Shards Ch. 02


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"But you have my memories, of my losing my own virginity?" Nancy asked. "And all the sex since, with Dan and other partners?"

"That is indirect knowledge, not a direct experience of the sensations. Just as you know intellectually what a human male does during sex but don't know how it feels from his perspective. That is making you nervous. In that way, we are both basically virgins tonight, even though these two bodies have mated before, many times. Would it not be better for us to support each other in making this first experience more enjoyable, if not romantic? Would you let me kiss you, engage in some foreplay so I will be wetter for your cock?"

Nancy shrugged. "I'm still thinking of it as Dan's cock, not mine. Yes, foreplay is reasonable. I don't want this to be about angry sex, either. So, I'm back to where I began. Let's get started on a baby." Nancy reached out our hand and Cathy took it.

We walked into the bedroom and, facing each other, began to undress. As more of Cathy's skin was exposed, my cock began inflating in response. I didn't dare ask if Nancy was getting turned on by seeing herself naked, for fear that I'd burst the bubble.

"I keep thinking that I'm looking into a mirror at myself," Nancy said. "Except, all of my senses keep telling me that I'm wrong. Even more now, that instinctive male arousal seems to be kicking in. An erection is pretty hard to ignore. Pretty hard, period." Nancy reached our right hand down to stroke the shaft a couple of times.

Cathy approached closer and added her left hand in stroking our cock, before reaching her right behind our head and drawing it down for a kiss. I felt Nancy tense up briefly, but she surrendered to the kiss soon after, plunging our tongue into Cathy's mouth.

'This already feels more intense than your memories,' Cathy transmitted telepathically.

'Just wait, then,' Nancy sent back. 'We're just getting started.' She surrendered the grasp of our cock to Cathy and raised both hands to caress Cathy's breasts. She softly thought, 'Bigger hands,' and I realized she was comparing her memories of touching those breasts with her smaller hands to what she felt using mine. The moment of unease passed quickly and Nancy was squeezing the boobs, drawing her fingers towards the nipples and pulling them forward. She loved when I did that, and Cathy reacted the same way, deepening the kiss that continued between us.

'That definitely makes this vagina gush,' Cathy thought.

Nancy broke the kiss so she could say, "Knowing how to get my body to react isn't the problem."

Cathy squeezed the rock-hard shaft still in her hand and responded, "There does not seem to be any problem there, so far. I think we are both ready to try." She let go and crossed to the bed, laying on it so her butt was at the edge and drew her legs up until her heels could rest on the edge, to either side of her ass. Her knees splaying apart, she said, "Fuck me. As hard as you need to. Let your anger out."

Nancy approached the bed, looking down as our cock got closer to its target, the labia spread and glistening. She notched the glans against the opening, placed both hands over Cathy's knees for leverage and slammed our cock fully into her, slapping our hips against Cathy's thighs. She pulled back and thrust inside again and again. There was no hesitation, no gentleness. Despite Nancy saying that she didn't want this to be angry sex, that's exactly what it turned into.

I had never fucked Nancy or any other woman as hard as this, so the sensations were new to me. Cathy locked eyes with Nancy when Nancy checked to see whether she was hurting her own body in trying to get some revenge on Cathy. The look in Cathy's eyes was a mix of pleasure and fascination, while the occasional sharp grunt communicated how hard Nancy was fucking her.

As my balls slapped against buttocks, I tried to imagine what sex would be like in the hermaphrodite form, with a vagina below my cock and no testicles. Would their absence make it possible to thrust more deeply?

I wanted to slow Nancy down, but stayed quiet and absorbed the sensation of every frantic thrust. At the rapid pace she was setting, I knew it wouldn't take Nancy long to cum. I was right and, after just four minutes, Nancy pushed past the point of no return, screaming, "Here it comes, you fucking alien body snatcher!" I felt the first pulse of baby juice spurt from our cock, seeking an egg.

The world twisted and I was experiencing another of Nancy's orgasms from her memory. We were in a similar position on the same bed but Nancy was rubbing her own clit to join me in climax and had reached it just before me. As she looked up at my face and saw its grimace as my past-self came, I wondered what Cathy was seeing in real-time.

The world twisted back and we were still pumping into Cathy, looking down at her face as she asked, "What did the two of you just experience? You both went totally blank, telepathically, even though you did not stop thrusting through your ejaculation."

I answered, 'This is the second time it's happened. During orgasm, we both seem to experience a past orgasm, but as remembered by the other person. After, we remember experiencing the vision, but no more of the memory. In this case, I saw us fucking in basically this same position we're still in, but from Nancy's eyes.'

Nancy breathlessly added, "I think I might have seen the same sex session, but from Dan's eyes as he came into me. It was similar enough that I needed a couple seconds to realize that the difference was my hand stroking my clit, which you weren't doing. You could have, you know. There's no saying you have to deny yourself an orgasm, just because I'm making knocking you up my priority."

Cathy pushed up onto her elbows, before saying, "Do not change the subject, please. Your memories should not be accessible to each other. It produces risk that your personalities could meld together, irreversibly. It must be the intensity of the orgasm, but please let me know if it ever begins happening without one."

I asked, 'What would you do, in that case?'

Cathy replied, "I am unsure there is anything I could do to reverse it. The nanites can not make the barriers within the shared brain any stronger, so I would have to monitor you both, to detect personality damage if it occurs. If the baby's brain has developed sufficiently, I might have no choice but to transfer my consciousness earlier than planned, so that Nancy can be returned to this brain."

"And if that's not possible? If those barriers fall?" Nancy asked.

"If they fall, the most optimistic outcome would be a single combined personality retaining both sets of memories. The most pessimistic outcome could be total memory loss, reverting you to infancy. In between might be fractured personality states where more than two personalities would form or lesser degrees of amnesia. There is no way to predict. In any of those cases, separating you again would be impossible. It is not like restoring a backup on a computer."

I asked, 'So, do we avoid orgasms once we conceive the baby, to keep the risk low?'

Cathy answered, "If sharing memories only happens during orgasms and only involves that one brief memory at a time, it is not a significant risk. Not even as big as exposing Nancy to testosterone. Only if you experience memory exchange more frequently would I worry. So, if you wished to continue intimacy, this would not be an argument against it. Speaking of which, should we have a round two tonight, just to increase our odds of conception? I felt pretty close to orgasm and would really like to experience one myself. May we try what you call doggy style?"

'Now who's changing the subject?' I said.

Nancy asked, "Is that closer to how your people mated? You said your people had four legs and two arms, but haven't described their anatomy in much detail. Are all of the genitals located together?"

Cathy said, "Teclewtan sex was quite different. The penis was between the front legs, while the vagina was between the rear ones. However, because only the penis experienced pleasure and orgasm, a rear entry position was considered greedy on the part of the penetrator. Instead, mates would face opposite directions, usually lying on their sides, simultaneously thrusting their penis into their mate's vagina and continue until both had ejaculated. I am sure it sounds strange to you."

'It doesn't sound like you could make much eye contact, that way,' I thought.

"None," Cathy agreed. "I did not even imagine that was possible before landing here. I chose to lie on my back for round one, just so I could experience looking into your eyes. I am glad you did not avoid looking at me. I am asking for rear entry next partly to overcome the Teclewtan taboo against it and partly because your memories say it is a position you both enjoy."

"We can do that, as soon as Dan's cock gets hard again," Nancy said, pulling our now soft cock from Cathy's pussy, gleaming with our mixed juices. "Stay on your back long enough to keep sperm from spilling out of you. We need to give every last swimmer a chance. Even if you haven't ovulated yet."

Cathy chuckled. "I remember what you remember on this subject, Nancy. Based on readings the nanites are taking, we estimate ovulation will occur Monday morning. That makes tomorrow and Sunday the most important days. Tonight's sperm is not wasted, but it is not the most likely to do the job. Could I also try to give you a blow job?" Cathy asked. "Oral sex is another practice Teclewtans did not engage in. Just long enough to get you erect again? I know every sperm should still go towards impregnation."

Nancy climbed onto the bed, to lie beside Cathy, who turned her head to look at us. Nancy said, "Sorry, I forget that you have my memories and know just as much as I do about this. If you had not crashed into our lives, we would have expected the fertility window to open on Wednesday. So, we were already running a little late. I knew that we needed to get this first time out of the way tonight, just in case it didn't go well, so we could focus on sex this weekend. Now, I'm willing to pursue more pleasure this round. I'm feeling a lot less angry than before. You were right to tell me to let it out on you a bit. I hope I didn't hurt you."

"I did not believe you would attempt to harm me or I would not have suggested it," Cathy said. "Yes, you were more forceful than Dan has been with you in the past, but not so much as to cause damage. I am gladdened that it helped diffuse some of your anger. I do want us to become friends, Nancy. And remain lovers even after conception occurs. But only until I am reborn. I know you are worried about my remembering sex with you as your child."

'It does skirt close to being incest, Cathy,' I said. 'Was that something that was acceptable on Teclewt?'

She said, "No, incest did not exist at all on Teclewt. The same biological reaction which prevented self-impregnation also caused a painful allergic reaction during intercourse with close family, in addition to preventing pregnancy. That is a much stronger protection against inbreeding than a social taboo and criminality. More importantly to our situation, that protection is also part of Chromosome Z. Once I become your child, you would both be off limits to me, whether you choose to transform into hermaphrodites or not."

"About that," Nancy said. "I think Dan and I are agreed that it is safest for all of us if we stay unchanged. It would bring too much attention upon us to be detected and difficult to avoid."

Cathy slowly took a deep breath. "I accept that decision, even though it disappoints me. More because of your species not accepting its own natural variations than you basing your decision upon that bigotry. I will only say that the option remains available to you, should you change your minds."

"Now that we've settled that decision, we can go back to focusing on knocking you up," Nancy said, before she leaned closer to kiss Cathy on the lips. Cathy turned her body to embrace us. The two of them made out for a couple of minutes, before Cathy began kissing her way down our body, pivoting her body so she wound up in a 69 position.

Nancy looked at Cathy's pussy from about a foot away. While the labia glistened, there wasn't any obvious sign of semen leaking out. Nancy reached her right hand towards the lips, but drew back before making contact. A second later, Cathy's hand wrapped around our cock and her tongue swirled around the head. While it felt really familiar to me, given that Cathy was using Nancy's memories to know what to do, Nancy stiffened in surprise at the new sensations.

'Feels fantastic, doesn't it, babe?' I asked.

'Oh, fuck,' she answered. 'It feels like a milder version of getting my clit sucked. Not as intense, but that means I don't have to work up to it. Oh, gawd!'

Cathy had just slipped the head between her lips, adding suction to the motion of her lips.

Nancy groaned as more and more of our shaft entered Cathy's mouth. She continued to stare at the pussy in front of her and I felt saliva begin to fill our mouth.

I thought, 'You know you want to try.'

'Does that make me a lesbian?' she asked.

I wished I could shrug. I replied, 'For now, you're in my body, honey. A male body. Feeling a male attraction for a woman. Sounds pretty hetero to me. If I ask you to do it so I can feel it, would that make it easier?'

'Or so I can feel it?' Cathy added. 'Please, Nancy?'

Nancy answered by extending her tongue and taking a tentative swipe along the length of Cathy's pussy, then another. Her technique started out tentatively, avoiding the clit for several minutes, as Cathy coaxed our cock to a full erection. Cathy then slowed her sucking, to avoid bringing us to orgasm, seeking only to keep us hard.

When Nancy softly drew her tongue across the clit, Cathy pulled her mouth off of our cock to moan, "Nancy! I am cumming!" She immediately started to shake, as Nancy held on and pressed the clit harder with the flat of our tongue.

When Cathy's first-ever orgasm waned, she pulled away from us and turned onto hand and knees, waggling her butt at us. "Fuck me, Nancy... knock me up!"

Nancy licked her lips as she moved behind Cathy. Placing her left hand on Cathy's hip, she used the right to stroke the head of our cock through the labia, flicking across the clit a couple of times. Then she notched the glans into place and softly pressed forward, letting herself feel the gradual stretch of the pussy walls around us as we entered.

Cathy was eager and pushed her ass back, finishing the penetration. Nancy added her right hand to the other hip and pushed Cathy away as she withdrew, then thrust forward again as Cathy rocked back. Between the two of them, they set up a rhythm at least as forceful as the first fuck had been. In, out, forward, back, slap, slap, slap. This time, Nancy wasn't going to cum right away.

Cathy reached a hand back, stroking our balls at first, then beginning to rub her clit. Nancy gradually slid her hands forward until she was grabbing onto Cathy's tits and still the two thrust their groins at each other, while I was along for the ride.

I was surprised to feel Cathy's pleasure through the telepathic link. When she came again, I experienced her orgasm mentally, but without any memory flash from her past. Still, I could tell that Nancy had felt the same thing, as she thrust even harder into Cathy for a minute or so, before she started to gasp from oxygen debt and slowed to a more normal pace as Cathy resumed pushing back onto her.

Another five minutes of pounding into each other passed and I could feel my cock getting ready to launch another gush of sperm into Cathy. "Fuuucccckkk! I'm cumming!" Nancy cried out, as she bottomed out in Cathy and started to spurt straight onto the cervix.

Once again, I flashed onto a memory of one of Nancy's orgasms, of her being on her hands and knees as I fucked her from behind and we were coming at the same time. The bouquet of roses by the bed told me this had been our fifth wedding anniversary.

After the flash ended and the last cock spasm was through, Nancy withdrew, flipping onto our back to get our breath back.

"So close," Cathy muttered, as she dropped her shoulders to the bed, but kept frigging her pussy, again broadcasting her pleasure telepathically, as we experienced her orgasm.

When she was done, she grabbed a pillow and set it under her hips as she flopped onto her back beside us.

'I don't know if you realized,' I said, 'But we experienced your orgasms telepathically.'

"That was normal on Teclewt," she answered. "It was one of the things that bonded mates together. And one of the reasons I avoided having sexual relations before leaving."

'But you haven't experienced ours?' I asked. 'We go unreadable to you, instead?'

"When you feel my orgasm, it is because I am transmitting it," she replied. "But you do not have the ability to transmit. When you are orgasming, I believe my reading of you is blocked because your focus is inward, on each other. An aspect of having two personalities in the same brain."

Nancy asked, "So, once I'm restored to my body and telepathy is activated in both of us, we would feel each other's orgasms in a bidirectional way?"

"That is how it worked on Teclewt," Cathy said. "Your human brains might still surprise me."


Saturday and Sunday proceeded in much the same way. We fucked once in the morning and again at night, wrapping up with another session Monday morning before work. We tried just about every sexual position that we knew.

Nancy and I had the time to sit and review the project documents, so we were better prepared on Monday and could work as more of a team. I still felt frustrated by not being able to type, but we were able to bounce ideas off of each other and got twice as much productive work done as we had on Friday, almost getting caught up from the missed days of the week before.

When we got home and said hello to Cathy, she floored us when she said, "The nanites report that the egg I released this morning has been successfully fertilized and has started to divide. It is still making its way to the uterus to be implanted. Once that happens, we will officially be pregnant, although it will take a while for the hormones that are released to be detected by a standard pregnancy test."

"Ohmigawd!" Nancy said. "That's fabulous news! You don't seem as thrilled, though."

"It is definitely what we wanted," Cathy answered. "But it also means you do not need to have sex with me ever again. I will miss that."

'So would we,' I responded. 'Which is why that isn't going to happen. We discussed it today and we agreed that we would continue being intimate with you. Not as fervently as the past few days, perhaps, but we humans do get horny and pregnant females are known for having stronger libidos in the second trimester after their hormones stabilize. We can at least meet each other's needs once in a while. You don't need to sleep in the guest room, either.'

Nancy said, "If I'm going to be male for another nine months, I'm not going to wring my hands about it and choose celibacy over having sex with you."

Cathy hugged us and said, "Thank you. I was worried that you were still angry. Before we had sex, it did not bother me to think that I would have a whole childhood in front of me before I could have sex again. Now that I've fully experienced it, I want more before the day comes when I have to give it up to be reborn, as I promised you."

I thought, 'We'll make sure your memory bank is full, okay? So long as you promise to not turn into a promiscuous teenager on us because you remember sex.'

Cathy said, "Given that I will be a hermaphrodite, I do not expect my teenage years will be easy. Finding even one lover will likely be difficult, if the cultural environment remains as it is now. So, promiscuous is not really on the"