Sheltered From the Storm


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His limbs numbed, his muscles slackened, everything but his mind went limp in her bear hug.

Now paralysed and unable to resist the creature seemed to double it's already extreme efforts to indulge in his taste.

He was practically sinking into her body with how close she held him, choking him as her tongue stretched deeper into his mouth, snaking in on itself until it had started to fill up the contents.

He became dimly aware that they were moving but couldn't focus on anything but the addictive taste of the saliva her tongue was rubbing all over his gums and the spongy coffin his body had been ensnared in.

He eventually felt her grip lax and the pressure of the chamber's stone wall on his back, lukewarm with the thin covering of slime.

His body came free from hers - feet and all - and was pinned to the wall in a crucified pose while the monster examined her catch with adoring curiosity.

With a smile, she pressed her breasts against his body rubbing herself up and down his chest while the soft pressure massaged his frozen muscles.

He saw her body produce more slime, secreting like sweat from every part of her body and gathering in an impossibly rapid pace to resemble a milky white foam.

It gathered around her chest and was rubbed onto Quint's body through her massage, congealing into a viscous mass that hid his body in a blob of white.

From her chest to her hands she rubbed the sludge all over his defenceless self until only his head was left uncovered. As she slipped back however, she reached a hand towards his groin passing through the slime like it were bath foam and freed his dick from her glutinous cocoon.

She seemingly admired her handiwork - one finger to her smirking lips and her other hand holding her narrow waist - giggling sultrily to herself while her captive tried in vain to suppress his boner.

He hung there suspended by her slime, his arms outstretched on either side and his legs together. His whole body was hung up on the wall of the chamber like some ornamental decoration.

He was still suffering the paralytic effects of ingesting her sweet saliva but Quint suspected that even without it he wouldn't be able to move.

A trace amount of the slime went beyond what any natural adhesive could accomplish and now he was completely mired in it. It was obvious he had no chance to escape.

His snug cocoon was warm however, and incredibly comforting like a heated - albeit slimy - bed in a cold night. By extension, his dick was free of the comforts his body knew, maintaining it's erection in spite of the cold through the miracle of the slug woman's secretions.

After a moment longer the monster approached yet again until she was practically pressing up against her ensnared prey.

From where he hung, Quint came level to her chest and had a hefty eyeful of her hefty jugs, glossy with her oily slime.

Her felt her heated palm grasp his shaft eliciting an involuntary gasp from him that swiftly evolved into a moan of pleasure as she moved her hand.

Her stroking was slow and deliberate, almost calculating and displayed a terrifying level of genius to the motion. Her fingers weaved in a way that the motion caused the palm to ripple and undulate in a way to seemingly urged the captive's spunk to rush through the shaft.

When the hand reached the base, the fingers splayed out and cupped his balls, briefly tickling and groping them before retreating along the length of his shaft again.

At the head, the palm pressed itself against the tip, rubbing against the sensitive end while the fingers looped around the underside of the glans.

She continued her movements while pressing up against her captive as he squirmed uncomfortably in her play.

Her left breast pressed against his cheek and was slowly filling up the left side of his vision while her clammy breath poured out onto him and flushed his skin more and more.

She moved too slowly for him to adequately get off to her torture but her technique somehow managed to keep him on edge in spite of that.

It was agony, and all he wanted was for the creature to just let him climax


His tongue felt like lead and all he could manage was to slur his plea to the unknown life form.

Whether she heard him or even understood him or not, she gave no indication and continued her erotic erosion of his will for a while longer.

When she at last broke away, Quint couldn't help but whine in displeasure almost like a child...or a pet.

Just then, her slug-like lower body seemed to shrink, deflating itself like a balloon until the woman atop sank lower and lower, stopping just level with Quint's crotch.

She studied the erect member without trying to hide her heavy breathing, besieging the already sensitive tower of lust with blast after blast of hot air to the displeasure of her aroused toy.

And then, placing a hand on either breast, she pried them apart and positioned the cock inbetween them.

Quint could only watch in fear and anticipation as the sultry siren looked up at him, smiled sadistically and let go, allowing her weighty jugs to swing into each other and clap around the now entrapped cock with a meaty slap that reverberated in the silent cavern.

Quint wanted to scream but his body refused to work as commanded and it was all he could do to endure the cocktail of pleasure and pain he was experiencing.

But it didn't end.

Noting his reaction the creature pried her breasts again and repeated the action, every time more and more strands of sticky "sweat" bridged the battered penis and her tits.

A normal woman would have felt pain but such an extreme action didn't seem to phase the slug woman in the slightest.

Quint however wasn't quite sure whether he was in agony over pain or pleasure, whatever the case his erection never dulled for a second.

After perhaps the 8th or 9th slap, the slug placed her hands on either side of her bust and pressed hard.

The sheer volume of her boobs was enough to make it a snug fit on it's own, now though, Quint's cock felt like it was being constricted by a rather impish snake, crushed on all sides by a prison of pillowy pleasure his screams could only come out as strangled moans.

While exerting the same level of pressure, the creature bobbed her chest up and down, providing the world's tightest tit-fuck in history.

Her boobs were so enormous that no matter how much she moved, Quint's penis didn't peep out of her cleavage but Quint could feel the blissful hell it was trapped in, one that set alight every synapse in his lower body.

She moved slowly but with a desperate intensity that choked his cock, increasing the already intense pressure when she noticed the lewd, awkward moans she was drawing out of her captive.

Quint began unconsciously thrusting into her cleavage, though his slimy bondage hampered his movements drastically.

At most he could manage a silly wobble but in the end, his host did all the moving; building his orgasm up and up until it was impossible to hold back.

And then the release.

Snared within her tits, Quint couldn't see any sign of his orgasm but he could feel the rush of release as it pulsed through his body - curling his toes, clenching his ass and screwing his eyes and fists shut tight.

He struggled to remember a time he came half as hard before.

The Slug creature, for it's part, seemed to not notice at first and kept carelessly bouncing up and down, drawing out his orgasm as if she was pulling it out herself.

When the wave of pleasure finally passed, Quint felt his body go more limp than usual.

His hips twitched as if wanting to thrust deeper into the valley before it but lacking the strength - never mind the freedom - to do so.

His semen mixed with the creature's slime in a foamy concoction that seemed to plaster his still-erect rod between her tits, the feeling was simultaneously disgusting and arousing.

He had thought - hoped - that it might be satisfied with that and that he be given a chance to collect his thoughts once again but unfortunately the slug girl seemed more than content to leaving him wanting for a reprisal.

With barely so much of a break and still feeling the aftershocks of his earlier orgasm, the creature pressed her breasts together and continued to pump Quinton's restless shaft like a semen pump.

He came again and again with no sign of stopping any time soon.

The girl would alternate her tits motions, knead them in circular rotations, squeeze tighter only to relax when it became unbearable and once or twice relaxed her grip to swallow his shaft into her mouth while he unloaded deep into her throat.

She moved with the skill and dexterity you would expect of a pornstar, leading Quinton to ponder if her technique had been developed on others or if this was purely instinctual.

He wasn't quite sure which idea terrified him more.

And soon, whatever paralysing property her spit held was beginning to fade. He could feel his muscles again, tired and sore from intellectually tensing up under consecutive orgasms. His head, too, felt clearer and he was shaking off the last remnants of his daze.

His first order of business was to exercise his mouth by begging and pleading with his captor to cease her assault, his words slurring slightly as his tongue roused itself from it's break.

Not that it mattered, the slug girl seemed happy to just ignore him and keep on draining him.

His Dick went for 9 shots total before the effect of her slime faded and it finally went limp. It was after another 3 dry orgasms however that the creature seemed to finally get the message.


Holding his shrunken member in one hand, the girl looked up with an expression that could have been concern or confusion.

Panting with exertion, aching all over and sweating from every pore of his body, Quinton prayed to whatever deity overlooked this hell that it was concern.

She rose up to her full height, still mindlessly stroking Quint's sensitive cock with mindless abandon. He wasn't sure whether she was purposely sadistic or just ditzy.

Maybe both.

She looked down on his pained expression then chuckled.

Her free hand drifted over to her breast where it began to massage the gelatinous mass, digging into the rippling flesh as lewd crackle of her mucus filled the cavern.

She pinched the nipple, a large nub of a rosier shade of pink he was surprised he didn't notice before, and held it directly in front of him, despite being covered in her fluids a more obvious white substance seemed to leak from the gland.

Quinton stubbornly turned away from the glorified milk dispenser, closing his eyes to the slovenly sight, but his ears remained open to her obstinate moaning and while his penis was already spent, her constant massages in his nether region made him squirm.

When he felt the heat in front of his face change becoming more prominent, he opened an eye just in time to see - and feel - the slimy mass press up against his face.

His first instinct was to bring his hands up to protect his face and push off his assailant but his hands were - quite literally - tied and he could do little to resist the mass that was smothering his entire face.

He twisted and turned as best as he could but the creature was infuriatingly adept at predicting his movements and keeping the wet nub of his nipple poised against his lips, leaking steadily and patient.

He heard her giggle and laugh as if this was nothing more than another game to her and felt her body sidle closer to him until there was no space between them, her curvy, bubbly belly pinned his cock against it's muscleless mass.

Her breasts fully encompassed her captive's head and her free hand, having been spared it's duty of bullying Quint's exhausted dick, snaked up to the back of his head and held him firmly against the oppressive mass, keeping him from escaping his fate.

After holding his breath a minute longer than his panicking brain wanted him to, he finally sucked in a deep gasp of air and with it, the nipple.

With a large foreign object unceremoniously forced into his mouth, Quinton's body understandably panicked and went through all sorts of instinctive defences.

His first instinct was to to push back with his tongue, only for it to be steamrolled by a much larger, stickier force.

The moment it came into contact too, the taste of the mucus made his mind blank once again and he, unrestrained, bit down on the creature's tit.

It didn't so much as bruise the supernatural texture this creature was made from, all it did was squeeze hard enough that a stream of milk of incredibly potency and quantity burst out from her breast with a satisfied sigh and into Quint's gullet.

The milk was stronger than her spit by miles and immediately, Quinton's mind began doing loopdeloops and drunken jigs in a merry-go-round.

Everything; the wall, the slime, the cave, his own thoughts and protestations ceased to exist.

All that was there now was himself, the beautiful goddess before him and the feeling of pleasure blossoming in his groin and the ambrosial taste in his mouth.

His balls swelled with sperm and his cock hardened more than it had ever before, poking into the soft but resilient stomach of his lover.

She stayed plastered against his body for a blissful bit, enjoying the twitching rod against her flesh, the hungry nibbles at her breast and the warmth of a companion set against her.

The creature then shifted back, carefully keeping her breast inside her lover's mouth while she rubbed the space between her feminine groin and slug body.

Though there was no slit where a vagina should have been, just below it, a small seam began to form in the slug's mass, opening up to reveal a narrow hole, the inside of which was a violet hue of ribbed flesh secreting stores of pussy juice in it's impatient hunger for cock.

Quinton felt her hand at his shaft, stroking it softly, not as vigorously as her previous hand job, before positioning the tip against a warm, wet opening.

Even in his dream-like state he couldn't help but let out a low moan at the feeling of his dick piercing the tight flesh and how it conformed snugly around the intruding shaft like a perfectly fitting jigsaw piece slotting into the place it belonged.

Her inhuman pussy literally began to mould itself to match his shape, the walls shifted in an unnaturally undulating manner as if to imprint the young man's energetic cock into the flesh itself.

Her sticky slime poured forth from all around the narrow canal and coated his length in muculent juices that, combined with the sheer tightness of her pussy, made it impossible to move at will inside.

As the lower mouth chewed on his member, Quint moaned softly into the breast in his mouth, sucking out more milk as he did.

When the monster's cunt had finished morphing it's shape at last, it pushed against his hips, firmly pinning him to the wall, and the clammy, fleshy walls of her pussy began to undulate around Quinton's cock in wave-like motions - pumping his shaft for all the lust built up inside it.

Though her body herself remained still, the motions in her pussy worked up a storm, pulsing at an intense speed unbecoming to the lazy crawl her body mass normally moved at.

Though Quinton's cries of pleasure were muffled by the drugged solution in his system and the leaking breast smothering his mouth, the Slug girl had no such filter and was seemingly enjoying the feeling more than he was.

Hugging his head tightly, she threw back her head and let out thunderous moan after thunderous moan.

He had only heard her giggle before but now her screams made him realize just how human-like she sounded, it was honestly terrifying.

Her sultry wails filled the vast cavern, reverberating in the empty space and drilling itself into Quint's bones.

He hung there, spasming into the bosum of this creature as he was used as a sex toy. Her womanhood continued to warp and pulse - tightening at the glans first before rippling down to the root then back up to the head in a fleshy embrace.

He swallowed mouthful after mouthful of warm milk gratefully and with each mouthful he felt a renewed sense of youthful vigour burst through him as well as another gentle urge of drowsiness.

His paradoxical situation: a constant state of arousal with energy rushing though an otherwise weak and lazy body, kept him from resisting and kept him hard for his inhuman mistress.

Her breathing grew heavier, her screams louder and the pauses between became shorter. Her hungry snatch increased the rhythm of it's undulations and her womanly hip started to grind uselessly against her captive's groin.

Even the slug mass her pussy was part of began to slam back and forth against Quint's hips, applying a pressure through movement it clearly didn't need.

Was it another means of drawing out semen or an unconscious reaction to pleasure?

Either way it worked and Quint ended coming closer to releasing his load once again.

He endured her wanton thrusting as his slick cock speared her narrow depths, lubed up by the viscous membrane it drowned in, her folds kneading the defenceless rod until it was ready to explode.

And explode it did.

With a satisfied grunt, Quint's body tensed up and let loose streams of his seed into the creature's eager hole, convulsing despite his relaxed state in the arms of his cephalopod lover.

Conversely she too, came but with more violent eroticism.

Her entire entrance contracted and choked the invading organ and when she came, her squirting wasn't limited to her vagina. Her whole body seemed to secrete the aphrodisiac mucus - making him realize that every bodily liquid in her seemed to just be sexual secretions.

Her body sweated out a thick layer of milky ooze that swamped Quinton as she pressed up against him roughly, it flooded his dick's fleshy sheath until it overflowed onto his balls, dripped from her open, gasping, screaming maw, tongue lolling as she reached the apex of her climax.

And more prevalently it gushed in a torrent from her breast down Quint's throat.

He tried to suckle it down as best he could but it became too much for him and he was forced to pry himself away from her breasts, coughing and spluttering as her milk continued to spray all over his face.

When the climax died down and her pussy unclenched resumed it's movements, pumping the raging cock as violently as before.

The creature's tongue lapped up at her lover's face, tasting the milk she had mired him in before twisting his unresisting mouth to face her and invading him once again with her serpentine organ.

Again and again she forced him to cum inside her, each orgasm more powerful than the last, all the while feeding him a stream of her viscous fluids from either her breasts or her mouth.

He lost count of how many times she had drained him by the dozen or so climax and though her mucus kept his body glowing with energy to be siphoned off into her salacious snatch, his mind wasn't as resilient.

Worn down by constant consumption of the erotic drug, Quinton finally blacked out, his last view was off the pale beauty's face twisted in a rapturous expression of lust.


When Quinton woke up again, he was alone in the cavern, still suspended by the adhesive goo.

The slug woman - that alien, terrifying and horny creature - was nowhere to be seen but who knew when she's be back and how long this brief opportunity presented itself.

Quint glanced down at his penis, still erect despite all it had endured and swamped in a cocoon of the slug's milky juices having been orgasmed on countless times.

It looked fine though, unmarked and unbruised despite suffering more use than naturally intended. In fact his cock felt healthier than ever before. Bigger too.