She Wolf Ch. 10


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Blaine was shocked and then he laughed and said. "She's gonna kick your ass, friend. You started late, and have passed me in the daddy department. Celia and I have to catch up." But he was truly happy for BJ. He'd be a wonderful dad. In reality, he was already. The three kids loved him, and they didn't want to let him go.


The pack was excited about BJ and Julianne becoming new parents. Julianne had called Margaret and she was flying over on Friday to spend time with her new grandkids, and Nicolette was coming in for a visit as well. Amerie was accompanying her. The next week would be eventful. Javon thought for a moment. He needed to confirm something first. So two days before Margaret came to visit, Javon called his old friend.

"Lakota, have you revealed your true nature to Margaret?" If he'd told her of their existence, then he and the pack could reveal what they were to her as well. Lakota paused, "No, not yet, but I will soon." Javon hesitated. He had hoped that Lakota had revealed himself because Margaret needed to know the truth. He was tired of having to hide when she came to visit. He considered her family, so he made a decision. He'd discuss it with Elise later, but it was time to tell Margaret the truth. "OK, listen, will you and Reina come here this weekend? She is a part of this family and I want to share the truth with her, but you know the rules. As her mate, maybe you can help her accept what we truly are." Lakota was stunned, but he agreed. He called Reina and told her what Javon wanted to do.

The weekend arrived and Margaret planned to fly down with Levin. Imagine her surprise when Lakota and Reina arrived at the airport. The twins explained that they too were flying to Texas, and somehow all four ended up flying on Margaret's jet. They arrived at the airport and Javon greeted them, treating Lakota and Reina like old friends. It was then that Margaret and Levin realized that their vacation had just added two unplanned guest. It was also noted that Reina latched on to Levin and Lakota held her next to him, as they rode back to the compound.

Brother, your mate seems to be upset. You need to explain. Reina teased her brother. Lakota smiled, Your mate is just as displeased, little sis. I wonder how you'll make this up to him, Reina looked at Levin, and to her he was every girl's dream. His strong rugged looks, graying temples, Margaret watched the young woman watch her friend. The girl was lost. She loved him. She wondered how long the Gaines had been friends with Javon and Elise. She prayed that somehow they didn't learn their secret. Margaret already knew who and what they were. She'd always known. She knew that they didn't mean for her to know, but Julianne was her baby and these people were different, but she felt a kinship to them.

One night before Oscar left this world he spoke to her candidly. As they rode to the compound, Margaret was lost in a memory. "Margaret, I am so sorry. I am not being fair to you. But the truth is I could have stopped this cancer." She at first thought he was rambling, but he insisted she listen. "Javon and Elise, they are special people. I didn't believe it until I talked to him. He offered to change me, but I refused." He coughed, and needed water. Margaret was dumbfounded, "How could he cure you?" She asked. If they had something that could save her husband, she'd go there and beg for it if necessary.

"No, love. They are lycan, werepeople. Javon offered to change me, but the cancer has eaten everything inside me away and it would only prolong my agony. Please, don't ever say anything. We can't know. But Julianne will become like them, and they will care for her forever." Oscar coughed once more. "Don't tell them you know, because I promised Javon I wouldn't say anything." Margaret loved her husband, and he knew she'd take this secret to her grave if she had too.

Lakota was talking, and he called her name to get her attention. "I'm sorry, Mr. Gaines, what were you saying?" She asked politely. Lakota took a deep breath. He and Reina shared a look, "Listen, Margaret, we need to talk, but now is not the time. Next week, I ask that we take some time off and talk about some things." Soon they were at the gate and entering the compound. As they arrived at the Alpha home, Amerie rushed out to meet her friend. The two women embraced, and all three Alphas knew their packs would be forever linked.

Gernick and Nicolette were introduced to Margaret as well, and she was so happy that Amerie's daughter was alive and well. Nicolette had to see her doctor, and she bid them farewell for now. She took the cutest little boy Margaret had ever seen, and along with her husband, they left for her doctor's visit. The alphas showed everyone to their rooms.


Nina and Nicolette talked all of the time. They talked so often that Gernick invited Nina and Thaddeus to visit. Nicolette felt Nina would not be comfortable in their home, so she hadn't issued an invitation as of yet. Her hesitancy was noted by Gernick, and he knew this was a rift he needed to repair. Although Nicolette never complained, he knew Nina's hatred of him cut her deeply. So he made a decision to try and repair the damage once again. He'd go to the compound and talk with Nina. Nicolette and the baby had an appointment with the pack doctor, so they spent the day with their family. He decided that on this day, he'd take an opportunity to talk with Nina.

He spoke with Javon first and then Thaddeus. Thaddeus hesitated, but he saw logic in what the vampire was trying to do. Nina needed to deal with her anger, because it was eating away at her, and that wasn't good. Thaddeus gave Gernick permission to speak with his mate at their home. Nina was working at home when someone knocked. She answered to find Gernick standing at their door. Rage, pure rage encompassed her. "What do you want," she demanded.

"I want to talk to you Nina. May I please come in?" He asked as he proceeded to walk into her home. This arrogant prick... How dare he just walk in my....Nina fumed as he walked past her. "Your hatred of me hurts Nicolette and it needs to stop." Nina gaped at this arrogant bastard. "I fucked up, and I admit that. But she shouldn't have to bury who she is just because she's with me. I know you hate me, but please don't hold it against her anymore."

"I love her. She is my sister. I would never hurt her." Nina argued, wanting to smack him. How dare he, she thought. "You, you hurt her. You took her from us."

"I never said I was right, but when she calls you she is guarded. She never speaks of our life together. She sticks to safe topics and-," Gernick insisted. Nina interrupted. "I never told her to not talk about..." Nina froze. Gernick was right. Nicolette never really opened up. She was guarded. At first she thought it was him, but what if it was her.

"The thing is Nina," Gernick continued. "You can hate me all you want, but she is my life. I love her. And to see her hurting kills me. I pray you can forgive me one day, but even if you can't, don't punish Nicolette. She hides from you, and says what she thinks you want to hear. I actually told her to invite you to visit. Has she?" He'd asked, already knowing the answer. Nina stared at him dumbfounded. He was right. Nicolette would move heaven and hell to protect her even if it meant that she hurt. It was then that Nina realized that this man truly loved her friend. She smiled, and rose to collect her son, who was trying to climb into Gernick's lap. Gernick lifted the pup, and ruffled his hair laughing at his antics.

Nina smiled for the first time in his presence. She was lovely, not as beautiful as his wife, but he knew Thaddeus was also a lucky man. Nina stood quickly and moved, as she glared at her nemesis. "I hate you, asshole," she murmured. "I need to talk with Nicky." Gernick nodded, passed the pup to his mother, and then he quietly left. Nina dressed Theo and walked to the medical center. She and Nicolette were meeting for lunch at noon, so she wouldn't mind meeting early.

As she left Kim's office, she saw Nina waiting. Nicolette smiled until she noticed the frown. "Hey, Nina," Nicky greeted her friend. Gernick appeared at the same moment. He smiled at his mate and said, "Ladies, I am on babysitting duty. Theo and Jonathan are in good hands." Nina sat and watched her friend kiss her mate and son. Theo seemed taken with Gernick as well and for some reason Nina wasn't as apprehensive as she once was. Her small talk with Gernick made her think. If he was right, her actions hurt Nicolette needlessly and she needed to stop.

The two women talked and Nina decided to touch on the topic marriage. She talked about how things were with her and Thaddeus and Nicky listened, but when she asked about Gernick, Nicky avoided the topic. Finally Nina had enough, "Nicky, why won't you share your life with me? I want to know how you really are. Are you happy? If he treats you well, but you clam up."

Nicolette blanched. "Nina, you hate him and I don't want to talk about something that makes you uncomfortable. He's my mate and-." Nina interrupted, "Nicolette, I'm a selfish, inconsiderate bitch. I won't lie. Yes I am angry at him, but that's not important. You are my friend, my sister and I want you to be happy and share that happiness with me. I never want you to feel like you have to hide from me, Nicky. OK?" She hugged her friend. "I'm sorry. I accept him as your mate and I will forgive him eventually. It will take time. Besides, for a crabby old vamp, he's not that bad," she teased.

Nicolette returned her embrace, and felt a great sense of release. "OK, thank you. Nina, he has been wonderful these past few weeks. He is like he was when I met him the first time. He has Jonathan spoiled rotten. Between him and Claus, I don't think the baby will walk." She smiled. "I'm actually happy and now I can really share that with you. Thank you Nina." The two women embraced. Then Nicolette asked the one question she wanted more than anything. "Nina, will you come visit me at my home. Thaddeus can come, too," she stuttered, "I mean you don't have-."

Nina smiled, "Yes, and you know what, we'll get Gernick to babysit again." Soon their time ended and they went back home. Gernick was carrying both boys and they were laughing at his antics. Nina smiled. It seemed the coldest and crankiest of their kind had a soft spot for children.

The day ended with Nina agreeing to visit them in a few weeks. Both she and Nicolette looked forward for her visit. Gernick thanked everyone for their hospitality, and then he surprised everyone when he hugged Nina and whispered in her ear. Nina smiled and said, "You're not off the hook yet." Gernick held his wife and child. Margaret sat next to Lakota, who would not let her leave his side as she watched the events unfold. She was holding her new grandson, Javier, when BJ moved to take him and put him down. He was quickly replaced by his sister and she loved coddling her grandbabies. Soon one of the caretakers came and took all of the kids out of the room, and Margaret had to speak. "Julianne, BJ, I am so happy that you found those three beautiful children, or should I say pups."

Everyone froze. "Momma, what-," Julianne started to say when Margaret finished. "Baby, I know you all are more than what you appear to be. I've known since before Oscar... He told me you offered to save him, Javon, and he refused. Javon, Elise I promised him I would keep the secret because he never meant for me to know, but that night he was in so much pain." She closed her eyes, Lakota moved and encircled her waist from behind. His mate was hurting and he had to comfort her somehow.

It was then that Julianne finally caught on. "Momma, you know? You know what we are?" She knew two things would happen, she'd be forced to stay or...

Margaret looked at Levin and he was sitting there holding Reina in his lap wearing a goofy grin. He nodded, that was just like his friend, selfless until the end. "Oscar was the best. He was the best man I knew. He saved my life you know. I would be dead if he hadn't helped me." Smiling at Margaret, "If he refused, he had a reason." It was then she turned to Lakota, "Are you like them? Are you a werewolf as well?"

He couldn't lie to her. "Yes, we both are. Reina and I are pack alphas, and we have waited for over a century to meet you and Levin." Margaret forgot to breath. If he was saying what she was sure he was, then he was saying he was her mate. Lakota froze, Will she fight me, run again, what?

Margaret froze. Yes, he was a handsome man. He fueled many of her fantasies, but a mate. How? He barely knew her. She'd just met him a few months ago. Then she looked in his eyes and was lost. He looked at her with his eyes filled with love and adoration. "Lakota, I look old enough to be your moth-"

Lakota laughed and pulled her into his arms. He had to kiss her. His kiss stole her breath. "Love, I am decades older than you. In reality, I'm too old for you." he teased. Margaret blushed. Levin was enthralled by the lovely young woman in his lap. She's just kissed him and he had no problems letting her stake her claim. "Levin," Reina whispered, "Be mine, be with me?" She pleaded. "Forever love. Forever and ever, Reina," Levin answered as he held her close. Reina, was now free to claim her mate as well, as she kissed Levin, clearing up any misconceptions that he was still a free agent.


And so the story goes, Julianne learned she was expecting twin girls and BJ and Javier had to strategize. With all of the women in the house, the two boys had to stick together. It wasn't so bad. They still had plenty of male family members to hang out with. Besides, BJ loved all of his girls and couldn't wait until his new daughters were born.

Nina eventually visited Nicolette at her home, and she and Gernick came to an agreement. He'd babysit Theo and Jonathan, giving her and Nicky a free weekend once a month. Nicky could visit the compound whenever she wanted. As well as keeping his promise to never separate them again, he had to love her sister selflessly and completely. Then she'd work on forgiving him a little bit at a time.

The Alpha pair did expand their family adding a set of triplets. Javon was so excited. His wife was giving him two sons and a new daughter. Their two older children were excited as well. It seemed that everything was finally coming together.

Blaine and Celia weren't expecting a new pup and they were fine with that. The fates had given them two perfect children, Benny and Nickie. Benny was very protective of his little sister and all of his cousins. As the oldest son, it was his job to keep everyone safe. However, he now had backup. His cousin Marisol was a year younger than him, and together the two pups were a formidable team. They made sure all of their family members were safe.

Kyra was still at school. She and Malcolm still studied together and worked hard. A lot had happened to them in a year. But everything was better now. Kyra was in Malcolm's dorm room, lying beside him on his bed. He held her so close. Kyra pressed her nose into him and inhaled his scent. Her body warmed and she felt a strange sensation between her thighs. She was aroused and she knew it. She was often aroused around him, but she tried to keep it hidden. Malcolm took a deep breath and his nostrils flared. He looked her with a hunger, so strong and so piercing that she could no longer resist him. He scented her arousal and he knew she wanted him. "Kyra, if you want to keep waiting then we need to leave," Malcolm whispered.

Kyra looked in his eyes and she saw a longing so deep that she forgot to breathe. "Malcolm," she whispered and he kissed her. Pulling her body on top of his, Malcolm molded her form into his. Instinctively, Kyra straddled him and felt his cock straining against the slacks he wore. She'd never been with anyone, so she wasn't sure what to do.

"Malcolm" she whispered, and he kissed her once more. "Baby, let's go out. You are too tempting and I don't have much control left. But Kyra, you are mine and we will be together, I promise, but right now we aren't really ready yet." He stood and she joined him as they left his room and went in search of an activity to distract them.

Gustavo and his team often watched the pack, joining in the laughter at their antics. They'd even met the Alpha pair. These wolves were good people. What started out as a job for them had now become a personal mission. It started with watching them as a favor to a young woman and now, it was looking out for family. Many vampires detested wolves, but Gustavo and his two men, no longer felt that sentiment. Wolves were creatures that were strong and resilient. They faced challenges and overcame many things. They were strongest when they were united. Gustavo called in a daily report and smiled. No outside threats, everyone was content. No one would dare harm this pack! NO ONE!

The End

Hello. This is the end of this part of the story. But don't despair, the story will continue. Gernick has to deal with the unruly council. I certainly hope you enjoyed my offerings and I want you to know it was a blast to write. I look forward to hearing from you. Tell me what you think.

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servant111servant11122 days ago

Simply outstanding series...look forward to gorging on the rest of the followups..

5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ohh, Godd......I never give comments, but with this story I couldn't help myself... So here's my first comment on this site...😀

loved this story, it is exactly 12am midnight right now and I had started reading this story in the morning, I forgot that I have upcoming exams to study for..

This is a great story author, the characters were awesome and the transformation of Gernick was amazing and beautiful to be wasn't like those werewolf stories where the female just forgives her mate quickly and they are back together...

It was a hell of a ride, even if it was a one day short ride, like an emotional rollercoaster, I'm so glad I found you author, now I am going to read your other stories...

See ya....🖐🏻

skippersdadskippersdadover 3 years ago

Great ending but yes would have been nice to hear about the pack expansion ,I loved it , on to the next one looking forward to it.

McjcmMcjcmalmost 4 years ago
What a great read!

I was sad it ended. You have a great talent. Please keep writing!

ashman48ashman48about 4 years ago
great read

Just finished cht. 10 on She Wolf and moving to Time for Truth . I like your writing style , a nice flow with the characters . There is a lot more to read but Please keep on keeping on. We can never get to much of a good thing .

Thank You George

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