She Fooled Me


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It college it was all about sex. Yes, we studied but looked forward to our sexual weekends. I've been with more women than I can count. The women of my generation were pretty much there for the asking. We never talked about it but I'm sure Angie and Sheila were from that wild girl group.

I left that all behind me when I got married and hoped that Angie had also, but I wasn't sure. I was always able to put on a good front but at times my insides felt differently.

I took out disk one and began to listen to it. I would fast forward through the dead parts. On arriving at the lounge the girls all agreed that what ever happens or is said at the lounge, stays at the lounge.

They ordered drinks and started talking about some of the men that were in the bar. I heard Sheila say, "I'd do him," about a few men that were in the bar. I heard Barb say, "So would I if I wasn't married," and all the women laughed.

"What about you Angie?" asked Sheila.

"I haven't drank enough to answer that question," laughed Angie. "Ask me again when I'm a little drunker."

They didn't ask Mary but Sheila suggested a drinking game. It was the one where you admit something and if the others haven't done it they would have to do a shot. If they all did it the one asking the question had to drink a shot. I guess tequila was the shot of the night.

They started out with simple question like, "Who had sex before marriage?" Sheila said it wasn't fair since she wasn't married, so they all drank a shot. More questions like, "Who's had oral sex?" or "Who's had anal sex?" I was surprised when Angie asked, "Who likes giving blow jobs?" I heard her laugh and Mary say she doesn't really like doing it but she loves Joe enough to do it for him.

Sheila asked, "Who had sex with a married man other than her husband?"

"Wow, that's kind of personal," replied Angie.

"Oh come on Angie, we all know you had sex with Jim. We all have," replied Barb.

"I haven't," replied Mary. "He's tried and I told him if he ever puts a hand on me again I would file harassment charges against him and that was five years ago. You young people live by a different set of rules but I married Joe for better or for worse and have never cheated on him. I trust him and he trusts me; I will never break that trust."

"Oh come on Mary, a little strange on the side doesn't hurt anyone," said Barb. "Once or twice a year it feels good to be with someone else but it's just sex. What do you think Angie? You haven't been married all that long. Have you been with anyone besides Jim?"

"Umm, no, I've flirted with a few guys and a few at the gym got a good feel here and there but Brent and I usually go out together and almost always end up in bed."

"I'd like to get Brent in bed," laughed Sheila.

"I bet you would," said Angie. "But he's not that kind of guy. I actually think he's been true to me. Damn! He's good in bed; he always makes me come."

There were a lot more question and I heard Barb ask if anyone's had an abortion. She said she had one in high school. After that she took birth control till she got married and now has two beautiful kids.

Sheila said she never did but has taken birth control since she was a teenager. Mary said she didn't and never would have if she got pregnant. She did say she was never with anyone else other than Joe since they got married.

Angie sounded nervous when she said, "Please keep this a secret. I had an abortion a few months ago. I had sex with Jim at the Christmas party and was afraid it might be his baby rather then Brent's and I aborted it. I just couldn't take the chance, Brent and Jim don't look at all alike."

"Does Brent know about the abortion?" asked Barb.

"God no! He'd leave me if he found out. I told him I thought I was pregnant and he married me. There is no way he would accept me having an abortion not knowing if the baby was his. It was when I took a few days off saying I had the flu."

"Can we talk about happier things," said Mary. "This is pretty depressing. What you girls do and the way you live is wrong. I won't judge you and I do care for all of you but this wild lifestyle is going to catch up to you."

I wasn't able to think straight. Angie fooled me into getting married and when she really did get pregnant she had an abortion and the baby might not have even been mine. She fooled around on me and fucked her boss. What the hell was I suppose to do? I taped the conversation without her permission but I knew I had to do something about it. I knew I could never trust her again.

After that the girls decided to dance. They would come back to the table and talk about how frisky a few of the men got. Mary refused to dance with any men but did dance some fast songs with the girls. I heard Angie mention hands on her ass but she always pushed them back up.

Sheila said that she let a couple of guys get a good feel but she was single and she liked the attention. It was a few minutes later when Mary told Angie she was to drunk to drive and called Joe and had Angie call me.

On the second disk there wasn't much new said. Angie asked the girls to please not say anything to me. They agreed that it would only stay between them but Mary told her she should straighten up her act and forget the extra-curricular activities or her marriage would end up in divorce court if I was any kind of man.

Next on the disk was when I heard about the overnight meeting and Sheila telling Angie to pick her man. She has been with both but she told Angie that if she's never been with a black man she should give Allen a try, then I heard them both laugh.


I was a mess and knew my marriage was over. There is no way I could ever trust Angie again. Deep down I knew she used me and made a fool of me and I wanted a little revenge not only on Angie but on these two men as well.

I copied the part of the conversation about Sheila having sex with both of them. Also, the part about Angie and Barb being with Jim. It wasn't much but it packed a wallop. I had copies ready to send to Jim and Allen's wives and also to the head of the insurance company. On the insurance company's copy I also included where Barb said they all had sex with Jim.

I made myself a copy about Angie having sex with Jim and all about the abortion. I included a part from the second disk where Sheila told Angie to pick her man. I would send this disk to me at my office.

I couldn't let anyone know I illegally recorded the women so it would be hard to use it in court against Angie. On Saturday morning I went to the doctor's office on the prescription bottle and it was an abortion clinic. I told them I wanted records of the procedure.

At first they denied me and I told them that I didn't sign any approval for the operation. I would file a case in court or they could just give me a copy of what they said I signed. They pulled out the papers and checked my signature and they didn't match. They apologized and gave me copies of the procedure and said it was paid for in cash.

Now I had the pill bottle and the paper work for the abortion. I mailed out the copies of the disk so they would all get them the first of the week. I would just have to act like the loving husband till then.


When Angie came home I wanted to ask her which guy she slept with but I kept my feeling to myself. I had to act as normal as possible. I actually took her out for dinner and she told me about their meeting and said it was rather boring. I had no idea if she slept with anyone for sure.

When she went to the restroom I removed the microphone from her purse. I had already taken the recorder out of her car. I didn't want any of this to fall back on me.

We went to bed but it wasn't love, it was raw sex. I used that beautiful body every way I could. I even let her know that I took a Viagra pill so I could last longer. The first couple times she loved it but about the third time she said she thought she had enough for the night.

I told her one more time and she turned over on her stomach. I put a pillow under her tummy and guided my cock to her asshole. "Brent! Does it have to be there? You know I'm not fond of anal sex, it hurts to much."

I kept pumping till I came in her ass. I believe she did have a climax but didn't say much as she went into the bathroom. I lay in bed knowing I would miss the sex with her after the shit hit the fan.

She got into bed not saying anything and I went to sleep. The next morning she told me she was a bit surprised at how rough I was during our love making the night before. I just told her I guess a change of pace is good for everyone. She gave me an odd look but didn't say anything.

Sunday night was pretty much a replay of the night before. The sex was rough but I didn't take her anally. She did give me somewhat of a strange look before turning off the lights.

When I got to work on Monday morning I pulled up behind Jim's vehicle and pulled out an ice pick and flattened all four tires. I could have done something electrical but it would lead people back to me. I took the elevator up to the fourth floor and got rid of the ice pick and went back down to the second floor and to my office.

I did my best to keep busy. I waited till eleven and called Angie and asked her if she wanted to do lunch. She sounded very nervous and said she would like to but some people from the main office were there and wanted to talk to all the secretaries. At the present time they were in a private meeting with the three bosses, Jim, Allen and Fred.

I asked her what it was about and she said she didn't know but no one seemed very happy. I told her to call me back when she heard something. It was after lunch when we received our mail. I received the disk I sent myself and asked Rose to put it in our DVD player.

She was shocked with what she heard. I acted shocked to hear it and immediately called Angie. "What the hell is going on? I just received a disk that said you cheated on me with your bosses. Is it true?"

"Brent we need to talk. Someone said that I had sex with my bosses. It isn't true. They said that Barb and Sheila did too."

"Just so you know, I received a copy of a tape where you said you fucked the guy. It was your voice. Also on the tape it said you had an abortion. Is it true? Did you have an abortion?"

"Brent, wait, we need to talk. I don't know where this came from but I didn't have an abortion. Please, you have to believe me, I love you."

"I'm going home now and we'll talk when you get there. As of right now I don't believe a word you're saying and if this is true we'll be getting a divorce." I hung up the phone and headed for home.

Angie got home four hours later. She said she was held up because the police were called when all four of Jim's tires on his vehicle were flattened. She actually asked me if I had done it.

"If it was me I would have blown up his damn vehicle. Now tell me face to face, did you have sex with him and then have an abortion."

"He sort of forced me to have sex with him but I didn't have an abortion."

"How do you sort of have sex. How many times did you fuck him?" I asked.

"Brent, please, we can talk this out. Jim and Allen were fired today for taking advantage of the secretaries. It won't happen again."

"Who did you fuck over the weekend? Did you get your first black cock from Allen or have you fucked black men before."

"What are you saying? This isn't like you to scream at me like this. I love you Brent! You have to believe me."

I played the short recording that I received at the office. "I do believe you, that is I believe what you said on the tape. If it was a one time thing I might have been able to get over it but not this."

I pulled out the pain pill bottle and the abortion papers. "You fucking lied to me again. We're trying to put it out there and you lie again. You had an abortion and killed my kid. I will never forgive you."

"Please Brent, we can get past this. I promise it will never happen again."

"You're right, it won't ever happen again. I'm getting a divorce. You can have the apartment and the furnishing as well as the bill to pay off the loans. I'm leaving, I called my dad and have a job waiting for me as soon as I get there."

"I can't afford this place on my salary, please Brent, we can work this out."

"You work it out. I packed my bags and will stay in a motel tonight and see the lawyer first thing in the morning. If you're smart you will just sign the papers. It will be irreconcilable differences unless you want to fight it. You have your vehicle, the apartment and the furnishings. I don't ever want to see you again."

She was crying and said she thought Sheila did all this. When I asked her why, she told me that it had to be someone that was at their table for their April Fool's day party. Everything that was recorder was said that day or at the office the next morning.

I told her that when she saw Sheila again to thank her for letting me know the truth about my wife. I grabbed my bags and headed out the door. I checked into the motel and spent the next few hours at the bar. I knew I was drunk. A woman asked me if I wanted help getting to my room.

I looked up and saw Sheila. "What the fuck?" I said out loud. "How did you know where to find me?"

"I called around until I found you," replied Sheila.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I know everyone is blaming me for sending out these tapes, but it wasn't me. I have no idea who sent them. Jim and Allen were both fired over this and I heard their wives got a copy also. God knows if they will stayed married. I had no reason to break up all these marriages. I just wanted you to know that I didn't do it."

"I believe you. What do you have to gain from all this. I'm just glad I found out the truth. I remember you telling me in college that Angie was just marrying me for my future earnings. I guess you were telling me the truth."

"I also told you I wanted to have sex with you and that was the truth too. You told me not as long as you were with Angie. You're not with her now so how about a goodbye fuck?" smiled Sheila.

I did fuck the hell out of Sheila that night. Mostly out of revenge against Angie and I was sure Sheila would tell Angie she fucked me. Hell, she was a damn good fuck but not as good as it was with Angie. I guess that had something to do with the feelings I had for Angie, I always gave her my best.

I went to the attorney the next day and he got my divorce papers started. I stopped by my office and let them know I was leaving. It didn't surprise anyone but they did say I would be greatly missed. It would have been hard working there with everyone knowing I married a slut and was made a fool by her. Besides, she still had her job and I wouldn't want to run into her all the time.

I had a week's vacation coming and used it to get settled in an apartment in my old home town. I went to my dad's office and met with the board and was hired immediately. Dad took me on a short tour of the facility and introduced me to the people I would be working with. I didn't realize how many women became engineers. My dad laughed as he introduced me to them.

I would be taking a slight decrease in pay since I was starting over but I only had myself to take care of and money wasn't one of my problems. I was back to work in no time doing what I loved to do. A couple of my female coworkers mentioned that they were happy to be working with me and if I needed anything to let them know.

I got a call from my lawyers who said I was once again a free man. I called my old office and talked to Rose and asked her what the latest gossip was. She told me that Angie kept the apartment and Sheila moved in with her. I guess Angie believed her when she told her she didn't know anything about who sent the tapes. I had to wonder if she told her about our romp in the hay.

As I already knew Jim and Allen were fired and both were served with divorce suits that weren't finalized yet. It was Allen's first and Jim's second. The two of them started a small independent insurance business of their own.

The secretaries all got to keep their jobs, but were reprimanded for not coming forward and reporting the harassment. Even Mary got the reprimand for not telling the harassment fives years before.

I said goodbye to Rose and told her to take care. She wished me the best and told me she liked working for me. She also said not to let my marriage and divorce to Angie deter me from finding the right woman.

Life goes on.


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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19695 months ago

Only problem is I wanted more of the consequences. Sleeping with Sheila was kinda crappy... unless he did it in an aggressive hateful way.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

When are you going to learn how to wind down and end a story?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I gave up when I came to the part about black me.

enderlocke77enderlocke777 months ago

After reading he married someone that had sex with him even before the first date. I thought wow this guy has some bad parents. Then I read this "My dad told me I was smart running off to get married and saving a ton of money." Yeah bad parents lol

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