She Wolf Ch. 05


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‘Nicolette, listen” Mrs. Valdez spoke. “You want to protect them, but someone has to protect you. I cannot stand by and let him hurt you…”

“Please, this is hard enough. If he found out who you really are to me, he’d kill you on the spot.” She stroked the weathered cheek of the much older vampire. “If you really love me, then you’ll keep them safe for me. Tell Kyra, I’m alright. She’s worried. Tell her I’m joining her for dinner. There is something I have to do.”

Mrs. Valdez left to check on her young charge. Nicolette sat down to pen five letters. The first letter was to Mrs. Valdez, the second to Kyra, one to BJ, and one to Celia. Her final letter was to the sister of her heart, Nina. Then she mailed them. It would take a couple of days for them to reach the compound, but by then she’d be gone, and hopefully they would be safe.

When Nicolette joined Kyra in the dining room, the young woman rushed to her and held her close. She knew something major was happening and it involved that vampire that showed up in their home. “Aunt Nicky, who was that guy? I don’t like him. What did he want?” she asked, worry etching her brow.

It was late and Kyra wasn’t very hungry. Soon someone knocked and Mrs. Valdez went to get the door. BJ and Blaine rushed in. “Aunt Nicky, are you alright?” BJ asked concerned. Blaine right behind him searching for the intruder.

“I’m fine, although I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I don't need to ask what prompted this visit, do I?” She queried, raising her right eyebrow. BJ knew that look. As a pup, he received it often, but this time he didn’t quell.

“I know you are, but Kyra called and said a man was here. Aunt Nicky, are you in danger?” he asked. No one would hurt her if he could help it.

Nicky would not lie to him, any of them really. “I actually wrote you a letter explaining everything. I’d rather you read it. But since you are here, I have a favor to ask. Can you contact your Alpha for me and ask him to call. Blaine immediately reached out to his brother. Within seconds Nicky’s phone rang. “Gentlemen, eat. I’ll be back,” she said.

When she walked out, all three wolves saw the look of fear and anger on Mrs. Valdez’s face. They realized the situation was dire. “Mrs. Valdez, please, is she in danger?” BJ asked. She burst into tears, couldn’t speak. She had served this young woman for centuries, but now when she needed her most, she was defenseless. “We’ll find a way to keep her safe.” BJ held the older woman as Blaine comforted Kyra. “I promise.”

Nicolette came out of her office to find the other two women crying, and it angered her. She needed them to be strong, not weak. “Enough,” she bellowed. “Mrs. Valdez, it is arranged.” Mrs. Valdez nodded. I understand. I will watch over them for you. she whispered in her thoughts.

“BJ, Blaine, if Kyra wants to continue attending State college. I have arranged a small apartment for her near the school, but I won’t be here so have your Alpha have someone come stay with her. I don’t want her in this city alone.” Nicky explained.

“Aunt Nicky, where are you going?” she asked. “I won’t stay here without you. Please tell me. Maybe I can help. Let me talk to...” She pleaded.

“Never! I do not want you speaking to him, ever. No matter what happens, promise me you will not talk to him at any time. he’s …” Nicolette inhaled. “Can you all leave in a week? I leave in three days and I want you all someplace safe.” Blaine assured her they would to which she replied, “Good, I must rest.” She then excused herself, leaving Kyra sobbing in her brother’s arms. Mrs. Valdez followed her, but Nicolette wanted to be alone. “Please, I need to be alone. But do me this one thing, when they leave, go with them.”

Blaine called Celia to inform her of the situation and she relayed the information to their Alpha. Javon only knew of one vampire that could intimidate a vampire as strong as Nicolette. He’d met him and his brother’s once when he was a pup. They could have killed him, but Gernick decided to let him go. He was the leader of the clan, and if this was who took Nicolette, then he truly owed the vampiress his eternal gratitude. She was willing to give her life to protect his pack, and she would never be forgotten.

Nina and Thaddeus were having dinner. Thaddeus was admiring his mates tight behind that peeked beneath the hem of his shirt she was wearing. Nina froze, and Thaddeus was immediately alerted. Something was wrong. Nina could feel it. Through her sister bond, she reached out to Nicolette, but she muted the bond. She got began to pace and Thaddeus joined her. “Love, what is it?” he asked.

“Something is wrong. It’s Nicky; I feel like something will happen to her.” She answered. Unable to shake the feeling of gloom, Nina called her friend. She didn’t answer. Now she was really worried. “We go home tomorrow then.” Thaddeus assured her.

“No, this is our time. Our moment, I need you Thaddeus. I need to be in your arms, held close and I want to focus on us.” She kissed her mate. He knew what she was doing and would not allow it. “Nina, no! I love you too much to do this now. I know this is what you think I want, and don’t get me wrong, I want you, but now we need to check on your family, OK. I can wait. When we make love,” he kissed her, “I want only you and me in that bed, alright.”

If she didn’t love him already, that moment would have cemented her feelings for him. “Oh Thaddeus, I don’t deserve you. I love you.” she hugged him. Then he kissed her and she wanted more. Taking the lead, Nina decided to explore her mates superior body and kissed her way down his sturdy frame. She rubbed his thick pubes, sliding in the coarse hair. He r mouth watered, and she needed to taste him. She desired to take his thick cock in her mouth and suck him rapaciously until he came deep inside her belly. Dropping to her knees, Nina, greedily sucked her mates cock deep inside her mouth. Thaddeus loved when she went down on him, and growled his approval.

Nina loved pleasing her mate. Soon, he began to rotate his hips; completely enthralled in the feel of her hot mouth engulfing his hard length. “Nina, please,” Thaddeus groaned. He didn’t want to come in her mouth. He wanted to be buried to the hilt inside of her warm sheath. Nina stopped and Thaddeus lifted her, moving between her spread thighs, he entered her quickly and roughly. Nina loved it. She liked it rough and her mate showed her no mercy. Grunting and growling, Thaddeus fucked her hard. “Cum with me, Nina, cum for me.” he demanded. She came all over his cock, as he released his hot seed deep inside her womb. They both held each other trembling, at the intensity of their joining; Nina felt something. She heard a new voice, a voice she didn’t know, yet recognized. She was consumed by love for her unborn child. Thaddeus, noticed that she was eerily still. “What is it? What wrong? Are you alright? I didn’t hurt-“

Nina smiled at her unsuspecting mate and whispered, “I’m pregnant. Thaddeus, I know you might not believe, -“ He hugged her. They were having a pup. He’d be forever grateful for giving him a child.

“Nina, I was too rough. Wait, that was fast are you sure? Never mind. You are not working anymore; I don’t want you endangering either of you.” Thaddeus rambled on. Nina decided to share the news with Nicolette and started to reach out when she remembered; something was wrong. Thaddeus, held her, and promised her that whatever it was, they’d faced it together. The next morning, Celia called her mother and told her what was going on. Nina and Thaddeus returned home immediately.

Nicolette enjoyed her visit with two of her adopted children, dreading the fact she’d never see them again. She had two more days. BJ, along with Blaine and Kyra, developed escape plans, set up defensive stances, everything they could think of to protect the woman that was a second Mom for them.

For two days, Nicky prepared herself mentally for the final goodbye to her family. The time had arrived, and he was coming for her and to protect those loved; she would go. She didn’t know he came each night. He would shadow himself and watch her interaction with the wolves. He knew she was sending the girl home under the protection of her brothers. Mrs. Valdez would go to, but being vampire she would not stay long. He hated causing her this pain, but it didn’t have to be. What Nicolette failed to realized was that he’d protect these wolves just because she wanted them protected. No one would harm a hair on any of their heads, especially the three she considered hers.

She was a good mother, and that was why he chose her. He wanted a son, and he could choose any woman to have his child, but he wanted his child to have a mother. You see for over twenty years, he watched her take care of these kids. Even when he ordered her to be beaten, she took it to protect those she loved. She was his, his mate, his one true love, and he had to make her hate him. He had too many enemies, and if they knew the truth they’d hurt her to get to him.

He followed her to her room, that night and compelled her into a deep sleep. Then quietly, he slid into bed beside her and held her close. She cried in her sleep, and each tear broke his heart, but for now, she could not know he loved her. And he did love her, for centuries, she was all he thought about.

Closing his eyes, Gernick knew their sons and daughters would be beautiful, and they’d have the love of a mother that would die for them if needed. He never had that, neither did his brothers. That’s one reason he chose her, he wanted that agape type of love for his kids. He kissed her brow, and told her it would be alright, as he wiped away her tears and watched her as she slept.

The next day, Nicolette rose. For some reason she was well-rested. It felt like she wasn’t really alone. She joined her guest and prepared them for her departure. At the exact hour, Gernick appeared. BJ and Blaine stood between him and Nicolette prepared to prevent her from going with the huge vampire.

Their protective stance amused Gernick and he laughed. “Nice doggies, “ he sneered. “She’s coming with me. If the two of you die, I don’t care. Step aside.” Nicolette knew his casual threat was anything but that; he would kill them.

“BJ, Blaine, he’s right. This is vampire business and you two can't interfere” she admonished her two protectors. Then in an uncharacteristic move, she embraced the two young men. Take care of everyone for me alight she whispered, she hugged and kissed Kyra and even Mrs. Valdez. Then she moved to Gernick’s side and they vanished from sight.

Back in Shreveport, Julianne was having a horrible day. Her dad had missed work for two days and people were starting to wonder, this morning she had her solitude intruded upon by two higher ups that came to her office demanding to know why her father was missing.

She assured them it was a personal matter and her father would contact them. Her blunt answers only seemed to feed the gossip hungry crowd. She missed her best friend. She had no one to talk to, and her loneliness permeated her office. In Nashville’s BJ, felt her pain, and even though he was terrified for his aunt, he had to make sure his mate was safe.


The four of them left Nicky’s home right after she vanished. BJ asked Blaine to go to Shreveport, he had to stop. Blaine knew Julianne lived there and he wanted to check on her as well.

He called Javon and explain the additional stop. They figured Julianne would be at her office, so they drove to her job. As soon as BJ exited the vehicle, her loneliness paralyzed him. He felt her pain and all he wanted to do was rip into and tear apart those who dare hurt her.

They entered the building and was greeted by the receptionist, Blaine asked for Julianne and the receptionist tried to stall, BJ heard enough and headed for the stairs. Mrs. Valdez and Kyra stood in the reception area as Blaine talked with the young woman who flirted with him blatantly.

BJ didn’t have time to waste talking with that woman. His mate was in distress, and no one would stop him from going to her. “Sir,” he heard a security officer shout behind him, but he had flown up several flights of stairs. The young receptionist gave Blaine, Mrs. Valdez, and Kyra a guest pass to go to Julianne’s floor. With minutes, BJ had found her floor and followed her scent to her office. Julianne heard a loud commotion outside of her office. She walked out to find the one man that occupied her waking thoughts being accosted by three company security officers.

“Gentleman, I know him. He’s a friend.” Julianne spoke surprising everyone. Her heart was racing and she was so glad to see him. Then she thought, wait, why is he here? “BJ, please come to my office. Thank you, Mike, Norman, and Brad, I know this gentleman. This is Celia’s brother.” She explained. The security officers relaxed and went back to their post. “Is everything alright BJ. Is Celia OK? Why are you here?” she fired off in rapid procession.

He pulled her into his arms and inhaled her scent. “Julianne, what is wrong? Don’t lie to me. I can see it in your eyes.” Then he pulled her into his arms and held her. In the security of his arms, she broke. She held onto him tightly, as silent sobs wracked her body. She missed him. She missed her best friend. BJ held her, absorbing her pain. He couldn’t leave her. He needed to stay with her. Her sobs became harder and harder and they broke his heart. He lifted her and kissed her, trying to comfort her, letting her no she was no longer alone.

Blaine had been escorted to her office and everyone was staring at them. They recognize Kyra and knew she was related to Celia. His heart broke for the young woman on the other side of the office door. But he knew his friend, and if this girl was his mate, as he suspected, no one would mistreat her again.

Soon Julianne got control of her emotions, as BJ held her. “My father is dying. He has less than three months. Momma wants me to be strong for her, but I can’t..” tears started falling once more. “My parents are all I have BJ. When we lose Daddy, I don’t know if… Momma needs me, and I have to take over the company. I don’t know what to do. I’m losing everything, my best friend is gone, my dad is dying. My Mom needs me and I can’t breathe. They hate me here at the office. They say the worse things about me, and it hurts BJ. It hurts so much, and I try to ignore it but…I can’t” she sobbed.

“We’re leaving. I want you to come with me. “ he insisted.

“I can’t… I have work. With dad being out, I have to run the office”, She whispered. “I wish I could go, but I can’t.”

“Julianne, Jules, I need to take care of you, and I can’t leave you here, but I don’t have much time. I have to go back home.” He inhaled as Blaine knocked.

“Come in,” Julianne dried her tears and called out.

“Hey Julianne, BJ. Look, BJ if you need to stay for a while we can stop and eat and possibly stay overnight.” Blaine looked at Julianne and knew they could not leave her.

“Thanks Blaine. Call Javon alright.” BJ answered. Then he turned back to his mate, and whispered. “I’m not leaving until we figure this out. You are not alone. I’m here.” Then gently kissed her temple.

For the first time in days, Julianne felt relief. “Have you eaten? We haven’t and we don’t know this city.” Blaine asked, it was obvious she needed to get out of this office and lunch was as good an excuse as anything else.

“No, I haven’t.” Julianne answered. “Natalie, what time is my next appointment?” she asked her secretary.

Natalie looked at her book, she was scheduled during her lunch hour for a meeting, but after listening to her cry she knew she needed time. “Let me check, Ms. Kent. You do have a few, but I can call and reschedule for you,” she informed her.

“Will you? Thanks, Natalie.” She answered. As she was leaving she told her, “Natalie, I’ll be back as soon as-“ Nataiel interrupted.

“Ms. Kent, no disrespect, but if you need to take the rest of the day, you should.” Natalie blanched, as she realized she just told her boss what to do. Julianne started to speak when BJ spoke first, “Thank you Natalie, she won’t be back today. Cancel the appointments and only call if it’s a real emergency alright.” He asked kindly.

The young woman smiled, “Yes sir, I will.” She answered and then BJ lead his mate from the office amongst the stares of everyone they walked past.

“I want to meet your parents Julianne, before we go to lunch, I need to meet them.” he explained. “Listen, before you say no. listen. I need to talk to them and tell them the truth. I want you to come home with me.”

She wasn’t surprised, and she wanted to go with him, but right now, she couldn’t. “BJ, I can’t. My dad…” he kissed her gently, and held her close. He whispered, “Sweetheart, I know. I still need to meet them.” Blaine cleared his throat to remind them that they were not alone. He drove and allowed BJ to sit next to his mate holding her close for a moment. He missed Celia terribly.

She directed them to her parent’s home. Julianne quickly introduced her friends to her parents, and both Oscar and Margaret noticed how attentive BJ was to their daughter. They also noticed that all four guest were extremely sad, and wondered why? Her parents were gracious to Julianne and her guest, Oscar was impressed by BJ and knew his daughter would be well cared for. Blaine felt horrible for them, as a wolf he could sense his illness.

Mrs. Valdez stood back and watched. She felt for this young woman, but her heart was elsewhere. He took Nicolette, and there was nothing anyone could do to help her. All she could do was hope she could come back this time, but Gernick released her twice before. She saw the look of determination in his eyes, and she’d never see the young woman again. That thought broke her heart, but she’d keep her word, She watch over her children, all three of them.

“Hello, Mrs. Valdez, isn’t it? I’m Julianne’s mother, Margaret, “ Margaret saw the older lady sitting in the verge of tears.

“Hello, Ma’am. You have a lovely home, Thank you for welcoming me here.” she answered.

“Of course, and thank you for being so gracious. Mrs. Valdez, tell me, who did you lose? I’m losing Oscar, and I know you’ve lost someone. I can see the pain in your eyes. Who?” she asked.

Mrs. Valdez looked away. The answer was one thing she never told anyone, “My daughter, I lost my daughter.”

Margaret wrapped her arms around the older woman and held her as she cried. Her heart broke for her, and there were no words she could say. Kyra who heard the exchange walked over and hugged Mrs. Valdez as well, and she to cried for her. Blaine was solemn, and trying to process the sudden events. He worried at how Celia would take this news, and would it harm their daughter.

BJ had to talk to Julianne. He wanted her to go home with him, but after learning of her father’s illness, he knew she could not leave. “Julianne, I don’t know what to do. I need to stay here with you, but I have to get Kyra and Mrs. Valdez home. Losing Aunt Nicky, that’s hard, but I have to … I failed her Julianne; I failed…” he cried and she held him. Her heart broke for this beautiful man that was in her arms. Why? Why? This isn’t right. It isn’t fair! he lamented.

BJ finally calmed down and was able to just talk. He hated his moment of weakness, but she didn’t seem to mind. She held me. My mate took care of me when I needed her. I will spend the rest of my life making her happy, he surmised. Then he and Julianne talked and agreed to call each other as often as they could. But for now they had to care for their families. The group did not go out to lunch, but spent the afternoon visiting with the Kents. Margaret prepared a quick dinner and fed everyone.