Shards Ch. 03


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Cathy grunted and said, "There are extra nerve endings along the base that add to the ones in the labia. You are also pushing extra blood into the shaft, making me throb, even though you are not touching the exterior shaft."

Nancy said, "If I lean forward a little more, I can press your cock between us."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. Intense," Cathy said, as Nancy's stomach pushed the foreskin on Cathy's prick back and forth. After only 30 seconds of this, Cathy orgasmed, without an ejaculation, and her pussy clamped down on us so tightly that Nancy rushed towards her own orgasm. For a change, I didn't orgasm with her.

The following night, the lower urethra had sealed off, allowing Cathy to urinate from the penis. She was not yet capable of ejaculating, although she still achieved an orgasm from Nancy sucking on her cock, now about 4.5 inches.

At the end of the first week, Cathy's transformation was complete. Flaccid, her penis rested between her labia, the glans almost reaching her opening. Hard, it stood erect, pointing towards her belly button, as the labia swelled below it, pushed outward by the penis base. Her shaft seemed to match my 6.5 inch size and Cathy declared it fully capable of ejaculation.

Nancy went all out on a blowjob that night.

'Are you as turned on by this as I am?' I asked.

Nancy snorted and said, 'I've gone three months without feeling a load of semen in my mouth and this one is going to come from my body. How do you think I feel? The only thing that is going to top this is feeling this cock inside me, soon.'

Nancy bobbed up and down, dripping a mix of saliva and precum onto the shaft so her hand could stroke the whole length. Her hand continued each stroke down the shaft halves behind the labia, continuing around the vagina to the perineum, before stroking back up to the glans. Nancy kept licking around the glans as Cathy squirmed and moaned, "Amazing!"

'Cum for us,' Nancy projected mentally. 'I want to taste your first cum.'

'Yes, Cathy,' I said. 'Cum for us!'

When Cathy screamed "Nancy! Dan! Unngghh!" and bucked her ass off of the mattress, I tasted another person's sperm in my mouth for the first time. I had enough experience tasting my own cum that it didn't bother me, but it still felt quite different to have a cock pulsing in my mouth, filling it, instead of just licking some jizz from my finger. As Nancy swallowed that first load of semen her own body had ever produced, I felt fully confident that I would be ready to do the same when it was time.


The next day, December 6th, the news of the hermaphrodite outbreak was reported across the mainstream media, as the percentage of gender-check sonograms showing the Z genitalia had jumped from 0.5% to 3% in two weeks. We estimated that if the detection rate continued increasing by a factor of six every two weeks, it would be nearly 20% in another two weeks and could be at 100% in four. If so, the infection rate in the public would have already reached 100% several weeks ago, meaning that all new pregnancies were being conceived as Z, instead of being infected post-conception. It would turn out that both percentages were under-reported, as they included embryos that were older than the 20-week gestational age, where the affected rate was lower. There was still no cause identified in the reporting, although an infectious agent was suspected.

To the public at large, it was only a curiosity, an aberration. They weren't panicking. Yet.


As Cathy had predicted, changes to our male body progressed more slowly, noticed in the mornings as the nanites worked mainly during our sleep to avoid discomfort. The first external change Nancy and I noticed was that the seam running down the middle of my testicles was spreading wider. A little Internet research indicated the seam was the remnant of the embryonic process which fused together what would have otherwise become the labia and vagina, in the process of developing into the testicles instead. Now, that fusing was reversing.

After a week, my testicles parted in two as they shrank. As Nancy pressed my fingers against the perineum and dragged it toward where my penis exited the body, we could feel the base of the penis beginning to divide under the skin, making room for where a vaginal opening would form.

That vagina opened at the end of the second week, December 12th, as the scrotum had finished receding, turning into inner and outer labia, with the divided penis shaft behind them. According to Cathy, the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes were still developing behind the sealed cervix, but the vagina itself was complete and functional.

That night, Nancy lay our body back on the bed, our cock stiff and throbbing on our stomach. The sensation of having a brand-new pussy open below it, instead of a pair of balls, remained weird to me. I could see we were wet and the labia were puffed out, but Nancy wouldn't satisfy my curiosity to run our fingers run along them. Instead, she let Cathy do it, sliding index and middle fingers along the inner labia and spreading the pussy lube to the outside of our cock, which began to leak precum to join in the lubrication. Just as I thought Nancy might orgasm from this combined frigging, Cathy stopped.

I groaned mentally as best that I could. 'Tease,' I thought.

Cathy hovered over us, smiling down as she asked, "Ready to lose another virginity, both of you?"

Nancy nodded, as I thought, 'Yes.' Nancy spread our knees, opening ourselves wider.

Cathy let go of my cock between us as her other hand guided her cock into place. Slowly, her glans pressed downward against my inner labia and spread the halves of my cock's base to each side. She pushed beyond this and into the vagina, gradually trapping our cock between the two abdomens.

'How does it compare, Nancy?' I asked.

'The cockbase to either side adds resistance and more sensation,' she answered.

As Cathy withdrew, her baby bump pulled down the foreskin of my cock between us, then pushed it back up as she reentered us. Even without using her hand, she was essentially frigging our cock. So many different nerve endings were getting stimulated at the same time.

'Oh, gawd, it most definitely got better!' I thought, comparing it to my brief experiences of Nancy's orgasm memories over the previous months. I wished I could moan, but Nancy was doing a fine job for both of us.

Nancy discovered she could clench not just the vaginal walls but the penile shaft as well, squeezing it around the penis penetrating us.

'So good, so good,' Cathy chanted, as she thrust her hips with increasing speed. 'I can't stand it, much more. But I don't want to slow down, either.'

'It's okay. Let it fly,' I said. 'Fill my virgin pussy up!'

'Ohhhh, fuuuucccckkkk!' Cathy moaned, as her cock swelled before blasting her load of thick cum deep inside me. Another first experience for me.

Nancy screamed, 'Cumming, too!' and my mind blew apart in a shared orgasm as cum erupted from our cock and splashed across our chest. Another past orgasm flashed before my mind, of Nancy looking up at me. I soon realized, though, that I was experiencing Cathy's first orgasm from back in September, suffused with such happiness and joy that my heart immediately ached for more of it when it faded.

As we panted in the aftermath, Nancy thought, 'That was amazing. So many sensations are different because the cock is there instead of a clit, not just above the vagina but around it. Then sharing our orgasms mentally just put it over the top.'

Cathy thought, 'I don't have any experience penetrating a normal female, but having been penetrated both with and with out it, the cock definitely changes things.'

'Aha!' Nancy said. 'That's the third time tonight that you've used a verb contraction, without consciously mimicking me. Seems like you're becoming more human, Cathy. I like it.'

'Are you ready to have me say I love you, too?' Cathy asked, gazing down at us nervously.

'We know you do, honey,' Nancy thought. 'It's been fairly obvious in your actions from the very beginning that you have concern for our well-being that wouldn't happen if you were being purely selfish. Even when I wanted to avoid romantic love with you, you accepted it with a lot more ease that I would have. But during that flash of your first orgasm we just experienced, your love for us couldn't have been clearer.'

Cathy spoke aloud, "I never expected to experience that orgasm flash with you. I saw the same encounter from your eyes. It must be more than just a momentary breach of the barriers between the parts of your brain. It felt more like you are accessing the telepathic potential within yourselves and that lets you briefly read each other's mind around the barrier. Maybe the retrovirus partially unlocked it. Teclewtan telepathy does not affect our sex that way."

Nancy said, 'Well, we are a different species, after all. Maybe even a different species from homo sapiens, now. That includes you, too, Cathy. It's time to stop thinking of yourself as Teclewtan and embrace being human.'

Cathy said, 'Intellectually, I know that I left Teclewt 95,000 years ago and that everyone I remember is long dead. Emotionally, it feels like yesterday. But that is my past. Here is my future. At least, six months from now, when this baby is born.'

'And now?' I asked. 'Being our lover? Is that neither past or future? Just a temporary stage in your life?'

She answered, 'One I will treasure, I assure you. But, the only way it could continue is for me to remain in this body, while the two of you remain together in that one. That is not a sacrifice I want you to make for a minute longer than necessary. I have imposed enough on your lives already and the retrovirus has changed your whole world much faster than intended when I introduced Chromosome Z into your systems. So yes, I have to accept that this is a temporary stage.'


By then, the media was reporting that 6% of embryos scanned at 20 weeks were displaying the ambiguous genitals, indicating that the rate was not increasing as fast, but would still approach 100% in another five or six weeks. The public was beginning to freak out, but the media had settled on the phrase "Nova Children" when they weren't disparaging them as "mutants". Nobody was ready to declare them a new species, "Homo Nova", at that time.

Religious groups in the U.S. were divided between arguing against aborting these babies and arguing that they were a sign of the Apocalypse, spawn of the Devil, and deserved to be aborted. A number of doctors at hospitals and abortion clinics were refusing to abort Nova embryos based on their own conscience, if that was the mother's only reason, and abortion rights groups were backing them up.

Congress was debating a "Doctor's Conscience Act" and a dozen other bills, from protections for the Nova Children to increased medical research funding to the opposite extreme of allowing federal funding of abortions, but nothing had been passed. The executive branch was staying silent other than to say that the CDC was continuing its investigation.

Several other countries were mandating that the Nova Children be eliminated, causing massive protests against those governments and mothers refusing to allow sonogram scans.

Candidates for the 2016 election to replace outgoing President Morton were split on the issue, in both major parties. Two candidates, Senators Chaston and Kilgore, rivals from the Senate Intelligence Committee from opposing parties, each had daughters who were pregnant and were using medical privacy to avoid saying whether those were Nova pregnancies. Both were falling in the polls for dodging the question.


The third week of my transformation was internal. Nancy stated that she could recognize our new uterus' lining thickening with blood, in preparation for a first ovulation. I had been feeling so many new sensations for the past weeks that I found it difficult to discern which one Nancy associated with that. Still, I felt the new me coming to a condition of stasis.

Would my brain catch up to my body and stop thinking of itself as more male than female? Or of Nancy and Cathy as female? We were Nova now.

While we were at work on Tuesday, I thought to Nancy, 'We haven't specifically talked about it yet, but are we going to try to conceive, this very first opportunity? If we're going to ovulate in a few more days to mark the end of this transformation, we might want to start having more sex with Cathy now. Cathy did say the cervix would let the sperm through into the uterus.'

Nancy answered, "Having both of us give birth was one of the reasons for doing this, right? Unless you're preferring to experience PMS and a menstrual flow first, instead?"

I answered, 'I'm almost tempted to say yes, just so you can coach me through it, one time, like you have with giving blow jobs. If I do get pregnant right away, I won't have my first period until after giving birth and you'll be back in your body by then.'

Nancy sighed. 'Young girls survive their first period all the time. You'll do fine. Just like I expect you'll survive labor without me in charge, too. We might just need to have a third kid so I can experience childbirth myself, since Cathy said I'll be transferred back after she gives birth. I'll miss the experience, otherwise."

'I did say almost tempted. It's not a big enough advantage to make me delay conceiving our second child. Although we'll definitely have to go public with our transformation once I'm showing.'

Nancy responded, 'Well, we're expecting to be uncovered, one way or another. I'd rather we do it on our terms. We have to get pregnant first.'


December 19, 2015.

Less than a week before Christmas and the Nova detection rate at 20-week sonograms had jumped to 13% and it was clear to everyone that it was going to continue increasing. The mainstream media were not yet saying that it would rise to 100%, but that conclusion was all over social media and fringe sites, with the usual denials from skeptics.

Unconfirmed rumors were flying around that the CDC had isolated a virus among the affected mothers, but nobody was willing to be an 'unnamed source'. Meanwhile, the Morton White House continued releasing "The CDC is investigating the phenomenon" statements.

Senator Chaston finally admitted that his daughter was carrying a Nova child when he signed on as a cosponsor for the Nova Children Equality and Privacy Act. A rebound in his polling numbers caused his rival, Senator Kilgore, to issue a statement that his daughter had not yet told him whether her child was Nova or not. His daughter immediately contradicted him with her admission that her child was Nova but her father was hiding that fact because several major donors were "Nova Is Sin" believers. He lost the support of those donors immediately and withdrew from his campaign.

This news was eclipsed as women in three Islamic nations began withholding sex from their husbands until their governments abandoned policies attempting to terminate Nova pregnancies.

We tried our best to keep Cathy from feeling responsible for the increasing chaos. Instead, we focused on having her knock us up. It sounds rather mundane reduced to those three words, doesn't it? "Out of this world" sounds cliche, but in this case it was literal truth - an alien was trying to impregnate an ex-man.

The first night we tried to conceive, we experimented with positions where we might penetrate each other simultaneously, knowing that gay men could accomplish mutual anal penetration. However, we found that bending a Nova penis downward that much, besides being uncomfortable, closed off the vaginal opening that the penile base anchored around, making mutuality impossible. Instead, we alternated penetrating each other, shifting positions every few minutes.

On this third night of trying to conceive, Cathy was on her back as Nancy rode her in cowgirl position. We had already ejaculated into Cathy in missionary minutes before, but had regained our erection once we climbed back onto Cathy's cock. Nancy rocked back and forth over Cathy, leaning forward to capture each of Cathy's nipples between her fingers, while Cathy stroked our cock between us.

"Mmmmmm, squeeze harder, Nancy," Cathy purred. "I'm almost there. Oh, yes, yes, yesssss! Cumming! Unngh!"

Cathy shuddered from head to toe as her cock swelled and squirted her baby makers inside of us. "Godspeed, swimmers," Nancy whispered, rising from Cathy's penis and flopping onto our back beside her. Cathy resumed stroking our cock to another orgasm, squirting onto our stomach.

As Cathy rubbed her hand through the strands of semen on our stomach, she declared, 'Ummm, Nancy, Dan, your nanites just reported to me that both of your ovaries have dropped an egg and each one has been fertilized by sperm that were waiting in the tubes from yesterday's sex. You're going to have twins.'


Author's Note: The transition to hermaphrodite anatomy and sexuality into the story was always the purpose of the story and also the part I thought would be hardest to describe credibly. How did I do?


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LeenysmanLeenysmanabout 5 years agoAuthor

Other than a brief mention of the term, I did not write Shards to be a futanari story or to follow the conventions of the subgenre. Instead, this is a story about hermaphrodites who aren't predominately either gender, but in between. In this case, the nanites changed genitalia, but did not alter other effects of puberty, so Dan's facial hair did not go away, although its growth might have slowed so that he didn't have to shave as frequently. The point was to have it not noticeable until his pregnancy showed, anyway. I didn't map out in my head what puberty would be like for the Nova kids, since I wasn't taking the story that far, but I can imagine that a lack of facial hair might be part of it.

FutaLover_79FutaLover_79about 5 years ago
New Take

It’s definitely a new and original take on the futanari stories, and i’m enjoying it so far. I’m not a fan of the new pronouns that you’ve mentioned so far though. I also think it’s a bit strange for Dan to retain his masculine features while still possessing a penis and a vagina. The pregnancy vs. puberty stance in regards to breast development will also take some getting used to. Will the Nova Children possess female characteristics from birth in addition to the penis? I’ve always viewed futanari as women first and foremost, with the obvious addition of having a - usually - large cock. Only time will tell, but i’m not sure i’m ready to read about futanari that look like men with the exception of breasts and a vagina.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Why has God abandoned us?

i n e e d t h e c h r o m o s o m e s

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I would love to have this as a full book as I know it could be and am sad there is not more to read yet

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great stuff!

really enjoying this series - can't wait to read more!

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