Shared Bathroom with Coed Roommate Ch. 08

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Embarrassing, intimate experiences at a wedding continued.
7.8k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/25/2015
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Note: This story takes place immediately following the last chapter. I'd like to thank David for kindly helping me edit the story. And of course a special thanks to all of the readers for their time, patience and feedback. I hope you enjoy this chapter and would love to hear your thoughts.


"Shannon, what did you lie to me about?" I asked.

"Everything." She said as she ran out of the room, doing her best to keep her sobs from disturbing the ceremony.

I quickly chased after her to find out what was really going on. She flew through the bar area and out the back doors to the patio. I found her with her elbows leaning against the railing of the balcony overlooking the beautiful vineyard.

I didn't know what to say. I gently placed my hand on her upper back and could feel her body softly shaking from crying. "Shannon, what is going on?" I asked. "You know you can tell me anything..." I added hoping that might get her to open up.

"You won't like I have to say." She said quietly.

"That may be true. Doesn't mean I don't want to hear it."

"Jason, I haven't been completely honest with you."

I could tell this was incredibly hard for her, so I let her speak without interrupting.

"The other week you were trying to find out if something was going on between Mark and me. I told you we met up a few times to sort out the details for their honeymoon." She said looking off into the distance.

I nodded quietly as I looked at the neatly patterned row of grapes that stretched to the horizon.

"Well that was only part of it." She began to cry again and I rubbed her neck. This was hard for us both.

"We've actually been meeting up for a while now."

"Oh?" I said curiously but wasn't really surprised.

She nodded. "I guess it all started when we went on that camping trip together."

My eyebrows rose. I had almost forgotten about that.

"No, fuck that! This all started when you moved in with Ashley." She said, gaining a little courage. "Do you remember how we were months before you moved in with her? We were so happy. It was hard to spend time apart."

I nodded thinking back to the honeymoon phase of our relationship.

"Then you moved in with her." She said. "Suddenly I had to compete for your time. For your attention."

I looked downward taking this in.

"Do you know how shitty that compete for your own boyfriend's time with another girl?" She asked rhetorically. "As you grew more distant, I tried to sort it all out in my head." And then she added, "but I still wanted to be with you."

This was starting to make me feel really sad and guilty. She was completely right.

"When you suggested we all go camping to get to know each other I was hesitant. But I thought I'd give it a chance for you. Ashley clearly became an important friend to you, and I owed it to you to try to be friends with her."

She wiped away a tear and continued. "Ashley and Mark were so nice when I met them. So welcoming. I thought we could all be great friends. At first."

She took a deep sigh. "But I saw the way you looked at her. And I saw the way you looked at Mark with envy. I felt invisible."

My natural reaction would be to jump in and tell her that's not true. But it was. I let her continue without saying a word.

"And then...and THEN...for some unknown reason you decided to pee on the campfire in front of everyone." She said with a laugh, barely believing it happened. "I tried to see the humor in it. I tried to appreciate the fact that you were drinking and we're all adults and maybe it was just a stupid joke. I wanted to believe it was no big deal. But it was. It was a huge deal. And I'm not talking about your stupid cock!" She said letting out a little anger.

"What possible reason could you have had for doing that? All I could think about was the fact that you wanted to show Ashley your penis. Something I thought only I got to see."

She shook her head and continued. "But then a worse thought crept into my head. What if that wasn't the first time she saw it? You had been living together with her for a while. Maybe you've both seen each other naked. I had no idea if that was true, but that's all I could think about." She tried to calm down and gain her composure.

"I was ready to leave the campsite immediately, but had no way to get out of there. I certainly wasn't going to ask to borrow your car. So I took a long walk the next day just as the sun was rising. I decided a warm relaxing shower might help clear my mind."

Oh god the shower. I thought about that often and wondered if she'd finally tell me the truth about what happened. Would I even want to know?

"Ohhh that shower..." She said softly clearly replaying the scene in her head.

"Shannon, what on earth happened in the shower?" I asked breaking my silence for the first time in several minutes. I couldn't help myself. My curiosity had been weighing on me for months about that moment.

"A lot." She said and added, "But probably not what you think."

She smiled for the first time during this whole conversation. "It's not as important to know what happened as it is to know how it made me feel."

I was confused and a little frustrated. Would I ever know what happened? Did I even deserve to? "How did it make you feel?" I finally asked.

"A lot of things go through your mind when you're caught completely naked by someone you just met. In a situation like that I would have expected to feel vulnerable. Feel embarrassed. Feel scared. And I was. Believe me I was. But he was so kind. So cool. Something about how he apologized and tried to be a gentleman. I can't really explain it. But he made me feel like I was visible. Like I mattered and was appreciated. Like I was a person. I'm a fucking person, Jason! I haven't felt like that with you in months. Maybe even longer." She said now sad and angry again.

She was right. I really had no counter argument.

"Anyway, despite it being the most awkward situation of my life, we talked. We really connected."

I thought of how Ashley and I had bonded over awkward moments, and appreciated where Shannon was coming from.

"To be honest it felt good to connect with someone again. It felt amazing actually. Mark thought so, too."

I'll bet, I though to myself.

"We met up a few times after that to talk through what happened as neither one of us felt good about how we left the situation. More meet ups led to venting about problems in each of our relationships. But what made it so satisfying was that we never dwelled on what was wrong in our relationships. We usually forgot about whatever was bothering us after we chatted. That was how we grew close over time."

I was feeling a little sick to my stomach hearing all of this. But it was deserved. I deserved this and so much more.

"I'll spare you the rest, but we eventually got close. Too close. Mistakes were made. But I don't think either one of us really regretted it. And think that was why it continued to happen."

I could truly relate to that last point. Ashley and I both made several mistakes, but never truly did anything to stop it. Probably because we didn't want it to stop.

"What about the honeymoon planning? And the tickets to Paris? Was that all made up?" I asked.

"No that was real. It was a reason for us to meet up. The tickets are real. He purchased them." She said.

"So all that time while things were happening, you were still helping plan his honeymoon?" I asked.

"That was hard. It definitely was an awkward spot neither of us talked about." She paused. "Somehow I never thought he'd go through with the wedding." She said softly.

"Did you think he would leave her for you?" I blurted out.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe. I'm not sure I was really thinking clearly either way."

She looked down and added, "Doesn't really matter now. He made his choice."

So did Ashley I thought.

I gave her a hug and we both were teary eyed at this point. "You deserve to feel like the most important person in the world, Shannon. You deserve better than me." I finally broke down for how shitty I was to her and how this whole mess started from me. We hugged harder and both knew this was pretty much it. Our relationship had run its course, as strange as that course was.

I kissed her one last time before ending our hug. "Don't ever settle for anything less than you deserve."

"Same to you, Jason." She said with a sad smile.

"Goodbye, Shannon."

"Goodbye, Jason."

I walked away with my stomach in knots, and tears streaming down my face. That was one of the hardest conversations I've ever had. My heart was racing and my emotions were all over the place. What the hell just happened? I was getting too lightheaded to focus on any of it.

I quickly went back into the building and into a tiny bathroom in the front room. I locked the door and sobbed. I don't even remember the last time I cried so hard. I single-handedly destroyed my relationship and tainted someone else's. This was so fucked up and it literally hurt my stomach. It took me a few minutes to calm down. Breathing in deeply, I told myself it would be okay. Now I just needed to believe it. Too many of my thoughts were about me. How selfish am I? This is Ashley's day. I need to talk to her...again.

I raced back into the venue, and saw a crowd of people milling around the bar and the tables, drinking wine, laughing carefree. I'm too late, she's already married I thought. I scanned the room quickly and couldn't find Ashley. Finally I spotted Emily and Robin chatting in the corner and quickly walked over to them as fast as I could without making a scene.

"Where's Ashley?" I said out of breath.

Robin had a smirk on her face, clearly remembering the time I was the entertainment. I wondered if she remembered she was completely nude as well? A thought for another time.

"She's in the back room again." Emily said.

"Is she alright?" I asked.

"She's fine. Are you okay?" Emily asked with concern.

"No, I am definitely not okay." I ran to the back room without waiting for a response. I was making an ass of myself all over the place, but I didn't have time to worry about that now.

I stormed into the back room and found Ashley sitting against the side of a table. She was looking at an old photo album of her and Mark together. She looked calm, peaceful even. I'm too late. It happened already.

She flipped the pages carelessly smiling. "Look at us. Mark and I used to be so happy." A tear rolled down her face. "What happened? How did I end up here?"

I didn't know what she meant by that exactly.

"It's just all so wrong." She said softly crying.

"Ashley we have to talk." I said not quite sure how to begin.

She looked back at the photos. "Guess it doesn't matter now, does it?" She sniffled and turned a page.

Did it even make sense to tell her now that she was already married?

"Ashley, look at me." I placed my hands firmly on her shoulders demanding her attention.

She dropped the photo album as she looked up, startled. "What? What on earth do you have to say to me now?" She finally said.

She looked so sad on what was supposed to be the happiest day of her life. I don't think I could live with myself if I ruined this day for her. But how could I not tell her?

"Ashley..." I said softly, looking deep into her watering blue eyes.

"Yes?" She said so gently it was barely audible. "Just tell m..."

Before she could even finish, I leaned in and kissed her lips. Softly at first. Our lips just rested on each other's. My heart beat so fast I could barely breathe.

She pulled away and opened her eyes wide. Shocked and in disbelief.

"Oh god, I'm sorry." I said as I saw the look of panic on her face. "I shouldn't have done that."

I barely got out the last word, as she was the one who now leaned in to me. Our lips were locked before I could even process what was happening. I felt her quickened breaths through her chest, as she seemed to react to what her body was doing involuntary.

My hands slid down her sides, gripping her waist just above her hips and pulled her in close against my body. One hand reached around grabbing the meaty part of her curvy ass while the other slid up her belly, over the smooth fabric of her dress, as I continued up the contour of her covered breasts.

Our tongues lightly danced together, feeling the warmth and wetness as our lips refused to separate. I felt an unmistakable warmth coming from my hand that had now slid over the visible part of her cleavage. Her chest rose and fell almost violently from my touch as I continued to slide my hand upward toward the base of her neck.

I didn't even realize I had lightly gripped her throat, causing her to moan from my aggressiveness. Our lips finally parted as I pressed the side of my cheek next to hers, kissing near her ear. We both panted unaware of all that was happening.

My hand lingering near her backside had already pulled up her dress almost all the way up to her waist. I could feel the bottom of her butt cheeks resting on my hand as I massaged her hamstrings higher and higher.

My eyes had been closed and I couldn't tell which one of us had freed her breasts by the time I opened them. I kissed down her neck, over her collarbone, lightly kissing her warm cleavage until I felt the pressing warmth of her breasts on both sides of my face.

I cupped the bottom of her breast with my left hand, squeezing the tender curve as I kissed the other breast just under the hardened, tiny nipple. My tongue outlined her areola, watching the smooth flesh tighten with goose bumps as I lightly breathed on my wetted trail.

She shivered as I flicked the tip of her eager nipple with my tongue, before slowly closing my mouth around it, forcing as much of her breast into my mouth as I could. Her fingers ran through my hair, holding my head close to her as she leaned her head back to let out a quiet but powerful moan.

As my hand lightly teased her other nipple, I continued to suck on her breast, twirling my tongue around her nipple in my mouth. I became aware that I had been grinding my hips into her hard, and my throbbing erection pulsed painfully through my pants.

I finally broke our embrace, removed my hand from her breast and from her hamstring, and lightly grabbed her dress that was resting on the front of her thighs. I looked her straight in her eyes, as I slowly pulled up the fabric, inch by inch as she panted in agonizing anticipation. Up her thighs the fabric rolled and scrunched until almost everything was visible. She closed her eyes, in a mix of panic, anticipation and uncertainty of what would happen next as finally the dress had moved up just enough to reveal her slit.

I got down on my knees admiring the beauty of her delicate folds. The anticipation only grew as I took my time. My hands slid up her inner thighs, my fingers rested a few inches from her landing strip, and my thumbs were pressing on the bottom, inner portion where her butt cheeks were just lightly pressing together and barely visible under her slit. My hands seemed to make a diamond shape framing her vagina as I moved in closer. My heavy breaths bounced off of her wet slit carrying her intimate aroma back into my face.

The smell was beyond intoxicating. My nose found its way to the bottom of her slit, just ever so lightly grazing her skin as I inhaled deeply and moved up her closed lips, taking in her unique, almost musky scent. I could feel the dampness on my nose, and heard her let out another agonized moan as my flat tongue slid over her like a brush painting her vagina with my saliva.

She shook from the shock of the touch. I gently kissed the heart of her slit, moving upward taking my time before surrounding her budding clit with my lips and making a light smacking noise as I kissed it. Gently I spread her lips with my hands, fully exposing her as I played with her clit with my all-too eager tongue.

My two fingers slid in her effortlessly, as I dined on her juices. She grabbed my hair and moved her body from side to side just trying maintain herself. I slowly slid my fingers out while speeding up the pace of my teasing tongue on her clit. My hands slid down her lips and I tickled the bare patch of skin just beneath her vagina. She began to squirm with anticipation as I neared her anus.

I completely removed my mouth from her vagina to focus on her reactions. She shivered from the shock of her clit not being covered by my warm tongue for the first time in minutes. She looked down at me nervously as my fingers slid under slowly, just lightly touching her knotted hole that twisted inward on itself. I looked up and she looked so nervous and yet gasping from the sensations. I lightly pressed on her asshole, noticing she was still closed tightly. Rubbing my fingers gently, I slid over the surface of her hole. I couldn't resist and pulled them away just to smell my fingers. The earthy, intimate scent got me even harder and I let out an audible moan.

The fact she had relieved herself only an hour ago was not lost on either of us. I could tell she was self conscious, and rightfully so...around almost anyone else. I inhaled deeply noting the distinct, foul smell and let out a satisfied moan enjoying the aroma.

Finally my fingers returned to her sensitive area and resumed pressure on her private hole. The wetness definitely helped as the tip of my middle finger lightly parted her anus. I went very slowly, only going as far as her body would let me. My finger slid in just a bit more, and I simultaneously rubbed her clit with my thumb, covering the length of her vagina with the palm of my hand in the process. She shook and squirmed at the unfamiliar sensations.

My finger explored a little further, noting her natural resistance. I decided not to push my luck right now.

I stood up and was met with her eager kisses as we embraced. My hands found their way back to her exposed ass as I reached around her waist and gripped her fleshy cheeks, lightly pulling them apart, feeling the gentle give in my hands as I tightened and released my grip several times.

I'm not sure at what point my erection made its first appearance, but I felt her hand holding my shaft and sliding up and down over the head of my engorged penis. It felt so good I had to pause temporarily just to accept the intense sensations before resuming my kneading of her ass cheeks. My left hand grabbed her cheek firmly and pulled it to the side as my other hand swirled over her asshole. She moaned as my finger began testing the tension of the hole again and slid in slowly.

I could feel her strokes speeding up on my cock as my finger slid in just a little further. And then her hand nearly stopped altogether as I reached the event horizon of her anus. One more push further, and there was no turning back. My finger slid in all the way. She gasped and bit my shoulder as she let out a muffled moan.

I could feel the jiggle of her flesh on both sides of my hand as it nestled its way in between her cheeks. My buried finger explored her insides, feeling the texture tighten and grip my finger as she squirmed and moaned. Finally she reached back and lightly put her hand on mine, letting me know to stop.

I carefully slid it out as she held on to me tightly. I brought my finger to my face, only and inch away from both of our noses. The strong odor hung in the air. It was hard to make out her reaction, but it looked to be a mix of being intrigued and slightly embarrassed at the aroma. I slid my finger just under my nose; the way a rich, old man savors the scent of a cigar. I moaned my delight letting her know the unique smell was an incredible turn on to me.

I overestimated her embarrassment as she brought my finger to her own nose and smiled. She gripped my hand and slowly lowered the finger to her mouth, sliding it in while looking me dead in the eyes. Her mouth tightened as she slid it in and back out, licking her lips after she slowly removed it from her mouth.