Shared Bathroom Adventures Ch. 05

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Intimate, embarrassing situations in the new work bathroom.
6.1k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/28/2017
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Author's Note: This story takes place the day after the previous story. Thank you all for the emails, comments and kind and encouraging words. I'm glad you have followed their strange journey with me and hope you enjoy this next chapter of their crazy adventures.


I went into work early for two reasons. First, I have always found it to be my most productive time of day. I can normally get more done in the first uninterrupted hour of the day than I can in all the remaining hours together. And the second reason, it was well before anyone else came into the office. Which meant it was my best time to use the awkward new bathroom without running into anyone.

I figured I might as well take advantage of the quiet and pee in private. As private as peeing into an open waterfall in the middle of a room can be.

I walked into the bathroom and observed the new setup. It was a beautiful design. Elegant marble, incredible details on the sculpted waterfall. It was just so incredibly strange at the same time. Quickly I unzipped my fly and wasted no time pulling out my penis. I knew I was alone, but still, I couldn't shake this paranoid feeling anyone could walk in at any time.

My stream did not come easily. The quicker I tried to go, the longer it took. I took a few deep breaths and tried my best to relax. I probably stood there for over a minute with my dick in my hands before any progress was made. Eventually a few drops fell and turned into small trickle, before forming a resounding and confident stream. If this is how hard it is to go by my myself, I didn't see how it would be possible with others around.

As I shook off the last few drops from my tip, I heard the feint sound of water in the distance. Was there some other waterfall I didn't know about? My mind wouldn't let this audible mystery go, so I finally went to follow the sound of the flowing water. I walked toward the small hallway and turned the corner. Before I even saw the noise's source, I quickly remembered there was a shower in this new crazy bathroom concept.

I continued around the corner just to satisfy my curiosity completely. The room was dimly lit, steamy and had a peaceful rainfall like shower flowing in the center. There was a fleshy silhouette hidden in the mist and I took a step forward without even thinking about it.

"Oh god. What do you want now, Jason?" I instantly recognized the voice as Courtney's.

I was completely speechless, and despite my better judgement, found myself walking closer.

"Did you come in here to shower or is the waterfall urinal not enough fun for you so wanted to pee in a new room?" She asked, gesturing toward my waist.

I looked down and realized I never put my penis away. Fuck! What the hell was wrong with me? "I didn't come here to shower." I said defensively. "Or pee."

"So you came here to watch me shower with your dick out? That's even worse. Jesus, that's super creepy." She said, despite her anger she seemed to be enjoying this.

"I didn't come here to watch you either." I said and already saw where this was going.

"Well now that you're here you better actually shower, or else I'll tell everyone you spied on me in the shower with your dick out." She had a sly smile on her face. She knew exactly what she was doing.

I was trapped. "Guess I wanted a quick shower before work after all." I said through gritted teeth.

"Thought so." Her conceited smile was so smug it made me sick.

I quickly unbuttoned and removed my shirt, took off my undershirt and carefully placed them both on a bench to the side. I felt like a cheesy Chip and Dale dancer wearing only my black pants, no shirt and dick still hanging out of my fly. I unbuckled my belt and removed my remaining clothes and set them on the bench as well.

Courtney was lightly chuckling as she watched the whole humiliating show. I turned toward her, nothing covering me up at all. I felt so exposed. With each step I felt my thick, dangling cock swing like a pendulum, and bounce against my legs less and less as it slowly grew harder the closer I got. It wasn't sticking out completely, but was awkwardly noticeable nonetheless.

Finally I stepped into the center next to her and felt the flowing hot water wash over my fully exposed body. She was mostly in a fog of shadows and steam, but I felt like she could see every inch of me clearly.

She turned away and to the side. Even if it was brighter in here I don't think I'd be able to see anything too revealing. It was mesmerizing to watch her hands lightly slide over her shoulders and rub her neck.

"Are you just going to stand there like a creep, or are you going to wash yourself?" She asked without even looking at me. Clearly she knew I hadn't planned on showering.

"Uhh." I stood there fumbling for something to say. "I forgot to bring soap."

Even in the dim light with her looking away from me, I knew she rolled her eyes. "You really are pathetic." She snickered. "You can use mine."

I saw her flowery smelling bottle of body wash on the floor next to her. I wasn't thrilled about smelling like a bouquet of flowers, but I was already in too deep to back out now.

"Do me a favor. If you're going to use my soap, at least wash my back." She said.

"Excuse me?" I asked, clearly afraid of all the ways this could go south.

"My arms are sore from my workout. I can barely raise them." Courtney took a step closer to me and turned around so her backside was nearly bumping into me. She brushed her hair off the back of her shoulders to the front. "If you want to borrow my soap, just wash my back first. And don't be a fucking pervert about it."

I bent over to pick up the bottle of body wash off the floor and my head got dangerously close to her behind in the process. Everything this girl did seemed to be a trap. I tried my best to be cautious, but seeing as how my face nearly grazed her butt, I knew I was already in over my head.

"I'm surprised you didn't fart on me just now." I said jokingly trying to calm my nerves.

"I tried, but didn't have one ready." She said, which I truly didn't know if she was joking or completely serious. "Just get my upper back and a little in the middle."

I poured the flowery scented gel into my hands and worked up a lather as I stared at her backside mostly hidden in the dim light. I noticed the shape of her back taper into her beautiful, curvy hips. An incredible mix of looking naturally feminine while still clearly being in great shape. I could barely make out the start of her crack that formed below her spine and disappeared into the steamy darkness.

I hated this woman, but I couldn't deny she was attractive.

"Are you jerking off back there? What's the hold up?" She said impatiently.

"Just working up a lather. Don't get your panties in a bunch." I said, realizing how stupid I sounded and also how much the sound of working up a lather actually did sound like jerking off with a lot of lube.

I cautiously extended my arms until I lightly felt her shoulders under my fingers. Gently I slid my hands down her middle back on both sides of her spine. My fingers worked their way over her shoulders and down the sides of her arms.

"As much as I don't like admitting it, you have an incredible figure." I said trying to make peace with her.

"You're a moron." She said plainly and without hesitation.

"What the hell is your deal?" I asked without thinking about it. She had a way of getting under my skin that I couldn't control my anger or my actions.

She made a nondescript grunt noise as if she was above the comment.

"I get it." I said casually as my hands made their way down her lower back. My thumbs pressed firmly where her butt met her lower back, and my fingers started to rub her cheeks. "You're threatened by me."

I felt my fingers graze across her crack as she turned around quickly, giggling almost uncontrollably.

"Me...threatened by you?" She held her stomach as she leaned forward holding in a powerful and silent breathy laugh. She looked me up and down, and still was snickering. "How could I be threatened by someone like you? And with such a small cock?" She said as she flicked my semi erection with her middle finger, making it sway back and forth, growing slightly harder and sticking out slightly higher. "Yeah, yeah." I said rolling my eyes. I wasn't insecure enough to think I really had a small cock. She was just trying to get under my skin again I told myself over and over, realizing she already had raised my insecurity. Advantage her.

"But really, what gives? Do you really hate me as much as you let on?" I hoped this awkward interaction might be a way to finally discuss what her problem with me was.

"You really want to hear?" She asked, facing me.

I nodded for her to continue and realized my hands never really left her body. I was rubbing her arms and shoulders, inadvertently pulling her slightly closer.

"I've busted my fucking ass for Miranda for years. Bent over backwards for her, only for her oversized ego to fuck me in my ass again and again."

"What are you talking about? That's your problem with Miranda. Not me. I didn't fuck your ass. I didn't do anything." I said, wondering why I was getting the blame for this.

"Exactly. You didn't do anything. And yet you were promoted, got a cushy office."

"More like a closet, really." I added but don't think she noticed.

"And rumor has it she even redid this bathroom with you in mind." She was clearly annoyed.

Who the hell is spreading these rumors? I wondered. How does anyone even know about that?

"Did you think it was because she saw some amazing talent in you? Something special she saw in only you?" She asked.

"Maybe." I said sheepishly.

"She saw that she could manipulate you. She saw that she could mess with your mind and liked your reaction. So she kept you around. For now." She said quickly.

"What?" I heard her, but didn't know how to process it.

"In six months from now, maybe less, you won't be here anymore. But she will. And I will. In this exact same role that I am now, just waiting for the new flavor of the month for Miranda to enjoy." She said a strange mix of both frustration and satisfaction.

"You're full of shit." I snapped.

"Aren't we all at some point or another?" She said mockingly.

"I don't believe any of it." I said stubbornly

Courtney shrugged her shoulders. "Suit yourself. I will tell you this..." she said as she leaned in closer to me. "When you go on that trip with Miranda next week, just be careful. You'd be surprised at the things you'll find yourself doing."

"Are you speaking from experience?" I asked, doing my best not believe any of this, but it was getting harder to do so.

She leaned in even closer. I could practically feel her erect nipples graze my chest. "Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe what Miranda sees in you is that when you see something you want, you reach out and grab it." She said suggestively with her back arched, directing all attention to her chest.

My hands were in an awkward limbo, eager to caress her lovely breasts, but not ready to commit and hung in the air awkwardly.

"Or perhaps she sees something else in you." Her hand lightly touched my chest, and slowly trailed down my abs, below my belly button. Her finger slid through my groomed hair, lower, just to the side of where the base of my shaft and scrotum met. She pushed my scrotum to the side as her finger found its way under my now erect cock and took my shaft in her hand.

"Maybe she sees in you the only thing I like about you."

My cock? Was she really kidding all along about calling it small and actually thought it impressive? I wondered but knew that wasn't it. Wherever this was going I knew would be a trap, but I was too mesmerized to stop it.

Her hand lightly pulled the taut skin down my shaft gently and lightly let her fingers slip over my engorged tip as she pressed into me to whisper. "Yes, this is what she likes about you."

It really was my cock! I knew that couldn't possibly be true, but my pulsing shaft made it hard to imagine anything else.

She slowly stroked my erection, and placed her other hand on the back of my neck as she whispered into my ear. "And it's what I love about you too." She stopped only to make and an audible gasp and light moan in my ear. "You're soooo incredibly...mmm" she nibbled on my ear softly. "Gullible."

She stopped instantly and took a step back showing an evil grin. "Jesus Jason, you really are gullible." She said as she was holding back a laugh looking at my visibly pulsing penis.

None of that was true. And I fell for all of it. I really am gullible.

"Enjoy the rest of your shower Jason." She said as she started to leave. "Too bad we can't control the temperature of this thing. Looks like you could use a cold shower." She said, once again looking at my pulsing erection she caused.

"Feel free to take care of that...probably better than you walking around with a hard on all day scaring the girls." She said almost sympathetically.

My hand gripped my shaft and contemplated if I should. I was so turned on. And so frustrated at the same time. I knew it was a bad idea, but I was so close already it seemed like I was only a few strokes away from relief.

As she left she flipped on brighter lights to the shower area as a few girls on the floor came into the bathroom.

"Gross! Jason was jerking off while watching me shower!" She yelled out to the new audience of girls. "Watch out girls. He's such a pervert...he's still holding his dick!" She said and gave me a sly wink that only I could see as she left.

I immediately turned my back to the girls, with my bare butt exposed hoping my erection would die down quickly. Courtney clearly won that round. I heard the snickers in the background and didn't dare turn around. Just had to wait it out. I got dressed a few minutes later and was thankful no other girls came in the room.

The rest of the day I mostly hid in my office and limited my trips to the bathroom. I peed once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Both times I was relieved to find no one else was in there at the time. I knew this wasn't a sustainable situation. I would have to figure out a better way to handle all of this.

The next day started out the same way. I got to work early and planned on using the bathroom before anyone else got there. When I heard the shower running again, I instantly headed over there imagining all the ways I was going to get some kind of revenge. Instead of thinking logically about all the ways this could backfire on me, I started to strip and think of how I was going to tell Courtney off. What she did was unacceptable. I didn't really have an actual plan, I was just pissed and wanted to let her know.

I found myself once again naked and almost immediately wondered why I did this to myself. I could feel my penis begin its usual bobbing with each step I took, getting slightly fuller the closer I got.

"No funny business." I said as I walked toward the flowing shower. "You won't get me hard today." I said somewhat defiantly.

She looked over her shoulder, "Nice to know I'm not attractive enough to turn you on, Jason."

"Kim? Shit, I thought you were..." I stumbled and added, "that's not what I meant...I wasn't trying to say your body isn't attractive."

Fortunately, Kim just giggled. "Relax. I'm just giving you shit. Pretty sure I know who you thought you were talking to anyway." She looked over her shoulder and eyed me up and down. "Besides, it looks like I'm growing on you already." She commented on my nearly half erect penis.

"Ha ha, very funny." I said pretending to be slightly irritated, but truthfully I was glad she was taking it so well. With her back to me, I took in her unique curves. Her hips were relatively high for her short frame, which slightly elongated her full butt. It looked nice, but not in the typical way I usually like asses. I was intrigued by its uniqueness, and enjoyed that it was new and different to me.

As my gaze was locked on her crack, she looked over her shoulder and smiled. "So, do you want to see it?"

I snapped out of my trance. See what? Her butt...? She could clearly see I was already staring at that. See her asshole? That didn't really make any sense either and I didn't think she'd offer that. "See what?" I finally replied.

"My bush, silly. You seemed quite amused with the fact I had a full bush the other day." She said plainly.

"Your bush!" I had completely forgotten all about that. I was too focused preparing to see Courtney to think about anything else. Then I was completely taken off guard to find Kim in here and mesmerized by her unique curves and frame. All of that completely washed out my original curiosity about her full bush. But now that she brought it up, my curiosity came flooding back in.

She turned around to face me without waiting for a definitive yes. Before I could look down, the first thing I noticed were her breasts. She was a fit girl; her chest was more toned than I was used to seeing. Her tiny and erect nipples were atop small, round and perky curves near the mid half of her torso.

She angled her hips toward me, basically making her pelvis stick out. Her body language was saying, here it is, but she said nothing as her hands ran through her thick hair and remained covering her slit. At first glance, it seemed like a seductive move, but that wasn't her intention. She was insecure about what I would think of her intimate area.

I clearly looked down and focused all attention on her sex. I couldn't hide my smile as I took in the sight of her dark, thick hair that covered nearly the full area of her bikini area and down both sides of her lips. "It's beautiful." I said genuinely.

That seemed to help her let her guard down as her protective hand slid away from her lips, leaving it all on display for me. I knew that took courage and I admired her for it.

"You really think so?" She asked.

I could just barely make out the shape of her lips through the hair. The water dripped down pushing her hair flat against her body. It wasn't that this was something that I had particularly liked in the past, but there was something so natural about it that it stirred a craving inside me to see more. My hand instinctively reached out and was just a few inches from her slit. "I do. It's so naturally seductive."

She moved slightly closer to me. "You can touch it if you want." She said as her breathing picked up.

My hand was so close I could almost feel the texture of her coarse hair between my fingers before I snapped out of it. "Maybe some other time." I said politely and pulled my hand back. I was still her boss, and figured I better leave this alone. For now.

"Fair enough." She said. I almost detected a hint of disappointment, but I might have made that up. "I'm glad somebody likes it." She said and slightly turned away to continue washing.

"Your boyfriend still wants you to shave it?" I asked as I resumed washing my body as well.

She nodded.

"Screw him, I think it's sexy." I said supportively.

"I can tell." She smirked as she glanced downward toward my waist.

"Oh sorry." I said, blushing, turning away slightly to hide my now pulsing erection. How does that always seem to happen when I'm not paying attention it?

"If I'm the reason you're hard, the least you could do is not keep it from me." She said as she was turned slightly to side. I could see the curve of her behind, the flatness of her belly, with her arms washing her chest effectively covering her petite breasts.

Seemed like a strange response, but I didn't think I was in a position to debate it. Did she want the continued reassurance she was attractive or did she just want to see my penis?