Sharkbait Ch. 56-65


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"Contingent on me liking it?"

"Exactly. You'd never buy a car without a test drive, and you shouldn't buy a boat without living on it for a few days. It's up in Long Beach; I arranged for you and any guests to ride it down with the crew so you can see how it works. You'll leave Wednesday, and the ship's crew will drive back on Friday. If you decide not to proceed with the lease, you'll pay six thousand dollars and walk away from the deal."

I liked the idea, and I had another idea for the trip. "What kind of crew?"

"Captain, First Mate, and a chef/housekeeper," he said. "I expect you to spend a lot of time with the Captain, learning to drive the boat and learning the systems unless you plan to hire someone to do that for you."

"I want to learn, but I might need to hire at times," I said. "The terms are acceptable, and I'll bring my people to the docks in Long Beach on Wednesday. Email me the details, and thank you," I said.

"I meant what I said, Vicki. You're never boring."

"My next project for you is to find a vehicle, preferably used, that has bulletproof glass and armor. I'm going to need protection when I head out."

"I'll see what I can do." He hung up, and I started looking through the information that he sent me. I linked Amy, asking her to come to my room.

"What's going on," she said.

"That marina the Navy runs next to the base, Fiddler's Cove. Can you use that?"

"Kai's active duty, so he probably gets priority," she said. "You're buying a boat?"

"Damn right. I need a place to put it." I put a call in with Amy listening in. Her jaw dropped when I mentioned the size of the boat I needed pier space for, but they had an opening for the next two weeks. Amy put a deposit down on it for a Friday arrival. When she got off, I showed her some of the pictures from the sales website. "Don't say anything to the others until I talk about it, all right? I want to hear what they think too."

"I will, but you have my vote! Damn, that thing is SWEET." She left the room, and I made some phone calls to the people I wanted on my shakedown cruise. It was my money, but I'd be foolish to ignore those with my best interests at heart. Soon enough, we were sitting down to dinner.

"I may as well start," Susan said. "Hammer is willing to help you out if you can't find housing quickly, but you'd need a new place by the time you get back from your world tour."

Kaia picked it up next. "First off, after talking with my husband and the Alphas, we agreed that leaving Makani and Noelani in Vampire territory after coming of age is a non-starter. Amy still needs their help, though. I'll go to your school tomorrow and enroll you in online classes for your senior year." The twins bounced with happiness and hugged their Mom. "This is your only warning. If your grades slip, we'll pull you back to the Pack and put you in school there so fast you won't realize you've left. Do you understand me?" They quickly agreed, and she looked back towards me. "My part was to determine the boundaries of Master Caroline's territory. As it turns out, Coronado isn't technically part of her territory boundary, which is the San Diego city limits."

"So we can stay here?" Amy asked.

"It's not that simple. We started requesting permission from the Master for any Navy or Marine Corps personnel who were stationed here back before World War One. The bases are spread all over San Diego, Coronado, and Point Loma, with the main Naval Base in National City. It was easier to request permission for any, and that is now precedent. We have recognized her territorial limits to include Coronado."

"Where can we go to be free of her rules? Staying here isn't an option, except for you and Luke," I said. There was no way to have the twins come of age and have the security I needed in Vamp territory.

"You could go south, towards Imperial Beach."

"No way," Makani said. "We don't want to be that close to the Mexican border for security reasons."

Kaia agreed with that. "You could go east into the mountains, or north across the San Diego River. Anything along the coast from Mission Beach to La Jolla would be close enough to drive to get Kai on weekends, and the neighborhoods are safer."

La Jolla had good diving. I liked that idea. "Any other ideas?"

"You all could move back to Three Sisters, which solves the security issue. Amy could fly back with security on weekends, and we'd still stay under the limit with just me and Luke here. You could go to a hotel on weekends if you don't want to stay with us. My understanding is that there aren't a whole lot of weekends left for him this year anyway."

That was true; he had weekends off until November, then we wouldn't see him until Christmas. That's when we planned our World Tour anyway. I looked at the twins. "Girls, what did you find for rental properties?"

"We got the heads up about the territory, so we've been looking north and east of the city. There are some nice areas a few hours east with room to run, but none are for rent. Most of what we found is north." She pulled out her tablet and opened up a map. "It depends on what we want. The Mission Beach and Pacific Beach areas are closer, with a younger crowd and the beach. They are also very crowded, making security more difficult. There are some fantastic properties in La Jolla; it's the rich people area, and leases and rentals are available for a price." The girls showed us the properties they thought would be best; one was a four-bedroom, two-story home on Mission Beach, the other a five-bedroom mansion in a gated community in La Jolla. It had a fenced yard, pool, and ocean view. "What did you come up with," Makani asked.

"I went a little wild, but I had my reasons. You all know I want a boat that can get out to places like La Jolla and San Clemente. I love the water, and I started thinking about how cool it would be to have a boat big enough to anchor at a dive site for the week. One thing led to another, and this is what I'm looking at." I pulled up the photos of the yacht on my tablet, turning it to show everyone.

"HOLY SHIT," Makani said.

"Language," Kaia warned, but she was smiling. Luke's jaw was hanging open as he looked, and the twins' eyes were huge. Only Amy didn't react. "Why don't we clean the table and head into the living room."

Two minutes later, I sent the screen to the big screen in the living room as we all headed for the couches. Everyone took their places, and I flipped through the photos and talked about the yacht. "It has three bedrooms with queen beds, and a fourth with a twin bed and two bunks," I said.

"It's HUGE," Kaia said as she looked at pictures of the living area, galley, and dining room. Beautiful woodwork and furnishings gave it the look of an expensive condominium.

"Check this out," I said. The below-decks area had four bedrooms and engine rooms. The main deck contained the living room, kitchen, dining room, and the pilothouse. The upper level was set up for entertaining. Overhangs protected most of it from the sun and rain, while the sides were open to the weather. It included an outdoor kitchen and bar, along with tables, couches, and other places to relax. It even had a two-person hot tub next to the inflatable boat stored by the davit.

I figured it was perfect for enjoying the ocean breezes after a long day of diving.

"Seriously? You want to buy THIS?"

"Why not? I can park it at any marina I want, I take my home with me, and I'm not limited to a single property. If I want to anchor off the Catalina Islands, I can do it. If I want to take it up the coast to Eugene, I can. We can use the internet to do our schoolwork and pull in when we need to travel."

"Security?" Susan didn't seem convinced.

"It locks up as well as a house, and there is only one way onto the pier at the marinas. With all the expensive boats, the marina security is usually good." I finished the presentation. "I can afford it, and I'm taking this for a test drive Wednesday through Friday from Long Beach down here. I'd like you guys along," I said.

"Will you have enough room for us?" Kaia was wondering if she should go.

"The crew will be on board, and they'll take the stateroom with the bunks. We'll have three queen-sized beds in the remaining cabins; Amy can bunk with me in the Master, and the twins can use air beds on the floor. The Alphas can have one the VIP stateroom, while my parents will use the remaining stateroom. Susan, you and Luke can come if you want. The extras can crash on the couches on the main deck or up top."

"Alphas?" Susan asked.

"Yes. I invited Alpha Steven and Luna Carolyn on the trip. I need them to be comfortable with the decision since they are helping me organize our security. My accountant set it up so I could 'test drive' the yacht and see how it works for me before I buy it. Having all these guests tells me if it will work for some other plans I have."

"What plans," Susan asked.

"I'll talk about those on the trip down." In the end, everyone wanted to go on the cruise. If it didn't work out, the La Jolla estate looked like the best alternative. We could make an appointment to see it the next week.

Captain Thomas Vickers and his wife Lynette, who was the Chef, called me to verify everything later that night. I gave them the passenger numbers, and helped her select a menu; they would be ready to leave port at noon.

I hired a bus to take our group up to Los Angeles, stopping at the airfield for the rest of our guests. Brent and Liv had flown to Oregon, then joined the Alphas on a private jet down to Long Beach Airport. I was thrilled to see them as they got on board. "A cruise? Such a nice surprise," Mom said.

"I'm wondering why such short notice," Carolyn said.

"I'll explain everything once we get underway," I promised. It wasn't long until we were at the pier on the Long Beach waterfront, carrying our travel bags onboard the "Good Times." The Captain and crew stood in their uniforms to welcome us aboard. I walked over first since I was the potential owner. "Vicki Lawrence," I said as I shook the Captain's hand. He and his wife were in their fifties, their deep tans contrasting with the grey hair.

He smelled weird. Salt, ocean, something I hadn't scented before, and his wife and first mate smelled the same. He looked at me, his eyes going wide in shock. He looked from me to the Alphas, and he let go of my hand and stepped back.

Alpha Steven was right behind me. "How could you hire MERMAIDS," he thundered over the link.

Ch. 65

I froze under my Alpha's anger. "What?"

"All three are mermaids," he said. The crew looked just as shocked.

I stepped in, my training as to be a good host kicking in, and it was MY boat. "As I said, I'm Vicki Lawrence, and I rented the ship," I said with a smile.

Captain Thomas quickly recovered. "Welcome aboard the Good Times, Miss Lawrence. My wife and your chef and housekeeper, Lynette."

She was smiling as she shook my hand. "I love your work," she said.

"And my daughter and First Mate, Loretta."

I shook her hand; she looked a little older than me, with a deep tan and long blonde hair. "Let me introduce my guests," I said. "My Alpha and Luna, Steven and Carolyn Dauntless of the Three Sisters Pack in Oregon."

The Captain nodded respectfully to the Alpha pair. "Welcome aboard, sir. It is an honor," he said as he extended his hand.

"I'm sure," Steven said as he gripped it. Carolyn was friendly as they greeted the ladies, but tensions were still high.

"My parents, Brent and Liv Lawrence, Betas in the Miesville Pack in Minnesota." My parents weren't in on the Alpha's communication and showed no hesitation in their greetings. I introduced Amy, Susan, Makani, Noelani, and Luke, all of us gathering in the covered area at the stern of the ship.

Captain Thomas got our attention as we looked at the beautiful boat's amenities. "I thought we could start with a quick tour, and you can drop your bags off where you will be sleeping," he said. "We can finish with a safety brief and then get underway shortly afterward."

"That would be fine, Captain," I said. He pointed out a few things in the outdoor lounge area, and then we went inside to the large salon. Luke and Susan left their bags in the chairs, two of which folded out into single beds. The living area was large and comfortable, with a big television and bar. I was impressed by the small dining area and the kitchen, which was compact but well-equipped. A bench and table were on the far side, then the enclosed pilothouse.

"The stairs lead down to the staterooms or up to the weather deck," the Captain said as we looked at the ship's wheel and controls, all the electronics up and running. He led us down the stairs to the master suite.

"This is OFF THE HOOK," Amy said as she walked in.

"Per your request, two extra beds are here," Thomas said.

There was plenty of room, and the bathroom was nice and big. We left our bags and went forward to the other two staterooms; both were smaller but well-appointed. Going back up, we continued to the Flying Bridge. It has the same controls to operate the yacht as the pilothouse but was higher up and exposed to winds. Behind it, there was a bar and mini-kitchen surrounded by storage benches. The 2-person hot tub and the motor launch Zodiak boat were in the sun at the stern end. "If there is anything you need, ask any of the crew, and we will provide it," the Captain said as he finished. "Are you ready for the safety brief?"

"I think we should talk about the elephant in the room first," Alpha Steven said. "You three are Mermaids, and our group is all Werewolves. Forgive me if I don't trust you."

Captain Thomas stood with his hands clasped behind him, and his head bowed respectfully. "That was a shock to us as well, but it makes no difference to the crew. Would it be helpful if I told you about us?"

"It would," Alpha said.

"My family lives south of Los Angeles, near Laguna Beach. We moved there twenty years ago when we couldn't financially keep our fishing business afloat. My wife and I started hiring on as yacht crews, piloting vessels from forty to two hundred feet long for the rich and famous."

"That has to be fun," I said.

"It has its moments. Our reputation rests on our competence and discretion. It doesn't matter whether we like the client or not; our job is to operate safely and attend to their every need. I rarely see supernatural beings, but I will treat you like my other clients. You will have no complaints about your cruise when I return you to shore."

The Alpha and Brent were thinking about it, but I had the power here; it was MY charter, and these people worked for me. "I'm happy to have such an experienced and capable crew, and since no humans are along, it gives us a freedom we otherwise wouldn't have," I said. "As I mentioned on the phone, I intend to lease this boat for a year and potentially buy it. I'd like to spend as much time as I can with you, learning how to operate it properly."

"Of course, Miss. We are thrilled to have a charter that shows interest in more than just partying," he said smoothly. "Now, the safety brief." He went over where the lifeboats and life jackets were, where to assemble if someone fell overboard, and other precautions. Soon, Loretta and Lynette were taking in the mooring lines, and he showed me how the thrusters and engines could work together to move us away from the dock. Turning the yacht in place, he set course for the harbor entrance.

Makani, Noelani, and Amy had already taken off their cover-ups and were lying on the padded cushions on the bow. They were garnering a lot of looks as we passed the other boats. The adults stayed upstairs in the lounge area behind the flying bridge as Lynette brought out cocktails and trays of snacks. Luke and I sat in the chairs on either side of the Captain, watching and asking questions. He explained what he was doing and why. There was a lot to consider; rules of the road, buoys and markers, winds, currents, and the seas. "Do I need a license to operate my boat," I asked.

"Technically, no," he said. "I would not recommend it without proper training, though. Driving this around without the knowledge and experience could lead to disaster." He talked about his Captain's License from the Coast Guard. "It is well worth it to bring on an experienced person until you've completed the course and are comfortable with operating it yourself. Even after you are capable, you should understand that piloting a big boat like this requires your full attention. You can't be a host and drive the boat. That is why most owners of large yachts employ crews like ours. It lets them enjoy the time and be with their friends and family."

Once we were out on open waters and the traffic lightened, he set the autopilot on a course for Catalina Island and called Loretta up to watch the bridge. "Let me show you the engine room," he said. It was interesting, and Luke and I learned a lot about the boat as he showed us how it worked. We made our way back up to the upper deck right when Lynette was bringing up lunch. The Reubens were fantastic, and I spent more time relaxing with my family as we transited the Pacific south.

We tied off to an anchor buoy at Two Harbors, and the four girls all went to get our dive gear. Loretta drove the inflatable for us, heading into Isthmus Cove and anchoring above the reefs. The twins were snorkeling, while Amy and I stayed under for minutes at a time with our free-diving gear. Amy was able to see what she looked at now, and that made all the difference. I was disappointed when my Mom told us to come back and get ready for dinner.

The mood on the boat was much happier by the time we showered and changed, joining everyone in the salon. "What happened while we were gone," I asked my parents.

"The Alphas and the Captain spent a lot of time talking and found out they had a lot more in common than they thought," Dad said. "There's been very little interaction between our kinds, and it has been that way for centuries. They stay in small family units, rarely interacting with others of their kind, and blending in among the humans. They stay on the ocean because it is their safe space, just like the woods are for us."

"The ocean is my safe space, too," I said.

"We both believe in the Moon Goddess, but we call her Luna while they call her Atargatis. Oh, and we both don't trust vampires." I had to chuckle at that. "If you think the scratch n sniff is bad, they don't have anything like it to find their mates. The males have to travel from home to home when they can afford to look for a mate."

"That would suck for them," I said.

"More so because there are only a few hundred mermaids out there. Their females are fertile only once every one to two dozen years, and few families have more than two children. They can't change by bite as we can, so there are no human mates. They can reproduce with humans if there isn't a merman around; that's the source of the stories about mermaids seducing sailors. They have to kill them to protect their secret."

I didn't understand the hostility; I liked the three I'd met. With my love of swimming and the ocean, I had to wonder if the Moon Goddess had mistakenly given me fur instead of fins. "Are you guys having fun?"

"We've been relaxing, drinking, and telling stories. That's old people fun."

That was great news. Dinner was a lot of fun; the older crowd ate in the salon dining room, while the young ones ate outside at the table by the stern. The weather was perfect, with cool ocean breezes. Lynette had made a seafood feast for dinner, and it was spectacular. We had a great time after dinner, watching the sunset up top before retiring to the salon to relax.