She's Shy but Helps Son-in-Law

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It began with her sitting on his lap.
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Emily was last into the crowded sitting room. Her two daughters and their husbands, an aunt and uncle and of course Emily's husband were all there. The sports game was on the TV, the volume loud, and all her family were squeezed onto the large sofa except Steve who occupied the one armchair. Steve was married to one of Emily's daughters, Lauren. Emily put the large plate of cakes and cookies on the low table before glancing around for a place to sit.

"Come here," called Steve, his voice just heard above the din from the others as they cheered on the team. "There's room for two." He made a gesture to make some space for her and lined up a cushion for her to sit on.

"It's unfair on you, Steve. I'll be too heavy on you." Emily was always the quiet one of their family, a person who made sure everyone was fed and watered while staying in the background when everyone was talking. It was assumed that she was shy but in fact, it was her heritage, her father having originated from India to marry her English mother.

"No you're not too heavy," said Steve. "The cushion can rest on my leg. Come on." He eased her down to sit and in seconds Emily was absorbed in the game.

She let herself relax in the knowledge that she was only 8 stone and slim and wasn't taking up too much space. She turned her head to Steve. "Want a cookie?" She got up to grab two and returned to her seat to find Steve had moved the cushion to cover his lap. "You sure you'll be okay for me to sit there?" asked Emily.

Steve pulled her down. He spoke softly. "I'll be fine, Emily. There's no other person I'd prefer to sit on me!"

"You're a charmer, Steve." She leaned back into his chest to get comfortable.

"I mean it. You're a lovely mother-in-law ... good looking too."

She dug into his ribs with her elbow. "Rubbish."

"Men look at you and I know what they're thinking," whispered Steve who had positioned himself to look around the side of Emily's shoulders at the TV.

"Thinking what?"

"You're hot. You got those dark eyes which seem to say 'I understand you,' and you've got a figure to die for, beautiful skin colour ... and legs that look as though you were a dancer."

She whispered back at him. "You're just saying that." She glanced at the family on the sofa who were all glued to the team game. She pretended to take an interest in the sport. Her position on his lap with the cushion under her bum seemed innocent enough but Emily was reminded of his package, the bulge in his groin which she sometimes noticed but never looked twice. There was a manly appeal to Steve which attracted her daughter enough to marry him, And Emily had also come to appreciate this - his confident eyes, his strong jaw, dark straight hair which was too long for a doctor, his deep voice to hold people's attention. He was the opposite character to Emily, she being quiet, didn't want to learn to drive a car and lacked the confidence to express her opinion, her husband had said recently.

Without thinking, she'd leaned forward towards the TV but, in so doing, she'd placed both her hands on Steve's knees to get a better balance. She hardly noticed the soft cushion had been removed and she now sat directly on his lap. Steve cheered with the others as their team scored while at the same time he slowly pulled up her skirt without Emily really noticing. Her skirt was a floral design, tight around her hips and flared out to hang loose. Although the folds of her skirt covered Steve's thighs, underneath Steve had placed her on his groin and only her knickers protected her.

The movements of Steve's hands, however, caused her heart to miss a beat. She forced herself to breathe. A hand either side of her thighs, under her skirt, hidden from the other people in the room, were carefully caressing her. She felt she had to move, to get up, to make some excuse to leave the room. Instead, she leaned forward with her hands more heavily on Steve's knees and stared at the TV screen. Everyone shouted and clapped for joy at the same time at another score in the game and Emily clapped as well. And Steve.

Emily sank back into his lap, her knickers twisted into the crease between her legs. Small movements from Steve caused Emily to move as well. At one point, Emily leaned sideways towards the sofa to say something meaningless to the nearest person sitting there. By so doing, Emily had widened her legs. She could hardly breathe as she lightly sat back to give Steve a chance to go further. The thoughts swirling through her mind shocked her. Had he moved his fingers nearer her core?

Steve murmured, "Your panties are wet. So beautiful. So erotic." He paused. "Lift again."

The command in his voice caused her to obey by leaning forward again This time, Steve touched under her knickers, a finger stroked one side of her pussy. A quick glance at the family confirmed nobody was aware of what was happening. After a few minutes, the sports game ended and while people got up, Emily stood and cleverly smoothed out her skirt without attracting attention.

That evening, after the others had gone, she was alone in her bathroom. She stuffed her soiled panties into the laundry bin, put on fresh ones and an oversized T-shirt, and strolled into the bedroom. Her husband, John, was in bed, waiting.

"I saw you with Steve," he said, without any anger in his voice. "Want to tell me about it?"

Emily was mortified at being caught. "It was nothing. He needed to get comfortable." She got into bed and hoped he wouldn't ask any further questions.

John leaned over and kissed her. In no time they were making love, slow luxurious love and more passionately than for a long time. She was surprised at how aroused they both were. While kissing he said, "Let's imagine Steve is waiting to come into our bed. Would you like that, Emily?"

In the past, John sometimes fantasised out loud about being watched but a real person was never named and certainly not a son-in-law. Emily pulled John's head away from her nipple. "Are you serious, John? This is a new fantasy?"

He smiled and stroked her nipple. "I saw my wife moving her hips across Steve's lap. Did you enjoy that?"

Butterflies entered her stomach. "We may have wriggled a bit ... it was the only place to sit."

"Your skirt was tucked up at the back which covered his hips. I'm not angry, Emily. I just want us to be honest, like always. I think Steve had pulled up your skirt and left your panties touching his trousers."

John's caress of her nipples weakened any resolve to lie. "Yes, you're right. An accident I think." A normally shy Emily should not be talking about this - it alarmed her that she might be enjoying it.

"Did Steve arouse you?"

"Yes. Do you mind, John? It was a one-off. I won't go near him again."

John shrugged. "As long as you tell me ... I can cope with this." He paused. "Were your panties damp?"

She leaned back against her pillow and spoke to the ceiling. "Yes. I was very wet."

"Did Steve penetrate you ... with his fingers?"

"No." He hadn't actually pushed his finger into her pussy but he had stroked her outer lips. "No, he didn't penetrate." The tweaking of her nipples by John and the little bites on her neck heightened her arousal.

"Would you like Steve to be here?" He cupped her jaw and kissed her longingly before he released her to wait for her reply.

"Would you be concerned if I said 'yes' ... bearing in mind this is a fantasy?" Emily could feel her heart thumping.

"I don't have concerns about us. Did Steve have an erection when you sat on him?"

She hesitated. "Yes."

"If Steve were here, you could see it, see him, see how big he is." John trailed a finger down her tummy. "Would you like that?"

Emily closed her eyes and whispered, "Yes, I'd like that." Her husband parted her legs and she said, "Steve could watch us."

"My wife is normally timid - it's nice to really know what you're thinking." He kissed her. "Steve would want to caress you like I'm doing."

"Yes," said Emily. "He could caress me down there."

"And he could kiss you. Like this." John kissed Emily. "Would you like that?"

She was beginning to come as John frigged her clit. She moaned, "Yes, his kiss would be nice."

"He could fuck you. Make you come. I could watch. Would you like that?"

Her hips started to buck. "Yes, please. Steve could have me, with your permission, and he'd make me come. Oh fuck, yes." Emily yelled as the orgasm hit her. "I can see him doing it now, fucking me, deep ... inside me." She screamed again as her orgasm continued.

From that day on, Emily and John found their love-making had reached a new level, more intense, more often and more satisfying. She sometimes reminded John that this was a fantasy, especially when their talk concerning Steve got more detailed. She often reminded herself that Steve was much younger than her AND he was her son-in-law.

Three weeks after the first encounter with Steve, he phoned Emily's mobile and said, "I've been in a mess and I need to explain a few things." She could hear his nervousness. "Can we please meet?"

To Emily, he sounded concerned, anxious and vulnerable. She said, "What happened between us, Steve, hasn't affected me or my relationship with you. It happened. One of those things best forgotten."

"But it has affected me," he said. "It could have an impact on my marriage and I need to talk, to sort things out in my head ... please."

Two days later, Steve arrived in the evening with an overnight bag with the excuse that he had a medical seminar to attend tomorrow morning in the area. She and Steve sat in the kitchen while John watched TV next door. She told Steve that John knew of what happened. "I had to tell him because he'd guessed what was going on."

"Now I'm embarrassed," said Steve. "Did you tell him everything? as in ... you know ... my finger touching your ..."

"Shush. No, I DIDN'T give that information." She wondered if she was blushing because her tummy churned at the memory of his hand pulling aside her knickers and stroking her pussy. "Look. Steve, it makes no difference and hasn't changed me. And John knows why you're really staying the night - to talk through your problems."

Steve rolled his eyes. He said, "After that day together, I haven't been able to get you out of my mind. I know it's crazy. But I wanted to go further with you ... and that's wrong ... and until I sort things out I can't move forward. It's like I have a block, a hang-up in my brain. Lauren thinks I'm stressed and says it's the reason I can't get aroused." He breathed out heavily. "I don't know what to do about it."

"Am I attractive, Steve?"

"You are a splitting image of Lauren whom I love but I have this ache. I can't help it."

"I hope you sort it out," said Emily. It was nice, she thought, to have compliments, especially from a younger handsome man like Steve. At that moment, John came in and the conversation changed.

Later, Steve had gone upstairs to bed and John followed a few minutes later as Emily checked the doors and windows downstairs. Upstairs, Emily stopped for a moment in the dark and glanced in at Steve's room. He was lying on his back with a single white sheet to cover him, his hands behind his head, eyes wide open looking at the ceiling. She could tell the shape of his limp cock by the way the sheet clung to him.

In her bedroom, Emily came to sit on the edge of the bed next to John. She wore a loose T-Shirt over thin panties - white lace with a see-through gusset. "I think Steve might need help. I'm going to talk to him." She held John's hand. "Do you mind?"

John scrunched his forehead. "Is it only talking?"

"I don't know. I feel he's lost and needs to express himself, to get it all out."

"He fancies you, Emily."

"I know."

"Will you touch him or allow him to touch you?"

The thought sent butterflies around her guts. "I'll let you know. Is that okay?" The sudden boldness in her attitude surprised her.

He nodded and Emily left their bedroom and closed the door behind her. Steve's room was in darkness as she came and sat next to him. The moon filtered through the curtains to give enough light. Steve had been playing with himself, given away by the quick removal of his hand under the sheet. "Sorry," he said.

"Did you arouse yourself, Steve?"

"I can't. I haven't done so since you sat on my lap." They looked at each other in the semi-darkness for a long 60 seconds. He whispered, "Kiss me."

Her heart rate suddenly increased. Had she heard him correctly? Would it do any harm? Without trying to think it through, Emily leaned down and kissed him gently on the lips. This was the first time she had touched his lips like that and she moved her head to feel more. Then his hand cupped her jaw and instinctively she opened her mouth.

Their tongues explored each other, fenced around each other, he sucked her lower lip, she pushed her fingers through his long straight hair while Steve pressed his thumb into her mouth and said, "Suck."

Ten minutes of sucking and kissing flew by before she felt his hands exploring her ribs and he grabbed the T-shirt and pulled it over her head. Emily sat up straight, breathless, panting with her breasts moving up and down with every breath. "Oh my God," she murmured. "I don't know why I kissed you. I'm meant to be talking."

"You're the only person, Emily, who can shake this out of me. Please ... please touch me."

His request hung in the air. She had to get up and leave, she told herself, but the bulge under the sheet had moved. She stared at it. "I mustn't do this," she said.

"Please. All you have to do is touch it. It'll help me."

She slid her hand under the sheet. "I suppose you've touched me, remember?"

"I remember how wet you were, Emily."

She let her hand wander over his thigh and slowly up to his groin. She smiled. "Your balls feel heavy." The sheet still covered him which somehow made Emily feel less guilty.

"Nothing has happened down there for weeks."

"Ah," she said. "Your cock feels as though it's growing." She was about to withdraw to preserve her innocence but Steve pleaded for her to leave her hand there. Now his cock began to enlarge and she ran her hand up the full length.

"Please, Emily. You're a life saver."

"I can do this if it's quick and I don't get to see it." She bit her lower lip.

After 20 minutes, she returned to her room, shut the door quietly and snuggled into the arms of John. She knew she looked guilty but waited for her husband to say something.

"Well?" he said as he smoothed back her hair. "I heard a few grunts."

"We talked and I think he's okay." How much detail to give John was a question rolling around her head.

"Did he touch you?"

"We kissed a little ... wasn't a big deal."

"Did you french kiss?"

"Yes." She raised her eyebrows to seek a reaction from John. None came. "I opened my mouth by mistake ... it was the way Steve kissed, his hand over my jaw. It just happened and before I knew it ..."

"Is he a good kisser?"

"Yes. Well ... I guess so."

John ran his fingers through her hair which was something Emily always liked being done to her. He asked, "Why is Steve a good kisser."

The image of what Steve did was planted in her mind and she felt it was useless to avoid it. "He put his thumb in my mouth and told me to suck it. So I sucked and we kissed at the same time."

"Did my son-in-law say anything while you sucked his thumb?"

"He said he wanted me to suck his cock sometime. I found that rather sexy. We went back to kissing, more passionately perhaps, although I shouldn't be telling you this ... sorry." Her heart rate had slowed while she wondered how John would react.

"We've agreed to have no secrets. What did Steve do then?"

"I didn't realise what he was doing. My breasts. He touched them. I lost the energy to pull away after kissing and he took my T-shirt off."

John considered Emily for a moment and said, "Take your top off now." She pulled it over her head and lay back down. Her breasts stood firm, her nipples a deep red and she knew John would spot the difference. He said, "I see Steve has squeezed your nipples." She nodded, a flush went up to her neck at the memory. "Did you want him, Emily, to do that?"

"Yes," she croaked. The feeling of arousal was increasing through her body. "I wanted to talk but we also kissed some more. I tried to pull back, to make sense of it all. His bulge under the sheet ... I shouldn't have looked at it, stared at it. But I did. You should have heard him, John, almost pleading for me to touch it."

"You wanted to please him, Emily, so you felt him?" He paused. "Tell me what you did."

"I refused to look at it. I masturbated him." There was silence. "Do you forgive me?"

"How did you do that ... and not look at his cock?"

"I looked at his face. I kept my hand under the sheet."

John's voice was low. "Did Steve touch you?"

Emily nodded. "I sat on the edge of the bed and Steve put his hand under my lace while I jerked him."

"Show me your lace," said John.

She knelt on the bed alongside John and spread her knees apart. John moved his hand over her white lace panties. He whispered, "The gusset doesn't hide much. I can see your pubic hair and the thin material sticks to your pussy which means you're damp." She lay down in the crook of John's arm and pushed her hand down his abs to his semi-hard cock. He spoke softly, "Did you take Steve all the way, did you make him come in your hand?"

"I refused to look. I kept the sheet in place. It didn't take long. I don't think he's been able to have sex for ages so he came quickly. Then I left. I felt guilty."

John kissed her ear. "Tell me how you really feel, Emily darling. Do you want to fuck him." John kissed her cheek but she couldn't think what to say. "No reply, Emily, sends its own message. Would you like Steve to fuck YOU, to take control over you, to make the decisions for you, so you don't have to take responsibility for what happens?"

Her body gave a tremor. "I know it's wrong, to want to help him emotionally and physically. My stomach hurts, twisting as I think about it. It's so wrong but I still crave it. How can I think this of our own son-in-law?" Emily felt her husband's cock grow, a swelling. "You're getting very hard, John. I know Steve wants me but I can't let him do this, even though I crave it, even though I lust for it. You're the one I love, John." She turned her face to him and they kissed. "Why is my husband so aroused?"

He spoke as they let their lips stroke each other, "A craving is okay, Emily, so long as it satisfies a short term need. But it mustn't become a drug, an addiction. You need, we need, to control it, to take it ... so that the craving goes away."

Emily needed to explain. "It's more than a craving. It's a sort of twisted kind of love, a love to help his marriage stay on track, a love for Lauren to make it easier for her marriage. Otherwise, Steve's thoughts about me aren't going to go away. They'll fester and weaken his relationship with Lauren. I know it's weird but I want Steve to take me and get it out of his system. Does that make sense? because I can feel your cock is harder than ever before."

"I need to be part of this, Emily. Rather than you go back to Steve's room and make love to him I want to be part of that. My cock agrees with me."

"I'm going to feel too embarrassed to have sex while you watch." She wondered if she could do the things which she yearned for while John looked on.

He said, "Include me. We can satisfy all three of us."

Her breathing had become laboured. "I want Steve to call the shots, to be dominant over me. And I don't know how I can satisfy you as well."

"We'll see. Go and get him, Emily."

Two minutes later, she returned with Steve. They held hands as Emily brought Steve to the side of her bed. She climbed in first to position herself in the middle with John on one side and indicated to Steve to join her. While he stood there, she examined his loose cock. Guilt ran through her as she thought about the words she'd used a minute ago. Words that were said to Steve when she went to collect him, words meant for him only, out of earshot of Emily's husband. "I've come to invite you to our bed," she'd said while standing, her feet apart, hands on hips. "I have a secret desire ... to be forced to suck you ... to be made to swallow," she'd revealed as Steve had looked up at her naked breasts. "And, after you've rested, I want you to fuck me bare, without a condom so I can feel your skin, feel every part of your cock inside me. Can you do that?" she had asked. Her bold demands had been so out of character for a quiet person like Emily - she knew that but for the first time, she wanted to get something for her pleasure alone. She would try and satisfy John also, although exactly how she'd do this wasn't clear yet.