Sharing the Past Ch. 03


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"Hello baby. You're gorgeous," he told Ross, hearing another purr in response. He wasn't quite sure what to do now, but his hand was still moving over the fur and Ross was leaning into his touches, so he decided to go with what he'd do for a normal cat and began to tickle behind the ears, feeling as much as hearing the purring increase and Ross tilting his head to get more attention to his sensitive spots.

Jon started laughing a little, amused by how Ross reacted and how normal he was finding this.

"You're just a giant pussycat, aren't you?"

He heard a little hiss that suggested Ross didn't like the comparison, but right then he was having trouble not bursting into laughter at the strange feeling on his lower body. It was a little arousing but mostly tickling him.

"Ross, stop moving your tail, it tickles!"

He began to sit up, and although the cat moved slightly he didn't get off his legs and clearly didn't want him to stop playing with its ears. Ross butted at his stomach and started to rub his head against him, making Jon even more sure the cat wasn't a huge amount different to any pet cat he'd met before. Well, that was right up until he felt the licks on his body and one of them brushed over his cock. He shot back and pretty much turfed Ross off his lap.

"Sorry. That's a step too far baby. Can we just keep the sex for when you're mostly human?"

Ross looked kind of sheepish, if that expression was possible or Jon was reading it right, and as Jon stood the cat was winding around his legs seeking attention. He just laughed and looked around for his clothes, suddenly very aware that he was naked and out in the open, although he doubted many people came out here else Ross would be a little more concerned about his current form.

Jon blushed as he saw the evidence of what they had done, so desperate for each other. His clothes had been thrown randomly away from him and lay scattered around. The shirt Ross had been wearing was shredded and torn. The leaves on the ground showed where the two of them had been writhing, and some glistened with the cum he had shot out. He brushed his back and legs down and more leaves floated off his body.

The cat hissed at him when he started to get dressed, but he didn't take it all that seriously, knowing Ross wouldn't hurt him. Now that the heat of passion was gone he was cold and he wasn't wearing a fur coat. The dappled sunlight in the clearing did not warm him at all and it was a relief to get some clothes on again both for warmth and to stop his embarrassment. He picked up Ross's jeans and turned to the cat.

"You getting dressed or going home like that?"

Ross thought for a second and decided he was staying like this for a little while longer. He'd missed this form, he realised that now, and this was probably the one place he could easily be out in the open without fear. His mother would love to see his cat, and Jon needed to get used to it, although so far he seemed to be coping surprisingly well, not even getting scared at finding a cat on top of him. And that sex, that had been explosive and Jon had even begged to be marked. Ross started purring just at the memory of that as he headed back towards the house.

Jon followed the cat, his legs and hole a little sore, but smiling about what had just happened. Okay, so it had been probably the strangest thing that had ever happened to him, but it also had to rank up there with the best as well. He was glad to reach the house although he was embarrassed to see Ross's mother was still there in her cat form, and he walked past the pair of them to get a drink, not really noticing that the two had started playing, he just wanted water to soothe his throat from all the moaning.

Ross was busy trying to fight off his mother who was trying to play with him like he was still a cub.

"Will you behave, you're twice my age and I'm too old for this," he sent the thought to her.

"You'll always be my little boy though," she replied.

"Stop it mum. I know you're happy about this, but you don't have to treat me like I'm still a kid."

"I'm guessing you're pretty happy about this too son," she said, tilting her head at Jon who still had his back turned. "It doesn't seem like he's planning on leaving. In fact, I think you've just persuaded him there are some distinct advantages to this. I take it you're convinced he's your mate now." she finished with the cat equivalent of a grin.

"Is it always like that? I never realised it would be so intense."

"Perhaps not every time, but in the beginning, yes. Your cat never had a chance with him before, it was bound to go a little crazy."

Ross looked over at Jon who still seemed to be slightly shaking, and was carefully sipping his drink.

"I had no idea how much I'd need him, when I already felt so strongly. You're right mum, he is most definitely my mate, and I couldn't be happier about it."

Ross found that being away from Jon right now was frustrating and he needed to be close again. He knew his mother would understand and he didn't care if she saw him nude so he changed back, walking up slowly behind Jon who was still stood at the sink, and pressing his body into Jon's.

Jon started at the sudden contact and nearly dropped the glass he was holding.

"Shit, don't do that. You scared me."

"I just turned into a leopard after fucking you in the woods, and this scares you?" Ross replied, amused.

"Your mother is right here," Jon hissed, embarrassed at the sex being mentioned in front of her.

Ross laughed and whispered into his ear.

"She already knows exactly what we were doing, she can smell you on me and vice versa. Besides which baby, you still have leaves in your hair!"

* * * * * *

Jon had managed to get back to his normal colour and calm by the time dinner came around. He still couldn't quite believe what he had done with Ross, or that his lover was quite so calm discussing it in front of his mum. He was finding that the little quirks of his mate were amusing or arousing and he didn't seem to mind any of it, not even when Ross refused to let him have a shower before dinner so as not to wash off his scent. He had the feeling if he did wash the cat would just insist on marking him again and he didn't think he could cope with any more frantic sex just yet.

The food smelled good and as Trish and Ross laid the table he wandered in the living room, for the first time taking in the photos on the walls. He realised that what he thought were wildlife shots were actually family photos. There were some of them human too, but several were cats, a group of three sat lounging together. Ross's father was almost pure white, his mother a normal sandy colour, and Ross was somewhere in between.

They looked happy, and for the first time Jon wondered what had happened to the older man. He knew he was dead, Ross had said that much, but not when or how. The most recent photos were all of Ross human, and just him and his mother and Jon would guess the ones with his father in were a good ten years before. He made a mental note to ask about it sometime, hoping Ross would open up to him. It would have been hard to lose his dad when he was just a child.

He was called through and seated next to Ross, who made a point of sitting so his leg could rest against Jon. Trying to ignore the effect the warmth and contact was having on his body Jon made polite conversation, warming to Trish and loving how she interacted with her son, and now with him as he seemed to have been adopted by her already. It must be down to the mate thing.

"I forgot to say mum," Ross piped up as they started on the rich chocolate cake they had for dessert, "the panther Jon and I met was Tilly Arcan."

"Seriously? How was she?"

"I didn't know who she was, Jon only told me a couple of hours ago. She looked fine, if a little tense at the time. I guess that's not surprising. Apparently before I turned up Sam was there as well."

"Lovely boy, that one. And their brother even though he was always getting into trouble. You used to play with Jake when you were a boy."

"I remember," said Ross, seeming to blush slightly.

"I thought you said they were famous, not that you knew them." Jon questioned.

"I don't really know them. Mum and their parents, so I got to go to their house when I was little. Well, I say house, but it's a mansion, and it was great for hide and seek. I remember their little brother Jake, but Sam and Tilly are that much older than me I never really had much to do with them. Jake is about four years older than us, they must be at least ten."

"You never explained how he is a wolf and she is panther," Jon reminded him.

Trish looked surprised for a moment. "She was adopted. The Arcans are wolves but they took her in when she was small. They always wanted a daughter and they raised her just as if she was their own, even down to her taking her place running the company."

"She does too, I've not seen her there, but I'm told she's in the office a lot. Maybe I'll get to meet her again. I guess I have to thank her for the job."

Ross narrowed his eyes, taking mock offence.

"Aren't you forgetting something else you need to thank her for?"

Jon's eyes glittered with his amusement as he teased his mate.

"I can't think of anything!"

There was a hiss, although Jon figured it was still Ross joking, he knew well that Jon would be eternally grateful for the fact they were together.

"I suppose you think you're being funny? Upstairs, now, because I'm going to wipe that cheeky smile off your face in a way I think we'll both enjoy. Never tease a cat Jon, because we just love to play."

* * * * * *

It was nearly an hour before Jon got his breath and ability to speak back. Ross had been right, he had really enjoyed that, and if it was his lovers idea of a punishment for what he had said, he was going to be cheeky a hell of a lot more often. He'd gone red at what Ross told him right in front of Trish, but by the time he was upstairs he'd forgotten all about her being in the house and now he dearly hoped he hadn't been too loud, while realising there was no way she hadn't heard him moaning and begging, let alone shouting Ross's name at the top of his lungs when he came.

"So, are you going to tell me why you went red at the mention of Jake?" Jon asked, not teasing, but wondering if there was a history.

Ross didn't blush this time, but he did look a little embarrassed.

"He was my first crush. Well, the first one I knew rather than a pop singer or off the tv. When I was like 13 or 14 and trying to figure out why I liked boys and girls. Nothing ever happened, honestly, but I thought he was really cute and I used to daydream about him. It's just a bit embarrassing remembering what I was like at that age."

"You must have grown out of it though, and stopped thinking that way about him."

"I guess so, but it was more that I didn't see him again after dad died. I kind of forgot about all of it until mum mentioned his name, and the sudden memory of being a hormone ridden teenage boy made me squirm!"

Jon laughed. "I'm not so sure you're not still hormone ridden! Why did you stop seeing him though?"

Ross went very quiet, and Jon was sure he'd pushed too far. Ross didn't seem to want to talk about his father in any detail, but it might still feel quite raw sometimes. Jon found himself pulled into a strong embrace, staring into bright blue eyes.

"I wish I could tell you everything baby, I really do, but there's stuff you can't know. The Arcans, well, you already worked it out so there's no real harm done, but we have a society, police, government and rules and regulations to keep our secrets. When the wrong people find out that Weres exist, and they have in the past, it's dangerous for all of us. I'll tell you anything you want to know about me, but I can't tell you about the others."

"That's okay, I understand. Just so long as I have you."

"You have all of me, I promise. I can't live without my mate."

* * * * * *

A few days later, Jon was working, or trying to anyway, as he was aware it was nearly lunchtime and Ross was coming to meet him. It seemed that a whole day was far too long to go without seeing his lover, and the idea of them being mates did make sense to him, now that it had all been explained. He seemed to feel the separation almost as acutely as Ross explained he did. He found it odd that after his initial disbelief and then shock, he had come to accept that Ross could turn into a big cat very easily.

He sighed loudly, noticing it was still ten minutes until he could leave and get some kisses, and trying to focus on the spreadsheet in front of him rather than what he could be doing very soon. He was shocked out of both thoughts when a voice came from behind him.

"I'm glad you took my advice."

He turned to see Tilly Arcan behind him and kind of stammered as he jumped to his feet, noticing her starting to laugh.

"I don't expect you to stand to attention," she said, clearly amused.

"Sorry. You surprised me. And I'm glad I took your advice too, I'm learning loads here and it's really useful."

"I'm pleased you enjoy the job, but I was talking about my other advice. I knew you would be very happy with Ross if you two stopped messing around."

Jon blushed. "How do you know that anything has happened?"

She laughed. "I told you, I'm psychic!"

"Right. We both know that's a load of rubbish, but I'm sure I'm not going to get the real answer."

More sure than she could possibly realise, Jon thought. It was probably some weird Were ability that Ross hadn't told him about.

Whatever teasing response he might have got was stopped when Tilly looked off down the office, a puzzled look on her face. Jon turned to see what she had noticed and saw Ross walking towards him, looking just as good as ever.

He felt heat rising in his face as Ross walked up to him and gave him a quick welcoming kiss, but was then surprised as Ross turned to Tilly and gave her a bow, grinning at the confused look still on her face.

"Why didn't I notice that before?" she asked.

"Had it under wraps while I was on the herbs. I knew what you were, although not who. Thank you."

"Not a problem. Jon deserved something good for what we put him through scaring him. Does he..?" she asked, not finishing the question.

"Yes, he knows. He's my mate. I'm afraid he also knows about you and Sam, but I didn't tell him, he worked it out for himself. I didn't explain about what's been going on though, or what that whole incident was about, well as far as I can guess what it was about."

"It's over now, we hope. You don't have to bow to me by the way, I'm only a Second."

Ross smiled. "I show respect where it is due. Knowing what you've done I don't think 'only a Second' cuts it. Besides which, my father was unit and your dad was his Alpha. I should show respect."

Tilly looked even more shocked for a moment.

"You're Seth's son?" she asked.

Ross just nodded as she continued.

"I'm so sorry."

"It wasn't your fault, it was an accident and I still have my mother. Your family came off far worse."

"Sam and I were older though,even Jake had a few years on you."

Jon finally interrupted, most of the conversation having been lost on him.

"If this is one of those things I'm not supposed to know about, can you stop confusing me? Or is there a 'safe' version you can tell me?"

Ross seemed to check with Tilly and received a nod before turning to Jon to explain a little.

"My dad and Tilly's parents were killed in a car crash nearly twelve years ago. I didn't recognise her before but when you told me who we met it all fell into place."

"What's all this unit, alpha and second stuff then, and what happened? Was it something to do with those men in the truck?"

Despite knowing he probably shouldn't ask, Jon blurted that out. The whole incident with the truck had weighed on his mind even before he knew what the people involved had been, and now he was even more curious.

Ross gave another look to Tilly as if to seek approval, and Jon wondered at this aspect of it all. There was clearly family history there, but on top of that they had some social structure that he didn't understand, and Tilly was higher up the pecking order than his mate. Mind you, she was also ultimately his boss, so that kind of made sense.

"My office," said Tilly.

* * * * * *

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MickyFox0MickyFox0over 6 years ago
Can't wait.

Can't wait for me. It seems a bit strange to leave it has a cliff hanger. But life is not so neat tidy

CalaharaCalaharaalmost 9 years ago
to bad

We are left with another unfinished story, the others were well written and I would have loved a finish.

dairetodairetoover 10 years ago
No more?

It seems very open to more

TimothyMTimothyMover 11 years ago

I enjoyed the playful nature of Ross' cat - and the ensuing sex of course :-)

It would be nice to hear more of this couple, but not for the plot concerning the Arcans which can be read elsewhere.

It's just that they are cute and happy and seem to be destined for a lot of fun sex. E.g. I wonder if Jon will ever let Ross take him as fully cat.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

please finish the story soon

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