Shawna Helps Me

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My car breaks down and Shawna helps me in more ways than one.
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Why did I take this back road as a shortcut? It's winding and in poor condition, and no faster than the normal highway. I guess I thought it would be more scenic, but it isn't. I'm desperate to pee, and there's nothing here.

There's a straight stretch with enough shoulder to pull over, so I stop the car and get out. I walk through some bushes, pull down my pants and knickers and relieve my distress. I get back in the car and damn it, it won't start. I try several times, but it doesn't turn over, it just clicks when I turn the key.

I get my phone out of my handbag and call my road service, but there's no signal. Fuck! I glance at the clock and see that it's 6:04. At this time of year, it will be dark soon, and I haven't seen any traffic at all since I turned down this road. I try starting the car a few more times before I shut it off and start to sniffle.

I wonder what to do. If I get out and walk, where will I walk to? I haven't seen any house for ages. Just then, a ute passes me, then backs up and pulls in front of me. I start getting worried. Will a guy take advantage of my situation and attack me?

Instead, I see a young woman approach me, dressed in overalls and a thick cotton shirt. Her build is slight but her arms look strong. She comes to my window and I slide it down a bit.

"Do you need help, Miss?" she asks in a friendly manner. I relax a bit, feeling that I'm safe with her.

I frantically reply, "Yes, my car won't start, and I can't get any mobile signal."

"Nah, you won't. Middle of fuck-all here. What are you doing on this road? Nobody uses it unless they live on it, and that's hardly anyone."

"I was going to my aunt's place a couple of hours away, and I thought this would be a good shortcut."

"Not a wise choice, as you've found out, but you're lucky I was driving by on my way home. I know a thing or two about cars. Want me to try?"

"Sure," I say. I step out and let her get in. She tries a few times, hears the clicks and says, "Let me check the battery." She pops the bonnet, has a quick look and gets a device from her ute. "Get in and turn the key when I say to."

I follow her instructions since she seems to know what she's doing. "Okay, now." I turn the key and it clicks like before." She closes the bonnet and comes to my window.

"The battery seems fine. It's probably a dead starter motor." She looks around and says, "Storms are coming. We need to get you off the road. I have chains. I can tow you."

"I don't want to be any trouble," I plead.

"Nonsense, my pretty damsel in distress. It's no trouble, and I want to help."

"Well, thank you."

She turns back to her ute and opens a compartment, hauling out a set of chains. She goes to work under my car and then stretches the chains to her ute. When she has them hooked up, she comes back and tells me how to drive to follow her.

"I live just a few Ks down the road. I'll tow you there. Put on your flashers, not that there will be anyone coming along."


She gently pulls forward, taking the slack out of the chain, and we slowly move down the road. After several minutes, she pulls us into her driveway. She hops out and undoes the chain, stowing it in her ute.

I get out, shaking a little from the ordeal and still feeling a little wary at my helplessness. She walks back and says, "Hi, I'm Shawna."

"Hi, I'm Mary."

"Are you okay, Mary?"

"Yeah, I was a bit nervous. I've never been towed like that before. I'm glad it worked."

"You did fine. Well, it's nice to meet you, Mary." Distant thunder rumbles softly. She looks in that direction and says, "Come in and make yourself at home. You're not going anywhere soon in that car, so you can spend the night here. I have plenty of room."

"Oh, are you sure? I don't want to be a bother."

She gives me a beamy smile and says, "Yes, I'd love the company. I've been alone for a while. And where else are you going?"

"Well, okay then, thanks. Let me get my bag from the boot."


I retrieve my suitcase with things I was going to wear for a week at my aunt's place. I follow Shawna into her house. She leads me to the guest room, where I set my bag on the dresser. Thunder rumbles closer, and I get nervous again.

Shawna is standing near me, smiling at me. I look back at her and give a small smile in return. Her face is soft and delicately feminine, an interesting contrast to the strength apparent in her body.

"You look like you need to calm down. Would a hot shower help?"

"Oh, that would be nice."

"The bathroom is just around the corner."

Lightning flashes brightly through the window, followed immediately by a tremendous clap of thunder. I shriek and jump onto Shawna, who wraps her arms around me as I whimper.

She holds me tightly, asking, "Are you okay, love?"

"Thunder makes me jumpy, Shawna, sorry."

She strokes my hair while holding me close. "There, there, I have you."

Torrents of rain pelt down as lightning and thunder rage all around. I start sobbing.

"Come lie down with me, Mary, I'll hold you close until this passes."

She gets on the guest bed and I follow her. I lie beside her as she wraps an arm around me, pulling me over to her. My head rests on her petite boob, and I find that comforting.

My sobbing subsides as I feel her comforting me. The thunder continues for a few minutes and then gradually moves farther away.

My panic eases and it's replaced with a soothing feeling. Her arms slowly and tenderly caress my back as I press my body onto hers. A warmth flows through me.

She pulls her head back and gazes at me, smiling again. "Are you okay, now, Mary? You seemed so frightened."

"Yes, Shawna, I've always been terrified of thunder, and this was so close and loud."

"It's going away now, and you're safe in my arms."

I smile and say, "Oh, Shawna, thank you. I'm ashamed to be such a coward."

"Nonsense, my sweet Mary. I understand."

The look on her face becomes alluring. I get the idea that she wants to kiss me. Then I see her lips moving closer and I hold still. She kisses me very softly and pulls back.

I gasp a little.

Shawna whispers, "Was that okay?"

"Oh, I wasn't expecting that. I, uh, I've never kissed a girl."

"Did you like it?"

"It was nice, I think."

"Would you like another kiss?"

"I think so."

She pulls me onto her. My body is pressing on hers. My face is just above hers. "Kiss me again when you're ready, Mary."

I gaze at her smiling face. My breath and pulse have quickened their pace. I am nervous about it, but I move my lips to hers and kiss her. She opens her mouth a little. Our lips press and glide. She holds still, letting me decide how far to go.

I close my eyes and feel our lips slide over each other. She opens her mouth more, and I slip my tongue inside and find hers. My passion ignites and I play with her tongue, excitement welling up in me.

Astonished at the intensity of my feeling, I pull back and gasp, panting. She smiles at me and says, "Did you like that, Mary?"

I keep panting while I gather my thoughts. "Oh, my, Shawna, wow. Um, yes, I did. I never thought about kissing a girl before. This is new and confusing for me. But I think I liked it."

"Well, that's nice. I don't want to push you into anything. Maybe you should have your shower now and relax."

"Uh, yes, that sounds nice." I crawl off of her and stagger over to the dresser and open my bag. I notice it's dark outside, so I figure I might as well change into a nightie after my shower. I take it out along with my makeup kit and step into the bathroom.

I undress in the bathroom and step into the shower. It's nice and hot, and I feel my grubbiness wash away. My anxiety goes down the drain, too. Shawna has made me feel at ease. I'm grateful for her assistance.

I can't stop thinking about our kiss, though. My body is glowing from the feeling. As I was kissing, I felt myself melting into her. It was thrilling, but being a new experience, it was a little scary.

I turn off the water and grab a towel to dry off. The rubbing over my boobs excites my nipples. I toss on my nightie and look at myself in her mirror. She called me pretty. I guess I'm not bad. She's so gorgeous, though.

Oh, am I having feelings for her? I'm not lesbian. But I did like her kiss a lot.

I step out and see her in the hallway. She smiles at me and says, "Feeling better? You look great now."

"Uh, yes, much better, thanks."

"I feel like a shower myself. Make yourself at home. Raid the fridge for a drink if you like."

"Thanks." I go into the kitchen and get a glass of water. I catch a glimpse of her going into the bathroom. She's naked, carrying her nightie. I admire her slim, shapely body. My feelings stir again.

I sit in the lounge room and wait. When she comes out, she's in her nightie. It conceals little. The shape of her lovely little boobs attracts my attention, especially her prominent nipples. My heart starts beating faster.

She walks up to me, and I'm in a fog, delighting in the beautiful vision before me. "Can I get you anything else, Mary?" she asks.

Her question shakes me out of my stupor, and I reply, "No, thanks. Uh, but I should call my aunt and let her know I won't be there."

"Sure, I have a landline. There's the phone."


"I'll make some dinner. I don't have much as I need to go shopping. A microwave meal okay?"

"Yeah, fine."

She walks off and I watch her firm bum wiggle a little as she walks. What is she doing to me?

I call my aunt.


"Hi, Aunt Sally. Mary here."

"Hey, Mary, are you going to be here soon?"

"No, sorry, my car broke down on a country road."

"Oh, are you okay?"

"Yes, I was lucky that a woman who lives on the road was able to tow me to her house. I'm spending the night with her."

"Oh, that is lucky. When will you be here?"

"Not sure, I guess we'll worry about the car tomorrow. I'll let you know."

"Okay, no worries. Stay safe."

"Yes, I am."

"All right. Good night."

"Good night, auntie." I hang up.

Shawna comes out and says, "Dinner's on the table. Is white wine okay?"

"Sounds lovely."

We sit and I'm admiring her body again. Her smile makes me glow. I gaze at her pretty face and her petite boobs, whose shapes are clearly visible through her nightie. I can just make out her nipples, and I start imagining touching them. Oh, Mary, what are you thinking!

I gulp wine as a distraction but it only serves to lower my inhibitions. I look down at my food and eat away. When we're done eating, Shawna says, "Let's go to the lounge room. She carries our wine glasses, retrieves the bottle from the table and refills our glasses.


As she's leaning over, her nightie gapes open and I glimpse her lovely naked boob and nipple. My body blushes.

"You called your aunt?"

"Yes, I assured her I was okay."

"Good. We can see to your car tomorrow. For now, let's just relax, okay?"

"Yes, Shawna. I'd like that. You've been so good to me. I owe you so much."

"Stop saying that, Mary. I'm delighted to have your company. That's full payment, all right?"

"Oh, all right." We smile at each other.

"You've calmed down now, Mary? The thunder really upset you."

"Yes, I'm okay now. I've always been terrified of thunder. It's silly, I know, I should have grown out of it, but it still freaks me out. You made me feel so good, holding me."

"I was happy to, sweet Mary."

I hesitate for a moment before saying, "And, uh, your kiss."

"What about it?"

"It was amazing. I've never felt that way before."

She smiles and says, "I loved it too."

She remains silent. I say, "Uh, Shawna."

"Yes, Mary?"

"May I have another kiss?"

"Of course, Mary, come over here."

I scoot over and sidle up to her body, bringing my face to hers. She tilts back slightly and presents her lips. I lean in and kiss her gently. Sparks fly through me and I turn my body onto hers.

I feel my little boob press onto hers through our thin nighties, and that ignites feelings that have been smouldering. My tongue lashes out and licks her lips.

Shawna moans and wraps her arms around me as she returns my kiss. My resistance evaporates as I dive into the pool of passion. I feel my nipple harden against her soft boob. I'm panting madly through my nose and we kiss deeply.

I suddenly pull away, gasp and splutter, "Oh, Shawna, wow. I've never felt like this. It's, it's, oh, I don't know."

She smiles at me and says, "Ah, sweet Mary, I do know. I remember my first time. I was surprised myself how I felt about the new experience. Are you ready?"

I know what she means, and I enthusiastically blurt, "Yes, yes, Shawna, I'm ready. Show me."

She grins, stands, takes my hand and says, "Let's go to bed. Yours is bigger, actually, so let's go there."

She leads me back to the guest bedroom. I lie on the bed on my back and she lies next to me, on her side, gazing up and down at me. Butterflies fill my tummy, but I'm wanting this.

She leans over and kisses me softly again. I return the kiss and quickly my body reignites. As we kiss, I feel her hand slide up my leg, onto my stomach and cup my left boob gently. I moan into her mouth as her fingers crawl over my boob, brushing my now-hard nipple.

Shawna breaks the kiss and whispers, "Sweet Mary, I want you to do two things: relax and enjoy." I gaze at her through my passionate haze and nod.

Her fingers close on my hard nipple through my nightie and stroke it, making it even harder. They trace to my other boob and do the same. "I love your big nipples, Mary. They are so sexy."

Her hand drifts down my stomach as her cheek presses lightly on my boob and rubs the nipple. Her lower hand glides over my mound, eliciting a moan from me on its way to my leg.

Her lips kiss all over my boob as her hand slides up my leg, under my nightie. My legs part, inviting her to go higher. She accepts, tracing her fingers up inside my thigh. Her lips suck on my nipple as her hand finds my naked mound.

I gasp and moan. She rubs my mound in circles slowly and gently. I feel my clit respond to the light contact, becoming harder. My hips press up to get more contact. She responds by pressing more firmly on my mound, but still rubbing slowly.

I'm panting now, feeling so excited, but relaxed also. Her soft touch transports me to a magical plane of existence. I close my eyes and I'm drifting in the clouds.

Her finger presses between my pussy lips. I can tell that I'm very wet from the ease with which it falls between them. Her finger roams between my lips gently, building my excitement. Her teeth lightly grip my nipple and waggle it.

My legs fly open wide. Her finger spirals toward my pussy entrance and slides just inside. I gasp loudly as my hips hump up, forcing her finger in deeper. My pussy clenches it.

She holds her finger in my pussy but pulls her head up, lifting the hem of my nightie up. "Let's get this off of you, my lovely." I lift my hips as she pulls it up, then lift my upper body so she can take it off. "So beautiful you are, Mary." I smile as I lie back down.

Her face returns to my now-naked boob, kissing it all over, then licking. Her finger slowly slides deeper, then starts a slow fucking, out then in. I begin moaning constantly, my nipple pulsing, my pussy dripping.

Her mouth sucks around my nipple, gently at first, then more strongly. She's not touching the nipple but I feel it expand.

My pussy is clamping her slowly fucking finger. Suddenly she flicks my nipple with her tongue and I cry, "Ahhhh." Sparks fly from my nipple to my pussy, and it clenches her finger harder.

Her finger speeds up its relentless in-and-out motion. She flicks my nipple again. I start writhing my hips. I feel my body slowly climb toward an orgasm. Whenever I do this for myself, I can't help plunging quickly at this point, but she's taking me to the edge gradually.

She starts licking my nipple steadily now and I grab her head and hold it to me. Faster she licks, and faster she's fucking my pussy. I'm panting and shaking, getting closer to my release.

She suddenly pushes deep with her finger and holds. Her tongue presses hard on my nipple and also holds still. I hump her finger and push my boob up onto her tongue.

She's holding me back from cumming, and it is a bit frustrating but also very exciting. I feel close but I recede to a gentler level of excitement. I'm floating in the clouds again.

Her finger slowly pulls out, all the way this time. It moves up, finding my clit and pressing on it. She slowly rubs up and down, my pussy juice making it slippery. She starts licking my nipple again.

Shawna gradually increases the speed of rubbing and licking, not stopping this time. She's taking me to the edge of the cliff. This time she doesn't pull me back. She thrashes my nipple and rubs my hard clit back and forth under her wet finger.

I shriek as I cum, "Ahhhhhhhhhh." She doesn't stop. My body lurches from her stimulation. I keep cumming and cumming until I shout, "Oh, fuck!!!" and push her finger and face away, unable to stand it any longer.

She rests her head on my boob and gently cups the other boob with her hand. My pulse and breath slow over the next minute. When I can open my eyes, I turn my head and see her smiling at me.

"Well, my sweet Mary, how did you like your first time?"

I take a few breaths to collect my thoughts. "Oh my, Shawna, I never imagined that I could feel like that."

"There's lots more to show you, but maybe you need to have a sleep. We'll talk in the morning. Stand up and let's get you dressed again." I stagger to my feet. She gets my nightie and helps me put it on, tucks me into bed and gives me a sweet goodnight kiss. I quickly drift off to sleep.


I wake up hearing Shawna in the kitchen. I get up and wave at her on my way to the bathroom. "Good morning, Mary, did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thanks."

I pee and wash my hands and face and smile, thinking about Shawna introducing me to lesbian love last night. My nipples harden a little at the memory.

I walk out to the kitchen and see Shawna still in her nightie, too, with her back to me. I go up and hug her from behind, saying, "Last night was wonderful. Thank you so much."

"My pleasure, Mary." She turns and gives me a sweet good morning kiss. "Let's have some breakfast."


She's made toast and coffee and I find myself hungry so I dive in. I stare at her luscious body in her nightie. She smiles and looks me over as well.

She says, "I called a mechanic I know, who's coming over about 9:00. I guess we should get dressed.


She collects the plates and rinses them. I go to my bedroom and dress in jeans and a t-shirt. As I'm walking out of the bedroom, I realise that I didn't put on a bra. That's not like me, but I guess Shawna has started to change me. Now that I think about it, I'm happy to let her see me this way.

Shawna smiles as she sees me. I see that she's wearing a sheer blouse without a bra, and I can see her lovely boobs. Just then I hear a vehicle pull up outside. The door slams and Shawna opens the front door and steps out.

Shawna calls, "Thanks for coming, Lydia. I really appreciate it."

"No worries, Shawna. What's the problem?"

I rush back to the bedroom to get my car keys and step outside.

"My new friend Mary had her car quit on the road. I towed her here and she spent the night."

Lydia looks at me and says, "You were lucky, Mary. This road is pretty deserted."

"Yes, I know," I reply. "Shawna helped me out so much."

"She's good that way. Do you have the keys? Let's pop the bonnet and see what happened."

As I'm getting into the car, Shawna says, "I tested the battery and it seems fine, so it may be the starter."