Shipwrecked and Stranded Ch. 01

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Haley finds Blue. A cruise goes awry.
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/02/2016
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NOTE: Here is my attempt at adventure. I placed the story in this category, but it could fit in multiple categories. Please sit back, relax, and enjoy. A special thanks to my friends who served as my sounding board as I write this tale. This story is self-edited. All I ask is that you don't copy this story without asking. Please do not post it on any other sites. All of the characters in this story were created in my imagination and were not written to resemble anyone in real life. All of the characters involved in anything sexual are over 18.

I took some time and revised Stranded. I hope you enjoy the new version of the tale.


Asi pronounced Ah- see

Ubdu pronounced Ub- dew

Utoman pronounced U-Toe-mon


Haley hated the rain. And here, it didn't just rain; at times it seemed as if water was poured from the heavens. She rushed home from the bus stop, covering her head with a plastic bag. She knew she should have bought a new umbrella, but decided to get one later. Well, the next time she was at Marty's, she'd remedy that situation. Haley was approaching her stoop when she heard a whimper. She didn't look up, but kept moving. The creature whined again, demanding her attention.

Finally looking over, she saw a small wet and cold dog following her. She could not tell if it was a girl or boy, but she could see that it was severely malnourished. "Come on, girl" she called, and the pooch followed her. As she reached her small home, she led the dog into her kitchen. As she removed her wet clothes and dried off, and quickly took care of her guest. After drying the dog off, she realized it was female, and really young. She was just a babe.

Haley bath the dog to find she has a beautiful chocolate coat. She could tell she was not a pure bred, but a mixture. She was definitely part Labrador. "Well, I can't call you Dog, so girl you need a name." Haley declared.

"Ok girl, tell me what to call you. Princess," The dog just looked at her.

"No, well Kandy," Haley stated next, the dog lifted her tale.

"Ok, Baby," the dog growled. "Well definitely not that." Haley laughed. "I got it, Blue," Haley declared. Blue wagged her tale and gave Haley a loud, slobbery doggie kisses.

Blue refused to let Haley leave her side. As long as Haley stayed in the room, she slept, but when Haley would leave, the poor pup cried uncontrollably. Haley could not rest. So she gave in and let Blue sleep in her room. Surprisingly, the dog was well behaved. Not being housebroken, she did have an accident, but Haley clean the mess and bleached. The next morning, she had to decide what to do about the dog. Her yard was large, but she didn't want to just leave her outside with no shelter. So Haley called her neighbor, Mrs. Gore, and asked if Blue could stay with her for the day. She explained that she was a stray, and not trained. Mrs. Gore loved dogs and agreed to watch the pup.

That morning, Haley walked Blue next door, but the dog didn't want her to leave. Eventually Mrs. Gore gave her treats and Haley was able to go. Haley was distracted at work. All she thought about was her new friend. She called and checked on her, and Mrs. Gore, who had three other dogs, said Blue and her babies were doing well.

Soon the day ended and Haley rushed home to her pup. On her way home she stopped by the pet store. She bought a heavy duty doghouse, dishes, and toys. She even purchased a lease to use when walking her dog. Earlier that day, she'd called the local vet to schedule her for shots. Blue would be examined this evening. As soon as she walked to her yard, she heard her pup barking. She rushed to the neighbors and Blue leaped on her, covering her with slobbery kisses.

"Hey, girl I missed you to." Haley crooned. Blue yelped. Mrs. Gore laughed. Haley thanked her, and she offered to keep Blue the rest of the week. Haley appreciated it. She didn't want to leave the dog home alone.

Haley was actually a loner. She had no real friends, and often she'd find herself keeping her elderly neighbor company most weekends. She was plain. Most people didn't notice her. A few men were interested, but most just wanted a quick lay with a girl that was desperate. Haley may be shy, but she valued herself. She spurned their lackluster advances, earning the nickname "Ice Queen". At first the nickname bothered her, but then she read a quote. It said, "If people's opinions matter then what they say will bother you. But if they are not that important to you, pay them no mind." That was her new philosophy.

Haley grew up in foster care. Her parents were killed when she was five by a gunman who opened fire at the lab they worked in. The company they worked for provided for the orphaned children and Haley was lucky to be taken in by a nice elderly couple. The couple passed shortly after she turned eighteen. The company gave her a final endowment of twenty-five thousand dollars and then she was on her own.

Haley was smart. She didn't waste money attending a university, but took her money and learned a trade. Two years of training, and Haley became a licensed computer repair technician. Through the school she got a job at a local company and was the computer technical person for the office. It was the perfect job for a young woman that preferred to work alone.

Blue was her only companion and she'd make sure she was well and had the best care. She had to take her to a vet, and that meant asking someone to drive them. Mrs. Gore would often call her son, Bart, to drive her around and take her dogs, so she called him for Haley. Bart liked Haley and saw her as a good kid. He had no problems taking her and Blue that evening. Haley waited for Bart to arrive and when he did, she put Blue's new leash on her and walked to his car. Not being used to being leashed, Blue resisted at first, but Haley spoke to her softly, and the dog calmed.

Bart smiled. This dog was just what this shy girl needed. Soon they were at the vet, and waiting to be called. The vet checked Blue and found her to be malnourished and infected. She had to keep her, but assured Haley that the dog would be fine. Haley hated leaving Blue, but she needed to be treated and it was best she stay at the hospital for a few days. Blue whined when she stood to leave and Haley cried. Bart stopped and asked, "Can she come back each day until the dog could go home?"

Dr. Size smiled and answered of course. Haley took a moment to hug her new friend once more.

"Wait, Mrs. Gore kept her today, will her dogs catch..." she asked, never wanting someone else's pet to be sick.

"Scamp, Rover, and Butch are fine. They are vaccinated." Dr. Size assured the troubled young woman.

"I just found her last night. Tell her I'll be back. I'm not abandoning her." She whispered.

Dr. Size smiled and replied, "You can come and see her each day that she is here. It will only be for a few days, I promise." She reassured the quiet young woman.

Haley stood to leave and Blue howled. She turned and went back to her dog. Soon, the nurse took Blue into the back away from Haley and Bart told her they needed to go.

"I'll bring you back tomorrow, OK. Haley. You can call to check on her as well. Dr. Size is a great vet. She will take good care of her." He promised.

Haley nodded, but she still missed her new friend. But she needed to get well. That night at her small home, Haley could not sleep. She worried about Blue. Was she scared? Was she cold? Did she think she was left again? Finally a little after two, fatigue won out. Haley slept. The next morning, she checked on Mrs. Gore and headed to work. The nurse from the vet called and told her Blue was responding to retreatment well. Haley knew she was taking a bus downtown and walking to the vet to check on her puppy. She'd call a cab to get home.

Her work day was uneventful, and then one of the managers made an announcement. He wanted to go on a cruise. Everyone was expected to go. Haley quivered. She hated water. Having never learned to swim, she was leery of going on any kind of ship. Soon the sign-up sheet circulated, and Haley made herself scarce so she would not have to sign it.

Her supervisor, Brenda, picked it up and noticed that Haley's signature was missing. She found her working on a copier and stopped her. "Haley, you didn't sign up." She started

Haley stuttered. "I can't go. I just adopted a new dog and I don't want to leave her alone. She needs me." She explained.

Brenda listened, and she knew that the girl was severely introverted, but this trip could help her come out of her shell. "Haley, you may be able to bring your puppy with you. If she can come, will you go?" she asked.

Haley nodded and Brenda smiled, "Ok then, let me make a call." She walked away to call the agent that was booking the cruise.


The day ended and Haley went straight to Dr. Size's office. She had to check on Blue. She arrived to find Blue scurrying around in the yard with other puppies. The pup yelped when she saw Haley. Rushing inside, Haley cuddled her new friend. Soon she let her go back to her new play mates and talked to Dr. Size.

"Haley, Blue is lucky you found her. She was a sick girl, but she will be fine. I want to treat her a little longer, but she can go home the day after tomorrow." Haley hugged the doctor, who embraced the shy young woman as she laughed. This girl and that pup were destined to find each other. She thought.

"Thank you, Dr. Size. I will take care of her; I promise." Haley babbled on and on.

Soon the hour grew late and she had to leave. Haley called a cab, but Dr. Size told her she could drive her home. The two women talked, and soon they were at Haley's small house. The first thing she did was check on her elderly neighbor. She was fine as were all of her pets.

Haley went home and her house was still so quiet. She missed Blue, but she was glad she was doing better. Soon her alarm went off, and it was time to go back to work. Haley rose as usual, checked on Mrs. Gore, and headed to her office. Her morning went by as usual, but right before lunch her supervisor came and shared some news. The cruise ship allowed pets. She could bring Blue. Haley was still apprehensive about going, but knowing she could bring her friend along, made it a bit better.


The next few weeks at work were unreal. Everyone was excited about the cruised scheduled for them in the coming weeks. The enthusiasm was so high, that by the time the cruise approached, Haley was excited about going. The morning of the cruise came, and Haley packed her bags and Blue's things that she needed. Bart came and drove her to the port. It was supposed to be a short cruise, just a short trip to a private island, nothing extravagant. Haley could not help being nervous, so she held Blue tightly.

When she made it to port, everyone greeted her and met Blue. They all fell for the little chocolate scamp instantly. All of the people worked in the office and all of them were excited to go. Two of the women even brought their kids. A couple of guys brought their dogs along. One was a huge Rottweiler, a friendly beagle, a German Shepard. Haley was nervous about leaving Blue with such big dogs, but they were extremely friendly and she fit right in.

Haley relaxed and soon all of the employees, along with the crew, loaded the ship. Brenda took a moment and introduced Haley to her husband, John. John had heard so much about this shy girl, he felt as if he knew her. He shook her hand and told her to relax, this would be fun. Then, they were off. One crew members took care of the children and one was assigned to care for the dogs allowing the adults to have some freedom. At first, Haley was hesitant about releasing Blue to the care of someone else, but eventually she did.

The first night on the cruise, she went to a lounge where they had a singer performing various hits. Haley sat and indulged herself in the ambiance of the evening. To relax, Haley had a red wine. Slightly inebriated, she went back to her room. Soon after she arrived, the caretaker brought Blue back. Her faithful companion crawled into bed with her and the two girls fell into a deep sleep.

A sharp lurch and screaming woke Haley; Blue stood staring at the door growling assuming a protective stance. Haley got up, not knowing what was going on, and then someone kicked her door. Terrified, she hid but a big man walked in and grabbed her. Blue attacked and the man viciously struck the pup. Haley screamed. Blue was hurt and this monster didn't care. He hurt her. The man dragged Haley to the top of the ship where everyone was huddled together held captive by a small, ban of men waving guns around. The ship captain stood to speak and was rewarded with being slammed in the head by the butt of a big black assault weapon.

The guy flung Haley onto the other women who were also terrified. Haley didn't care. Blue was hurt, and she couldn't get to her. The men spoke in a language that no one could comprehend. The captain stood and spoke once again, and the leader of the small band struck him once again. He looked at the women and children; he issued an order. His men grabbed them and shoved them into a nearby room and locked the door.

Haley cried silently, worried about Blue, afraid for her life.

"Oh my God. Pirates, I saw a report about them on the news. They attack small ships and take anything of value. They usually kill the people on the ship." A woman from her office cried. The children began to wail louder, when one of the men burst in and shook Brenda. He spoke to her in his native tone, but his message was clear. "SHUT THEM UP!"

He shoved her down and Brenda had to quiet the children and their hysterical mothers. Haley helped. She helped on tightly to little one and hummed a song she often sang to herself. The small girl child quieted, and Brenda and their mother calmed the two boys.

Then the women heard fighting, they all cowered in a corner, when the ship lurched and the door flew open. Amongst the screams and gunfire, the women were terrified. The boat rocked viciously, and then it hit something. All of a sudden water rushed in, and they knew they had to escape. Haley noticed that the door had opened and they had a clear shot to the deck. Brenda followed her line of vision and she knew. They had to jump. The only chance they had was to get off of the boat. She turned and spoke to the other women. They were terrified. Surely, they would drown, land was too far away. Finally, Susan, the mother of the two boys spoke. "I'd rather drown than be raped and murdered. Let's go". Her quiet words spurred the women into action. Holding the children tightly, they snuck behind the fighting men. No one noticed them, within seconds they reached the deck. They jumped, all but Haley and Brenda. Haley didn't move. "Haley, go now." Brenda ordered.

"No, I can't leave Blue" she cried. "He hit her, and she's hurt." Her supervisor's heart broke for the girl, but they had to escape.

"Haley, listen. We have to go. We can swim to shore and get help. Please jump. We don't have much time." She pleaded.

"I can't." Haley sobbed. "I can't swim."

One of their captors saw the two women and charged. Brenda's husband moved and shoved the man allowing the women a moment to escape. His action was sudden, and Brenda moved. In a split second decision, she shoved Haley overboard and then jumped right behind her, barely escaping the grasp of the angry man. Both women went under. Assuming they would die anyway, the pirate went back to torturing their remaining captives.

Haley panicked, and Brenda couldn't hold her. Susan held her two boys and they swam as fast as they could. Then a miracle happened Rock swam up, and took Haley on his back. Soon the other three dogs joined them, each on taking a child and swimming as fast as they could toward land. The three women swam but could not keep up with their canine friends, so they hoped the dogs would keep Haley and the children safe.

As soon as the dogs made it to land, they dragged the children and Haley to shore and three went back, soon finding the remaining four women and pulling them to safety. Neither looked back, just swam. Soon they reached a beach. It was dark, wet, and they had no idea where they were. They huddled together until sunrise. At daybreak, they looked into the horizon to see that the ship was gone.

Haley woke disoriented and confused. The children lay huddled around her and she felt cold wet but warm fur. She opened her eyes; BLUE Somehow Blue survived and saved them. A few minutes later the others had made it to shore. Rock, Kip and Lance sniffed and checked each of the women. The women held on tightly to the animals crying, just happy to be alive. Blue was hurt. It was her fault. She should have never... She had a nasty cut, but she was alive.

There joy was short lived when the children screamed once again. A small band if indigenous people approached carrying spears and arrows aimed directly at them. The women shook in fear; they placed the children behind them, although they knew they were defenseless.

The leader approached and Brenda met him. He spoke and Brenda replied. He hit her, knocking her to the ground. The small band of women and children were taken hostage. There dogs tried to defend them but they tired and exhausted animals were easily subdued. The men carried the women to their village. The women knew, unless a miracle occurred, life as they knew it was over. Haley walked quietly, watching Blue, castigating herself for endangering her pet. She should have stayed home, then Blue would be safe.

For Haley, this simple cruise had turned into a nightmare. Haley sat as the village men talked. She looked around and noticed that there were very few females in this village. The few that were there seemed older. Soon an old man came to them, he wore a huge fur stole, loops in his ears, and strange feathers. He said something in a strange language. Brenda was forced to stand before him, and he sniffed her. She cringed, for he smelled horrid. Brenda turned away and was rewarded by a fist to the temple. The other captives screamed, as the children cried. The dogs fought to get free, but the men had tied them and they could not help.

The old man ordered the man to stop and smiled. He gave an order and the men cheered. Brenda stood, but was once again silenced by one of the men. The old man looked at each woman and then in a language unknown to the women, he gave an order.

Two of the women came and took the kids. The women fought, but the sharp spear pressed against their throats, soon silenced them. The Old man glowered at Brenda. The men laughed. Two held her while one stripped her bare. The men gasped. This woman was unlike any they had ever seen. She was curvy and soft. Her dark locks hang down to the center of her back. Her dark skin glimmered with sheen of sweat from her exertion. Haley looked away fearing what the men would do next.

Brenda screamed as the old man removed his loin cloth exposing his cock. He laughed, and issued more commands. The four men grabbed Brenda and held her down over a large boulder. The old man spit on his hand and placed it in between Brenda's thighs. He wet her slit, preparing her for his entry. "No, no, no, please no." she begged. But her pleas were ignored. The women were openly sobbing, each begging that the man would not violate their friend. They were ignored.

Brenda fought the strange men, but the more she struggled, the more brutal they became in their assault Finally, they subdued her and she could fight no more.

Haley and the other women screamed and begged the men to stop. But the leader was determined to break Brenda's spirit. Soon, he subdued her, forcing her to comply. Naked, and bleeding, she had no choice but to do what the men demanded.