She Wolf Ch. 04


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"Nina, I promised you years ago that no one would harm you or the children and I plan to keep that promise." Nicolette reiterated. "Celia, no one will harm your son. He's under my protection." "Our son" Blaine inserted, "He's our son, bloodsucker, never forget that."

"Enough" Javon bellowed. "Blaine, you can blowup later, but now we need to decide on a course of action." "Nicolette from what I've observed here, she didn't tell you either." Javon stated. Celia, feeling censored again, dropped her head. She kept making boneheaded choices. She was trying to protect everyone, but somehow did nothing but cause trouble."

Julianne walked in and offered to take the children to dinner. She looked at Celia's tear-stained face and then at Blaine's. She recognized him as Benny's dad the moment she saw him, but if he thought he'd hurt Celia again, well he had another think coming. She'd talk to her friend later and see if she could help. "Benny, Jon, Janet, come on guys, time to eat." The kids quickly followed Julianne from the room.

Celia never felt lower than she did in that moment. Blaine, who was behind her, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest, sharing his strength, they faced the other adults in the room.

Javon saw something in his brother that he hadn't seen before. He saw a man. The man he knew was always there. This man was one that was ready to defend his family at all cost. This was the brother he had been waiting for. "Celia is tired. And she needs to eat." Blaine stated. She had gone through enough and he wasn't about to let anyone else go at her. Kyra moved towards her sister, but Elise stopped her. "Don't. He's in protective mode. If you go near her, he might attack."

Nicolette spoke. "Celia, you and your siblings are the children of my heart, I would die before I let anyone hurt you. Benny is now mine to protect as well. I will take care of the vampires." Then she faced Javon, "Alpha, I promise you; they will not come near this pack." She declared. Then she looked at Kyra. "Young lady, you know this means, no sex, right?"

"Ew, Aunt Nicky." Kyra whined. Everyone laughed except Blaine and Celia. He was holding her so close. He felt her fear. He had to protect them. She was his. He knew it four years ago when their child was conceived. He failed her. His attitude caused her to run from him, taking Benny with her. Well, now, things had changed.

"It'll be OK", He soothed her mentally, Not knowing if she could hear him. "No one will hurt you or Benny. Not as long as I'm alive", He promised. Celia squeezed his arm, absorbing his strength, because hers had deserted her. "Thank you." she whispered in return. Neither one realized the significance in the fact that they'd just spoken as only mated couples could speak. They simply sought comfort in each other's embrace.

Celia closed her eyes and for once let Blaine comfort her. Blaine closed his eyes reveling in the feel of his lover being encased in his arms. Then he said the words that weighed heavily on his thoughts. "Celia, I can't let you or him go. We need to mate now so we can raise our child together. You two are already a part of the pack. Tonight let's make it official."

Soon all of the adults moved to the dining hall. Nicolette had left because in light of the new situation, she had to make sure the vampires were kept in the dark. Twenty years ago, she sacrificed her soul for a lone she wolf and her pups, but that bargain gave them a chance at a normal life. She had to make sure that that did not change.

Blaine pulled Celia to the side. He had to vocalize what they both knew was true. "Celia, we must mate as soon as possible. I'm ready tonight. Benny can stay with Javon and Elsie, while we join and tomorrow we can be together as a family." Celia froze, "Blaine. I don't know, I've got a job I enjoy. I have a life in Shreveport. I'm not sure if I want t stay here." She explained.

"What? You can get a new job here? I will not let you or him walk away from me again. Celia, please. Let me convince you to stay." He begged. "Blaine, I can't think about that right now. I'm going to dinner. I need to be near Benny." She walked away from him. Blaine caught her hand and said, "We need to be near him."

The dining hall was silent. All eyes were on the handsome little boy that was sitting with the other children. The pack members could sense Celia on the boy so they knew he was hers. What confused them was his resemblance to Blaine. Everyone was murmuring and asking when did they mate?

Javon and Elise sat, waiting for Celia and Blaine. They walked in and everyone cheered. Javon stood an introduced everyone.

The other Betas quickly began to congratulate Blaine and Celia on their mating and congratulating them on their son. Celia had stopped talking and when he opened his eyes hers were glued on him. He was a handsome wolf. Tall and fit, with natural blonde hair, he had the clearest green eyes. All the bitches wanted him, and she found herself in that number. She never pursued Blaine Loess, but he decided he wanted her. Even though she had reservations she dated him for a while. He was pompous, full of himself, and an ass, but for a few months he was hers.

The night they made love was a night etched forever in her memories, especially how cold and cruel he was after taking her. At first he was attentive, caring lover. He let her set the pace, not rushing her. He pleasured her in ways that she had only ever imagined. He had taken her to a local hotel after their dinner and she remembered the room was so small. He lifted her and carried her to the bed as a groom would carry his bride. Placing her gently in the center, he stood and undressed. Then he joined her. Celia recalled how nervous she was. She was afraid that she would not satisfy him. But he alleviated her fears and kissed every inch of her body. He worshiped her with his lips and tongue. Finally he spread her thighs and slowly entered her body. He hissed, because she was so tight. Then he loved her slowly at first taking care to see to her comfort.

Blaine led her into a blinding climax and only after did he seek his own release. It was at that moment, his climax now swelled and he pinned her. She felt the presence of her son and she knew instantly that she had conceived. Blaine was speaking afterwards and she didn't respond, so in anger he lashed out.

Then he drove her home in complete silence not uttering a single word. She went into her mother's home and told her Mom that the date was fine. Blaine didn't call her again and took great pleasure to avoid her at all cost. Two months later, her brother graduated and Celia went back to school.

Blaine saw a sad shadow cross her face and he felt an overwhelming sense of regret. He knew she was thinking about that night. He was scared. This girl affected him on so many levels. She didn't praise his prowess or cling to him. Even when he refused to call, she never sought him out. Then she left. She went back to school and never came home.

BJ was his best friend and he often asked about her and he often said she called and was fine. There were times he wanted to just go the Shreveport just to see her, but he was too much of a coward. He'd find a way to make this up to her. He'd find a way to make her love him, because despite everything, they were mated. He wasn't sure how, but they had a beautiful child as proof. He fucked up, true. But he'd be damned if he lost his family this time. Celia and Benny were home, and he'd make sure they stayed.

Dinner ended and everyone went to their respective homes. Julianne pulled Celia aside and asked her to walk with her for aminute. Celia turned to call Benny, but saw that Blaine had him in his arms. Julianne paused. "Celia, I have to go back home tomorrow, but ... Look, Blaine is his father isn't he?" she asked. Nodding, "Yes, he is and I didn't tell him. That's why everyone is upset." She explained to her friend.

"Right, Celia, you aren't human are you? You're some kind of animal hybrid, like werewolves or something, right?" Julianne queried. Celia froze. She couldn't answer her. Humans could not know abut them, so she said nothing. She stared at her one friend, too afraid to answer, but scared not to say anything.

"Celia, who kept Benny when you had to go? Me. He shifted one night. It's OK. I'll never say anything. That's why I asked daddy to let me come. If I got a sense that the two of you were in danger, all three of us would be on the next flight out of here", Julianne explained. "Julianne, you can't know the truth about us. If the Alpha learns that you know, he can't let you leave." Celia wondered about what other secrets her friend kept hidden.

"Celia, no one would believe me if I said anything anyway. You're my only friend, remember? Now that you're moving back home, I'll be on my own again. Well, not really. Mom and Dad are there. I won't say anything." Julianne promised.

"That's beside the point Jules. You see I can't lie to my Alpha, if he asks, I have to tell the truth." Celia answered, worried about her friend. "If he finds out that you know what we are, he can't let you leave. "Well, let's not give him a reason to ask. I have to go home, my parents are there and they need me. You're coming back soon anyway, to clear out your part of the apartment, right? I'll just have to find another roommate." She laughed. "Who am I kidding? No one from that office will want to share an apartment with me. I'll make it into my bachelorette pad."

Celia knew Julianne had no friends, not because she wasn't friendly. People just didn't like her. She didn't get it. Julianne Kent was the nicest woman she'd ever met. However, she was always serious. She had a dry sense of humor, but you never saw it unless you got really close to her. Celia remembered when she met the dark haired woman years earlier. She was pregnant, and just starting her job. She made a few friends in the office one day when Julianne walked in. Everyone froze, but Celia spoke to her. Julianne glared at her, then turned and walked away.

"Girl, no one speaks to her; she's a witch." Natalie, from accounting said. "Do you see how she dresses? How she acts? She hates us and we give her space." Celia felt heartbroken for the dark-haired girl she had just spoken to. She understood her reticence, because she knew what it was like to be completely and utterly alone. When they were younger, and running, it was hard to trust people. If Aunt Nick had not been there to help them, who knows what might have happened. Then, one day, they ended up in Loess Falls.

She was a wolf, but not part of the pack. The she wolves from the pack shunned her, but the guys didn't. The attention from the males made them hate her even more. Often she'd find herself, spit on, hit, kicked. The other young bitches spread evil rumors about her. She only had human friends. At first she went to the private school that the wolves attended, but every day was a struggle, eventually her mom withdrew her and her siblings and sent them to the local public school. They had to mask, but they weren't shunned.

She knew how it felt to be ostracized by the same people who should have welcomed you. A part of her understood how Julianne Kent felt, so she reached out. Each day, she made up a reason to speak with her. She would bring her lunch and notice that most days Julianne skipped lunch, or ate alone. So one day she packed lunch for two and went to her.

"Hey, Julianne, I made a little too much for my lunch today. Would you like to share with me?" Celia asked sweetly.

Julianne was stunned as she looked around to see who she was talking too. Then she smiled, and a new friendship was formed that day. The two women were inseparable. When Benny was born, Julianne was her birth coach. She asked her new best friend to be his Godmother and she accepted with grace; honored her new friend thought so highly of her. Now, she had to separate from her friend. She'd go back to Shreveport to get her things, because she would not live there anymore. She wished Julianne could move here to Loess Falls with her.

Julianne knew they were werewolves. If Alpha Javon found out she knew, he would not let her leave. But she was right; her parents needed her in Shreveport. So for now, she'd keep her secret. For Julianne, that was the least she could do.

"Hey, I'm coming back to Shreveport soon Jules. I have to resign from work and clear up some affairs, right? I'll visit as often as I can, and you can come here too. We'll still be best friends, alright. Just because I'm marrying, well mating with Blaine, that doesn't change anything.

Julianne chuckled; she knew Celia was apprehensive about her being alone again. But as was in the past, she'd be fine. "Girl, after tonight, that man is not letting you out of his sights. Man, you are so lucky. Do you know that?"

"Julianne, we are heading home if you want to walk with us", Elise called out. She knew Blaine and Celia needed time alone. "One word of advice, girl, enjoy." Julianne whispered to her friend as she joined the alpha couple. Benny was telling her he was staying with his new cousin's. She could bunk in with him so she wouldn't be scared. She laughed as they walked off.

Celia was nervous. She knew they were expected to mate tonight. She didn't come home to be claimed by a male. She wanted to see her mother and introduce her son. Climbing into the jeep with Blaine they rode back to his home.

Blaine was silent. He would know his own son anywhere. He was a double of both him and his mother. Now he was ready to make his family complete. Maybe make a new baby, a brother or sister for Benny. He loved Celia and for four years he kept his feelings inside. When she left, part of him shut down. But today she came back, and not only did she come back, she brought with her the most perfect being. If their mating tonight resulted in a new son or daughter, he would make sure he pampered her with all of the love and attention she failed to get as she carried his son. Secretly, he prayed that Luna would bless them with a son or daughter tonight.

They arrived at his home and he was nervous. "Celia, let's talk first. I want you to tell me about the pregnancy. Tell me everything." Blaine whispered in awe. "It was normal, nine months, the usual morning sickness." Celia explained. Blaine pulled her in his arms and kissed her. The moments his lips caressed hers, Celia felt as she did four years earlier when he loved her the first time. "Wait, Blaine, wait. This is too fast." Celia stopped.

"Celia, you're it for me girl. It's been four years and I haven't touched another woman because she was not you. I knew you were mine that night and I should have marked you then. I was wrong and it cost me you and our son. We are not leaving this house until we are joined and fully mated." He explained, "Benny deserves both of us."

"Wait, you can't decide this. We need to-." He kissed her once again cutting off her protest. Then he pulled away and began to disrobe. Celia stood transfixed as he removed his shirt and pants. He didn't wear underwear and Celia could see the evidence of his arousal jutting from the center of his body. "Baby, you're wearing too many clothes. Join me." Blaine whispered. Celia wanted this man. Her body hummed. The scent of her arousal permeated the room. Yet, she stood and refused to succumb to her body's lust. Blaine kissed her once more, and systematically unfastened her clothes. Giving in to her list, Celia found herself naked with the man that her wolf recognized as her mate.

As he had years earlier, he lifted her and placed her in their bed. Then he smiled and admired her body. The subtle changes that showed she'd carried his child. He was more than ready to add to their family. Then he started kissing her, noticing that her nipple became hard and elongated at her arousal. He disappointed her before tonight he'd make up for that. Blaine nursed on each of her breast loving the feel of her thick hard nipples in his mouth. He kissed her stomach, and soon he found himself staring at the heart of her. She was neatly trimmed and he wondered if there were any more men after him. "No, you are the last man, I've been with", Celia whispered. Blaine froze. Celia became alert. "What is it?" she asked.

"You heard my thoughts. I didn't say that out loud and you answered." Blaine explained. Celia started to protest when he said, "Celia, I love you. Don't deny us." Realizing they could talk mentally stunned her. They had qualities of a truly mated couple.

"Wait, Blaine. You don't know me. How can you?" Celia thought back. Blaine smiled and answered, "I love you Celia. I meant that, just like you love me. Now let's make it official." And he kissed her once more. Lying between her thighs, Blaine positioned his cock to take possession of her body. Looking in her eyes, he asked "Are you sure?" Celia nodded yes, and he loved his woman. Soon, as he loved her, Celia neared completion and she needed to taste him. More than anything in her life she needed to taste him. As her body soared, Celia bit him on the neck drinking his blood, officially marking him her's, as Blaine exploded inside her. He hadn't bitten her yet, but he would soon.

He held her close as his body disengaged from hers and they fell asleep. A few hours later, Blaine was awakened to the feel of being tasted by his woman. He opened his eyes to Celia taking her time getting to know him in the most intimate of ways.

Soon he was ready and needed her again, but this time he was claiming his woman. Celia shifted before him and shifted to her golden wolf form. Blaine shifted and mounted her. He pounded her ferociously grunting with each thrust of his pelvis. Soon he could hold no longer. As his body convulsed, Blaine bit her, officially marking her as his, as he pushed his wolf knot into her body.

At the feel of his bite Celia climaxed once more, her cunt gripping his throbbing member. Soon both wolves crashed panting and locked together. With Benny, Celia knew she was carrying a son. This time there was no new baby, but she knew that if they kept going it would be. Besides, they really needed to talk.

The loving couple soon fell asleep. The next morning, Celia woke early, donned her robe and went to make coffee. Blaine woke up while she was in the shower. He wanted to join her, but she was getting out as he walked in. Never one to be deterred, Blaine quickly grabbed his woman and pulled her into his embrace. She was his and he needed his woman.

Her body heated instantly at his touch. But Celia wanted to get to the dining hall and check on their son. "He's fine. We'll go in a bit. Come on, let's hmmmm..." Blaine whispered as he nibbled on her neck, driving her insane. "Blaine, not now." Celia hissed as his frisky hand found its ways to the apex of her thighs and parted her robe, cupping her mound. "Mine, Celia, mine." He growled in her ear. His utterance was like liquid fire to Celia and her pussy flooded with moisture. Within seconds she and Blaine were naked and he has driving into her from behind in the bathroom. Celia moaned as her lover took command of her body. Moaning his name, she begged him to make her come. "Yes, yours Blaine. Only yours. Blaine, please. Please fuck me."she whimpered.

Pistoning in and out of her body, Blaine glanced to see where they joined. So erotic was the imagery that he almost came at the sight. Growling, Blain increased his thrusts as he loved his woman. Soon he felt her cunt clench him and it drove him over the edge, causing him to spew his hot seed deep inside her fertile womb. Holding her close as their breaths calmed down, he whispered mentally, "I love you, Celia. You mean everything to me. Thank you for matingwith me. Thank you."