Hi fancy a drink, a DVD, dinner, me?" Emma said jokingly down the phone, late one afternoon.

"All three actually." Mike replied, actually meaning it, for after a week with no sex other than a couple of phone calls with Claire, he was feeling very horny, as Emma knew full well he would be; after a week in Saudi men always did. And that was when, if needing to persuade a target, she always put the pressure on.

She didn't need to persuade Mike though and as she had got to like and respect him she had given up trying.

"Pop over then, we can at least do the first three, and you never know on the fourth do you?"

"Now, now."

"Yes I know."

Emma was wearing jeans and a loose top when Mike first met her, when he got there. After Emma and Mike had had a couple of drinks and had caught up on all the latest gossip, Emma said.

"I have a meeting I have to go to, with Abdullah," Emma said, using meeting loosely for she had been bidden to his Riyadh town house which was where he took her for sex.

"Oh Ok, I'll go then, can you drop me off somewhere?"

"No you stay, you can have a drink, watch some movies, there's few that are er, a little risqué and then call up Khalid and he'll take you to the Hyatt when you want."

"Great, thanks Emma," Mike said the randy feelings rising in him as he saw the outline of her bra strap through the thin blouse. "Meeting my arse," he thought, guessing she was off to be shagged by the old man. "Have a good time, I hope you enjoy it?"

"Fuck, he knows or has guessed," she thought, wishing now that she had tried harder to fuck him so she would have some hold over him.

"What do you mean, enjoy it? It's a bloody meeting."

"Yeah sure." Mike retorted smiling, feeling pleased that Korlen had told him about how she had been shagging Abdullah for years and how he had passed her onto his sons. "Just like bequeathing them a beautiful vintage car that he's had great pleasure from and which they can now enjoy," was how the German put it, rather eloquently, Mike had thought at the time.

She smiled. "Ok, well, that's my explanation."

Mike smiled as well for, despite her reputation as really being a very, very high class whore and spy, he liked her and by Christ in different circumstances, would he have liked to fuck her.

"As I said, enjoy it then."

"Oh I will, Mike, I will."

Mike decided to push his luck.

"He's still able to get it up then."

Emma debated whether to reply, for either way that would amount to an admission. She smiled. "We have our ways, Mike."

"I bet you do."

"And I did offer you, so you had your chance. Anyway, I have to get ready."

Emma went out of the room and Mike could hear her in another room moving around. It was only ten minutes or so later when she returned. He was amazed at what he saw. She was wearing the new uniform, the one that the nurses would wear in the new clinic, the one she had modelled for Sammi, the one that Mike had only seen in drawings. The black taffeta dress, the furled collar, the plunging neckline, the tight top, the even tighter skirt, the black seemed stockings and the black mid height heeled shoes.

"Jesus Christ, Emma that looks amazing."

Emma smiled, enjoying the compliment, on both her and the uniform. She did a little curtsey.

"Well thank you kind sir."

"No I mean it," Mike said huskily. "The uniform is fantastic, but surely the girls would have to cover up a bit er um."

"Round the tits, you mean?"

"Yes, exactly."

"Why? Don't you like them?"

"What tits?"


"Of course I do."


"Yes Emma naturally as any man would." Mike stammered gazing at Emma's magnificent chest.

She smiled again. "Yes of course they will, this is just a mock up, a one off for me, the real ones will be much higher cut."

"So why do you have one of your own?"

"Oh just as a fun thing, something I can wear for special occasions and model for my favourite people."

"So who has seen it then?" Mike asked, feeling a little left out at not being on of Emma's "favourite people.

"Oh Ahmad and Sunni, of course, and tonight, Abdullah."

"I see, just the brass then?" Mike said feeling a little relieved.

"Yes pretty much. Oh and Sammi."

"Sammi? My Sammi."

"Oh my now is she?"

"You know what I mean."

"Yes your Sammi, when I told her about the new job."

"Has she got one of these uniforms, these er, um special ones?"

"No, well not yet, but I may have one run up for her. Would you like to see her in that?"

"Yes of course I would, any man would."

"But you never mix business with pleasure like that, do you?"

"No Emma. Anyway you had better get going or I might just change my mind," he said, his cock starting to harden.

"Really?" Emma said turning and facing him, putting one hand on her hip and pushing her tits out.

"Keep it up and yes I might. You must know what being in sexless Saudi does to men"

"Yes I do, but it's not completely sexless." Emma said picking up a long flowing robe that she slipped on over the uniform.

"Well not for you, no."

"And not for you either, really."

"I said Emma if you keep that I might weaken."

"I didn't mean me."

"What did you mean?"

"What would you do in, say San Diego, if you felt like this, very horny?"

"Probably get an escort or a massage."

"And that's exactly what can happen here."

She, of course, hadn't mentioned to him before, as it could get her in terrible trouble, maybe even the death penalty, but as a sideline, she ran a series of escort girls. Masquerading as nurses, she supplied them to high ranking Saudis and their very special guests. As diplomatically as it was done and with all the protection she had from her high profile famous clients, it was still very risky, but that was why the rewards were so huge.


"I think you heard Mike."

"I was just making sure I had heard properly. You could arrange an escort?"

"Yes, but for Christ's sake keep that to yourself."


"Where what?"

"Where would I see her? My hotel?"

"Don't be daft, girls can't just walk in a hotel and knock on your door in this country."

"That's what I thought, so where then?"

"Well you could stay here and I could arrange for one, or two if you want to come here."

Mike was amazed at this turn up. Not just amazed and surprised but very interested and on top of that bloody aroused.


"Yes, most of the girls are bi."

"How the hell many do you have then?"

"You don't need to know that," Emma said, hunting through her bag for one the several mobiles she always carried. She found the one that she only used for this business.

"Well?" She asked looking at him, her breasts seeming to be stretching her top, her legs looking longer and her bum looking rounder.

"You sure about this?"

"Of course."

"OK then Emma thank you," Mike said, feeling rather embarrassed and a little helpless at this surprising turn of events.

"One or two, Doctor?" She asked mischievously, her eyes glinting.

"How much is all this going to cost?"

"It's on the house."

"Ok, well two then if that's ok."

Emma went over to her laptop. She pressed a few keys and said.

"Have a look at this."

Mike looked at the screen and saw a picture of a really beautiful Thai girl.

"This is Simoo, Ok?"

"How old is she?"

"Old enough and Kumah is the same age and looks very similar."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Why do you steal a pic off Southern Charms for your so-called profile pic? I hope the real owner discovers it... soon.... (and yes, that was a hint...)

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