Shared Bathroom with Coed Roommate Ch. 05

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Embarrassing, intimate experiences shared at a spa.
8.8k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/25/2015
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Note: this story takes place immediately following the last one. If you've made it this far into their journey, I'm sure you know my familiar warning. This story has some intimate and private scenes, some of which include bodily functions. Please skip over if that is not for you. I'd like to give a special thanks to David who was kind enough to help edit my story. And as always, please leave your comments and feedback.


"I'll drive." I said as Ashley and I headed out of the apartment.

"You don't even know where we're going." She said playfully.

"True, but I like driving. Just tell me where to turn." We hopped in the car and proceeded to go to a part of town I rarely visited.

"Just make a right at the next light and we're here." She said, now beaming.

"Oh don't tell me, a bridal store?" I really couldn't hide my dislike for the idea. I wasn't much of a shopper to begin with, but the thought of helping her pick out a wedding dress...for Mark. "How about we just pretend this little drive didn't happen, and you can do this with your girlfriends who will be more helpful?"

"Oh come on, it will be fun!" She persisted.

"We have different ideas of what fun is." I was not amused.

"Look, the reason I brought you and not my girlfriends is I trust you. I trust your opinion. You get me in a way no one else does." She started to plead with her gorgeous blue eyes and now gave me a sad-puppy look.

I rolled my eyes. She knew I was caving.

" can watch me try on dresses...and watch me take them off..." She said in a teasing voice.

I'm not sure she had ever used her body to get me to do something she wanted. It felt a little manipulative and I didn't like it, but who was I kidding...there was no saying no to watching her undress.

"Whatever. Let's get this over with." I said with begrudged smile.

"Yay!" She said with glee. She was incorrigible.

We walked through the store and I was overwhelmed by the size. This would take hours. And it did. A while later she was finally ready to try on a few dresses.

We found our way to the dressing room and I immediately plopped down in the waiting area while she checked in her number of items with the assistant. I looked around the waiting room. There were a few other sad looking men just like me. They nodded their commiserations at a fellow fallen soldier.

"You guys here with your soon-to-be wives?" I asked before realizing husbands aren't supposed to see the dress before the wedding.

I got a mixed bag of grunts and groans. It appears they were all too nice to say no to their friends as well. One guy muttered, "I wish I was getting married to her." I felt his pain.

How did I get here? In the pinnacle of the friend zone. It was every guy's worst nightmare.

"You ready?" Ashley asked as she walked past and headed into a dressing room down the hall.

I got a lot of eye raises and approving nods from my newfound waiting room friends. Maybe I wasn't in quite as bad a boat as some of them, I thought as I followed her down the aisle. I couldn't help but pop my head out and smile to my friends before shutting the door. I may be killing a Saturday, but at least I was going to see an unbelievably attractive woman undress in front of me.

That thought process lasted all of about 15 seconds before I saw her unceremoniously take off her shirt and pants, leaving on her bra and panties as she slipped into her first of many dresses. She stared at herself in the mirror, twisted, turned, adjusted, raised, lowered and pinched everything. This was not a fantasy. This was a chore.

"What do you think?" She finally asked.

"Looks good." I nodded hoping maybe that would be it.

"Really?" She asked. "What do you like about it?"

My guyishness came out in full force. "Uh, it's really nice. It's white. Nice lacy things, here." This was torture.

She looked a little disappointed with my lack of help, but it didn't phase her too much. "Maybe I should try this strapless one." She said, holding up another. They all seemed to blend together to me at this point.

She reached behind and unzipped her current dress and wiggled it down her curvy hips. She stood there in front of the mirror, now just in her pink panties and matching pink bra.

"Do you think I should go braless?" She asked as she stared into the mirror holding her bra.

"What?" That caught me off guard.

"I always imagined I'd wear a strapless bra, now I'm reconsidering that. Do you think I could pull it off?" She asked as she squeezed her bra in the mirror, judging the weight of her breasts.

"Uhh, I'm not sure what the qualifications are for 'pulling it off' but if anyone could, I'm sure it's you." That was my way of saying your tits are hot as fuck, please take off your bra. Fortunately I was able to hide some of my guyishness.

She reached behind her back and unhooked her bra and inched it off her shoulders. She had just her fingertips covering her nipples. If there was anything more sexy than seeing her was almost being able to see her breasts. I couldn't help but watch her a little more closely as she tried on the next dress.

Somehow she managed to twist and turn as she tried it on to keep me from seeing her nipples, even in the mirror. How did girls always manage to do that? Are they taught at a young age to always be covered even when it seems they have no way of not being exposed?

"Could you zip me up?" She asked as she had almost finished pulling up this slightly tighter dress.

I placed my hand on her bare shoulder and zipped her up with my other hand. Her skin was soft and warm.

"What do you think?" She asked as she turned to face me.

For the first time I was speechless. "Uh, it's uh..."

"You hate it. It's ridiculous. Of course I should keep the bra on, what was I thinking?" She said nervously.

"Ash." I put both hands on her shoulders as she looked like she was ready to cry. I eyed her up and down before gazing into her eyes. I wanted to scream how beautiful she looked in it, how the chest line accentuated her breasts perfectly - bra or no bra - and how it hugged her hips leaving her butt looking curvy, tight and toned all at the same time. But all I could say was, "Ash, it's perfect."

She still looked like she was going to cry, but now at least for a happier reason. I could never resist trying to make her happy. It finally sunk in; I was helping her find a dress to get married. Married to someone else. Not just anyone else; Mark. Selfish, uncaring, inattentive Mark. It was too much.

"Well great. Pack it up and I'll meet you by the cash register." I said breaking eye contact finally.

"Jason, wait." She put her hand on my forearm. "What's wrong? You've been acting weird all day." She said in a concerned tone.

My fuse was short at this point and that was the only spark I needed. "What's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG?" I practically shouted. "I'm helping you shop for a goddamn wedding dress, what the fuck do you think is wrong?" I nearly whispered the last line, which seemed to make it sting all the more.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stared at me helplessly. What made it hurt the most for me was that she was truly upset she was cause of my unhappiness.

Even when I was mad at her I wasn't really mad. I caved almost instantly. "I'm so sorry." I hugged her tightly and the sounds of her sniffles and deep breaths were buried in my shirt.

"I didn't mean to snap like that." I said softly. "I just can't...can't be a part of this. Helping you get married. It's..." I wanted to tell her everything right then and there, that I thought she was making a huge mistake. But all that came out was, "It's just too hard." In a way that was almost more revealing.

She nodded silently while still hugging me. "It's hard for me too." She wiped her eyes. "This was a mistake bringing you here. I should have done this with my girlfriends. I'm so sorry for dragging you along, this whole mess...everything." She said helplessly.

I read between the lines: I'm sorry we can never be together.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." I wiped away a few fresh tears from her cheek. "I was just overreacting and being a bad friend. I am happy for you, really." In that moment I really was happy for her despite my recent outburst. If Mark made her happy, well that's all I can ask for.

"I understand, though. I can leave you out of things like this." She said now finally calming down.

"That's probably for the best." I said softly and continued to hold her. "Shall we get out of here?"

She nodded and quickly undressed. I turned my back to her completely now giving her a little privacy. It was unintentional, but I think she was disappointed I wasn't watching.

She left the dresses in the room and we headed out of the store arm in arm.

When we got back to the car she reached in her purse. "I want to give you something." She handed me an envelope.

"What's this?"

"Open it." Her playful smile started to return.

"A gift certificate to a couple's massage? Why are you giving me this?" I asked.

"It was a gift from my mom the other night at the party. A wedding gift for Mark and me." She looked down nervously. "But I want to share it with you instead."

"Ash, I can't. Your mom gave this for you and Mark." My mind flashed back to her warning, or maybe it was more of a threat to stop interfering in their relationship. I sighed. "Couples? I mean...we can't." It seemed all the stranger that she suggested this right after our discussion in the dressing room.

"We'll exchange it so we're in separate rooms, of course." She added shyly, "Mark hates these kinds of things anyway. I'd have to drag him there kicking and screaming, and what's the point in that?" She started to smile a little, sensing I was about to break. "My mom paid good money for the gift...someone should enjoy it."

I paused and rolled my eyes. "Alright, fine. You twisted my arm...I'll get a massage." I laughed a little. I wasn't particularly in the mood for a massage; I more just wanted to give her a way to feel like she fixed the situation. I didn't want to leave her upset with our recent interaction.

We hopped back into the car and drove over to another corner of town. I had seen the relatively plain building several times, but paid much attention to it. We walked in and were greeted by a cute receptionist at the front desk. She looked to be around twenty, probably still in school. She had short blonde hair, blue eyes and a white polo with the company logo on the right breast.

"How may I help you?" She asked with a calming voice.

"We have this gift certificate for a couple's massage, but we'd like to use it for two separate massages, in separate rooms. Do you have any appointments available now?" Ashley asked politely.

"Ohh, I'm sorry but I'm afraid there is a no exchange policy. It will have to remain a couple's massage." She offered sympathetically.

"Is there anything you can do?" Ashley asked, now thinking this platonic gesture might have backfired.

"You'll have to give me a minute, I'm new here. It's only my second day. Let me see." The girl typed quickly and stared at her computer screen. "Even if there was some way to change that in the system, we only have one room available now." She raised her eyebrows and continued. "You're in luck though. The room is actually about to open and we have two masseuses available. We had a last minute cancellation from another couple." She said cheerfully.

"Well what about in the next day or two? Any openings there?" Ashley was still trying to make this work.

She briefly glanced at her screen and shook her head. "Booked solid for over a month."

Ash looked sad and I knew why. In that amount of time she would be married. And this would be even more out of the question.

"And again, even if there was an opening, we couldn't switch out your certificate for two single massages." The girl continued. "Shall I go ahead book you guys for the next slot?" She was nothing if not persistent. I imagine few people were coming up with reasons why they didn't want a massage.

Ash and I glanced at each other. She looked disappointed and ready to forget the idea, but I jumped in first.

"Yes we'll take the appointment today." I said.

Ash turned and looked confused, clearly not expecting me to say that.

"It's fine. It will go to waste if we don't use it today." I said softly.

"Are you sure?" She asked almost checking to make sure she wasn't leading me on.

"We're adults, it will be fine." Which was my way of saying, Yes, I know we're not really couple just because it's a couple's massage.

"Okay, sign us up." Ashley said enthusiastically.

"Great. The room should be open shortly." The woman handed us each a thick, white terrycloth robe. "You can head into the changing area around the corner. You are welcome to use the sauna while you wait, most people find that is a great way to loosen your muscles before a massage. Your masseuses will come get you when your room is ready."

Ashley and I looked at each other holding our robes and smiled as we headed down the hall. We found the door that said "Changing Room" and walked in. It was a relatively small and open room that had a handful of lockers around the edges.

"Is this...?" I said as I watched Ashley open a locker and start to hang up her robe.

"Is this what?" She asked as she pulled her shirt off over her head, standing confidently in her bra.

"Is this a private changing room?" I asked unsure of the protocol like a confused kid on the first day of school.

"Private, as in not open to the public? Yes...people won't be coming in here off the street if that's what you're asking." She said as she started to wiggle her jeans down her hips revealing her panties.

"No, I mean, is this..." I opened the locker next to hers and hung up my robe. "Is this private, like just our changing room?" I was now even more confused but enjoying watching her undress. I had just watched her dress and undress several times this morning, but the context of it in this locker room made it much more of a turn on to me.

"Uhh, no. This is not our personal changing room. Others may come in and use it as well, silly. We're not that important." She laughed as she turned her back to me and unhooked her bra.

"Others? You mean like guys and girls?" I asked looking at her bare upper back.

"I don't know, maybe." She said without a care in the world as she bent down to remove her panties, angled in such a way I saw the curve of her breast and the perfect round curve of her behind without really seeing detail of either.

"What is your deal?" She asked as she slipped on her robe and tied it tightly. "How is this any different than our bathroom at home?"

Once she was covered in the robe it was as if the spell wore off. I snapped out of it. "Guess you're right." I said as I opened my locker and arranged my things before removing my shirt. To speed things up I slipped off my boxers with my jeans in one motion.

And now I was on display for her. I did my best to turn to the side and maintain some modesty like she did, but every move I made felt like my dick was visible no matter what.

The air in the room tingled on my sensitive skin, making me self-conscious of my every action. As I reached into the locker to get my robe, my dick shifted a tiny bit, but it felt like a swinging pendulum in slow motion. This hyper awareness was like a drug, and I was clearly an addict.

Most of all I could feel Ashley's eyes weigh on me as she continued getting ready, but peering over at just the right times to get an unobstructed view of my penis. She did it so casually you almost couldn't tell.

I finally wrapped myself in a robe and tightened it. "Shall we?" I said, a little more at ease as the hyper awareness wore off now that I was covered.

She smiled and raised her eyebrows. "We shall."

We walked down the hall, made a turn and walked past what I assumed were the showers, and a nice waterfall next to some extravagant marble sinks and counters. Finally we reached a large wooden door. "Sauna - Towels MUST be worn at all times."

We walked in and there was a mini room surrounded by log cabin like wood. Hooks were all around the room, with shelves below them for any of your personal things.

We slipped off our robes, and each grabbed a towel off the shelf and quickly covered up to follow the rules of that ominous sign on the door. Finally we entered the much smaller door and were welcomed by an overwhelming blast of hot air. It didn't even feel like air, just an intense hotness that seemed to envelop your body.

We sat down on the bench. I had my towel wrapped around my waist to my knees, and she had hers covering her upper chest down to the top of her thighs. It took a few minutes of slow breathing to adjust to the heat, but eventually it started to become manageable. Thick beads of sweat continually fell from our bodies giving temporary relief of coolness.

"You're lucky." Ash said.

"Why's that?" I asked a little amused.

"Because you're a guy and can wear your towel around your waist. Probably feels better than being wrapped up like this." She said pointing to her torso.

"Sooo lucky." I said mockingly as I leaned back on the wooden wall. "Ouch!" I said startled by how hot the wall was.

"That's what you get, smart ass." She chuckled.

I slowly tried it again and eased my way back onto the wall. It actually felt amazing once you got used to it. As I relaxed, my legs naturally spread a little wider. I could feel a mixture of hotness and sweat on my soft penis. The warmth from the room was keeping it thick and full of blood without actually ever being hard.

Again Ashley appeared jealous at how comfortable I looked and sighed.

"What?" I asked.

She just shook her head.

"You know you are going to do it eventually, quit messing around and just take off your towel already." I said rolling my eyes, knowing that was exactly what she was trying to get me to say.

She giggled. "What if someone walks in?"

"How is it you care about this now but a few moments ago in the locker room you didn't have a care in the world when you undressed?"

"You're supposed to undress in the changing room, giving it any more thought than that is a waste of your time!" She said with emphasis.

I suppose she had a point.

"Besides..." she continued, "what if a worker comes in and we get caught? What if they kick us out?"

"You're being ridiculous." I finally unhooked my towel from my hips and pushed it to the side leaving me completely uncovered. "You're supposed to be nude in a sauna, giving it any more thought than that is waste of time." I said in a snarky voice mocking her recent statement.

She hit my arm and I knew that was coming. "You deserve that." She said as she finally unhooked her towel and pushed it to the side.

I took in the view of her perfect breasts that fell just a little lower than normal since she was leaning forward, still a little closed off.

I eased back on the wall and braced myself for the extreme heat on my skin.

Ash followed my lead, but now without the towel between her and the wall she let out a little yelp. "Don't you dare laugh!" She said.

We both chuckled silently. I scooted a little closer and she rested her head on my shoulder. That lasted for all of about three seconds before she burst out laughing.

"What now?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Nothing..." Interrupted by her own giggling. "I mean I'm..." She pointed to her herself, "and you're.." Her hands pointed up and down at me and finally pointed at my dick. And that was almost too much for her as her giggles broke out uncontrollably.

"Are you laughing at my dick?" I pretended to be offended, but I was laughing the whole time. I lifted my penis up as I asked. "Is that what you're laughing at?"