Shanghai Shenanigans

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A game of truth or dare leads Beth to new discoveries.
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Author's Note: First of all, if you've found this story randomly, then welcome.

However, if you follow me, or even if this is your second story of mine, I want to give a brief explainer. All my stories take place in the same universe. You will see a lot of character crossover. Generally speaking, they are posted in chronological order. But each story should still be able to stand alone. And thus, you should be able to read them in whichever order you choose.

I'd also like to thank P_Anderer for graciously editing this story.



"Never have I ever had group sex."

Aimee looked around at the other four. "Really? None of you?" she asked, putting her last finger down. "You all are making me look downright slutty."

The group laughed.

"I mean if the shoe fits..." Phillip said, eliciting another round of laughs.

Aimee pursed her lips and made an exaggerated frown.

Beth stared at the other girl with newfound fascination. She knew Aimee was a very sexual person. Hell, Aimee flirted with everyone she met, men and women alike. Still, Beth would never have guessed she had done half the things she had admitted to tonight.

To be fair though, she didn't know her all that well. Honestly, although they were all friends at this point, none of the group really knew one another particularly well.

The five of them were just finishing up a three-week study abroad term in Shanghai. As the only English speakers in their group, they had worked together several times throughout the course. But the program had kept them so busy, they had barely had time to actually hang out. The only reason they were free now was because they were all flying out in the morning. Back to their far corners of the globe.

And so tonight they had loaded up on cheap Chinese beer and gathered in Aimee's dorm room to play drinking games.

There wasn't much in the way of furniture, so they were all crowded onto the room's one small bed. Aimee reached into one of the plastic bags next to the bed and pulled out another huge bottle of beer, refilling everyone's cups. They had gone through two others already. "Cheers, mates," she said in her thick kiwi accent.

Beth raised her drink, to tap it against the others'. Besides herself and Aimee, the other three were boys. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but Beth found them each attractive in their own way.

Henri was a black guy from some university in Montreal that Beth could never pronounce right. His head was shaved bald and he spoke with a slight French lilt. He had the broad shoulders and squat, thick build of someone who had grown up playing hockey.

Phillip was almost the opposite. He was tall, and tan, and lanky with long blond hair that he was constantly running his hands through. He had chosen to go to the University of Hawaii because his only real aspiration in life was to one day be a "surf bum."

And finally, there was Avi. He was originally from India, but went to school in London. Although he was certainly good looking, it was in a sort of mousey way, like he had never quite taken a break from studying long enough to consider himself in that light.

"Wait, you've really had group sex?" Avi asked Aimee, his voice full of confusion more than anything else. He ran a hand through his thick black hair. "Like, multiple people? All...just having sex?"

She gave a little shrug. "That story might have to wait for another time. Or at least until I've had more to drink." Aimee was an absolutely stunning New Zealander. She had wavy brown hair cut into a cute bob. Her boobs were on the smaller size, probably not more than a B cup, but she had legs for days, and an ass that was as close to perfect as Beth had ever seen. Tonight, she was wearing a short pink dress that accented it particularly well.

"Honestly, I think it's cool how at ease you are with your sexuality," Beth told her. "I've always wished I were a little more adventurous."

"What's stopping you?" Phillip asked.

Beth laughed. "Mainly being mortified of what other people would think." She had been raised in the American South by very religious parents. Her two years in college so far had given her some space to explore, but it was still sometimes hard to shake the way she was raised.

Aimee licked her lips. "I won't tell anyone if you want to try anything out."

Beth laughed again at her friend. That girl would flirt with anyone.

"I'm not sure you're doing your virtue any favors," Henri noted.

The brunette rolled her eyes. "After that game of never-have-I-ever, I think my virtue is pretty well in tatters already." She looked back to Beth and raised her eyebrows. "You just let me know if you're ever feeling adventurous. I've always had a thing for blondes."

"You know that after tomorrow, we'll live in different hemispheres again," Beth replied.

Aimee cocked her head. "I guess time is of the essence then."

Beth stared back at her nervously. She couldn't tell if the other girl was joking or not. After their last game, it was clear that Aimee had had plenty of experience with the same sex. But Beth had only ever kissed a girl once. And that was behind a closed bedroom door when she was drunk at a party. She felt heat rise to her cheeks at the thought of experimenting in front of a group of boys. However, she was surprised to feel heat between her legs at the idea as well. Putting on a show like that would certainly qualify as adventurous.

"Sooo, what should we play next?" Avi asked, clearly sensing her embarrassment.

Aimee stared at Beth for a long moment with amusement on her face. "We could play truth or dare?" she suggested with a shrug. "Tennessee rules, of course."

Phillip scrunched up his face. "The fuck does that mean?"

Aimee frowned. "You know, when you play with cards."

"Aimee, sweetie," Beth said. "I'm from Tennessee. I've never played truth or dare with cards."

Aimee shrugged. "Maybe it's just a kiwi thing."

"But you call it Tennessee rules," Henri pointed out.

Another shrug. "I don't know. I thought it was like Texas hold 'em. Shit gets named after America all the time."

"What exactly are Tennessee rules?" Avi asked.

"Well it's like normal. You pick truth or dare. Except you also hold the three face cards. King, queen, and jack."

"Annnnd, what do they do?" Phillip asked.

"Well you can only play each card once. For the entire game." Aimee explained. "When you play the king, you're the king. You make everybody do the challenge with you. So if it's a truth, everyone has to answer the truth too. And if it's a dare, everyone has to do it with you."

"Wait," Henri said. "What if we dared you to do something weird... like masturbate? And then you played the king."

Aimee raised her eyebrows. "I guess we'd all be rubbing one out together." She paused. "Makes you think twice about what you'll dare someone to do, right?"

Beth felt that heat between her legs again. "And the other cards?"

"Queen means you pick a mate. Someone to do the truth or the dare with you. And jack means you get to give it to someone else. Because the jack is like a rogue." She smiled. "He's a rapscallion."

Avi frowned. "This is how everyone in New Zealand plays truth or dare?"

"At least in Wellington," Aimee replied. She flashed a glance at Beth. "So what do you say?"

Beth felt herself nodding as she heard the guys consent. She had a feeling the night was about to get interesting.

"Great, I'll go first," Aimee said. "Beth, truth or dare?"

Beth narrowed her eyes at Aimee. "Truth," she answered.

Aimee smiled. "How many men have you had sex with?"

Beth felt all the eyes in the room fixate on her. "I think I want to play my jack," she answered, feeling clever. "So I'll turn it back to you Aimee. How many boys have you had sex with?"

Aimee rolled her eyes, and then paused to count. She had to go through all the fingers on both hands and then start over. Twice. "Twenty-eight I think. But only like five or six were really good at it. Your turn, Henri."

The Canadian nodded his head in appreciation, before pausing to consider his turn. "Aimee, truth or dare."

She looked him over with a coy smile. "Truth."

""What's the craziest thing you've done with someone of the opposite sex?"

"Well, we didn't waste any time getting back to this." She smiled and took a sip of her beer.

"Sorry," he replied. "You can play your jack if it makes you uncomfortable to talk about."

She waved a hand at him dismissively. "No, it's fine. I'll actually play my king. I want to hear everyone's story." She turned to Beth. "Normally we go anticlockwise."

Beth felt an immediate sense of panic. Her craziest story was not something she was proud of. But somewhere deep inside, she also didn't want to start lying on basically the first round. She took a deep breath, and then a long sip of her drink, before finally nodding. "So I had this boyfriend last year who was really into exhibitionism." She paused. "Y'all better not judge me. I've never actually told people about this."

"This is a safe space," Phillip said with a reassuring nod. And an eager smile. The others nodded their agreement.

Beth sighed again. "Well, he was constantly trying to talk me into fucking in front of people. And I was resistant...because, you know, the mortification. But also, just like, gross. Anyway, he finally wore me down. So one night I agreed to let his friend film me going down on him." She scoffed at the memory and shook her head.

"Well don't stop there." Aimee said. "How was it? Did you like it?"

Beth sighed and nodded. "I did," she said finally. "More than I thought I would, honestly." She looked around the room hesitantly, but no one looked put off. In fact, everyone was simply leaning forward to hear what happened next, Aimee included. "Knowing someone was watching us was a huge turn on. Like, it was so hot y'all. They probably could have talked me into going further."

"Wait, why didn't it go further?" Aimee asked.

Beth shook her head. "Because my boyfriend came. Like all over my face. And with absolutely no warning I should add. I realize now that he was a giant douche. But after that, the moment was kind of over." The heat between her legs turned into dampness as Beth remembered the night. After the scene, she had excused herself to the bathroom where she had fingered herself to the single most intense orgasm of her life.

""Damn," Henri said. Beth saw a noticeable bulge in his pants. In fact all the boys seemed to be adjusting themselves uncomfortably.

"Seems like someone has an adventurous side after all," Aimee said, a huge grin on her face.

"Can somebody else go now? I'm dying on the inside," Beth replied. Just because the memory turned her on didn't mean she wanted them all to know.

The Kiwi smiled again. "Phillip?"

"Shit," he replied. "I thought I was going to have a good story. But now it feels almost lame."

"Don't feel lame," Beth encouraged, desperately needing someone to take the attention off her. "What crazy thing did you do?"

"I had sex with a girl on a beach one time. Like in public. Anyone could have seen us. It was almost dark, but there was still enough light to see. And we were both totally naked. She rode me reverse cowgirl as we watched the sunset" He chuckled. "But no one was filming."

Aimee gave him a reassuring pat on the leg. "Maybe someone was watching from the bushes."

"Thanks," Phillip replied with a nod.

"I think it sounds romantic," Beth told him.

"Henri," Aimee asked, with an over exaggerated French accent. "How about you?"

"I don't kiss and tell."

"Oh fuck you," Aimee replied. "We're playing truth or fucking dare."

"I didn't get asked."

"Shut up, these are Tennessee rules."

Henri paused and cracked his knuckles. He stared at Aimee for a moment before answering. "Ok, I lost my virginity on an airplane."

Beth waited for the rest of the story, but Henri didn't didn't go on.

"How?" she asked him, after it was clear he wasn't going to elaborate. "Like how is that even possible? Did you go into the bathroom together? Didn't people notice?"

"It was an overnight flight back from Hawaii."

"Woo," Phillip said, clearly happy that someone had simply mentioned the state where he went to school.

Henri smiled. "I was there with my girlfriend and her family. We had planned to sleep together for the first time while we were there, but then we had to share a room with her little brother. And the opportunity never came up. We were both so horny on the way back that it just kind of happened on the plane. We waited until everyone was asleep. She went to use the toilets and I waited about 5 minutes before knocking quietly." He laughed. "I didn't last long, but that was probably for the best. We were both pretty nervous about getting caught."

Aimee's eyes went wide and she glanced at the others in the group. "Damn. It's not that slutty, but still. You lost your v-card and joined the mile high club at the same time. I tip my hat to you, sir."

Beth shifted uncomfortably on the bed. Her panties were growing increasingly damp. She hadn't thought about her brief stint as an exhibitionist in awhile. Or maybe it was hearing the boys' vaguely exhibitionist stories. Either way, she was hornier than she had been in months.

Aimee turned to Avi. "How about you stud?"

He looked to the floor. "I, uh, I've never one time there was this girl. Her name was Vera. We were in Mathletes together. She was really pretty. We were both obsessed with school and our accolades, but one time, we snuck under the bleachers at a football match. We made out a little. I put my hand on her thigh. I think she might have let me go further, but..." he shrugged his shoulders. "The halftime whistle blew and we were worried we'd get caught. Things were just awkward between us after that."

Everyone paused. Beth considered what might have been. What if the whistle hadn't blown? What if Avi had slid his hand a little further up Vera's thigh? Would anyone have seen?

"Dude, are you saying that's the craziest thing you've ever done?" Phillip asked. "A hand on a thigh?"

Avi shrugged uncomfortably.

"You hush," Aimee said. "Whatever the opposite of slut shaming is, don't you do that to him. We should all aim to be so innocent."

Even though she admired Aimee for trying to make Avi feel comfortable, Beth still felt his embarrassment. "I think that makes it your turn, Aimee," Beth said, trying to help take the focus off Avi. "Let's hear about this group sex."

Aimee looked at her ruefully. She sighed. "Fine. But, this is a safe space, right? No judging?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

She shook her head before beginning, "So, I was dating this asshole my freshman year. It wasn't a healthy relationship. We were constantly daring each other to do more and more humiliating things. But finally, my boyfriend lost a bet. And I got to fuck him and two of his friends."

"Wait, he lost the bet?" Phillip asked. "But he and his friends still got to fuck you?"

"Oh, they didn't fuck me." She smiled. "I fucked them."

"I'm not sure I follow," he replied.

"So, we lured them to his room." She paused. "It wasn't that hard admittedly, I told them I would fuck them. But once they got there, I made all three strip naked and sit on my boyfriend's couch. And I handcuffed their hands behind their backs." Aimee looked at the group and smiled. "All three of them sat there, totally naked and helpless. My boyfriend, in the middle. Me, fully clothed. And then I toyed with them. I stroked both of his friends' dicks. Making sure they were good and hard. Occasionally putting my mouth to them, licking up little bits of precum.

"But never touching my boyfriend. Because he had lost the bet, right?

" And then I took off my clothes. I was sexy about it too. I danced around, knowing they couldn't touch me. When I took my panties off, I rubbed them on my boyfriend's face. Letting him smell how wet I was. But still not touching him." She took a long pause and looked at the group. "Everyone still good? Nobody judging me too much?"

"Jesus Christ," Beth heard herself mutter. "Keep going." The boys all nodded their accent.

"So, now that I was naked, I moved to straddle the friend to the right. I teased my pussy up and down his cock a few times before finally aligning us so he'd slide into me. He moaned in pleasure as I bounced up and down a few times. But then I pulled off him."

Aimee grinned at the group. "Just because he was an innocent bystander, didn't mean I was going to let him cum easily. So I moved to the other friend. And did the same pussy tease before gliding him in. This time, I reached over my boyfriend and grabbed the first friend's cock. Jerking him off while I got fucked. I got the feeling that the guy I was on was getting close, so I pulled off again and went back to the first. I switched back and forth a few times before finally I couldn't stand it anymore."

She paused again. "It's about to get graphic. I want to make sure this is still a safe space."

"Aimee," Avi replied, shifting himself inside his pants as he spoke. "As the token virgin here, please let me live vicariously through you."

She smiled. "So, I was horny as hell at this point. I needed someone to cum inside me. And I don't really know why, but I chose the second friend. I climbed on top of him again. I was gentle at first. But then I started pounding my cunt against his dick. I knew he wanted to touch me, but his hands were still cuffed behind his back. And I just kept going. It wasn't really about him. It was about me. And when I knew he was about to cum, I just let him. I fucked him as he unleashed inside of me. Then, I slid off him, my pussy full of cum, and I hopped on the first friend's dick.

"Mind you, I still hadn't touched my boyfriend's cock. He was rock hard, but I was still ignoring him. I even reached across him and tugged out the last few droplets of his friend's semen. The anticipation must have been killing him. Then the boy inside me started to spasm. I clinched down for all I was worth as he emptied himself inside me.

"And finally, two loads deep, I positioned myself over my boyfriend. There was so much cum inside me, I don't even know how he fit in. It spilled out the sides as I lowered myself onto him. I kind of thought he would last longer. But I guess there was just too much pent up sexual tension. He came almost immediately. And maybe it was all the built up arousal, or maybe it was the fact that I had three guys' jizz inside of me. But feeling him cum, made me cum. Very hard."

She did a little pose with her hands under her chin and smiled. "And that. Is how I had group sex."

At first, no one spoke. Beth stared in awe. Aimee was right. Those boys didn't fuck her. She fucked them. It was the sexiest thing Beth had ever heard. She knew her panties had gone from damp to wet. Maybe even sopping.

"Well, no one's going to top that," Henri said, his French accent finally cutting the tension.

Aimee tilted her head. "I mean, you guys all already went."

"Yeah," Henri said, staring at her with clear lust. "I guess I just mean...damn."

"Seconded," Avi said, holding up a hand like he was in model UN or something. "Damn."

"Thirded?" Phillip said. "If that's a word?"

"Yeah, fourthed," Beth said.

"Alright, alright you guys," Aimee replied. "I fucked a bunch of dudes. Let's carry on, shall we? I believe it's Phillip's turn."

He turned to look at the Canadian. "Henri, truth or dare?"

"Ummm." he shook his head, clearly trying to bring himself back to the moment. "Truth?" he asked before shaking his head again. "No, I think we've had enough of that. How about a dare?"

"I dare you to take off your shorts."

Henri snapped his eyes back to the Hawaiian. "Dude. What the fuck?"