Sharing Fantasies


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I knew it would be absolutely impossible for me to take it, and knew that he knew it too. So I wondered why he was there. Did he just want me to let him look at me while he jerked himself off? Would I let him do that?

But he came over and stood beside me, then reached down and touched my eye-lids with his fingers, and for such a big man his touch was incredibly soft and gentle. He closed my eyes, then his hands just drifted down over my body; touching, stroking, caressing, very gently, and very, very slowly.

I felt my nipples stiffen the moment he touched my breasts, and just as you did David, he made them almost unbearably swollen and tender by concentrating his attention on just them for ages. Then, while one hand continued fondling them the other finally moved down, down over my stomach and then down between my thighs.

I was so wound up from what his caresses were doing to me after not having come with any of the previous men, I was getting desperate to get off. My entire body was shivering from his touch, and by then I really just wanted him to ram his fingers up inside me until I popped. But he wouldn't, and when I thought I'd go completely mad, he just stopped.

I finally opened my eyes and looked up at him, he was smiling, it was a nice smile, but very knowing, and I knew he knew exactly how I was feeling.

But he ignored that and picking me up as though I weighed no more than a baby he moved me further down the bed, letting my legs hang over the end, spreading them apart then moving forward and standing between them. For a moment I thought he was going to try to get his cock inside me after all, but no, he took hold of my hands and placed them on it.

It felt hot, very strong, and very, very hard, and as my fingers curled around the shaft it jerked upwards so powerfully that if I hadn't quickly tightened my grip it would have jumped right out of my hands.

The expression on his face changed, his eyes half closed, his smile became tighter. I knew exactly what he wanted me to do, knew what he needed.

His cock was so thick I had to use both hands to get right around it, loosely interlocking my fingers, then did it to him the way he had caressed me, very, very slowly. To make it even more tantalising for him I used very light movements, my fingers just grazing the surface of his cock-head, then tightening them just a little when I pushed my hands down the shaft.

I admit that even that was incredibly exciting, feeling the hot hardness of that monstrous cock rubbing against my fingers and palms, feeling it pulsing, throbbing, and although it didn't seem possible, I felt myself getting even wetter.

He stood quite still, and didn't make a sound. But I could see from the tension that showed on his face that what had been going on inside his head while he waited to come in to my room, then from seeing and caressing me, plus what my hands were doing to him, had by then got him even more desperate than I was to climax.

I suppose what I did was mean, well if it hadn't been a fantasy it would have been, but it was my fantasy, and as in reality I hadn't come I wanted to see just how long I could keep him waiting before he did. And as well as that, although his cock was already really gigantic, I wondered if by delaying his climax it would actually get any bigger.

So instead of doing what I knew he wanted me to, gradually speeding up, I kept at that maddeningly slow pace. And I tried to further intensify what he was feeling by constantly changing what I was doing; sometimes using the palms of my hands, sometimes just my finger-tips, most of the time keeping my touch very light, then sometimes stroking it much more firmly.

And on top of that, each time I slid my hands right down to the base of his cock I'd slip one down under it and roll or gently squeeze his balls. They were not only huge but amazingly heavy too and as the minutes passed and he grew increasingly tense I felt the sac shrinking, getting tighter, slowly pulling the pair of them upwards.

Although I couldn't really tell if his cock was actually getting any bigger, what I was doing was obviously effective because as the pressure inside him got stronger it jerked higher and higher, until it was rearing almost vertically. But by then the head certainly seemed to have got even more bloated, the skin stretched so tight it looked as though it was going to burst, and the colour had turned an even darker purple. I could feel the increasing strength of the deep pulsing throb that was making his cock quiver, and even though his muscles were hidden beneath the layers of fat I could tell they were flexing as he got more and more worked-up.

Then I saw the first drop of pre-cum oozing from the eye, it just hung there, sparkling like a little diamond and when I spread it over the tip it was almost immediately followed by another, and then another. I soon had enough to cover the whole of the head, making it glisten and gleam even more brightly than it had before.

I don't know whether the lubricant made the head even more sensitive, or whether it was just that the pressure inside him had already reached an unbearable level, but when I'd finished coating it and resumed stroking his cock I immediately felt a change in his reactions. It was as though there was an enormous wave building inside him, his body grew even more tense and I heard a low, rumbling growl coming from somewhere deep inside him.

Then I felt his cock jerk even higher, and as I tightened my fingers and began to pump I felt the most incredible surge running up through it, and a moment or two later, as the growl rose in pitch and volume, he started to come.

He must have been saving it up for weeks because it was as though I'd turned on a hose. The first blast was so strong it went way over my head, but as I pulled his cock down so I could get a better grip of it, I copped the next one full in the face. Ignoring that I started pumping harder, keeping my actions to a slow, steady beat, but putting as much force as I could behind them. Each one produced a simply massive burst of jism, and I couldn't believe how much he must have had stored up inside him, and how long they kept coming.

Anyway, by the time he'd eventually finished I felt as though I'd had a couple of bucketfuls of it chucked all over me; it was in my hair, in my eyes, virtually covering my face, and there were great splodges of it running all down the front of me.

Obviously I'd never experienced anything like that before, the feel of his cock in my hands, and then the sheer force of his climax got me even more wound up than I already had been. So by then I needed to come so badly I was prepared to do virtually anything to get off.

Then the really strangest thing happened, when he'd finally finished, his cock got smaller. I don't mean in the usual way, getting small and limp, it stayed as hard as iron, it just got smaller. But I mean relatively smaller, it was still huge but it wasn't as impossibly enormous as it had been before.

So, because I had got so wet, he was actually able to get it inside me. It still felt as though some enormous piece of pipe was being pushed into me and as it went deeper I felt as though I was being split wide open.

But although I was nervous about how much of it he was going to try to get into me, because I had been waiting so long and had got so wound-up I started to come the moment I felt the head pushing into my pussy. When he started pushing it inside me and I felt it throbbing and jerking my climax got even more intense, and then as he drove it deeper and deeper I heard myself screaming from the mixture of pain and ecstasy as I came again, then again and again.

When I'd finally finished he paused, his massive cock was by then buried to the hilt, and still throbbing like crazy. Then I'd no sooner got my breath back than I felt it starting to grow, getting both longer and thicker.

It was a really weird feeling, weird, quite frightening, but sexy too, having this massive thing alive inside me, growing bigger, driving its way deeper, feeling as though it was shoving various organs aside to make room for itself.

For a moment I nearly panicked, wondering just what it would do to me if it got as big as it had been when I'd first seen it. Then it just didn't seem to matter, I somehow knew that no matter how big it got, I could take it.

And it certainly grew, I could feel it pushing its way past the back of my stomach, and that made me feel a bit nauseous for a while. Then it reached my spine, triggering the nerves to fire incredible feelings up into my head as it touched the bone, somehow turning, and following it upwards.

But as I said, his cock wasn't just getting longer it was getting thicker too, stretching my pussy more than I thought was possible, and as it forced it wide open the shaft pressed hard up against my clit. It was throbbing even more strongly than before, each beat sending a sort of electric shock of excitement through me, and in spite of how uncomfortable I was feeling I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter, feel the juices flowing down over his gigantic cock, then trickling out of me.

All this time he'd been looking down at me, at my face I mean, his mouth still set in that tight smile, not saying a word. I don't know if he was able to read my mind, or whether he saw something in my expression that told him how I was feeling, but just as I felt sure I couldn't take any more of him, his cock gave an almighty jerk forward. I found I could taste it! It was as though it had forced itself right up into the back of my throat.

Once it had reached there it started to throb even more strongly, gradually speeding up until it was like some wild drum beat. As the shaft vibrated against my clit it triggered the start of another orgasm, and as it got stronger, more intense, although he was standing absolutely still, he gave a loud grunt, and I felt his cock starting to pump another load of hot jism up out off his balls. Its rhythmic surges as each burst scorched up through the shaft intensified what I was feeling, and a second or so later, as the climactic waves swept through me, he erupted, almost as powerfully as he had the first time.

I heard myself scream and felt myself shuddering as it blasted into me, each gout coinciding with another orgasmic peak, each peak higher than the one before. And again like the first time, his climax went on and on, triggering a rolling, exhausting, multiple orgasm for me. He seemed to have a never-ending supply of semen, pumping more and more of it into me, not only flooding my cunt and pouring back out of my pussy, but making me feel as though it had filled every other part of my body, even my mouth felt as though it was full of the sticky, creamy stuff.

By the time he was finished I was so physically exhausted I sent him away, and within just a few seconds I was sound asleep.'

Chapter 4


She fell silent for a while, giving me a little time to think about both the content of, and my reaction to, her fantasy. Whilst I certainly had no wish to own a cock anywhere near as monstrous as the man in it had, the thought of having that much potency was undoubtedly stirring. And I knew from what I could feel down between my legs that hearing hers had definitely added to the arousal that had started when I recounted my own fantasy. Although not yet fully ready for action, my cock had grown considerably and had started to re-harden.

But putting my own physical reactions aside for a few moments I realised that if fantasies reflected even a small part of what went on in our subconscious, Alissa's could tell me much about her deepest, even unrecognised thoughts, feelings and wants.

The most obvious thing was that she hadn't been frightened of the physical act of sex - even monstrous, perhaps dangerous sex. But although she wanted lots of it, she was at the same time picky. She'd been prepared to try sex with as many men and boys as were queuing up for it, but even while she was having it done to her by most of them, she was waiting for that one that had something special to offer.

But what of the man she'd finally fixed on? First of all he 'broke her rules'. I thought that the fact that he'd done it by being fat was neither here nor there, it was breaking the rules that was important. He was neither some boy she knew, nor a teen-ager's normal idol. He wasn't the kind of man a young woman would normally create for her fantasy, she wanted someone different, someone who broke the rules.

And in being so much older than she was that parameter, in at least some ways, certainly fitted me.

Then I thought about the gigantic cock, and the things it had finally done to her. I felt sure that aspect of the fantasy could be ascribed to the fact that although she had been no virgin, she was still relatively inexperienced and was probably avoiding her concerns about what reactions she might get from various men by focusing on just the range of penis sizes she might still have to encounter.

But what of the earlier scene, before his cock was reduced sufficiently in size to actually penetrate her?

In spite of the discomfort, and perhaps degradation of, as she had put it, 'having a couple of bucketfuls of jism chucked over me', she said she had actually got even more turned-on by the experience. And that made me wonder if some time she'd like me to do that - but that tempting thought was broken by the sound of her voice. 'Did I shock you?' she asked apprehensively.

As I re-focused on reality I suddenly noticed the changes that had come over her, her face was lightly flushed, and when I looked lower I could see that the tips of her nipples seemed to be juttingly swollen. I obviously wasn't alone in being affected by the story-telling.

'Shock? No far from it Alissa, I got so involved I had to literally think my way back to normal. If you know what I mean.' I said, desperately trying to push all the complexities I had actually been thinking about far to the back of my mind.

'Yes I think so. I was a bit like that when you finished. It's a bit like watching a movie, you sometimes have to sit there for a minute or two before you can get up to leave.'

'Yes, it was exactly like that. It's a great fantasy, as I said before, you're an incredibly creative lover.' I replied, then leaned across, and as I slipped one hand behind her head and pulled her towards me, I slid the other up between us and cupped her breast. 'And right now I think my lover is badly in need of some personal attention.' I added, before kissing her.

The passionate urgency behind the way she returned my kiss, and the hard little buds I felt grazing the palm of my hand confirmed what I had thought, the hearing and re-telling of our fantasies had definitely got to her.

I pushed myself up and knelt beside her for a few moments, letting my eyes roam over her nakedness, then bent to kiss her again. Although her response was just as passionate, as she somehow seemed to understand even better than I did what my intentions were it was less urgent, her lips and tongue playing with mine, her body relaxing as my hand drifted up and down over it.

My finger-tips tingled at the feel of her silky softness, my head swam as my hand caressed each firm curve, and I felt my heart beating more strongly as I thought of the shared pleasures we were about to give each other. I kissed her eyes, pushed back her hair to kiss her ears and then the soft flesh down the side of her neck, before moving on across her shoulder, pausing before moving further down, towards her waiting, uptilting breast.

'You are a very beautiful young woman Alissa.' I said softly. 'Very, very beautiful. And you know damn well that you can have your pick of virtually any man you want. I've no idea why on earth you've picked me, well at least for this time and place, but thank you - and in future always choose wisely.' I added before pressing my lips down over her budding nipple.

As I began to swirl my tongue around it she sighed, and then, barely audibly, I heard her say. 'I think I have.'

I pretended I hadn't heard the whispered words, and tried to ignore the deeper implications they contained by concentrating on both pleasing her, and savouring the pleasures I was getting in return.

While my mouth and tongue concentrated on her breasts, kissing, licking and gently sucking each in turn, I let my hands roam freely over the rest of her, one stroking her hair, neck and shoulders, the other drifting up and down her legs, then back and forth over her softly rounded belly. And I could tell from the sound of her occasional murmuring sighs, and the feel of the way her body sank deeper down into the bed, just how much she loved what I was doing.

It wasn't too long before I was able to feel the even more positive effects of my slow caresses. Her breasts felt a little more swollen, the flesh around her nipples was firmer and what had been no more than sweet little buds had bloomed, jutting sharply from their surrounding aureoles. Then I felt her reach for my lower hand, and moving her legs apart as she lifted it, she guided it down between them.

As I pressed it up against her I felt how warm and moist her pussy was, and while continuing to gently suck both spiking nipples I began to stroke two fingers up and down the slippery furrow. Wanting to give us both plenty of time to enjoy what we were feeling, although I occasionally let them slip down into it, at that stage I was careful to neither probe too deeply nor let my fingers move too high. And when I felt her trying to squirm herself down on to my slow moving hand I whispered. 'Not yet Alissa, be still, relax and enjoy.'

She understood and did as I suggested, suppressing the urgency, patiently letting me do whatever I wanted to do with her body.

Some time later I moved myself lower, easing and spreading her legs wider, then positioning myself down between them. She opened her mist-filled eyes and smiled. "When you treat me like this I get the feeling that the lead-up and anticipation of it is even better than the actual climax.'

'That's good, I'm glad to know you feel that way about it too.' I replied, running my hands slowly up and down her wide-splayed legs. 'The actual climax is over so quickly, but the anticipation can go on for as long as you can stand it.'

'That was part of your fantasy, wasn't it, I mean although you were getting so incredibly frustrated, in a strange way you were actually enjoying it, I mean enjoying the anticipation.'

'Mmm, that's quite right. So now it's your turn, but I promise I won't keep you in suspense anywhere near as long as I was!' I said, pushing my head up between her legs.

As I eased forward I kissed the inside curve of her leg, feeling my nostrils tingling as I breathed in the exciting scent of her. 'Beautiful!' I whispered as I stared up at her pussy. Its delicate outer lips were dusky pink, still furled, like an early morning blossom, and, as though to complete that picture, I noticed there were even tiny dew-drops clinging to its folds. Once again I marvelled at how something that looked so fragile could withstand the most powerful onslaught from a man's cock, and at the same time provide such exquisitely intense pleasure.

Although caressing her was rapidly increasing my sexual arousal, as I knelt there, nuzzling my face between her legs, brushing my cheek against the warm smoothness of her thigh, that excitement was almost over-shadowed by a feeling of blissful happiness. All I wanted to do right then was to continue giving Alissa as much pleasure as possible, as much as she could stand.

So I took my time, continuing to kiss and lick her thighs, while slipping my hands higher, up over her stomach to gently caress her breasts, every now and then rolling or lightly pinching their stiffened nipples.