She Gambled


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That moment Brooke knew that Jake had reached his breaking point and if she kept pushing, he would retaliate. What she, after being almost 15 years married to Jake still didn't understand was that he was one of those men who kept absorbing the punches beyond breaking point. Only until his toes were over the edge of the ravine he would spring back and react. When that happened with these men, they started to fight back and went nuclear without any warning.

Jake looked into the tear Brooke ripped into his soul and found that it was too deep. He had enough. He needed to protect himself.

Jake always has known that Rufus would inherit the family company. It was a successful company providing the aircraft industry with specially designed parts when the need arose that the aircraft had to perform above the guaranteed safety levels. Jake had a PhD in aeronautics and a master's in industrial design. He was groomed by his grandfather to be the future Technical Executive Officer. That was until his father took over the company. He shoved Jake aside. Jake suspected that his brother had a firm hand in it, but he didn't care. He already had more work than he could handle.

When his father fired him on a technicality, he tried to let Jake sign a document to prevent him working for the competition. Jake laughed out loud in his face, walked out, kissed his father's secretary and sang the words from Tommy, by the Who, "I'm free. I'm free! And freedom tastes of reality!" Walking out of the house.

When the biggest competitor got wind of Jake's layoff, they made him an offer he couldn't refuse. He took it with both hands. Now he worked 28 hours a week for the same salary as he had at his father's company working full-time. The benefits were way better too.

Because Jake was aware that his father and brother would want him out of the way, and he had expected this to happen already some years earlier. On advice of his grandfather, he started his own company and based it in Luxemburg. All his freelance jobs ran through that company. The proceeds went for a major part into an internet offshore account in one of the other tax havens in Europe. The other, smaller, part went into his normal account. Brooke never asked where the extra money came from, just that Jake did some work on the side to generate extra money.

Suddenly this setup became very convenient. He changed his instructions so that all that money went into the offshore account. He had absolutely no intention to stop his freelance work. It wasn't even feasible legally. There were contracts to reckon with.

In his office he decided that he needed more quality time with his children and therefore to stop working these ungodly hours.


Next morning Jake was reading the newspaper on his tablet having his usual cup of coffee, when Brooke entered the kitchen. "Where were you all night? I've been waiting for you."

"Sure, for about five minutes and then you went to sleep."

"Cynicism doesn't suit you."

"Tell me all about it. But before you go off the deep end, I need to say a few words."

Brooke swallowed a venomous comeback. Instead, she said acerbically, "Really, well the floor is yours."

Jake said, "Did you realize that yesterday I worked about thirty days of 15 hours without one day off. I did so, just to cater to your demands and you just keep asking for more. I haven't seen the kids for more than 4 hours in that time and that changes now. I returned all my freelance assignments back to the clients. I now work thirty hours a week. No more. If you want more, you find a job and work for it."

He was silent for a few seconds and when Brooke started, he held up his hand. "I'm not finished." He spoke.

"I think your behavior towards me is appalling and when you keep that up, we're heading for a divorce. The ball is in your court. I'm going out, having a breakfast that I didn't make myself for a change."

Jake walked out of the kitchen before Brooke could utter a word. She was just looking at the door sitting with her mouth open. She never, ever had Jake seen behaving like this. She took her phone out and called Rufus.

"Rufus, Jake is becoming obstinate. I don't know how to handle him anymore."

Rufus chuckled, "It was something I expected. I have a plan B."


Jake was behind his desk when his secretary called to say that he had a visitor. Surprised, he asked her if he had any appointments that day, he wasn't aware of.

"No sir, but she said it's urgent." Was the reply.

Jake sighed. He could handle another problem. Since he gave Brooke the ultimatum things were deteriorating rapidly. Her ultimatum was, "No money, no pussy."

And his reply? "Have it your way." and moved his things into the guestroom.

That was something Brooke didn't like at all. She had a high sex drive matching Jake's libido, but Jake had a lot more self-control.

Rufus was completely useless. He coul get it up, with help of the famous little blue pills, but not long enough to satisfy her needs. Combined with the appalling physical condition he was in Brooke had to do all the work without the release she so craved.

Within two weeks she was climbing the walls and tried, in vain, to seduce Jake into submission.

Back to the problem. The elderly woman walked into his office and asked to identify himself. When done, she handed him two sealed envelopes, saying, "I'm very sorry to say that you have been served."

The woman walked out shaking her head and telling the secretary, "Please keep an eye on him. It's really very bad news. "

Jake looked at the envelopes. Somehow, he felt relieved. The die was now cast. He expected it but it still hurts like hell. What he didn't expect was the restraining order that forbade him to contact his wife, children and parents. What really shocked him was the notarized affidavit that stated that he had a sexual relationship with Gemma Evans.

With enormous pain in his heart, he started the necessary processes. Of course, the bank accounts were blocked. He delved into his professional relations to see whether there was a lawyer among them. There wasn't, but one client went through the same ordeal Jake now was in and directed him to her lawyer.

Lastly, he leased a small flat, just enough for the immediate future.

Back to the present

Brooke became aware of Olivia and Brian discussing something. Their voices were hushed, but not enough for Brooke to hear what they were saying. It seems that her son was having a problem and he was wishing that he could talk to his dad about it.

Brooke interrupted, "Why, if you have a problem, don't you talk with your uncle Rufus about it?

Olivia scoffed, "What could that sweaty fat blob of a pervert possibly say that is even remotely sensible."

Brooke was taken aback and was insulted by proxy. She bit on her tongue to prevent telling them who the real father was. "What? He is your uncle, mind you."

"Yeah, quite an uncle. Offering me money to show my tits and telling me that he will reward me handsomely if I help him to relieve his urges. And that's not how he asked for it." Her daughter replied, disgusted.

Appalled, Brooke thought, It's his own daughter for Pete's sake and he knows it! If this is true, what she tells me. Oh Lord, help me.

That evening a lot of bodies came out of the closet. Brooke had no other alternative than to conclude that Rufus was a pervert and a danger to her, and his own children. That nothing happened, yet, was due to the self-respect Jake had ingrained into the children.

Now the fact that shortly she would be dependent on Rufus for her income and her lifestyle became a major problem. Jake paid a huge amount of money for child support. It made her relatively well to do and never failed a payment but that wouldn't last much longer. She found herself in a bind and started to regret some of her decisions now.


"Leonard Daltree, please to meet you, at last."

"Gemma Evans, and the feeling is mutual. I heard a lot about you, and all was positive. I'm really looking forward to working with you.

Professor Daltree told Gemma the ups and downs of the university and his role in it. He also told her that he was a widower and was living together with his girlfriend.

The welcoming interview ended with professor Daltree saying, "I've arranged provisional housing with a good friend of mine, Nathaniel Thompson. He lives at St. Christopher's path and has a guest house. Would you like something more comfortable? I advise you to check out the houses at St. Christopher's Wood. There are some houses available around the lake and some plots of land with a building permit for employees of the university, though I might say that the best plot has been taken by our part-time amanuensis."

The professor looked wistfully and continued. "Maybe I'll recruit you. The man is exceedingly good with children that are not very gifted or have behavioral or learning problems. We recently had a special training center set up. He helped to design it to enable these children to develop their full potential. I would like, very much so, that he would also become one of the teachers there. The man, however, is very private, making contact is not something he encourages and up till now he has declined my offers."


Gemma was exploring the area around St Christopher's Wood. After two months of acclimatizing, she decided that this was exactly where she wanted to be for a prolonged time and started looking for a 'proper' house. Nadia Thompson accompanied her. Suddenly they walked up to a sign. Written on it; land for sale. Underneath in smaller letters. Building permit already granted.

Gemma cried out, "What a beautiful place. I can easily live here. But who's going to design a house that fits in these surroundings, let alone build it?"

Nadia grinned, "I know just the guy. He is becoming a good friend of ours. He is an aeronautical engineer and a designer. You should see the house he designed for himself and he is building it all by himself too. He is a bit of a recluse, but when he thaws out, he is actually very good company. I'll invite him to dinner on Friday. You can meet him then, if you want to, of course. "

"I'd be delighted." Gemma replied happily.


Meanwhile, at the VanDam residence. "Granddad? " Brooke asked in a little voice.

Rufus VanDam Sr. scrutinized the face of the woman across his desk. The mother of his great grandchildren, only sired by the wrong man. He was a sharp observer of human emotions and he noticed that she was very distraught.

"Yes dear. What's the matter?"

"Do you happen to know where Jake is? Brooke asked haltingly.

"Dear, I'm not going to answer that question affirmatively or negatively. Why do you ask? Trouble in paradise?"

That question took Brooke by surprise as she almost blurted out, "Yes." but swallowed her tongue just in time.

That reaction didn't go unnoticed by the old man. Time for the ax to fall for this lady.

In a steely voice he continued, "Rufus has some very nasty traits in his character, don't you think so? And his addiction to those steroids doesn't help at all."

Brooke stammered, "I don't know what you mean, honestly."

Rufus Sr. Lashed out. "Don't play games with me, young lady. I may be old, but far from senile as my son and eldest grandson like to think. I know that those two adorable children of yours don't share Jake's genes."

"What? How dare you!" Brooke shouted.

"Don't take tone with me, young lady. I'm willing to bet my whole fortune on it. What color eyes do you have? Blue. And Jake? Green. And both of your children? Brown. Well now. That is genetically almost impossible. They look like they're Jake's because Rufus and Jake used to look like each other too. But Rufus has brown eyes and you have spent a lot of time in his bed."

Brooke felt the world collapse under her. She gripped the chair backs until her fingers were white. She tried to say something, but her tongue refused to comply.

Granddad was relentless, "You're on your own. You threw yourself completely to the mercy of the wrong man. You let him manipulate the good one out of your life and that of your children. Now that the outcome isn't what you expected you want Jake back in the saddle? Whether I know, or don't know where Jake is, I'm not going to help you. Now get out."

With Brooke gone, Rufus Sr. stood in front of the window for a long time, thinking, Maybe it's time for me to write that long letter.


Two women were becoming friends, since Gemma rented the guesthouse from the Thomson pair, but, until now, she was never invited into their house.

While she waited for her knock on the door to be answered, she looked around. She felt a bit nervous. The door opened. "Oh, hi. You must be Gemma. I am Nathaniel but everyone calls me Nathan. Only Nadia, when she is angry at me, ever calls me Nathaniel. Come in. Nadia is in the kitchen."

Gemma was a bit shocked when she saw the scar running along what, otherwise, would've been a handsome face. When he turned around to show her to the kitchen, she noticed he was very fit, but walked with a slight limp. What happened to him?

In the kitchen she was warmly received. Gemma introduced herself to Jakob, their little boy, and then said to Nadia, "This house and its surroundings are absolutely stunning, how did you find such a jewel?"

Nadia's face fell for a short moment while their whole history flashed by her mind and she was thinking what to say. "That's a long and sad story, but with a happy ending I might say. I will tell you sometime but because it's Nathan's story too I need his blessing to tell it. It's not common knowledge, only a few people know it all. For now, I can just say that Nathan wrestled it out of the hands of the local tyrants and destroyed them in the process. And Jakob isn't mine. He's Nathan's with his first wife."

"Is he divorced? Before he met you?"

"No, he is a widower. But I'm very happy to tell you that within six months Jakob will not be the only child in this house anymore."

Gemma hugged Nadia gushing, "That's wonderful news."

She wanted to ask when the baby was due when Nathan interrupted, "Gemma, may I introduce."

"Jake!" Gemma cried. Without a thought she ran over and hugged him.

Jake didn't react, but for, "Gemma, long time, no see."

Confused, Gemma let go of him. Nadia and Nathan looked at each other and Nathan asked, "Do you know each other?"

Before Gemma could say anything, Jake replied, "We used to be friends."

Gemma's happiness crashed and tears sprung in the corners of her eyes. This was not the happy reunion she had envisioned. She cried dismayed, "Jake, why are you acting so coldly? Aren't you happy to see me? I missed you so much."

Jake was surprised and even more confused. He looked at his hosts. Nathan just nodded and said, "Best get it out of the way immediately. You can use the office over there."

Seated in the office Jake looked at his former and now very distraught friend. "Gemma, he said, "You told Brooke that you had sex with me while I was married to her. You even signed an affidavit for it. That was the end of my marriage. Why would I be happy to see you? That lie hurt me no end."

Suddenly it dawned on Gemma and how deep the deception went. She became outraged at Brooke for all the manipulation she did in order to destroy Jake and Jake's image in the community where he had lived. She sat straight and with a steely determination in her voice she said to Jake.

"I want you to listen very carefully. Before I came here, I was in Europe for three years. I never would have told her that. I heard Brooke bragging about it in a pub and I set her straight, publicly, there and then. After that I went to your parents to tell them where I've been the last three years. I talked with your granddad too. We had a good, long talk together. He was the one that told me that you were doing good and that it was likely that I would run in to you here. I didn't suspect that it would be so soon and had already decided to go and look for you. I really missed you, honestly. "

Jake blanched. "But the affidavit?"

"Is forged. And if you still have the original, someone is going to be in a mountain of trouble. Jake, I loved you, I still do, but I would never go to bed with you when you were still a married man. I'd never do that to you."

"All that time I was thinking that you betrayed me and wondered what I had done to you to deserve that."

"You do believe me then?"

"Of course. You provided me with at least one verifiable fact just one call away to my grandfather. I reckon that you can prove the rest as easily. Most important is that in the past you never lied to me. So, yes I believe you."

Gemma felt relieved. That hurdle was taken. Next one, how to get across her feelings for him. And will he reciprocate those feelings? She swallowed and gathered all her courage asking, "Can we kiss and make up?" While pushing her chair back.

Jake did the same, walked over to her, took her in his arms asking, "Can you forgive me?"

"For what? Gemma asked indignantly, "You were being manipulated in the worst way. There is nothing to forgive."

Jake wanted to kiss Gemma on her cheek, but Gemma quickly turned her head and her lips met his. Her hand went behind his head to hold him there and quickly she caressed his lips with her tongue. After doing that she broke off the kiss, smiling widely.

Jake felt overwhelmed. "Did you just kiss me? Did this really happen? You just kissed me?" He asked her.

"Yesss. I wanted that since I heard that you weren't married to that harlot anymore. I told Brooke already that I lay a claim to you. Just tell me when I'm going too fast. But slow, or fast, I'm coming after you."

Jake pondered this while relishing the feel of Gemma's supple body against his. "You know that I'm damaged goods, don't you? There are reasons that I'm building my house on such a remote spot. I can only 'do' slowly. I needed to heal first and never had the courage to confront my demons. It's too painful. "

"Let me in, I'll be at your side. Always. I know that you married that harlot because she was pregnant, otherwise you would be married to me and to make things worse; I did some math and I wonder if your son is yours. Something is very odd about it. Now, it's time to join our hosts. A last piece of advice if you want to take it: "Accept the job offer from Professor Daltree. It will do you a world of good."

When they returned Gemma said simply, "Problem solved. He is mine now, even though he isn't completely convinced yet."

Nadia clapped her hands in glee, "Good. That was quick work. What's next?".

Gemma leaned into Jake and pulled him against her. She smiled and replied with profound happiness in her voice, "I have plans. One pertains to retribution, another is; not letting this hunk here out of my sight ever again and lastly, who do I contact in order to obtain that plot of land we saw this afternoon?"

Dinner was a spectacular success with lots of merriment. Gemma had been telling anecdotes from the time they were friends. After dinner it became more serious with Gemma finally asking the hard question, "Jake, did that harlot explain how she birthed a fully developed son after a pregnancy of six and a half months?"

"She didn't. You forget that I was there and so in awe that I never realized that. In hindsight, it was very stupid of me. But what are you implicating?"

Nathan, knowing from experience how overwhelming witnessing a birth, can be, answered gently: that it might not be yours and that you've been set-up"

"But they look like me and they look like brother and sister as well, no doubt about that too. Both....." Jake broke off his sentence, afraid to voice his train of thoughts.