She Wanted It

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An inexperienced girl discovers her lust for anal sex.
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I don't remember how I met her. She was an 18 year old girl from the city and I was a 22 year old guy from the country. Regardless of how the connection was made, I made the journey into the city (a couple hours away) and took her out a few times. But after about 3 dates I just sort of gave up. She was certainly pretty, but she also seemed very straight-laced and she was Catholic! I, on the other hand, was not Catholic and had never been accused of being straight-laced. She was sweet and nice but it seemed there was just too much distance between us, both literally and figuratively. So, like I said, I mostly gave up on the whole thing.

I lived at the end of a dead-end road, as far up in the mountains as I could get. I'd found that, for most girls, the location was kind of intimidating. This added to my conviction that Kathy, a Catholic girl from the city, would likely be very uncomfortable; maybe even feel vulnerable, so that was another good reason to back away from this chick. Still, there was something about her.

A month or so later we had a little party at the cabin I shared with my best friend. For some odd reason, at the last minute, I decided to invite her to the party. I didn't really expect her to come. I just did it on a whim. We didn't have a phone at the cabin and cell phones hadn't been invented yet. I was riding my scoot (read: Shovelhead Harley) the day before the party and just decided to stop at a pay-phone. I dug around in my wallet and found the scrap of paper with her number on it. We talked for a few minutes and the conversation ended with her being non-committal. "No Biggie" I thought. I hopped on my scoot and headed up the long, windy road to my cabin.

The next night my buddy and me were making spaghetti (standard bachelor fare when having guests) and drinking some homebrewed beer. We weren't exactly hicks and one of us had actually graduated high-school. But, you couldn't tell that from looking at us. It was an old cabin and there were a couple of Harleys and two beat up 4x4 pickups parked out front – along with various dogs; no chickens, yet. We weren't quite settled enough for that kind of responsibility. But we were living the dream!

We'd just put the bread in and were getting ready to eat when there was a knock at the door. I opened it and there she was, standing there in tight fitting 501 Levis and a little sleeveless top that buttoned up the front with some kind of frilly laces on either side of the buttons. Her long brown hair was down and she had on more make-up than I remembered her usually wearing; she looked pretty hot!

She was a little chick, maybe 5'3" and probably 115 lbs . The fabric of her shirt was semi see-through. I could just make out a little lacy push up bra and the whole package was pretty damn nice. I stand just a tick under 6'4" and at the time I weighed in at about 210 – I was still young and hadn't yet fully matured into a man's body. I had long brown hair that hung about half way down my back. I wasn't a hippie, I was a country boy.

I invited her in and got her a glass of wine; Mateus Rose' was what we considered "good wine" back then. There were maybe 8 or ten other people there. Everyone had brought something and we were all having fun, playing music, laughing and standing around the fire on a nice summer evening. She seemed to fit right in.

After supper somebody broke out a bottle of tequila. Everyone had a few shots. Then my buddy broke out a bottle of what his Dad called Grappa. It was strong stuff that he made in an actual still down in his dirt-floored basement. He'd distill the stuff, put it in a quart Mason Jar, drop a plum into it, then set it on a shelf in the cool darkness and let it sit for a long time. It was powerful stuff – like grain alcohol, but it went down easier.

Everyone lived pretty nearby (except Kathy, the city girl) and after a shot or two of Grappa, people drifted off toward home. Of course, my buddy was still there and he had some chick with him. I think there was another couple still hanging around too. Then, Kathy produced a joint. That was something we'd almost never indulged in. We were country boys and pot was for hippies. Still, I confess to having tried it a time or two. She lit it up and passed it around and we all took a couple hits before it was gone! I didn't have much to compare it to and maybe it was the combination of the different alcohols, but it seemed like it was pretty strong and I suddenly felt loaded!

One thing led to another and she and I found ourselves in my bedroom. We were making out and she was into it! In a short while I managed to get her shirt undone and her bra off and, surprisingly, she just let me do it! Then I got her 501's unbuttoned (they buttoned all the way down, no zipper.) She let me stick my hand down her pants and I started finger banging her! By then I was sure I was going to get laid. I had her pants down around her thighs and a couple of fingers in her pussy, which was soaking wet!

But, when I tried to take her pants all the way off she stopped me saying "I don't want to get pregnant." That was my cue, I guess, to produce a rubber. But, I didn't have one. I never expected her to show up and judging from past experiences, I definitely had no expectations that I'd ever get this far with her, ever! She was a prim church girl, a catholic no less and I, ummm, was basically a heathen. By this point in my life I'd not yet learned that a lot of Catholic girls were pretty messed up from all of the guilt trips laid on them at church. Later in life, I'd learn that a fair number of Catholic girls were sexual deviants. Don't know why, but that was my experience.

Anyway, I didn't have a rubber and my buddy was preoccupied, so I couldn't walk in and ask if he had a spare. So, we wound up stuck in this sort of no-mans circular mis-mash of desire and heavy petting and her stopping me saying "I can't get pregnant." So, we'd slow down, then start making out hot and heavy and I'd start finger banging her, again. Eventually I had her fully naked. But every time I started to do the deed she would stop me! I was too drunk and stoned and horny to take no for an answer but I was a good enough guy that I wouldn't force myself on her! So we went round and around.

The last time she stopped me I said "I know a way and you won't get pregnant." She didn't say anything, so I started making out with her again. I banged her pussy for a few minutes, got my fingers good and wet and then slid them down to her asshole. I worked my middle finger in almost to my second knuckle but then it got pretty tight and dry. I tried to work it in and out but there was no mechanism for it to get wet, on it's own. Still, she did nothing to try to stop me.

So, I'd pull my hand out, spit on it a couple times and work my finger back into her ass. She squirmed and squealed but she took it and didn't complain or resist! That went on for a while and I finally got it so that two fingers would slide in and out without too much resistance. At that point I judged that it was about as wet as it was going to get. So I spit on my fingers one last time and pushed them back into her ass, and banged them in and out a few more times. She squealed louder and her soft whimpers turned to louder whimpers and moans! But she wasn't telling me to stop and, in fact, she was pushing back when I'd stick my fingers in.

I pulled my fingers out, spit in my hand a few times and rubbed my saliva all over my cock. I did that about a half dozen times. By then I knew it was going to be now or never so I got her on her knees, somehow found her tight little asshole in the dark and pushed the head of my cock into her! She gasped loudly, sucking in air with a mild shrieking sound. I pumped it slowly and kept pushing in a little deeper with short, gentle little strokes. By now she was kind of crying. I asked her if I should stop and to my surprise she said "just go easy" so that's what I did.

She was little and I was not! Her asshole was small and tight and my cock was big and hard. They were not a good match, especially with damn little lube. I eventually pushed my cock almost all the way into her. I let it lay and let her get accustomed to it and then slowly started pumping it in and out – not long strokes, just short little ones. I probably would have cum right about then. Her ass was so tight and I was so horny and we'd been screwing around for well over an hour by then. Fortunately, the booze and pot kind of numbed things and I managed to hang on for a few more minutes.

At the end I was able to draw it back a few inches and push it back in, pulling it in and out at a quicker pace. By then she was crying out and gasping every time I pushed in. When she'd push back, between the whimpering, she'd let out a kind of "Oooof" sound, like somebody taking a stomach punch, except there was a pleasurable, erotic note to it! Obviously it was a little painful for her, but it was also clear that she was digging getting screwed without worry of pregnancy; even if she was taking it in the ass!

Eventually it go to the point where I couldn't take it. Her ass was so tight and I was so horny and those "Ooooof!" sounds were the most erotic noises I'd ever heard! I felt myself getting ready to cum, so I sped up a little and pushed in deeper. After a few more strokes I arched back, involuntarily shoved my whole cock all the way into her ass and exploded!

The last thing I remember was pulling out, laying her on her side with my arms around her while I laid on my side, behind her. I awoke the next morning and she was gone. I felt like shit; partially from all the partying, and partially for fucking such a nice girl in the ass. I got a cup of coffee, went outside and sat down, trying to clear my head. A few minutes later Eric came walking out, holding a pair of small, lacy panties in his hand. He laughed and said, "I reckon she left you a trophy."

Later that day I rode into town and tried to call her, but got no answer. I did the same thing a day later, same result. I was feeling guilty and was also worried that she'd not made it all the way home. On about day 4 I called her again and she answered. She was a little reserved but otherwise fine. The conversation was relatively short. When it was over I thought "well, I guess that's the end of that." I was sure she was embarrassed and felt guilty and I didn't expect to ever see her again.

About two weeks later, late on a Saturday afternoon, she showed up at my door again. There was no way for her call me, so she just made the trip on a whim. I didn't know what to expect but in the back of my mind I expected she'd want to discuss past events and sort of expunge herself. But instead she seemed happy and upbeat and just wanted to hang out and party.

It was too late to saddle horses and ride so I started a fire (outdoor fires were a regular occurrence, except during the peek of fire season, we had fires several times a week, all year round, even in the snow; in fact, I still do.) We had a few beers and a little Jack. I bar-b-qued a couple venison stakes and everything was Jake.

By then it was dark. We went out to the fire, had a little more Jack and just like the last time, she produced a joint. I only took a couple puffs (but yes, I inhaled) and she pretty much smoked the rest of it. By then I'd concluded that there was more to her than being an innocent church girl from the city.

We wound up back in my bedroom. And, just like the last time, I didn't have a rubber. I'd never had a steady girlfriend; too many other things going on in my life to maintain one. At that time I was a pro-level motorcycle racer and on the road often. I was pretty well known and kind of a "hot-shoe"(meaning I was a fast guy, won races sometimes) They were mostly night races and there were always girls hanging around the pits wanting to hook-up with one of the fast guys.

Back then most girls were on the pill and there weren't really any diseases you could catch that couldn't be cured by a trip to the clinic and a shot or two of antibiotics. At least once a week there was some chick who was more than willing to climb in the back of my van and fuck me good, or at least blow me. One time, two girls got in the van with me. They were at least as interested in each other as they were me and they gave this country boy had an experience I never forgot. It was one of those long, stretched out Dodge vans and was set up so motorcycles and tools were in the back and the rest of it was a big bed – so I just never gave rubbers that much thought; besides they didn't fit me very well anyway.

So, back at the cabin, after I got her blouse and pants off and I was finger banging her pretty good, I realized we had the same problem as before. So, I started getting pussy juice and rubbing it on her asshole. She said something and stopped me. Next thing I know she produced a small bottle of some kind of oil and SHE reached back and started lubing up her ass! You could have knocked me over with a feather. With her ass lubed up and some on my cock she just scooted around, got on her knees, put her head down low and her ass up high and even I could see she was ready for another ass fucking.

This time it only took a couple minutes to get it worked into her tight little ass. Then I started speeding up and pounding her a little harder. She cried and whined and pushed back against me every time I pushed it back into her ass! Because of the lube, I was able to keep at it and after a few minutes she started making that "Ohhhh-Ufff" noise. It was the kind of dirty noise that perfectly matched a girl getting fucked in the ass with a big cock! Every time she made that noise I would shudder just a little bit.

There was something about that noise! I'd pound it into her and she'd go "Oohhhh-Ufff" and blow out a gasp of air! It wound me up and I just lost myself in the whole thing. I banged it in a little harder and a little deeper with each stroke and shed go "Ohhh-Uffff." It was a guttural sound, primal and erotic and as I pounded her harder she fucked me back just as hard. Then, suddenly, the "Ohhhh" sound came out, but there was no "Ufff." Instead, she howled like that while I gave her two more good strokes and then she started shaking and the "Ohhhh" turned to a high pitched crying noise and she started bucking until she had a huge orgasm.

After that, I was savy enough to let her rest a minute. I kept my cock in her ass, but contented myself with slow, short strokes for a couple minutes while we both caught our breath. Then I picked up speed and really started fucking her ass like I meant it – each stroke hard and deep and you could hear my hips and thighs slap on her bare ass every time I buried in in her.

Her noises picked up speed and intensity and I kept pounding her. About two minutes later she had another loud, shuddering orgasm and that was it. I went over the edge, yelled out "fuck me back" and "take it, take it all." And I finished that up by unconsciously saying "Slut!" She immediately came again and I buried my cock all the way in her ass and filled her with a huge load of cum!

Just like the last time, we collapsed next to each other, kind of in the spoon position. When I woke up, she was gone, only this time she took her panties with her. Couple weeks later she showed up again, unexpectedly. We pretty much went through the same routine except I'd been with another chick the night before and had cum several times, so I was kinda spent.

We ate, had some beers and Jack and she whipped out a joint, again. I guess she needed it to relax herself for what she knew was coming. I was feeling pretty confident with her by then so after I got her stripped (she seemed to really got off when I pulled her clothes off her, kinda rough and forceful) I got her naked and up on her knees, all lubed up and ready for another ass fucking. For some reason I wacked her on the ass with my open hand a couple times saying "you ready for another ass-fucking, SLUT?" – really emphasizing the word SLUT! She started shaking and whimpering and said something under her breath about being a bad girl.

I'd been with a few kinky girls in my life and recognized that was her signal, she wanted her ass spanked. So, I repositioned myself and started spanking her bare ass. She was making a different kind of whining and whimpering sound than what I'd heard before. But every time I slapped her ass and called her a Slut she would shiver and shake and push her ass higher up. So, I started alternating between sticking a couple fingers in her pussy and spanking her ass, all the while telling her what a bad girl she was, telling her she was nasty and before I knew it she fell flat on the bed shaking in a huge orgasm – I could hear her crying,

It only took her 10 or 15 seconds to recover. She spun around and without stopping to kiss me she put her head in my lap and started sucking my cock like she was possessed! I slapped her ass a couple times more, and just for good measure told her she was a nasty slut again! I was getting close to cumming so I pushed her off me, got her on her knees and in one fast stroke buried my cock in her already lubed up ass! Up until that point, after all my action the previous night, I wasn't sure I would be able to cum again. But after her performance it was all I could do to get my cock in her ass and pound her for a minute or maybe two before I filled her ass with cum! Next morning when I woke up, she was gone. This whole story is no shit true, it really happened back in the late 70's.

So, this went on like it had. Couple weeks later she shows up again, except that

by know I knew her routine and was pretty much expecting her. This time I had a rubber and couldn't wait to fuck her pussy! But, when we got to that point and I got the rubber on she looked at it and kinda laughed a little shy laugh and said "I don't really trust those things." I looked down and could see what she meant. I'm a big guy and I have a big cock. No, not John Holmes stuff, but big enough that a rubber only goes down less than half way, fully stretched out. It looked like dubious protection to me too.

She started lubing her ass while I made out with her. But this time I pulled her off the bed, turned her around and bent her over it, with her feet on the floor and immediately started spanking her! Gawd she could get so worked up when I'd spank her and talked dirty. Her personality would go from sweet and innocent to nasty in a flash and nothing would wind her up faster than spanking her ass and telling her what a dirty little slut she was. I spanked her pretty hard that night and told her how hard I was going to fuck her little ass and she started crying (literally) into the bed saying she was "sorry" and that she was a "bad girl" and deserved to be punished.

I couldn't stand it anymore. I worked my way between her legs while she was still leaning over the bed. It wasn't an easy angle because I'm so tall, but I finally got it right and immediately stuck my cock in her ass and started pounding her. She was making all her usual noises and it didn't take her a minute before she came for the first time.

Only now, when she'd cum she'd cry out, make deep guttural noises, and say dirty things that I'm sure she'd never uttered before in her life! When she'd scream and cry and swear it always got me really worked up. That night I pounded her ass hard and fast and deep, without mercy! In less than a minute she rolled into another big orgasm! That was it; I buried it in her all the way and filled her ass with cum, again. I pulled out and was going to climb up on the bed next to her, but before I could move she slipped off the bed, got on her knees in front of me and immediately started sucking my cock!

She was crying and making noises I'd never heard, and I'd never had a girl suck my cock so hard and with so much wonton passion! Instead of getting soft, I got harder while she sucked my dick – the one that had just cum in her ass – while she was half crying and half moaning. In about two minutes I felt it cumming. I grabbed her by the back of the head, held her head still and fucked her mouth until I came. She tried to swallow it all, but couldn't and cum wound up everywhere. When I looked down at her she was wild-eyed with cum on her face and in her hair and black stuff all around her eyes – she looked like the nastiest thing I'd ever seen in my life! And, if the truth was known, at that point, she was the nastiest thing I'd ever seen!