Sharing Roni Ch. 07


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I was certain that her new mentors would educate her in new positions and techniques. All I would need to do is offer for them to take full advantage of her. Since this was her idea, I knew that she would be a willing student and follow their direction. I would, of course, be there to encourage her to do as they asked. With hands-on teaching skills she would discover just how erotic and satisfying sex can be. If everything went as I hoped, the experience would build her sexual confidence, which would be an important first step in helping her lose all inhibitions.

I'm sure that she wasn't aware of where I was hoping to take her. But the opportunity was right at my fingertips and I was going to push her to relax and enjoy herself today. I started wondering how I would approach Dan about what I had in mind. I couldn't wait to see the look on his face when I offered him the opportunity to fuck my Beautiful Bride....I desperately needed to stop my mind from wondering.

I went back inside and fixed a second cup of coffee before heading to the bathroom. I took a cold shower as I willed my imagination to stop running wild. I thought about work, baseball, my grandparents...anything to get my mind off of the days upcoming event. Having finally cleared my head, I turned the water temperature up and let the warm water run over my body and actually showered. I dressed quietly in the bedroom and kissed Roni on the cheek, "I'm going to grab breakfast, I'll be back shortly."

She mumbled, "okay" and went back to sleep.

I went through a local drive-thru and got us both a chicken biscuit. Returning to our apartment I turned on the TV and ate mine while watching the morning was now ten-thirty, four and a half hours until our guests arrived. The morning was dragging by.

Around eleven I heard Roni stirring. I went into the kitchen and poured her a glass of orange juice and warmed her biscuit in the microwave. She appeared a short time later, looking sultry with her sleepy eyes and bed-hair.

"Good morning beautiful."

She took the juice and smiled, "Good morning" then kissed my cheek. I grabbed her biscuit from the microwave, "Chicken biscuit?"

"Ummm thanks."

She took the juice and biscuit to the table and I followed her. When we were both seated I reached over and took her hand, "Are you excited about today?"

She moved her head back and forth a few times before replying, "I'm not quite sure, to be honest."

I looked quizzically at her, "Not sure...this was your idea!"

She pulled her hand free and picked up her biscuit, "I'm not sure if you understand why I asked you to invite them up instead of me. I wanted you to be in charge of everything that happens....and also, I'm worried that you might think that I overstepped my bounds", she then took a bite.

"How so."

She looked intently into my eyes as she chewed. She took a sip of juice and swallowed, "The whole just having you watch thing... sounds pretty self-centered"

I smiled, "It does..."

She nodded, "I was afraid of that..." She continued looking into my eyes, "I wanted to do it for you."

I felt some relief, but didn't understand what she was getting at, "For me?"

She nodded, "Yeah...I mean I know that I'll enjoy it too, but I could tell how much you enjoyed watching them with me last week."

I chuckled, "So you're only doing this for me.....not for your own enjoyment."

I saw her cheeks flush, "Well that too."

She took another bite of her biscuit. I could tell she was struggling to get her thoughts in order. "So could you please explain what you're thinking right now."

She was embarrassed and smiled, "God this is harder than I thought it would be."

"Just spit it out..."

She looked down and started picking at her biscuit, "I don't know how to explain it....I really liked what we did last was fun."

I felt relieved and smiled,"Well good, I really liked it too."

She continued looking down, "I liked having you tell me what to do."

She looked up at me to see my reaction. I raised my eyebrows, "You did?"

She nodded, "It was so exciting having you make me do things to them. It really turned me on seeing how much they enjoyed everything I did for them. But the best part was seeing how excited it made you", she smiled knowingly at me,"...I never could have done any of that stuff without you telling me to and to be honest, I loved it!"

I took a breath and smiled, "Cool!"

She laughed, "So I wanted you to know that I wasn't trying to leave you out today. I just wanted you to be there giving me direction. I thought you might like it better if you just got to watch...and of course you can join in if you want. I don't think that I was very clear when I first mentioned what I had in mind."

My smile grew, "So I am invited to the party now?"

She rolled her eyes, "You were always invited."

I rubbed her hand, "But I also get to dance with you at the party?"

She laughed at my analogy, "Yes, you can even have the first dance if you like."

I remembered her end of the deal, "And I still get what you promised me...right?"

She smiled and played dumb, "What?"

I shook my head and smiled, "Remember what you agreed to..."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"If I let you invite them up, then you owed me a favor and had to do whatever I asked...ring a bell?"

She looked at me with sheepish eyes, "Even though I'm doing this for you?"

Still shaking my head, "The deal was if we invited them up I got something in return."

I smiled, "I'm pretty sure that you're not just doing this for me. You were begging me to invite them up...that's why you made the still owe me. You are not backing out, no way mama."

She chuckled, "Fine...and what is that going to be?"

I lied, "I haven't decided yet, I'm still trying to think of something good."

She nodded, "Just remember, no other women can be involved."

I smiled, "Don't worry there won't be."

She mumbled, "Good" as she took a sip of orange juice.

I was thrilled that she had clarified her intentions and leaned over to kiss her cheek, "Thanks for clearing that up. You have nothing to be concerned about, just relax and enjoy the day."

She nodded, "Okay, but I'm still feeling a little nervous."


"Everything, I couldn't go back to sleep when you woke me....and I just started thinking about it." She took another bite of her biscuit.

"For over an hour?"

She nodded as she chewed, "Uh huh."

I was curious, "So what exactly did you think about."

Her gaze was far away and she avoided looking at me as she spoke,"I'm going to be getting naked in front of three men...whats to be nervous about...and you're going to make me do things with them, right?"

"You bet your ass I am."

She took a deep breath, "That's a lot of pressure...." She waited a few seconds then looked at me, "What are you going to make me do?

I thought for a while as she waited, "Well...first of all, I'm going to let them enjoy looking at you in your skimpy little outfit and then I'll probably have you strip for us." Her breathing became more shallow.

"And then I'll have you spread your legs so they can see that delicious pussy of yours."

She gasped lowly, "Will you let them touch me?"

"Of course I will. I'll get you naked and have you lay down. I'll tell them to play with your titties first. Then when you start getting excited I'll ask you to spread your legs."

She interrupted me, "Don't ask...tell me to do it."

I smiled, "Okay, I'll make you spread your legs."

Her breathing was getting heavier, "Then what..."

"I'll tell them to play with your pussy...I may even let them lick it if they want to."

I could see her body shake with anticipation, "Oh God."

"I want them to get well acquainted with your body, I'll let them play with you for a while."

She looked at me, "Are you going to make me put their dicks in my mouth?"

"Many times."

She closed her eyes as her body shivered, "You like watching me suck their cocks, don't you?"

"I love it."

She opened her eyes and shook her head quickly, "We need to stop or you're going to make me have an orgasm."

I smiled, "Okay we can stop...we can also go to the bedroom and have some fun before they get here..."

She smiled, "One quick question...are you going to make me fuck them again?"

Wow this language was unexpected and I liked it, "Baby I am going to make you fuck them numerous times."

Her hands were shaking as she answered, "Good...I know that will make you very happy."

I stood up and tried to pull her up as well, "Let's take this up in the bedroom."

She shook her head, "No...lets wait until they get here."

I tried to pull her up again, "Come on Sweetheart, we have plenty of time it'll be another three hours until they get here."

She held steadfast, "Sorry, but you're going to have to wait, I'm saving my energy for later."

I stared at her, "Really... all the stuff that you just agreed to has made me horny as hell. I don't think that I can wait that long."

She picked up her biscuit and looked up at me, "Well you're just going to have to wait, Think of how much fun it will be once they get here." She took a bite and chewed slowly as she watched my reaction.

I wanted to take her to bed right then, but it was obvious that she wasn't budging. I nodded and smiled, "Okay, but you're only making it harder on yourself."

She returned my smile, "Oh really..."

I continued nodding, "If you take care of business right now then I won't be as horny when they get here. If you make me wait there's no telling what I might make you do. I'm only thinking of you right now."

She burst out laughing,"The answer is still no, my god, you'll try anything to get what you want."

I gave her a smirk, "I promise if you give me what I want then I'll take it easy on you later"

She gave me a sly smile, "What makes you think that I want you to take it easy on me?"

Well...that shut me up. I stared at her in disbelief, not knowing how to reply.

She finished eating as I sat in silence.

Once finished she took a long drink of her juice then stretched her arms as she looked over at me, "Cat got your tongue?"

I let out a small laugh, "Sometimes you really surprise me..."

She reached out and took my hand, "Baby, I know what I'm doing. You love this, the excitement, the anticipation...all of it. Trust me you will remember today for a long time. I will do anything with them that you tell me to do. If we made love right now it wouldn't be nearly as exciting when they got here. I want you to be hungry for me when they get here. It will be worth the wait, I promise."

I nodded, "You're probably right. But be warned I am going to make you do things..."

She smiled, "Promises, promises..."

I shook my head and laughed, "What have I tuned you into?"

She looked into my eyes, "I don't think that you tuned me into anything, I think that you just woke something up....pretty crazy, huh?" She waited a few seconds and then laughed, "I can't believe that I'm having sex with three men goodness, what would my Mom say!"

I had to agree with her, "It is crazy...I still can't believe that we're actually going to do this, again!"

She sat silently for a few seconds then turned her head and looked into my eyes, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, ask me anything."

She held my gaze, "And please be honest..."

"I will."

She cocked her head to one side as she asked,"Did it bother you, even a little bit, the first time I took my clothes off in front of them?"

I thought back to that experience. Watching excitedly as she slowly took off each article of clothing. I remembered being so excited that I came in my shorts as she pulled her panties down and showed them her pussy for the first time. I also remembered the guilt I felt for allowing her to do it, "Maybe just a little, but the thrill was worth it."

She continued staring at me, showing no sign of emotion, "And how about now after they... you know..." She tilted her head side to side.

I knew exactly what she meant; Now that they have both fucked me. I looked at her as she stared at me stoically. I couldn't read what she was thinking or where this conversation was heading, "I did feel a little weird afterward."

She nodded, "Yeah, me too...." She gave me a few seconds to think about it before asking, "Are you absolutely positive that you want me to do it again?"

I was certain that I did, but played it safe until I found out what this conversation was about. I shrugged, "Yeah I'd be okay with it...How about you?"

She nodded, "I think I would...." She waited a few moments then asked, "Its just.....Do you think what we're doing is wrong?"

I tried to lighten her mood, "Having consensual sex with a beautiful woman is never wrong."

She smiled at the compliment, "Even if the woman is married?"

I thought about my reply before answering. Was it wrong? I didn't think so. Different maybe. I had enjoyed everything that had happened up to this point and I knew that she had too. I certainly wouldn't want our indiscretions to be known by others outside of our group, but in all honesty I didn't think it was wrong, "No Baby, as long as we both want to do this, I don't think it you?"

She lost her smile as she answered, " certainly goes against everything that I was taught in Sunday School."

I thought; Here we go, she's thinking about what her Mom would say and that maybe we were committing some mortal sin. I tried to ease her mind, "Baby the Bible doesn't restrict what a man and wife do in their own home."

"But it does preach against adultery."

I was a little ignorant on the subject and chuckled, "We're not committing adultery."

She was nodding her head, "Oh yes we are."

"Baby, that's only if I didn't know about it."

Now she laughed, "No its not. Adultery is when a married person has sex with anyone who is not their spouse. It doesn't matter if they know about it or really should have paid more attention in Sunday School."

I had stopped going to church when I was about twelve years old. I remembered them covering stealing, lying and murder, but I didn't remember a lesson on adultery, "I think that I may have been absent that day," I joked.

She let out a breath and her smile weakened, "Do we need to go to confession tomorrow?"

I cussed her parents for bringing her up in such a religious atmosphere, "Baby I don't think that you'll go to hell for doing what your husband asks."

She was nodding, "Okay, keep going, I need you to put my mind at ease if we're going to keep doing this...."

I should have seen this coming eventually. I tried my best to help her feel okay with what we were doing. I took her hand in mine and started spewing whatever I could come up with on such short notice,"I'm your husband and we were married in a church, right."

"Of course..."

"And we both made vows to each other, right?"

"Yes, we did."

"Do you remember what your vow pissed you off because you told our pastor in rehearsal that you didn't want that one word in there...remember...."

Her smile lit-up, "Obey...It was in mine, but not yours...that was so sexist...I told him..." I cut her off, "You promised to obey me, you're safe." I laughed.

She nodded, "You're right, I did...but I think that may be stretching the intention of that vow."

"I don't think so's your duty as my wife."

She shook her head in amused disbelief, "It's my duty as your wife to have sex with other men?"

I cleared my throat, "If I command it...Sweetheart, if you intend to fulfill your wedding vows then you have to...end of story."

She couldn't contain a laugh, "I'm pretty sure that this isn't the scenario the clergy had in mind when they wrote that!"

I shrugged, "A promise is a promise...and it was made in front of God."

She was shaking her head and smiling, "I hope that you aren't expecting to push me on that...there are some things that I won't do, you know."

I tried to humor her, "We'll cross that bridge if and when we get there, until then just be a good girl and do as your husband says."

She rolled her eyes, "I'm still pissed at that pastor...Sexist asshole."

I patted her hand, "At least you're not a sinner. So does that ease your mind?"

She nodded, "Sure...why not..."

"And are you going to continue to do as your husband asks?"

Now she laughed, "I am yours to do with as you see fit...master."

Master...I liked the sound of that. My cock got instantly hard, "I can't wait to try out my new powers of control."

She looked sexily into my eyes, "Your wish is my command."

I hoped that she realized what she was setting herself up for, "let me ask you something seriously."

She looked at me, still amused,"Okay, go right ahead..."

"Have I ever asked you to do anything sexually that you didn't enjoy?"

She bit her lip and pretended to think hard, "Nothing that I can think of off the top of my head."

"Is there anything that I shouldn't ask you to do?"

She smiled wickedly, "First of all; you're not asking you're telling me what to do, remember."

I chuckled, "Okay fine, is there anything that you would prefer I not tell you to do?"

She nodded slowly, "Anal...I really don't want anyone fucking me in the ass, that just sounds painful...and nasty."

I laughed, "Trust me, I know you're not into that...God knows I've tried!"

She was shaking her head, "I honestly don't know why men want do know that's where poop comes out, right?"

I laughed, "I'm well aware of how the human body works."

She laughed with me, "Well lets just keep it as an exit and not an entrance, okay."

"Okay I can live with that...anything else?"

"No women, I don't want you trying to turn me only."

I stopped laughing and nodded, "Okay, no women and no anal...anything else?"

She thought for a few seconds, "That's all I can think of off the top of my head..."

I smiled, "Are you sure...everything else is on the table?"

She brought her lips into a tight smile. She kept hers eyes on mine as she slowly nodded her head, without saying a word.

This was shaping up to be a great day.

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PiusPaulPiusPaul5 months ago

Good as usual, but chapters 6 and 7 have been awfully short compared to some of the earlier.

Loginer00Loginer00over 1 year ago

One of the best series on this site. I hope we see a ch 8 soon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Hope to see the next chapter soon

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

You're a hell of a writer who knows how to keep the suspense on...

kman1959kman1959almost 2 years ago

I thoroughly enjoyed all seven stories, I was disappointed that after seven there wasn't another one..that appears to me that a lot more could be added to that story alone. Hope you indulge everyone and submit some continuation stories of Steve and Roni.

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