Shared Bathroom with Coed Roommate Ch. 02

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More embarrassing, intimate experiences shared.
6.3k words

Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/25/2015
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Note: This story picks up immediately where the last one left off. It takes a slightly different twist, but still centers on the intimacy and vulnerability of the two characters sharing more experiences. Thank you all for the positive feedback and personal emails you have sent. I appreciate the kind words, and hope you all enjoy the next installment!

"Ash," a thought popped into my head. "Since I saw and got to experience something that my girlfriend would never let me see in a million years that really turned me on, is there anything you'd want to see or do that your boyfriend wouldn't do?"

Her eyebrows popped up. She had a sly smile creeping up.

"It's only fair, right?" I said playfully.

"Well, I've never told anyone this, but there is one thing you could do..."

-- -- -- -- --

"Name it." I said before even contemplating what it could be.

"Well I need to buy a few things first, but let's plan for Thursday night. Ok?" She said mysteriously.

"What is it?" I hated not knowing.

She shrugged her shoulders, "Guess you'll have to wait and find out."

We continued eating dinner on the couch as we watched TV. I have no recollection of what we watched; my mind was busy trying to guess what she had planned. I couldn't take much more of it. "That's it for me, I'm calling it a night." I said taking my plate over to the kitchen sink.

"Have a good night." Her eyes never left the TV and she stayed on the couch.

I headed into the bathroom and left the door open expecting her to join as she usually did in the evenings. Since she wasn't in the bathroom yet, I started with the mundane first. I brushed my teeth, taking an extra long time. I washed my face, and pretty much just started to kill time by staring at the mirror hoping she'd join.

I glanced out of the room and saw that she hadn't moved from the couch. Maybe she just wants a little alone time I thought. This seemed strange though, since we were both normally eager to share this time together. Is it possible she was more embarrassed than she let on after our previous time in the bathroom? Was she embarrassed I saw her poop? Embarrassed she saw me jerk off because of it? Some combination of the two?

I thought of a dozen possible reasons why she hadn't joined me yet and none of them were good. I finally calmed down and convinced myself I had to be overthinking the whole thing. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly I can get insecure about something, even after we just talked about how it was normal and agreed everything was fine. But was it? There I go again.

My bladder painfully snapped me out of this negative thought spiral. As I walked over to the toilet and lifted the lid, vivid images raced through my head of Ashley sitting right here. I remembered the smell perfectly, as if her unique earthy scent was filling up the room now. Just thinking about it made me hard and I realized I had been standing there holding my erection for probably a minute or two without peeing. I took a long deep breath and exhaled slowly as a little urine finally started to flow out inconsistently making a rather pathetic trickling noise in the bowl. Eventually the blood flow decreased enough to turn the trickle into a satisfying and steady stream.

I looked over my shoulder as the stream died down into a few drops, still hoping she would come in. But no such luck. No Ash and I had no more reason to be in here. I shook off the last few drops and tucked my now soft penis back into my boxers as I left the room. To my surprise the couch was empty, and her bedroom door was now closed. That meant she had to have walked past the bathroom while I was peeing with my back to the door. Did she really walk past and not come in?

I went to my room and slowly became obsessed as to why she never came in. It just wasn't like her and frankly it kind of stung a little. I actually felt rejected in a strange way. She's just a friend. A roommate and a close friend. I shouldn't feel like this just because she didn't follow our silly routine. After undressing, I slipped into bed. A familiar tingling sensation kept me awake as my hand naturally found my growing erection. I loaded up a favorite porn site on my laptop and slowly stroked away my stress. The more turned on I got, the faster my hand moved and I realized I wasn't even watching the video. I was just reliving that strange, intimate moment in the bathroom with Ashley. The smell still strong in my head, the awkwardness, how embarrassed she was with me there, how nervous I hand was now moving up and down my length furiously. As I spewed my load all over my belly, I remembered her watching me cum last time. My breaths slowed and I fell asleep almost immediately.

The next morning I awoke to the sound of loud moaning. Really loud. Was Ashley masturbating purposely loud so I would hear? My eyes finally blinked open a few times and realized I never shut my laptop. Porn was playing all night. I found that slightly amusing and shut my laptop wondering how many different orgasms I must have slept through.

I pulled on my boxers and headed toward the bathroom. Ashley's bedroom door was open; that was a good sign. The bathroom door was also open and I walked in hoping to find her there. But again she was nowhere to be found. I peeked in her room and found nothing. She must have left for work early.

Man that's twice we missed our normal bathroom routine. Was she doing this on purpose or is it all in my head? I just couldn't let it go.

The next few days were just as bad. I didn't see her much. I got a text saying she was spending the night at her boyfriend Mark's place. The problem only grew in my head. It had to be intentional that I hadn't seen her in the bathroom since we shared that intimate experience. There was no other explanation in my head.

It was actually starting to bum me out thinking I ruined a good thing we had between us when I got another text from her.

"Staying at Mark's again tonight. Sorry I've been so distant. Looking forward to tomorrow night!"

Tomorrow night? I had completely forgotten about that...her mysterious thing she had in mind. I was so caught up in my worrying about why she wasn't using the bathroom with me that I stopped thinking about that altogether. Maybe this really is all in my head.

But that thought didn't last long. My insecurities got the better of me yet again. Here I was imagining what strange fetish she was waiting to unleash on me, or maybe she was really bad at giving blowjobs and needed some extra practice. But now I realized how ridiculous that was. It was probably apple picking or watching some girly movie or some other silly thing her boyfriend wouldn't want to do.

Yes it had to be something just friends would do. Obviously. Besides I'm dating Shannon; hell, we're planning on living together in the fall and I'm worried about Ashley not joining me in the bathroom. What the hell is wrong with me? I tortured myself like this for a while before finally focusing on the positive, that I would hangout with Ashley again tomorrow night, even if it was only as friends. I did actually miss hanging out with her, not just in the bathroom, but chatting with her at night about our days. I guess she really was a good friend.

When I got home from work the next day, she was sitting on the couch as I opened the door. My heart raced. I had so many insecure thoughts running through my head the past few days, but tried to play it cool in the moment. "Hey, Ash."

"Jason!" Her face lit up.

God it was good to see her smile. So many fears erased in an instant. Why did I fear anything?

"Look, I made us dinner!" She had the table filled exotic dishes.

"This looks fantastic. Wow, thanks. I don't know what to say."

"Well we've gotten really close, and you're such a good friend I just wanted to do something nice for you. I'm not much of a cook and wanted to experiment with some recipes I found online." She giggled.

And then I realized this was her big surprise. She had to buy a few things...those were obviously the ingredients. She's not much of a cook, so she probably didn't want to serve it to Mark in case it was awful. It all made sense. I could live with this. A good friend made me dinner! No complaints here.

We got lost in conversation just like we used to and before I knew it, our plates were cleared and it was already getting late. "That was amazing. You had nothing to fear after all; you're a great cook!" I said as I started to clear the dishes.

"Thanks. It was actually pretty fun. I was nervous you'd hate it."

"Looks like you were worried for nothing." I said with a smile thinking how that statement really applied to me more than her. "Well thanks again. Enjoy rest of the night." I said trying not to push our friendship boundaries any further.

"Whoa! Where are you going?" She said almost frightened and a little disappointed. "We didn't even do the...thing yet."

"What thing? I thought that was the dinner?" My heart raced all over again.

"No." She looked amused. "No the dinner was not the thing I was talking about." Then her amused look turned a little worried. "Do you still want to do it?" She asked insecurely.

"I don't even know what it is. But of course I'll still do it." It was amazing to see her on the concerned end of the conversation for once. "Soo...what is it?" Now the anticipation was killing me.

"Meet me in the bathroom, I'll be in there in a sec." She said as she disappeared into her room.

The bathroom? My mind flooded with every emotion that I felt over the past few days, both good and bad. I went into the bathroom and looked around for any clues of what she had in mind. Nothing out of the ordinary. What the hell could it be?

Finally Ashley walked into the room wearing her comfortable T-shirt and cotton shorts combo that she usually wore around the house. She set a plastic Walgreens bag on the counter. I couldn't tell what was in it from the shape. We both looked at each other anxiously. This was hard to take.

"Well?" I finally broke the silence. "What are we doing?"

She blushed a little, mostly avoiding eye contact. "I've always wanted to be waxed."

"What?" I said more out of habit than not understanding her. Nevertheless she repeated herself.

"I've always wanted to be waxed..." She said suggestively nodding and looking toward her waist.

"I thought you liked your strip of little strip of hair...I think it's really sexy." Did those words really come out of my mouth?

"Not, behind there..."

"What?" I think I knew what she was getting at, but secretly enjoyed the awkwardness and wanted to hear her say it.

"I want you to... I want you to wax my asshole, okay?" She turned bright red, which actually surprised me. How could she be that embarrassed around me after all we've shared?

"Oh, uh, okay" I almost laughed at how relieved I was that that's all it was. "I can do that." I said calmly and then a skeptical thought popped into my head. "You know you can get this done at almost any salon, right?" Was there some kind of catch I was missing?

"I don't want a stranger all up in my junk. I want you to..." She stopped mid-sentence like she had a much deeper thought she was trying to hold back. "Given our recent experiences, I know you won't be grossed out by doing this. I don't want some stranger regretting her life's choices as she's holding her breath waxing my ass."

She continued, "Besides, I thought we had a deal?" Her eyes looked so vulnerable, so helpless. I could tell she was worked up. Had she been nervous about asking me to do this?

"Of course, I'll do it." It still didn't quite add up to me why she didn't have this professionally done somewhere, but I didn't want to talk her out of it.

"Good." She finally said, as she blushed a little. "I know it's gross, but I don't think I can do it to myself."

"Ash, relax! I'll be glad to do it." I said as I rubbed her shoulder to calm her down.

I reached in the bag and fumbled with the instructions. "Seems simple enough. No heat necessary, just apply to skin, let it set, place paper strip on wax covered area and rip it off. Repeat as needed." I say more for my benefit than hers.

"Great." She said facing the bathroom counter with her back toward me. I could see her face in the mirror as she unceremoniously dropped her shorts to the ground and kicked them off to the side.

I stood there in shock for a moment just looking at her beautiful round cheeks. My mouth was probably drooling for all I know. In my head I figured she'd just slip her shorts below her cheeks. "I thought you'd be, uhhh more covered."

"Jason, I have to remove my else would you do it?"

"Of course." I said, still getting over the shock. Mentally I convinced myself all week that she didn't want to share any more intimate moments and now she was wearing only a T-shirt, bent slightly forward with her ass exposed to me. I could just barely see the crease of her lips poking through the bottom of her cheeks. It was a lot to take in.

Carefully I slid her shirt up just above her cheeks. My hand rested on her warm lower back. I couldn't believe I was doing this. As my hand slid lower and closer to her butt, my nerves got the better of me. "Do you want to spread your cheeks?" I asked nervously.

"I think you're going to have to do that, I'm bracing myself to handle the pain." She said as she stared downward into the sink and held onto the counter tightly.

"Okay, sure." I forgot this was supposed to hurt. My hands slid down the sides of her round cheeks. They were so firm and yet had a gentle softness and jiggle to them as she adjusted her feet. My fingertips lightly pressed into her warm flesh and slowly I parted her cheeks revealing her hidden hole.

I took in the view, noting how her soft skin got tighter with a few twisted wrinkles disappearing into a tiny hole. I saw how the skin turned smoother and stretched toward the folds of her tight lips below. There were a few short dark hairs on the sides of her intimate hole, but not nearly as many as I expected if she wanted to be waxed there. Vivid images of the last time we were in the bathroom together popped into my head. Remembering the foul contents she left in the toilet, I almost couldn't believe they came out of this impossibly tight, little hole.

"Enjoying the view?" She asked jokingly.

"Uhh." I stuttered. "I'm just seeing where the hairs are." I tried to recover but realized I had just been staring like a creep for who knows how long. "You really don't look too hairy, so hopefully this won't be that painful for you." I said trying to regain composure as if I wasn't getting more turned on by the second.

"Well I do shave that area, but as you can see I'm far from perfect."

Looks pretty perfect to me, I thought to myself as I finally let go of her cheeks and watched them jiggle as they returned to their normal position covering her intimate treasures.

I took out the little wooden stick from the package and dipped it in the wax. With one hand I lightly pulled her cheek out to the side exposing her again. I felt a little bit of heat radiating off her in the air. Now her scent met my nose, light, faintly dirty and real.

She jumped a little as I slid on the wax on the inside of her left cheek. It made me laugh a little and I gently rubbed her cheek that I was holding to calm her down.

"Sorry, I'm a little nervous and afraid it'll hurt." She admitted.

"Just try to relax and I'll do my best to make it quick and painless." I realized that was a bit of an empty promise never having done this before. I found the long, narrow wax strip and placed it over the wax-covered area of her inner cheek, enjoying the firmness and gentle give of her flesh from the pressure.

"Ready?" I asked. "I'll count down from three."

She nodded and braced herself looking downward.

"Three..." I gripped her cheek firmly and ripped off the strip without fully counting down. She muffled her scream into her own shoulder, but her hips definitely writhed in pain.

"Jeez that hurts." She whispered.

I repeated the process a few more times and kept massaging the sides of her butt in between the painful removal parts. "You're doing great." I encouraged her as I found myself rubbing the meaty part of her cheeks in greater durations after each traumatizing rip.

When I thought I gotten all of the hairs, I parted her cheeks with both hands and got on my knees to see if I missed any. Inches from her now red and pained cheeks, both holes were invitingly close to my face. I breathed in deeply and took in her unique scent. That distinct mix of natural body odor hit my senses like a hammer. My pants now felt painfully tight. Every natural instinct was driving me closer. It dawned on me that I had touched almost every inch of her behind without ever actually touching her slit or her tiny hole just above it. That fact alone felt like I was teasing myself, and made me crave more. Finally I snapped out of it remembering we're just friends...and more importantly neither of us was single.

Not wanting to regret anything too much I got back to my feet and took a step back. "I think that's it." I said, a little sorry to be done, but knew I should quit while I was ahead.

She twisted around so her butt was facing the mirror, and spread her cheeks to admire my work. "Beautiful." She said with a smile.

"I'll say!" I added, laughing and shaking my head that I said that aloud.

"This is going to be a little surprise for my boyfriend." She said with a smile.

That brought me back to reality. A flurry of mixed thoughts ran through my head, mostly how lucky he was to have this be his surprise.

"Now hopefully Mark will give that area a little attention." She said, a little embarrassed as the words came out.

"You mean he doesn't already?" I asked in disbelief.

She shook her head.

"Yeah right...I bet he does everything he possibly can to that area." I said trying to reassure her, but realized it only made her feel worse he hasn't explored her like that.

"But hopefully now that it's waxed and super clean..." She shrugged and let out a soft sigh, suddenly not really up to talking about it.

"Well I don't see how there's anyway he could resist." I said with a smile and rubbed her shoulder again.

She pulled up her shorts and wrapped her arms around me in a grateful hug. "Thank you so much for doing this."

Her body felt warm and comforting. As she pressed into me, I awkwardly kept my hips back so she wouldn't feel my growing bulge. "The pleasure was all mine." I said.

She blushed a little and headed into her room for the night. I followed suit and went into my room closing the door behind me. I saw my reflection in the mirror hanging on the back of my door; my bulge was very obvious and wondered if she noticed it.

Lowering my pants, I watched my member spring free with a lively bounce and crawled into bed while stroking myself without missing a beat. That perfect tiny little hole consumed my mind as I gratified myself quickly, but my erection refused to go down.

After the buildup of the first orgasm was gone, I was able to enjoy a much slower pace. Thinking about how I was just inches from her sexy ass, her soft skin twisting into a perfect circle, her tight lips descending below her intimate hole. The faint smell that no matter how clean, can never be fully washed away. I was already dripping precum again and slowly worked my way to another climax before drifting off to sleep.

I didn't see Ashley again until the next evening when she was heading out the door to meet up with Mark. She spun around showing off her loose, silky summer dress. "How do I look?"

"Gorgeous as usual. He's going to be all over you...everywhere." I offered trying to support her as any friend would.