Shifting Gears Ch. 18-19


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Jake explained about the Mile-High Club, and stated that by the end of the flight we'd all be members. I liked the way this man thought. Maryann stood up and did a slow and seductive striptease. That got the ball rolling. She had a body that appealed to everyone.

Soon, there were sixteen naked people hugging and making out with one of the others in the passenger compartment. I collared a guy close to my age named Cord. He and I had hooked-up at some of Jake's parties but I didn't know him very well.

We took one of the plush seats in the middle of the plane, and I started to see how carefully Jake had planned the interior of this plane. The seats reclined electrically, and created a near perfect platform for fucking in most positions. Cord and I used all of the positions just for fun.

I knelt on the jet's thick carpeting and blew Cord for a bit, and then we changed places and he ate my pussy until I shivered all over in a delightful orgasm at 41,000 feet above the earth. I welcomed his body over mine in a classic missionary position, and we went to town. Kevin and Allie were fucking next to us, and across the narrow aisle on a love seat -- in a plane! -- Luke and Susan were coupled. I loved this Mile-High Club idea and hoped to attend many meetings.

We only did one round of sex, and I have to say that doing it in an airplane was thrilling, even though it was almost like being in someone's living room. We could look out the window and see the lights of Indianapolis or St. Louis, and THAT was different, especially viewed from an orgy at 41,000 feet above sea level.

There was an informal line, mostly of women, to use the lavatory at the rear of the jet, but everyone got their turn and then redressed. We all looked pretty civilized by the time the plane landed back in Sarasota and taxied to the large hangar that would house the plane. We were all just a set of jet-setters returning from a unique dinner.

* * * * *

Jake's monthly swinger party was a week later. Things went like clockwork. I brought stuffed mushrooms to the party and they were gone in minutes. I made a note to do something like that again to help Jake put on a great party.

Maryann was wearing a very racy blouse and no bra to greet people at the door. Coupled with her CFM shoes, an extremely short skirt, and her commando style, she had that trollop look down pat. More than one of the guests fingered her as they shared a passionate welcome kiss with her at the door.

I was pleased to see the Denver contingent arrive again: Mike, Grace, Chad, Candy, and, to my surprise, Connie. The latter gave me a sheepish grin and explained, "After hearing about all the sex and the nice people, I just had to crash this party. I hope my being here is all right?"

I kissed Connie. In seconds, Kevin stood by my side wanted to get an introduction to the 'highly attractive' new woman. I did the intro and off they went. Later, I saw them fucking in the first round and kissing up a storm.

I asked Candy how she could get away from her work, and she told me that she'd hired a store manager to do the day-to-day stuff while she worked on deals and expansion. She said she was in the process of opening another store in another part of the city because business was so strong. She had gone to seven days a week, too.

When the sexual part of the evening started, I captured Mike. I wanted him to know that I still loved him even though he was no longer a client. My work for him had finished up, but I was always available for questions if he needed me. I'd done a good handoff to someone on his staff. I think he got the message that I still cared about him after I about devoured his cock in one of my better blowjobs.

In our afterglow, Mike said, "I want to thank you and I guess Candy for introducing Connie to us. Our relationship with her is going far beyond what we thought it would be. She's spending more and more time with us, and Grace and I are thinking of asking her to move in with us."

"Wow, that's a big move. Are you sure?"

"We love her. She is even more lusty than either of us, and that reminds us every day to be physical not only with her, but also with each other. We are constantly fucking and love it. Chad and Candy are involved, too; and we've been talking about adding another couple and possibly a single man to balance things out. We're all thinking of nominations now, without tipping our hand to anybody."

"I'd help if I were closer. I'm sure you'll find great candidates. The five of you are all hot as hell, and are a great attraction to either sex."

Mike finished up by eating my pussy again, after we'd both orgasmed. When he was through, we went out the bar for drinks. I had a water, and Mike something stronger.

"You free," a strong masculine voice asked me.

I turned into the deep blue eyes of a blonde wonder: six feet of handsome that appeared to be fairly well hung. We were both nude, of course; it was that kind of party. He looked familiar.

I didn't answer right away, but I furrowed my brow and studied him, trying to place where I'd seen his smiling face and hunky body before in my life.

The man held out his hand, "I'm Deke -- the co-pilot for Jake's new jet."

"Oh, wow! Yes, now I remember. I only saw you for a few minutes on that flight and then you disappeared up front of the plane again. I'm surprised to see you here, and yes, I'm free for you." I loved being with new men that made it through Jake's gateway.

Deke admitted, "I've never been to a party like this before. Since Jake and Maryann invited me, I've had a hard-on just thinking about it. Now, I'm sure I'm having the best sex dream of my life. I expect to wake-up any second."

I leaned in and kissed him. "Don't wake-up until you've finished fucking me, please. You look like somebody that should be in my life a lot."

"I feel the same way, especially after watching you on the plane."

"Watching me? Did you come out and peek?"

Deke laughed, "No. The whole plane is loaded with about twenty cameras in the passenger compartment. Everything is recorded, too. You and a guy I was told was named Cord put on quite a show, alongside some little high school girl that was next to you. The pilot and flight attendant were watching it all, too."

"Oh, I didn't know we were on candid camera." I looked around, "Are the others on the crew here?"

"Yes. Skye is here someplace. I think she'll be popular given her looks and personality. Stan the captain for Jake is trying to convince his wife that parties like this would add a lot to their relationship. If he's successful you might see him in a month or two at the next party."

"I wondered what the crews for corporate jets did in their off hours. What's your story?"

"Real estate. I have an odd specialty, but it's becoming in increasing demand for some reason."


"Tiny houses."

"I've seen something about them on TV. I watch the DIY and HGTV a lot. Say more."

A true tiny home is defined as something with a square footage of less than four-hundred square feet, excluding lofts. Most of them are mobile, in that they've been constructed on a trailer frame. Really, I represent homes less than a thousand square feet. They're still small, and maybe mobile. They're more affordable, exceptionally well-equipped and full of gadgets and little secrets like beds that come down from the ceiling.

"It's a niche, and I'll never make what someone selling some mega-mansion like this one will make, but that market is like a shark tank for real estate agents. Everyone is out to make a killing, and the killings often involve them getting knocked way out of the game. I have almost no competition. I even get leads from other agents, and that's rare around here these days. I know my territory and market very well; so, I end up dealing with volume rather than large single deals. The margins are higher, too.

"Atop all of that, I love to fly. I get to fly that state-of-the-art airplane as second in command, and have a great schedule that will take me interesting places and put me in touch with interesting... and sexy people, like yourself, and I'm around home enough to have a second career. I also hire out as a flight instructor."

I told him, "Flattery will get you everywhere with me. I grew up without any, so I'm filling in a huge hole my parents left me with." I gave him another kiss. He was nice to kiss, and our kiss morphed into something more significant, and I felt his hand on my breasts. I held his hardening cock, and soon I led him to a chaise at the side of the pool and we lay down to make out.

Fucking Deke was very rewarding. He had staying power and wasn't a minute man. Well, he might have been the latter, but he knew how to manage the sensations he was experiencing so they didn't trip him over the edge. At the same time, he knew enough about the female body to trip me over the edge several times before he joined me in a great conclusion to nearly forty-five minutes of hot fucking.

I learned a few things about him while we were coupled up. He was single, thirty-eight, had a few serious relationships and was even engaged once, but nothing seemed to last, at least while he was in the Air Force. He was hopeful to find somebody 'special' in his life and start a family. Saying that, he admitted that he still wanted the kind of social life that Jake's party offered. He was torn about what to do, and also how to meet women that might turn him on.

I blunted asked him, "Do I turn you on?"

That question resulting in one very passionate kiss. "Fuck, yes. If only you knew how you stir up my insides, and it's more than the sex, baby."

Only a few men had ever called me 'baby' before, and I kind of liked it. My reply was noncommittal, "Nice to know. You stir me up, too."

Deke asked, "How long have you been coming to these parties?"

"About a year; maybe a little longer. I'm friends with Jake's fiancée, Maryann. Her BFF, Sheri, and her were my mentors for long time. You should find her. Sheri would love you and vice versa. Maryann would like you, too."

Deke grinned, "I've already been with Maryann. I didn't know it at the time, but I think she had to put her stamp of approval on me before Jake hired us as full-time crew for the Gulfstream. I'm sure I never hooked-up with someone's fiancée before that."

"It wouldn't bother Jake," I stated. "He's well beyond that. He loves Maryann, and wants her to do as she pleases with the men she meets." I added, "She was slut when he met her, and will be a slut after he marries her. That's good in this company and surrounds. I follow in her footsteps and hope I'm as successful."

Deke asked, "Successful as in finding somebody really rich to marry that'll let you play around?"

"Oh, no. That's not what I meant. I meant finding love and someone that doesn't want to own me, make me exclusive, or control me like a puppet. I have some other criteria for a long-term relationship, too."

"Keep talking."

"I want to be an equal with my partner. I don't want to be fighting someone's macho ego all the time. I want someone that doesn't have preconceived ideas about men's roles and women's roles in a relationship. I want an extrovert to pull me out of my shell. I don't want someone who's overly religious; spirituality is okay though. We should push each other to achieve our potential and our life goals, and we should thrive in a low-drama way with each other."

Deke asked, "How'd you think to put all that together in such a concise way?"

"Well, I read a lot, and that made me aware of some of those things and helped me frame them. Talking them over with Sheri and Maryann, as we do all the time, resulted in the shorthand you just got."

Deke had us change into the spoon position. I liked having his cock in me that way. We were also showing off for some of the others at the party. I whispered to him, "I'm also an exhibitionist."

Deke laughed, "I guess I am, too. I might be more of voyeur. I like to watch other people fucking. I find it very inspirational, like some porn."

"I've done some porn," I admitted. I explained some of Sheri's challenges and how I'd used her to come out of my shell late in the game. Deke appreciated my desire to reinvent myself once I realized I wasn't where I wanted to be in life.

After we had coasted through a second fuck and our afterglows, I was about to tease Deke into cleaning up my pussy, when Allie showed up. She went down on him for a minute to clean his flaccid shaft, and then really worked on me.

When she was through, she said, "I watched the two of you. You were both really sexy. You did about every position in Kama Sutra, too."

Deke teased, "You read that book?"

Allie nodded. "Yes, I actually did a critical analysis of the book for my senior AP English class. The teacher loved it, and the rest of the class was kind of scandalized, although I didn't address anything specifically sexual in my paper, I only alluded to what was written and how it was organized."

I explained to Deke, "Allie just finished high school. She's the youngest in our crowd."

Deke said, "You were on the plane, I remember. You're hot."

Allie grinned and shook her breasts in his direction. That was a sexy maneuver. I saw a little life return to his cock.

"Allie, Deke here needs another round of hot loving with one of us. I think you'd be a perfect candidate for him. Why don't you resurrect his wilted lily and then show him all you've learned since you started to hang out with us, and since you did your book report."

Allie grinned, and then leaned in and kissed Deke. He kissed back. I left the two of them and headed back to the bar. I looked back at them as they got comfortable on the chaise and started to make out. I really liked both of them. Deke obviously liked tits, and Allie had a lot to offer.

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Sparky134Sparky134almost 3 years ago

I like all of Steve Wallace's works. I have been a slow reader and find a topic I am interested in has helped.

I missed out on a lot of things (relationship wise) in my younger days until I was stationed in the South of France.

I do love all the details Steve puts into his work. So the chapters are long, no big deal.

Fiction or not they are interesting stories. My favorite at present is the Loosing Up series. I hope it continues.

Thanks for your efforts!

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110almost 3 years ago

Let me first temper my comments with this. I like most of SteveWallace's work. I particularly like "Doc and The Porn Star" and "Jim and Edie Again". His stories all seem to fit into a template where he continually beats the polyamory drum until the reader is deaf. Hey, he's the author and it is his work so he can do what he wants. I just tend to get bored and tune out before he completes the series. The series chapters are usually to long and there are too many chapters. He includes too much extraneous information and dialogue that does nothing to advance the story. So you say: "Why continue to read his work?" In short, I am intrigued by the lifestyle, however, I am not sure it would work for most of us. His characters are all high functioning well employed people and there is always one mega millionaire to finance the fun. Just my opinion. I will keep reading because the lifestyle is arousing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Love the story! Side note: General Chuck Yeager died at 97 with only 14000 flying hours...25000 in a younger man is literally impossible...

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