Sholan Alliance - AU Bk 04 Ch. 06


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Satasha had to purr as he was giving her attention between contractions. It wasn't much longer before her doctor walked in and smiled at them, "Everything will be fine. Since this is your first Satasha it will be while. Everyone relax." He settled down for the usual checks to ensure the baby was doing fine. Satasha was only about 3cm dilated currently.

Billy wanted to growl when the doctor checked to see how dilated she was. He knew what was happening but it still made him angry. There wasn't anything intimate but, damn it, he wanted to slug the guy. There was a difference between Satasha choosing to spend time with someone and someone just randomly feeling down there. When that thought crossed his mind he almost smacked his face. It was so wrong to get angry at a doctor but not at a casual lover playing down there.

She felt another contraction coming on and grunted as it hit. She did as instructed and pressed down through the contraction, "I want my kit in my arms Yilly. I want..." She growled when the next contraction hit.

It was several hours later when she finally delivered their baby. She was furred but her human aspects showed. Her limbs were slightly different and her face had a blend of him and her. She did look Sholan but there was a blending of who they were. Billy started crying, "God she is beautiful. Our little girl but what should we name her?" He had been so tied up in his worries about Satasha that he hadn't been able to even consider naming their child.

Satasha was panting and sweaty from all the exercitation of the delivery, "Can we name her D'Danilon? It is a mix of your former mates name and a great aunt of mine. Is that acceptable?" She took the baby from the nurse and held her close as she sniffed at the little girl.

He leaned over and gave Satasha a soft kiss before sniffing at their daughter as well. He looked at the baby and rubbed his cheek against hers, "Lovely name Satasha. I think she will carry it well. Might end up another Dani or a D'Dani but it does fit and thank you."

Z'Marl leaned over and gave both a good kiss, "You make lovely kit's. She is darling. I almost wish I had one like her." She sniffed the little girl and nuzzled one tiny ear.

Once they were cleaned up others started coming into the room for a few minutes. Everyone had to complement their baby. When Dani came in she took a very good look at the baby since she was going to have a Sholan baby as well. Once she had he looked at her father, "She is a real cutie daddy. Satasha you two do good work." She gave both a good hug before leaving the room.

For now, she needed to go and talk to Mizaki. She was starting to show though just a tiny bit and she was scared. It wasn't about the pregnancy since she would have had kids eventually. It was that she was scared their kids would be damaged since they would be human/Sholan hybrids. If she aborted Dani knew she would feel responsible.

Mizaki left the class he was in and hurried to the hospital. When he reached Dani, he pulled her into a good hug and pressed his muzzle against her hair, "Ours and I have no worries." He felt her concerns, *Our son will be fine. I have no concerns about that. No matter what I will be here for you Dani. My Leska and so proud you are mine.*

Dani melted into his arms as she held onto him. Maybe something from her father had bled through. She had grown to love the feel of his fur and it showed, *My Leska as well and can't imagine a better one for me. I do care Mizaki but it is still hard for me. I wasn't ready for a long-term relationship not to mention a baby but I am going to live up to my father. I will be here for you and our son.*

He held her and did his best to listen to her, *Time is what both of us need. I wasn't looking for a long-term relationship either. I wanted to spend time with you, learn about you, and maybe have a bit of enjoyment. I will be here for you as well Dani. My Leksa and I do care as well.* He nuzzled her and gave her a light kiss.

"Their baby is darling. She is really cute and I hope ours is as well. Would you mind taking me back to our suite?" She hadn't moved out of the suite to the estates. It had felt to awkward knowing her father would be in the same building while she was having a link day with Mizaki.

"Come, let's go to our suite. I will comfort you and hold you for tonight." By the time Satasha had delivered it had been late. When she came with he was very pleased. They were still talking to the Priest of Vartra and it was helping. It was going to be a long time before they were totally comfortable with their relationship. Even more before she was comfortable with the Sholan idea of relationships. He didn't expect a monogamous relationship. She had the same rights he did.

"Thank you Mizaki. That sound good and if you want to join me in my room I would appreciate it." He was the father of her child and he had the right to spend time with her. They headed back to the Guild though they did stop at the Green Goddess for a late meal. It had been a quiet meal which had been nice. Once they reached their suite they two of them ended up in her bed and quickly fell asleep.


Amanda post-surgery

When Amanda finally woke the next day, she could tell she was in medical. She wasn't felling any pain but she was also feeling rather comfortable. She felt an arm around her waist and didn't think when she stroked it. When the fur feel finally reached her mind she slowly turned her head and Teo was there next to her. Again, she reacted without thinking and gave her a good kiss. When another hand touching her, she looked at the other side and found Ike there. She gave him a good kiss before the medications kicked in and she slipped into sleep again.

Ike looked over at Teo, "Not sure what to say. I know she had women as lovers but not since we have been married. I don't blame her at all since you are a wonderful woman." He returned to holding Amanda and did his best to fall asleep. Ike knew Teo was going to have to go back later today and he was going to miss her help comforting his wife.

"Both of you are very good people. Maybe not nice in some cases but Amanda... She is so darn strong. She does draw me even as you do. I'm going to miss both of you while I am back on Earth while she recovers." She settled down and closed her eye and did her best to fall asleep as well.

The next morning when one of the SBA's came in he noticed they were sweaty and looking exhausted. He backed out of the room and called for the surgeon. Since the three had the diagnostic bracelets on they had their vitals. He checked them and they did have elevated temps.

The surgeon came in and glanced at what the diagnostics were showing, "By Vartra's bones, ni-uzu hits again. Yilly and Satasha had it and this is looking that way. Keep them in the room and I will talk to the commander of the ship. Keep me updated." He left the room and headed to his office. He quickly knocked out the report and sent it to his commander and to the Guild Master. It was going to impact on a number of issues if they bonded.

Once he was done he leaned back in his chair and sent a number of orders to his staff. It was going to be difficult for them if what he expected to happen did. All he could do would be to support them. What was damn annoying, was they had received the immunizations for the virus. They needed to figure out how to deal with the damn thing. It seemed no matter what, the damn thing was able to work around or adapt to the changes.


When the virus finally passed the three were tired and exhausted. They knew they had been sick since they had been told. The Surgeon had been very explicit when he talked to them. It was very possible they might end up in a Leska link. Ike and Teo stumbled to the shower. Amanda couldn't move yet but soon she would be able to. Once in the shower he started working on Teo's fur before he wrapped his arms around her. He leaned against her back and held on, "I am so scared Teo. Not about what might happen but about my wife. Lover her so much and don't want her to fear what I am feeling for you.

Teo grasped his hands and held on, "Ike, I have come to care for both of you and I'm sure Amanda understands. You are hers and I won't break that bond. I want to be with you and Amanda. We will talk later." She moved away from him and finished getting clean. That one night they had actually spent with all three of them had been very enjoyable. It had been the night they had received the torques.

Once they were done in the shower they walked out. One of the Sholan's had given Amanda a bed bath and she was looking clean and tidy. Ike moved over to her and settled down next to her, "Hey love, rough week or two. Not sure how long we were sick. Hope you are healing well."

Amanda stretched and was amazed at how she felt. Her hip wasn't bothering her nearly as much. The bed bath had been embarrassing but she had needed it, "I'm feeling..." A sneeze hit and it felt like her entire body reacted, "Ah, better? Want a real shower. Want to be able to get clean myself." The dressings on her hip and let had been removed. They didn't want her to strain herself and damage what they had done.

"Tomorrow, with the help of me and Teo you can shower. You need one more day of healing before you shower. I understand your urge to get really clean but we are going to listen to the doctor and do what he says." He gave his wife a gentle kiss even as he settled in bed next to her. Just for good measure he stroked the torque she still had on. From what he understood it wouldn't be removed without a very good reason.

Teo settled down next to them and gave her a good kiss as well, "Amanda, when it feels right to you I want to talk to you about becoming my companion. I want you and Ike in my life and don't want to lose you. Both of you mean so much to me." She lowered her ears and nuzzled her hair before she settled down into a good purr. She loved both and now she could say it. It had been years since she had someone mean as much as they meant to her.

Ike settled on the other side of his wife and made sure he was close to her. One of his arms was curled around her and was carefully holding her close. Teo settled down on her other side and was facing her. She moved as close as possible and wrapped an arm around Amanda and Ike. Her purring was almost out of control since she was feeling so happy.

Amanda wrapped an arm around Teo's arm as well. Having Ike wrapped around her helped more than she could admit, "I need to talk to Ike but I want you in our life as well. Lovely, wonderful, sexy woman. Love your fur and will do what is needed to keep you close to us." She lifted an arm and pulled Teo into a close and intimate kiss, "I'm going to sleep. Tired and need some more sleep."

Ike stroked her side and pulled his wife even closer, "Love you Amanda. I care for Teo as well but I didn't want to scare you. My wife, my love and the woman I will keep loving. Will you allow Teo into our lives? Your hips and issues bother me but it doesn't matter since I love you. How I love you." He kissed her neck and kept stroking her side as he was talking. It was because he wanted sex but also because he loved the feel of her body under his hands.

Teo gave her a good kiss and slid her tongue across her lips, "I would love to pleasure you Amanda. Such a wonderful woman and I want both of you. Will you let Ike and I care and love you? I want both of you in my life." Her hand slipped down Amanda's side and gently rested on one hip.


The next morning Dani rolled over and looked at Mizaki, "Would you mind becoming a bond mate? I want our child to have a father. Not just my Leska but as my bond mate? It is somewhat human to want to be married before having a child. I know that you will be there for him but I want to bond with you." She pressed her face into his chest as she was talking.

He almost glowed when she asked to become his bond mate, "How can I say no? Lovely woman and so strong and intelligent. My Leska and how I do care. Our child and we will take care of him." Mizaki started purring as he held her. They would have to pick out some bracelets but he would do it for her.

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