Sharon's in Love


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"I must try that sometime. It sounds delicious."

"Sharon, I'd like to know how could you become a columnist on a large daily newspaper like ours at your early age and be permitted to work from home?"

"I compiled five sample columns clipped to a covering letter containing my CV. In the latter I explained the narrowed focus of my column as being directed at and about younger people would attract their readership over time and contended it would be read by older people wishing to understand more about the activities, values and attitudes of younger people. I gave that to my father who is chairman of the company, told him I wished to write from home and wanted my column to be marketed to other newspapers and then requested him to make that happen."

"Using his position of influence? That's nepotism."

"Yes, why have influence if it's not used."

"I see."

"Do you Miller?"

"Your attitude was to use your father's influence as you would a tool."

"God, I wouldn't have figured you would work that one out."

"Thank you. Where's our fucking wine?"

"Yes, precisely my thought as well."

Miller grinned. "You are appealing Sharon."

"May I say I'm pleased about that without that encouraging you to stroke my tight thigh?"

The waiter's hand holding out the wine label to be read began to shake.

"Yes, that's the wine I ordered thank you. There is no need for a tasting."

As the waiter left, Miller said, "Yes you may say that."

"Say what?"

"That may you say you're pleased I said you appeal to my without that encouraging...."

"Yes, yes, got it. I am very pleased you think you like me. I've asked you to lunch to suggest we should date."



"With or without sex?"

"Don't disappoint me Miller."

"Okay, dating with sex."

Sharon frowned.

"But with the time for the commencement of sex being left for nature to take its course."

Sharon smiled.

They held up their glasses.

"Here's to great sex."

Sharon was unable to stop a smile breaking through. "Here's to great sex."

They clinked glasses and stared at one another as they took the first sip.

* * *

Arriving home that evening Miller found his mom and Kate bubbling.

"Hi," he said, kissing them both. "Exams go well, did they?"

"Yeah, I think so."

His mom said, "Your father lunched today at the club with Hudson Horsely who mentioned Sharon had said over breakfast she'd be lunching with you today. "Tell us all Miller. How did it go?"

"Okay I think mom but it's difficult to really tell. We didn't have sex."

Next morning Kate rushed in with the newspaper, poking her tongue out at Miller. He gazed down at his two rissoles.

"Today Sharon is on about Tight Shapely Thighs. 'I lunched with a young man yesterday and to my astonishment found he didn't judge the desirability of females by the shape, hang and bounce of breasts as many of his contemporaries do. No, this charmer -- and I emphasize charmer -- took me into the private world of his minor fetish. He talked almost passionately about women's legs as if discussing art form. A nice turn of ankle was a delight to see, a muscular lower leg could make him go cross-eyed, the knees and backs of knees -- sorry girls -- were a write-off. But where it all came together for him was thigh-highs. He spoke like a wine buff when detailing the optimum, tight shapely thighs. Oh god, he had me panting. At no time did he reach for my thighs or even personalize his tribute to the female thigh. I reckon mine are pretty awesome but no, he didn't even ask to view mine with an unwelcome promise not to touch. I went home and cried in my pillow. Oh so close but yet, ahem, my tight shapely thighs had been ignored. Ladies you all know how I felt but we understand this is just one of those burdens any female has to bear'. What do you think mom?"

"Miller, I could screw your neck. Why didn't you attend to that poor darling in her darkest hour of need?"

The family, Miller included, gaped at Milly.

Helen Horsely read the article and gaped at her daughter. "Talk about that young man not personalizing, you have personalized to an embarrassing extent."

"Well mother, it's how I felt and you know I write how I feel. Until now you have complimented me on that, saying it adds authenticity."

"But darling, your sexuality is mean to remain in the bedroom."

"Balls mother."

"I beg your pardon young woman!"

"Mom, you are far too conservative. Get real."

"Oh my goodness," Helen said, as Sharon left the room, slamming the door. "My daughter is two or three decades away from menopause. What on earth is it?"

"Something called love -- remember?" Hudson said, lifting up from the business section of the newspaper.

"Oh yes, I remember," Helen said now flitting into romantic mode. "You are so correct darling."

Sharon called Miller.

"Hi, it's Sharon."


"Mom has made such a fuss about today's column, saying I've personalized myself too much. That got my thinking and I thought oh god, what do you think being used like this? The truth is until mom got to me I hadn't given a thought about your reaction. I am so sorry."

"Don't be. It's okay you have to get your motivation from somewhere. I'm also a journalist remember? I understand."

"Oh you darling boy."

"Just don't describe my cock, that's all. That would be an invasion of privacy."

"No, of course not. I'd never do that."

Only when Sharon slid her phone shut did she realize what they had just been talking about. "God, I've been talking to him about his cock. Oh what's wrong with me and where is this heading?"

The next morning column was headed, 'Ways to Remove Stains from Bras'. Leaving readers in no doubt that the increasingly daring columnist had retreated as fast as her tight and shapely thighs could carry her. But it was page 3 that caught the attention of readers. The chief reporter was pictured with an estimated 380 letters about Sharon's columns on tight and shapely thighs. The newspaper declared it had received 1532 emails at the last count on that firm thighs column.

The chief reporter Rick Blewitt wrote: "And where is Sharon? She's in hiding, apparently deciding she went over the top with that firm thighs column, believing it would upset older women with what I'd describe as puffy, shapeless pale tubes masquerading as thighs. But wrong Sharon if this feedback counts for anything. As to be expected there were a few abusive responses, one particular bad one recommending you being mutilated came from the Fat Thighs Collective. But from our test sampling we estimate 90% of respondents were all for exceptionally great thighs receiving homage and almost everyone, including the secretary of the Fat Thighs Collective wishes you well in getting the dork you wrote about to see your thighs, saliva over them and tell you how beautiful they are. I understand your topic tomorrow is how to resign from the job you love. Don't do it Sharon. We on your team at this newspaper say, Rip into it Sharon. Your column is meant to be about provocative journalism."

Sharon Horsely appeared on TV that evening on The Roast Show. A panel of journalists with a couple of invited guests who were a female jurist and the president of the Fat Thighs Collective attempted to roast Sharon but she held up well, being judged to have retained her composure and credibility so scored at the top level: Only slightly roasted.

She was surprised to find Miller waiting for her outside the studio. He explained he didn't think she should go home alone being amid a little bit of notoriety. They traveled chatting and Sharon invited Miller in for supper.

"You haven't eaten?"

"No I was nervous so decided to eat late," Sharon said. "The family has waited for me. It's time you met them."



"Another step towards the inevitable I assume?"

Sharon giggled and said he was funny.

Older sister Macy was also home and she quickly placed a setting for their unexpected guest.

"Good evening Miller, I'm the mother, Helen."

"Oh mom, sorry, dad was busy congratulating me. Isn't he a fine young man, I mean appearance-wise?"

"Yes dear, tall enough and quite handsome. You know my Hudson won't you Miller?"

"Yes Mrs Horsely. We have met. He sat on my selection board. Good evening sir."

"Selection board" Whatever for?"

"I am to be the next chief of staff ma'am."

"Oh heavens, call me Helen. You know what that means at your young age don't you."

"That I'm expected to last a long time in that position?"

"No silly boy; you are being groomed to become managing editor although there may be a parallel competitor. Tell him Hudson."

"Yes that's the career path Miller. Hasn't anyone suggested that to you?"

"No sir."

"And I'm the attractive sister," Macy said. "I coach your sister Kate in gymnastics. Surely that rates a kiss?"

"Oooh, I hope so Macy. Here goes."

It was a cozy, no pressure evening and no more newspaper talk apart from Sharon's Column.

"Are you embarrassed about Sharon writing about you?"

"Not really Helen. Sharon called me to explain and I said I understood, that being a fellow journalist I knew she had to get her concepts and motivation from other people but my family worked out, thanks to my sister Kate, Sharon was talking about me and that heaped embarrassment on me. You have to know what Kate is like. But as I said to Sharon she must not reveal details of my penis. Something in a guy's life has to be private."

There was silence.

"Um when I told Sharon that she laughed as if it was a good joke."

"Of course it is, Macy laughed. "Come on mom and dad, Sharon probably hasn't seen it yet. We know about Sharon's shyness around men."

"I really don't think..."

The parents had said that simultaneously and then laughed, the three younger folk laughed and that little low patch in the evening was quickly left behind them.

At the car Sharon and Miller kissed for the first time.

"That was lovely," she sighed. "Um, this talk about your penis. You have my worried. Mind if I have a feel?"

"No, go right ahead," Miller said confidently, pulled back slightly from her.

"Ohmigod, there is nothing to worry about," she said, kissing him with her lips parted.

After Miller had gone Sharon raced to her workroom and called the senior night sub-editor. "I want to pull my column Sid, I'm writing the replacement right now."

"Thank god Sharon, we guys were almost puking over the column you had, 'Dealing with Acne. Christ Sharon, your readers expect you to demonstrate worldliness and persona."

Three quarters of an hour later Sid called. "A great column baby; no time to send you a copy for proofing. This column, "Remember Your First Kiss" will have every woman crying into her cereal. It's really great -- you have written this one from the heart Sharon, well done."

* * *

"Ohmigod, Ohmigod," Kate came into breakfast weeping.

"What is it darling? "You can't have received your exam results this soon?"

Kate handed Milly the newspaper, pointing to Sharon's Column. Milly began reading 'Remember Your First Kiss' Soon she was weeping. Thomas, Miller and Stanley began grinning and rolling their eyes but soon they were listening; hanging on to every word being read to them.

"That is simply one of the best piece of prose I've ever read," Milly said.

"I'm right with you baby," Stanley said. "Remember our first kiss?"

The children had to endure hearing that yet again, first their father's version and their mother's version; they were never identical but that never varied.

Once normal conversation resumed Miller said, "Mom, I've invited Sharon to dinner tonight. Please mom, no panic, nothing special. Just ordinary family fare. I had supper at Sharon's place last night and it was nothing special."

"Very well dear. I am so excited we are to meet her at last. Tell me, did you kiss Sharon last night?"

"Yeah of course."

"Was it the first time?"

Miller didn't have to reply: his mouth dropped open and stayed open.

"Ohmigod, Kate screamed. "Sharon's in love. She would have written that after The Big Kiss."

"Shut up Kate," Miller said and for once his mom didn't make him apologize.

Kate and her mother were watching TV news at 6:30 and the guys were out in the garage inspecting a cut in a tire on Stanley's SUV when they Kate screamed at them to come in and watch TV. Typically, she'd over-reacted and ads were running.

"The next item is headed 'Chaos at The Clarion over it's First Kiss column'. I hope your girlfriend is not in the shit Miller?"

Milly was too tense to ask Kate to apologize for using bad language.

The film clip showed bags of mail being delivered, all addressed to Sharon Horsely. A shot showed Sharon in a sexy dress with her palms turned up saying, "This is unbelievable" and another of the IT manager looking angry and saying, "It has been chaotic here. Email news services have been blocked by the sheer weight of emails about people wanting to tell the world about their first kiss. What on earth is the world coming to? At the last count we've received almost 10,000 kiss and tell emails, all unsolicited."

The TV reporter said, "Well Sharon are you likely to be fired for stirring up readers like this. I understand several hundred emails have come from the circulation areas of other newspapers who take your syndicated column."

"No, I'm unlikely to be fired but might be given my own newspaper to play with. I'm so happy that we at The Clarion have touched this nerve in people."

"What prompted you to write that particular column?"

Sharon blushed and looked at her feet.

"Come on Sharon, tell all."

"A guy I have been dating a little. We kissed for the first time last night."

"Oh well done Sharon. Please name him."

"No, I can't do that to him."

"The name I have been given is Miller Thom, a rising star on The Clarion."

"Oh god, I'm sorry Miller. Yes it was Miller Thom."

"Wow, that must have been a sensational first kiss. Thank you Sharon. This is Wendy Pratt reporting."

"Ohmigod -- Miller, please don't murder her."

"Nah, it's cool mom. Sharon did her best to shield me. She had to confirm it was me otherwise rumors would be all over the place, with guys saying it was them and they were fucking Sharon."

"Oh god Miller, you can't talk to your mother like that."

"It's cool mom. I won't berate Sharon."


Sharon called Miller. "Have you seen the news?"

"Yeah, great stuff. You'll be a celebrated columnist now. I'm not mad at you."

"I had to confirm it was you Miller. I had no other choice; if I hadn't confirmed it jerks all over the city would be claiming they were the one, some claiming they were having sex with me."

"I know and told mom that."

"Miller I'm home and under siege by a media stake-out."

"Don't worry. Get in the cab after announcing where you are going and tell the driver he's not to attempt to out-run the media. I'll come outside to get you and we'll chat to the media and then tell them to fuck off."

"Can you do that to the media?"

"Yeah, of course. Mom is expecting you at 7:30. Enjoy it baby, it could be your finest hour."

"You called me baby."

'I did."

"That's an endearment."

"I'm attempting to calm you but even so it's an appropriate endearment."

It was the usual media orgy.

Miller came out of the house. Flashlights flashed and floodlights lit the area like day. Neighbors gathered.

Miller helped Sharon out of the cab and the media changed, "Kiss, Kiss."

They did that.

"Where is your family Miller?" someone shouted.

Miller herded them out and introduced Sharon to members of his family, calling to the media his parents and sister were meeting Sharon for the first time.

A woman's magazine journalist shouted, "What are you serving for dinner Mrs Thom?"

Milly dealt with that nervously.

A Sunday newspaper journalist yelled, "Show us your tits Kate" Kate began unbuttoning but Milly shouted no and that was the end of that.

A reported from TV Weekly asked, "How many children are you going to have Sharon?"

She replied three, one of each. That really cracked up the media.

The questions continued to another fifteen minutes and then Milly took over.

"I'm afraid you'll have to go now," Milly said severely. "I require to time with Sharon before I serve dinner. Now off you go."

Despite mutinous comments everyone began packing up and leaving.

The family escorted Sharon inside and Kate said it was the first time they'd ever hosted anyone really famous.

"Kate, believe me to be famous you have to work at it and I have no intention of doing that. I'm a columnist and my desire is just to write. Within two days no one will know who I am, mark my words.


Of course modest Sharon under-estimated the strength of public adoration for someone who's sweet and writes like an angel. Seventy-eight newspapers now publish her award-winning column produced five days a week. She recently learned she is pregnant.

Following Kate's submission to her college administration, Sharon was invited to present the commencement address at graduation where Kate received the college's award for its best senior female gymnast. Sharon spoke about the need for young people to value themselves and not to regard everything as 'old hat' or to needlessly attempt to reinvent the wheel. She added that graduates had been empowered by their education and should not be shy at using that power for the betterment of themselves, their family and their community. She said, "I once wrote an article entitled 'Remember Your First Kiss? It won me a national award in print journalism and I treasure it dearly simply because it was my first major award and people had responded to that article. Like you I went through college and received advanced education on kissing (laughter) and received quite a few lessons, perhaps more that some (laugher). But from that experience and since I can give you this piece of advice: Never, never under estimate the power of a kiss. Do it well, treasure kissing and being kissed and in all probability you will do well, because that what kissing does for people if not misused. Kissing delivers one of mankind's most touching emotions. So remember that. Kiss-kiss -- that's me finished." Instead of shaking hands, Sharon and the college president Dr Marshall Smith kissed.

A film clip of Sharon and Miller's marriage appeared on local TV on the evening they were married.

Miller was promoted to deputy editor of The Clarion only ten months of becoming chief of staff.

Sharon's sister Macy and Miller's brother Thomas were paired up for the wedding and have since taken a real shine to one another.

Macy had noticed Kate's gifted way of handling and encouraging young girls beginning gym classes and encouraged her to complete professional training as a coach. She now specializes with females aged seven to eleven but still helps out with nursery classes.

Finally about the baby. Although Sharon has declined to have a scan, she is excepting a girl while Miller strongly believes it will be a boy. Sharon's medical consultant is not expecting twins.


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AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

Well done!

knightofheartsknightofheartsabout 15 years ago

Ditto, no one writes dialogue like you do. Viva la stylo.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Yes Again

Another great story,,

I'll keep reading them as long as you keep writing..Don

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