Shooter Girl Ella: Shooting Blanks


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"Really... me and Gretchen?"

Ella nodded timidly, "I told you it was embarrassing. It's just a fantasy, I mean, I know you guys are step sisters and..."

"Why don't you go home?" Tassie cut her off. "Get yourself cleaned up and I'll text you in a few hours."

"What, why?" Ella pursed her lips.

"Just do it," Tassie laughed, "C'mon, scoot!"

"Okay, um...I guess i'll see you later then," the petite girl said awkwardly as she buttoned up her pants and headed toward the door.

Ella sat in a daze for several hours as she tried to study. It was almost impossible to concentrate, of course, what with her recent sexual encounter and the promise of a mysterious evening. She began to cramp badly at one point, so she took some of the anti inflammatories she'd been prescribed and indulged in a long shower.

As she toweled herself off, her phone buzzed. She picked it up and read the text with some degree of incredulity.

Hey girly, I'm coming over! Please wear a skirt and no panties ;) xoxo be there in ten

"You've got to be shitting me," Ella muttered. She wasn't even sure she owned a skirt, but the idea of walking around with no underwear sent a wave of dread over her. She had always been conservative, and being a natural hermaphrodite had not helped with her endeavors to be more outgoing. She knew that she had to break out of her shell at some point, or else she would be doomed to be alone for the rest of her life. She took a deep breath and stared at her reflection in the mirror, "You can do this... If not now then when?"

A short while later, Ella found herself standing in front of Tassie's car. She'd put her hair up in a tight ponytail and was wearing a tight blue t-shirt and a long skirt.

Tassie opened the door from the inside and tossed it open, "Ella, what are you wearing?" She asked with a laugh.

"This is the only skirt I own!" The small chested girl stomped.

"No, it looks cute, like you're a nun or something," Tassie continued to laugh, "We're ordering pizza tonight, don't worry, it's on us."

Ella stepped into the car and tried to keep her composure as she felt a draft waft up her skirt. As instructed, she wasn't wearing any underwear, and she felt like she was doing something illegal.

After she'd buckled up, Tassie began to drive.

"You look nervous," Tassie commented after a moment.

"I am... what are you planning?" Ella asked a bit timidly.

"Nothing that's going to kill you," her friend replied with a wide smile.

Ella stared straight ahead at a red light and said nothing.

"So... Don't get mad," Tassie broke the silence, "But... I told Gretchen about your little problem."

Ella blinked, "Oh my God, tell me you didn't."

"I'm serious. I told her and we had a chat and she wants to help if she can."

Ella shook her head, "Tassie, look, I'm really grateful for what you're trying to do, but this is all so sudden. How can Gretchen possibly help?" Her tone was desperate and she wanted the entire ordeal to be over with.

"Gosh, you really are the nervous type, aren't you?"

"I...I guess so, but I'm telling you, no matter what you do I..."

"You're a virgin, right?"

The question caught the girl off guard, "I thought that would be obvious."

"It is. I know how much you love your logic, so let me be logical for a moment. You've got nothing to lose by letting me try. At the very least, you get another orgasm and we move on. I won't obsess about it, but if you've already made up your mind that it won't work then it probably won't. At least give me a chance."

Ella's lips puckered slightly as she brooded, "Okay."

"Hey kiddo," Gretchen nodded to Ella as she endured entered the apartment.

Ella waved weakly as she looked the woman over. As usual, Gretchen was stunningly beautiful. She was definitely a tomboy, and many had assumed that she was a lesbian because of her short cropped hair. Her arms were covered in colored tattoos and she had piercings in her ears, nose and lips.

Tassie shuffled into the living room and bumped Ella out of the doorway, "One side, please."

Ella slogged to the couch and sat on the couch awkwardly, one seat cushion away from Gretchen.

"I'm not gonna bite you," Gretchen laughed. She paused, then added, "Tassie told me about your problem... Don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone."

"Thanks," Ella murmured as she turned her gaze downward.

"So," Tassie said as she tossed the keys on the coffee table. "Should we..."

"Tassie, I swear, if you throw the keys on the coffee table one more time I'm going to shove them down your throat," Gretchen interrupted.

"Geez, I'm sorry! It's not like it's an artifact or anything."

"It's oak and I paid three hundred bucks for it," the tattooed woman rebuttaled calmly.

"All right, it won't happen again," Tassie rolled her eyes and laughed, "Anyway, as I was saying, should we move along with this?"

Gretchen nodded, "Sooner is better than later," she said as she stood. "I'll be back out in five."

Tassie headed to her room as well, "Me too," she turned and wagged a finger at Ella, "Don't you dare try and run away; I will hunt you down and tackle you."

Ella nodded with wide eyes.

About three minutes later, Ella heard a door click in the hallway and Gretchen entered the living room.

Ella looked up and nearly had a heart attack. Gretchen was wearing nothing but a Lacy red bra and matching panties. She was a busty woman with long, smooth legs, and it could now be seen that her arms weren't the only tattooed parts of her body.

"What do you think?" Gretchen smiled and laughed lightly as she did a spin.

Ella was completely taken back by the woman's pure confidence, and she stuttered, "W,what do I t,think about what?"

Gretchen gave her a flat look, "Me. Is this close to what you were picturing in your head? My feelings may be hurt if you say no."

Ella felt her bare crotch throb as she tried not to stare, "It's better...way better."

"Oh, that's good, I'm flattered." The woman did another spin and smiled calmly. "Now, this is just about the weirdest thing I've ever done, so don't tell my boyfriend."

"I won't," she nodded, unsure of whether I or not she would be able to deal with the situation if it escalated.

Another door clicked and Tassie entered the room.

Ella swallowed hard. Tassie wasn't nearly as big chested as her sister, but her cleavage was being pushed up by a tight white bra. The young woman had put her hair down, and it contrasted with her pale skin as Ella's eyes swooped down to her friend's white panties.

"I'm here," Tassie waved before taking a deep breath, "Is this okay?" She asked Ella as she posed like a model.

Ella shook her head, "Guys, we really don't need to do this."

Gretchen harrumphed, "No way, I went through all this trouble, I'm not backing out. If you're problem is so bad that you might need surgery, then we can at least try to indulge you a little."

Tassie nodded, as she leaned over Ella and took hold of her hands, "C'mon, get up," she said as she pulled her upward.

Ella had no choice but to give in, "Okay...where do you, um, want me?"

"Right here," Tassie said as she led the girl to one end of the room.

The bookish girl stood awkwardly as her heart raced.

Gretchen walked up to her and stood about six feet away, "Well, let's see it," she said as she crossed her arms over her bare stomach.

Ella's face blossomed into red, "See what?"

"You know, your cock," Gretchen sniffed. "I can't say I'm not curious, and you're gonna need to whip it anyway out if you're planning on yanking on it."

Ella clenched her teeth, "I'm not ready!"

Gretchen laughed, "God, you're adorable. I'm going to be upset if this is just some stupid joke that Tas is trying to play. So, drop your skirt and let me see the goods, kiddo."

Ella took a deep breath and could almost hear her heart beating in her ears, "Okay," she said quietly as she reached around to the zoo zipper on the back. She pulled it down downward and felt the garment loosen around her waist. A moment later, she let it drop.

"Holy shit," Gretchen smiled widely, "I really didn't believe you, Tas."

Tassie came up beside her step sister and nodded, "I wouldn't joke about something like that."

Meanwhile, Ella was trying to concentrate on keeping her cool, which was not working well.

"And you can pee out of it?" Gretchen asked with no reservation.

"Yes, I can," Ella answered bashfully as she looked away.

"Super jealous," Gretchen laughed nervously as she faced Tassie, "So... how do you want us to do this?"

Tassie shrugged, "I'm not sure... I guess we just...start slow?" She asked as she turned to Ella.

"You're asking me?!" Ella shook her head, "This is crazy, I don't think I can..."

Gretchen grabbed Tassie's hand, "That's not how fantasies work; we're just gonna have to start and figure it out."

"Oh, um, yeah, good point," Tassie agreed as she took a step toward her step sister.

Ella's eyes widened as she watched Gretchen slide her hand up Tassie's arm. Her lip trembled and her breath caught as the older woman moved her hand up to Tassie's shoulder. It transcended any fantasy she'd ever had, and she felt a deep tingling in groin.

Gretchen took a deep breath and caressed Tassie's check with her index finger, "How's that?"

Tassie looked somewhat scared, "Good...keep going."

Gretchen nodded and traced her finger over the younger woman's lips. Tassie parted them slightly and nibbled on her step sister's finger gingerly.

Ella shuddered. She was completely transfixed, and as she watched Tassie's mouth open slightly something began to happen that had never happened before: her small girl cock began to grow erect.

Gretchen stepped closer to Tassie and kissed her lightly on the cheek. Tassie smiled and leaned forward, tilting her neck slightly so the tattooed woman could reach her sensitive skin.

Ella sighed as her small penis continued to fill with blood. It twitched and bounded upward slowly, as if it were being filled by a tiny pump. It grew thicker and longer with each passing second, but she barely noticed as she looked on earnestly.

Gretchen planted her lips on the side of her step sister's neck and kissed her gently. Tassie giggled softly.

"Don't laugh," Gretchen whispered, "She's way into it."

"I can't help it, you're being too soft," Tassie whispered back.

"Okay, let's just kiss already, okay?"

"All right...sure."

Ella's pussy clenched as she gasped. Her cock pulsed rhythmically upward until it came into full hardness. She was just shy of a respectable five inches long, and for the first time her long foreskin was stretched back slightly to reveal her swollen cock head. Ella moved her hand down to her crotch and gasped as she closed her slender fingers around her girl meat.

Gretchen faced Tassie squarely and tried hard not to frown. She drew forward slowly and parted her lips, and Tassie did the same.

Oh my God, they're going to kiss... Ella thought desperately as she began to slide her fingers over her hard cock.

The other two girls floated their lips over each other's for a long moment before Tassie went for it.

"Ow!" Gretchen pulled back suddenly, "You bit me!"

"I didn't bite you, It was just a nibble!" Tassie defended herself in surprise.

"That wasn't a nibble, that was teeth and everything! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Tassie scowled, "Me? You're the one who can't seem to kiss hard enough; your lips feel like a feather against my skin!"

"Not everyone likes to be manhandled!" Gretchen threw her arms up in the air.

"You don't have to be rough, but at least pretend like you want it!"

Gretchen shook her head, "You know what, this is stupid."

"It's not stupid! I thought you wanted to help Ella!"

"I do, but you always make everything difficult!"

"This isn't the time!" Tassie yelled as she took a step back, "I'm just trying to..."

Ella could barely hear them. Her eyelids grew heavy as she looked downward. Her cock was much larger than she thought it could ever be. Her stretched skin was taut and smooth, and she reflected vaguely on the fact that even though it was a cock, it looked somehow feminine. Her breath came in soft rasps as she moved her fingers more fervently. Through her glasses, she could see her two friends arguing. Both of them were being very expressive, and their gestures were causing their breasts to bounce here and there as they moved, especially Gretchen, who looked as if she were about to fall out of her top. Ella squeezed harder onto her cock and moaned softly as she openly ogled the two women. They looked so soft and warm, and she wanted to kiss both of them all over their bodies.

A peculiar pressure rose up within her abdomen followed by a tingling pain, which in turn, was followed by the cramping that she had felt a few days before. Ella didn't care, she powered through it as she stroked herself faster. The pressure inside of her grew more and more pervasive, and within seconds she felt that if she couldn't get release, she would pass out.

Then another first happened. The cramping pain disappeared almost entirely, and it was replaced with a warm tingling that started in her pussy and worked its way up to her chest. Her cock hardened even more as it's swollen head turned from a dark pink to a deep red.

am I... going to cum through my cock? She wondered distantly as her fingers continued to pump her girl meat. She opened her mouth to speak, but scarcely a whisper came out, "Guys?"

Gretchen and Tassie were still at it, and currently Gretchen was clenching her fist, "You always bring it back to that, but I can't help it that I'm older! If you're feeling that concerned about it then you can get a better job!"

"There's nothing wrong with my job!" Tassie shouted, "I'm just saying that I would like a little more respect around..."

Ella's lip trembled as she groaned. Her hand was hurting and her fingers were becoming cramped, but it was as if she had no control over herself as she continued to beat her cock, "Guys...please," she said hoarsely.

"I opened my home to you and this is how you're gonna act?" Gretchen's eyes were narrowed at Tassie.

"I'm here to help you out! I'm paying rent and I'm a better roommate than..."

"Guys!" Ella shouted as loudly as she was able to.

The two arguing women turned to her at the same time, "What?!" They asked in unison.

Ella's face was a desperate contortion of confused pleasure and distant rapture, "I think...I think I'm gonna cum," she slurred as her small hand continued to crank her thick girl cock.

Both Tassie and Gretchen blinked as Ella's knees locked. The petite young woman's mouth fell open as she looked downward once more. A slow wave of agonizing ecstasy shunted upward through her entire body as her tiny cockslit began to ooze. She watched in fascination and dismay as a slug of thick, viscous whiteness seemed to crawl up from within her. It started slowly, then, seconds later, a glob of the stuff fell upon the floor. It was followed by another, and that was when Ella felt it. It was as if a cork had been popped out of a champagne bottle, only someone had shaken up it up beforehand.

"Oh shit," she whispered as she bit her lip and pulled back on her foreskin as far as it could go.

A jet of white hot pleasure ripped through her and was expelled violently through the tip of her cock. Ella yelped loudly and bit her lip harder as she fired again. Then, like a woman possessed, she grabbed her shaft and began to stroke herself roughly. Her cock spewed hard and fast, over and over again, and her vision began to blur as tears formed in her eyes, "Ah, yes...fuck!" She screamed as she watched her dick unload a lifetime's worth of suppressed emotions and anxiety. Enslaved to the searing pleasure, she could only look on helplessly as her neglected girl cock fired countless arcs of white at an inhuman rate. She had no idea how many rounds she'd fired, and she gasped for air as her jets of girl cum turned into a splattering of tiny droplets. Her tiny fist pounded around her dick as she slammed it down into her pelvis repeatedly and shotgunned her sperm everywhere. "Please!" She whimpered as she closed her eyes and wept freely. The pleasure was quickly turning to pain, and her chest heaved as she struggled for air.

Finally, blessedly, the immense pressure inside of her began to dissipate, and she released her member with another whimper as her knees buckled beneath her. She broke her fall with her hands, and tried to keep herself upright as she panted. Her head was buzzing and she couldn't see anything through her glasses, and as she lifted her head she brought a tired hand to her face.

"Are you...okay?" She heard Tassie ask quietly.

"Y,yes...I think so," Ella replied as she removed her glasses and wiped them on her shirt. She pushed them back onto her face and her eyes widened.

Gretchen and Tassie were completely covered in her cum. Both of them were staring at her in bewilderment as she looked over them. She could see the slick glimmer of her fluid on their breasts; some of it had pooled down into Gretchen's generous cleavage. Tassie's hair and face had been sprayed several times, and her legs were likewise covered. Gretchen's lips and thighs were smattered, and small drops of it could be seen peppered in her short hair.

The three women stared at each other for a long time, all of them trying to process what had just happened.

Then, Ella laughed. The weight and worry of her medical issue was lifted off of her as she came to the realization and it filled her with a giddy joy.

Tassie furrowed her brow, then began to laugh as well.

Gretchen shook her head and snickered, then fell into the laughter a moment later.

"I did it," Ella smiled, still out of breath. "I won't need surgery."

Tassie wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, then sputtered when she realized that it was covered in girl cum as well, "That was... incredible. There's no way anyone can cum this much," she said slowly as she looked over herself with amazement.

Gretchen stepped forward Ella and knelt, "That was definitely the happiest ending I've ever seen," she said with a laugh. "Holy shit, kiddo."

Ella looked up at her and became serious, "Gretchen...Tassie, thank you so much."

Gretchen tussled the girl's hair and stood, "You're welcome. I'm really glad that we could help you out, now, if you'll excuse me, I need to shower."

Tassie stepped in front of Ella as the older woman walked off. The redhead reached down and offered her hand, "You all right?"

Ella took her friend's hand and stood shakily to her feet, ""I'm better than all right... I think I'll be able to take care of this on my own from now on."

Tassie frowned slightly before smiling, "You're never going to want any help ever?"

Ella stammered, "W, well, no, that's not what I meant, I just meant..."

She was cut off by Tassie's laughter, "I'm just teasing you. But... If you want to help me clean up...I won't say no."

Ella blinked and remembered that she was still naked from the waist down, Um, you should go... Tassie!" She exclaimed suddenly, "What the fuck are you doing!?"

Tassie was licking her fingers, and she ran her index over her stomach as she swept up a generous portion of Ella's already drying fluid, "It's sweet!" She said in surprise as she popped her finger in her mouth and sucked off all the cum she'd gathered. "I mean, it's salty too, but it tastes way different than cum from guys." She grabbed Ella's wrist with a giggle, "C'mon, you're coming with me to the shower!"

Ella protested, but her cock was already springing back to life as she was dragged down the hall.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Definitely HOT 🔥, hoping for some action between them, but this is also good.

OOAAOOAAabout 3 years ago

SUPER HOT STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

brain66brain66almost 6 years ago
another chapter and a stroy idea

how about having Ella go out again in a skirt and no panties but this time a shorter skirt

since you like futa could you consider this as a story idea

"a futa girl (same size as Ella when erect) goes to school/college in a short skirt with no panties and has to avoid being found out"

mrwidehorizonsmrwidehorizonsalmost 6 years ago

Not my typical kink but I liked this a lot!

jmkuehnjmkuehnalmost 6 years ago

This was an epic story. Hottest futa story I have read in a while. Would like you to continue with these characters. Really love how you describe her unique girl parts.

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