Sharing Roni Ch. 08


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I started to reply but I heard a noise behind me and heard Josh whisper lowly, "God Damn!"

Turning around I saw Roni standing behind me, "Hey guys."

Her dark brown hair was draped over her shoulders and behind her back. She had taken a lot of time on her make-up and looked absolutely stunning. But what caught their attention was what she was wearing. Mike whistled lowly, " look incredible."

Josh was speechless.

Roni leaned her shoulder against the door frame and giggled, "Hello guys, I take it that you approve of my choice of clothing?"

Josh finally found his voice and looked at me briefly, "You are not making this easy on me!"

I walked over and took her hand and kissed her cheek, "Come over and do a shot with us."

I led her into the center of the kitchen and let go of her hand. She stood quietly with her hands folded across her stomach. Mike and Josh both eyed her from her breasts all the way to her feet. I took a few moments to let them enjoy the view. Her small pert breasts were very visible through the lacy material, her pussy was only slightly hidden by the thin black material that made up her panties. Josh was shaking his head, "Goddamn you look amazing Roni."

She smiled, "Thank you."

In my opinion, what made the outfit so sexy was the garter belt and stockings. I loved the way it framed her ass. I told her, "Turn around so they can see the back."

She turned and we all breathed heavy as we saw her beautiful firm ass accented by the garter belt. Josh couldn't contain himself, "Double Goddamn, look at that ass!"

Roni laughed and turned back around, "Are we going to do those shots or what?"

I handed her a shot and picked one up for myself. Mike and Josh followed my lead. I held my glass up, "A toast to my Beautiful Wife."

Roni smiled proudly as they repeated, "To your Beautiful wife."

We touched glasses and downed the shots.

Josh sat his glass back on the counter and turned his attention back to Roni. He slowly moved his eyes down the entire length of her body, "I have to tell you Roni, that outfit is smoking Hot."

Roni smiled at his enthusiasm, "Steve bought it for me last night."

He looked at me, "Dude, you have excellent taste in women's underwear."

I nodded, "Yeah I thought you guys might like it."

He was staring at her tits now, "I can see your nipples plain as day."

She blushed, "That's not all you can see."

Josh smiled, "Trust me I noticed, but I'm really trying to behave myself." He looked at me, "Sorry Steve, I really am trying..."

I spoke up, "Josh I don't have any problem with you enjoying the view, you can look all you want."

To prove I was serious I took her hand and led her to the counter. I made room for her on the counter top and turned her around, "Let me help you up on the counter." I put my hands on her waist and helped lift her up. She scooted her ass back a little and got comfortable.

Her legs were slightly parted and we could see the upper half of her pussy through the thin material. I looked into her eyes, "Spread those lovely legs a little, Sweetheart." Without hesitation she spread them about shoulder length apart. Her inner labia was now peeking out and pressing against the thin fabric. I turned to Josh, "Look all you want, she loves showing her body off."

Roni"s cheek blushed a little as the excitement of showing herself off began to take effect, "I think I need another shot."

Everyone but Mike took another shot and we all stood around talking with Roni as she stayed seated on the counter. I finished my first beer and suggested we sit in the living room where we would be more comfortable. Josh grabbed me and him a beer as I helped Roni off of the counter top. I took her hand and led her into the living room, "Wait right here". I moved the coffee table out of the way then grabbed a chair from the kitchen table. Mike and Josh came in and sat on the sofa as I sat the chair down facing them. I took Roni's hand and led her to the chair, "You sit here."

I sat between Mike and Josh on the sofa as Josh handed me a beer.

I opened it and took a long drink. I motioned my head toward Roni, "Doesn't she look amazing in that outfit..."

Josh nodded without taking his eyes off of her, "Good enough to eat".

Mike was shaking his head, "Damnit Josh..."

Josh turned to look at me, "Sorry man, but if I'm being honest...I'd love to have my face buried between her thighs right now."

Mike leaned in front of me to look at Josh, "Josh, try and remember the conversation we had earlier in the kitchen please." He then turned to Roni, "You'll have to excuse him, he started a bit early, he had about three beers before we came up."

Roni smiled and nodded, "No problem" She then looked at me, "What conversation did you have?"

I felt guilty, why I don't know, "I told them how I was having a little problem with what happened last weekend."

A look of concern filled her face, "Well Steve, having me sit almost completely nude in front of them is not going to help...maybe I should put some clothes on."

I quickly shook my head, "No please don't. I love, and I do mean truthfully love, having them see you like this. And I know you do too...lets just take it slow...okay?"

Roni nodded, "Okay, but if you start feeling uncomfortable, please let all of us know...promise me."

I knew I was putting a damper on what could be a very enjoyable day. I tried to explain myself, "Okay, everyone please listen to what I'm about to say." I took a deep breath, "I love showing my wife off, I enjoy having other men see her sexy body. I hope you don't think that's strange, but I really enjoy it." Roni sat looking at me while Josh and Mike simply nodded as I continued," And just so you know, that part doesn't bother me at all. I love having you guys look at her. It's the sex part that I have a problem with." I felt ashamed as I continued, "I became very aroused last Week as I watched both of you with her." I looked at Roni, "I'm sorry Babe, but watching you with them was amazing. I loved watching you get so much pleasure from them...but, more than that..........I loved watching them use you. I enjoyed watching them get so much satisfaction from your sexy little body. I know its weird and I'm sorry."

I looked back and forth from Josh to Mike. "I know you guys have to think that I'm some kind of a freak. Who would get pleasure from watching another man have sex with their wife...must be a pervert, right?...That's what I'm having the most problem guys must think that I'm some kind of a sick weirdo, don't you..."

There I said it, I finally got it off my chest. Everything that had been bothering me. I was okay with my wife fucking other men...want to fuck her, sure go ahead, no problem, let me get her naked and she'll suck your cock until you get nice and hard for her, then fuck the hell out of her...The truth was the only problem I was having was with what they might think about me. I Loved getting her naked, having her tease them and then watching as they enjoyed her body. Seeing how much pleasure she was getting from them only heightened my excitement. Maybe I should make an appointment to see a shrink. I was looking at the floor feeling ashamed as I waited for a reply.

Josh suddenly burst out laughing, "Dude are you shitting me...I think that you are one of the best friends I could ever hope for. Do you really think that I look down on you for what we've been doing?"

I nodded my head without looking at him, "I do."

Josh wrapped his arm around me and pulled me toward him, "I swear, I have nothing but the upmost respect for you and Roni. I can't believe how lucky I am to have met you guys. If that's whats bothering you then let it go man. My opinion of you hasn't changed since we first're a great guy." He looked at Roni and smiled, "And I get to see your wife friend ever!"

I finally pulled my head up to look at him, "Are you you being sincere?"

He was smiling widely at me, "One hundred percent."

I nodded slowly, "Thank you."

He looked back at Roni, "Man, just look at your wife...Dude she's beautiful. How could I ever think bad about you sharing her with us. I thank my lucky stars every night that you are open-minded enough to let her explore her sexuality with us. Trust me, I'm not going to do anything to screw that up."

I felt the burden start to lift off my chest. I looked to Mike, "How about you, what's your opinion?"

He shrugged, "I never questioned your motives. It seemed to me that we were all having a good time. I knew you were okay with everything and honestly I didn't think anything else about it."

I needed clarity, "Even though she's my wife and I let you guys do all that stuff with her?"

Again he shrugged, "Hell Dude, I could see how much you enjoyed it...I don't judge people."

I felt much better, "And if this was to continue?"

He smiled, "I'm willing if you are."

I felt relieved and stood quickly, "This deserves a shot, everyone back in the kitchen!"

Shots were poured and taken and I was feeling good, "God I am so glad to get that off my guys have no idea how much that was bothering me."

Josh placed an arm around my shoulder, "So we're friends again?"

I looked at him, "We were always friends, I was just feeling...weird, I guess is the best word...yeah weird." I smiled, "But I'm feeling much better. Actually, I think I'll be okay..."

His smile grew, "Good..."

He didn't have to say anything else, I knew what he was thinking.

I took Roni's hand, "Let's take this back to the living room."

We were back in our previous seats, the three guys on the sofa and Roni back in her chair. I was feeling good and ready to get the party started. I looked to Roni, "So what are you in the mood for?"

She played coy, "I don't know, why don't you suggest something."

I smiled, "Are you in the mood to show-off."

She smiled sexily,"Sure...what do you have in mind?"

"Why don't you take your top off and let us see those sexy titties."

She stood up and reached behind her back, unsnapping her bra. She stood confidentially as she reached up and pulled the bra off her shoulders and down her arms. Her breasts were now fully exposed to us. Her erect nipples told of her excitement.

"Now lose the panties."

Without a word she placed her thumbs inside her waistband, slid the panties down and stepped out of them. Her petite body was now completely bared for us.

I stood up and picked her panties and bra up off the floor and laid them on the coffee table. Then leaned into her ear and whispered, "I think I'll take some pictures to share with Tom."

I heard her nervous and excited intake of breath, "Okay."

Casually I walked to the kitchen table to retrieve my phone. I looked at Josh and Mike as I returned, "I'm going to take some pictures, you guys are welcome to take some if you like." I didn't wait for their reply as I started taking pictures.

"Pull your arms back and press your chest out." Click.

"Now turn and face me." I focused on her chest. Click. I moved back a few steps and noticed Josh and Mike now had their phones out and were taking pictures as well, "Just pictures of her face."

"Now turn around, I want a picture of your pretty little ass." click.

"now lean over and place your hands on the chair....that's it now spread your legs a little." I got on one knee and moved closer I focused on her ass and slightly spread pussy. Click, click.

"Now sit down....great, now spread your legs a little more..." I took a few more full body shots. I heard Mike and Josh's phone were clicking away with mine.

I moved up to her ear and whispered, "I'm going to take some pictures of your pussy now. Remember, I'm going to show these to much are you willing to show him?"

She leaned back and spread her legs a little more as I resumed. My next picture was a full body shot. I, of course, included her face, "Oh beautiful are so sexy."

I moved in closer and changed the angle. I was now focused on her from the tits down. click, click.

I heard her nervous breath as I got on one knee and moved closer to her pussy. Click, click, click "Use your fingers to spread yourself open." She hesitated and I knew she was thinking about Tom seeing these. I looked into her eyes, challenging her. I was about to stand back up when I saw her hand begin to move. I waited. When her hand reached her pussy she gently spread her lips apart. I smiled at her, "That is so beautiful"

I took my time focusing on her exposed vagina, click, click,

"Spread it open a little more."

Her shaking fingers parted a little further. I could now see her inner lips spread open, creating a small gap in-between. They glistened with her arousal. I reached up to gently rub her clit. It swelled with excitement. I took three more pictures of her obviously excited pussy. Then stood up, "Okay that's enough for now."

Josh quickly stood up, "Can I take a few more?"

I moved to the side, "Sure go right ahead."

He took my place on one knee in front of her. He began taking pictures as Roni continued to hold herself open.

I moved behind her and leaned over whispering in her ear, "Josh is going to show these to his friends, you know that...right."

She nodded, "Yes..."

"Are you okay with that?"

She laid her head back a little and closed her eyes. Her breathing was more excited.

I asked her again, "Are you okay with him showing these pictures to his friends?"

She kept her eyes closed and whispered, "I want him to..."

She spread her legs wider as he continued taking pictures.

After about thirty seconds I broke it up, "Okay Josh that's enough for now, maybe we'll take some more later."

As he was pulling away I heard him say to himself, "Man I'd love to eat that pussy."

I waited until he was back on the sofa and asked, "So you'd like to lick my wife's pussy?"

He had a sly smile," I'd love to..."

I laughed,"Okay, I'll keep that in mind... but lets have a little fun with her first."

Roni was breathing shallowly as I turned my attention back to her, "Hey Baby, stay just as you are, we want to admire you for awhile."

She was no longer holding her pussy open and her hand was resting on her thigh. I focused my attention on her breasts. Unrestrained they now had that natural curve that I found so appealing, her nipples were stiff with excitement.

I looked at Josh and nodded toward Roni, "I bet you never dreamed that you'd be watching her do this that first time you saw her titty exposed at the pool."

He was staring at Roni as he answered, "Man just seeing that one tit from a distance was pretty cool, shit this is ten-thousand times better!"

My manhood was swelling with pride. I had a feeling that I wouldn't be the only one who would be showing her body off to their friends, "Hey Baby why don't you rub your nipples for Josh, he really seems to like them."

She reached her right hand up and stated making slow circles around her left nipple with her middle finger.

We watched her play for a few seconds before Josh exclaimed, "H o l y s h i t... that is sexy!"

Roni tilted her head back up and stared into Josh's eyes as she continued. Her hands slightly shaking as she played, "You like my titties Josh...." It wasn't really a question, more like a statement.

He kept his eyes glued to her as she continued, "I certainly do."

I was enjoying watching her tease him and decided to add to her excitement, "Hey Josh, why don't you tell Roni about showing her pictures to your friends..."

Josh looked startled, "What... I..."

I stopped him from trying to lie, "Josh it's okay she knows...I told her."

Josh seemed to blush, "Sorry Roni...I didn't really know you then..."

Her nipples were rock hard now, she raised her head to look at him, "It's okay Josh, I thought it was exciting."

I urged Josh on, "Tell her what they said about her tits..."

"They really liked them."

I let out a frustrated sigh, "Could you be a little more descriptive..."

Roni was looking at Josh as she slowly rubbed her nipples, "Tell me what they said, Josh...I love hearing what people say about me..."

"Well, they all enjoyed the pictures. Some guys made crude comments... all of them thought your tits were very sexy."

Roni was pinching her nipples now, "What were the crude comments?"

"You know, just the normal, 'Nice Tits'....'Great Body"...'let me fuck her too'...that kind of stuff..."

Her breathing was getting heavier, "Did you tell them that you were sleeping with me?"

Josh shrugged, "I may have exaggerated a little."

Roni was working her nipple between her finger and thumb, "Did you show them pictures of anything else?"

Josh looked like a schoolboy who had been caught cheating on a test. He nodded slowly, "I'm not going to lie to you, yeah...I did, I'm sorry..."

"What else did you show them?"

"I might have shown them some nude pictures..."

She let out a long breath, "So they've seen me completely naked..."

He nodded, "Yeah, they have.'"

"Did they like what they saw?"

He continued nodding and his smile widened, "Oh yeah, they loved your body."

She moved her hand back to her pussy and started slowly rubbing her clit and let out a low sigh,"Did you tell them that I was good in bed?"

Josh smiled broadly, "I told them that you were amazing."

"Was this before last weekend?"

Josh lost the smile, "Oh God yes, I would never break our the time I never dreamed that it would actually happen. I swear to you that I would never say anything like that now...."

Roni was pinching her nipples more aggressively now, "Was my face visible in any of the pictures?"

"No Steve was very firm about that...he wouldn't let us have any pictures with your face."

She looked at me, "Good boy", she looked back to Josh, "Do any of the pictures you took today have my face in them?"

"No, of course not."

"Would you like to show them to your friends?"

His smile brightened, "Hell yes!"

Her finger was moving more briskly against her clit, "And you can tell them that you are still fucking me if you like... only this time you won't be lying," she looked at me, "...Would that be okay with you Steve?"

The reality of what she was implying excited me, "Sure, as long as he never tells anyone who you are."

Josh was nodding, "I swear I would never..."

Roni was on the brink of an orgasm, "Cool...and I want to know what they say."


I was surprised by how aroused she had become thinking about Josh sharing her pictures and giving them details of how he had fucked her. I tried to slow everything down,"Okay Baby, why don't we cool the jets for now. Why don't you get dressed."

I stood and picked her clothes up and handed them to her. She dressed slowly and seductively, taking her time as we enjoyed the sexy show. When she was fully dressed I leaned into her ear, "That really excited you, didn't it?" She smiled, breathing heavily, "God Yes!"

I smiled at her, "I could tell."

She laughed, "I was so close..."

I turned her to face me and wrapped my arms around her pulling her into me, "So what do you want to do now?"

Her reply wasn't what I was expecting, "Well actually...I'd like to get something to eat."

I laughed, "Are you serious?"

Realizing that that was probably the last thing that I had expected her to say, she laughed with me, "I'm really hungry. I haven't had anything to eat except that chicken four hours ago. And to be honest, the Tequila is kicking my ass right now."

I was shaking my head in disbelief, "Okay what would you like?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "Something good..."

I turned to Mike and Josh, "Are you guys hungry?"

Mike said, "Yeah, I could eat something."

I could tell that wasn't what Josh had in mind either, but he shrugged anyway, "Sure."