Shooter Girls!


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The bespectacled girl tried to quell another blush as she cleared her throat, "Not sure, honestly. I haven't done much 'shooting'," she made quotations with her fingers. "It's kinda complicated to get into, but I haven't really been able to ejaculate until recently."

"Really?" Jessica looked genuinely intrigued, "That's super interesting."


"Cause I'm kind of like that too, except it's sort of the opposite problem. I had an accident when I was a kid and my head got all busted up. It messed up a bunch of my nerves and when I hit puberty I guess I went overboard with masturbating," the girl chuckled. "I can cum almost any time I want to without actually orgasming, and I'm pretty much hard all the time. Because of that, I shoot in the doubles and the teams leagues."

Ella tried to hide her dismay, "Ah... that's interesting."

"It's okay, you don't have to pretend it's normal," Jessica laughed. "I know you might feel a little isolated right now, but you'll figure out soon enough that you're in good company. We're all a little kooky and messed up around here, but that's what makes it so fun!"

The out of state girl was about to reply when an aggressive bass line began to play from somewhere. Jessica nodded towards the arena and shouted over the music, "They're about to start! This is Kelly's last match; she's quitting the shooter girls because she'd going to live with her new fiance in France!"

"France?" Ella mouthed with surprise as she sat back, "Damn... must be nice."

"Heyoo fans! This is Mi-na, the one and only and forever yours truly, hosting Machine gun Kelly's farewell match!" The short, stout Filipina smiled widely in front of one of the cameras. She was wearing a football jersey with the shooter girl's logo on it, and a thin headset rested over her short hair.

"This is a closed match, which means no outside audience in the building, but, as always, all you wonderful psycho fans that subscribe to us through pornyexpress get to watch the match live! Now, for those of you who don't know, our dear, long time cohort and contender Kelly is quitting the shooter girls for personal reasons," Mi-na wiped a tear from the corner of her eye, "I promise I won't get all emotional about it, maybe it's too late, but she's going to whip it out and spank it one more time for all you lovely people! As a quick note, this is just an exhibition match, so the scores won't count towards the shooter's overall stats. This clip will be available for streaming to subscribers for twenty four hours before it gets kicked out by something else, but by then you can always find it on pornyexpress/shootergirls. Anyway, let's get to the action!"

Several of the shooter girls clapped and cheered loudly as one of the cameras panned over them. Ella shrank back and hid behind Jessica, and the girl reassured her, "Don't worry, I picked a spot where the cameras won't reach us."

the busty commentator took a deep breath and licked her lips, "Alrighty!" She pointed to one side of the room dramatically," First up: she's mean, she's lean, and she can deadlift your ass into next Tuesday! Kimber Katana!"

A fit blonde jogged up to the arena and waved casually. Her hair was put up into a tight ponytail and she wore a tight sports bra with the word 'chicvibe' written over it. Her midsection was completely exposed, and her toned abs rippled gently as she raised her fist over her head. The girls in the arena cheered, and one person shouted, "I wanna have your babies, Kimber!"

Kimber laughed and pointed at the girl, then held her hand up to her head like it was a phone and mouthed, "Call me."

Mi-na giggled, "Okay, okay, calm down everyone. We've got our contender coming now, a woman who, of course, needs no introduction. But..." Mi-na lowered her gaze dramatically and closed her eyes, "No one will deprive me of this very important moment. This woman has been with the shooter girls almost since the beginning. She's strong and supportive and has more emotional prowess in one finger than most people have in their entire body. Ladies, gentleman and those in between... may I present to you: the baroness of bone, the ebony juggernaut, the crimson killer... Machine. Gun. Kelllllly!"

The girls cheered loudly, filling the arena with boisterous applause as if it were completely full. Even Kimber cheered as a tall, dark skinned woman wearing a long red dress walked up to the playing area. Her hair was immaculately curled and her red lipstick and nails matched the color of her dress as she waved broadly to her fellow shooter girls.

"Now my lovelies..." Mi-na turned to the two futanari with a flourish, "This is an exhibition match with no contingencies: you've got five minutes to cum your brains out. The one with the highest score wins, easy peasy. Any questions, ladies?"

The two contenders smiled knowingly at each other.

"I'll take that as a no! Let's have a good, clean, and I use the word clean in the most figurative sense, match! Contenders, draw your firearms, please!"

Both Kimber and Kelly moved their hands to their crotch at the same time. Kimber popped open the front button on her jogging pants and let her already hard dick spring outward, and Kelly fluidly swept away the slit of her dress like an old western gunslinger moving aside their coat.

"Locked and loaded, I see," Mi-na chuckled, "When the timer starts counting down, y'all can let loose. Oh, and ladies?"

The two contenders glanced at Mi-na.

"Make sure the safety is off," Mi-na winked before taking a step back.

Cecilia ran down the street, her hair bouncing as she covered her eyes from the sun. She thought that she saw Tilly leave the arena, and there was only one place the woman would be if she were taking a break from work.

About a block away from the shooter girls headquarters sat an old, rickety irish pub. It was a usual spot for her and Tilly, and the two of them, along with many of the other girls, frequented the place often enough for all the staff to recognize them. Cecilia made her way there and walked in hurriedly, then looked around to see if she could spot her roommate.

"Hey, looking for Tilly?"

Cecilia turned to see one of the waitresses smiling at her, "Yes, is she..."

"She's sitting in the lounge," the waitress gestured with her head, "Want me to bring you a drink?"

"Maybe a ginger ale?" Cecilia smiled as she made her way towards the lounge.

"You got it."

The hispanic girl hopped past the bar and warily peeked into the lounge. Since it was early afternoon, there weren't many people around, and the tall young woman was easy to spot sitting in one of the old, oversized leather armchairs.

Tilly looked up and Cecilia darted backwards out of sight.

"Cece, stop trying to hide; I saw you already," Tilly laughed.

The younger girl winced and stepped into the lounge hesitantly, "I am bad at sneaking."

"Yeah, you suck," Tilly agreed with a tired smile. "Are you following me or what?"

The girl nodded as she plopped down in the chair opposite Tilly, "You left so suddenly... I was worried that you might be sad."

The tall woman leaned back and gripped her glass. It was a dark beer, a chocolate stout, and she took a small sip of it before she sighed, "You're a good kid, Cece. Yeah... honestly, I'm a little sad that Kelly is leaving. I'm not super broken up about it, don't get me wrong, but I'm gonna miss her."

"I guess no one is going to do this forever," the girl commented as she smiled up at the waitress who brought her a ginger ale, "Thanks!"

The waitress nodded and walked off, leaving the two of them alone once more.

"You're right, and I'm not expecting anyone to stay for their whole life, I mean, who wants to see an old, floppy lady penis in the shooter girls?"

Cecilia giggled, "Some people seem to be into weirder things. I'm sure you'll still be in demand."

"Maybe," The woman stretched slowly and sighed. "Either way, I probably won't be doing this until I'm forty, even if people do wanna see me. Cum shooting is a young woman's game, and I'm..."

"You're not leaving too, are you?!"

"No, dummy," Tilly tugged absently on one of her braids. "I'm just being introspective."

"Oh good..." Cecilia took a sip of her ginger ale and nodded, "Introspective is better than leaving, right?"

Tilly beamed. Living with the bubbly Mexican girl had posed its challenges, but she had to admit that they'd grown close and her life had improved because of it. Their relationship was completely platonic, though they regularly masturbated together. Romantically, Tilly suspected that the girl would have driven her crazy with her seat of the pants decision making and indecisiveness, but as friends, they balanced each other well.

"Yes, introspective is better than leaving," The tall woman agreed with her before she yawned. "All I'm saying is that eventually everyone is going to go on their way and a new set of shooters is going to take their place. It's the way of the world, you know? It's nothing to get sad about."

Cecilia didn't look convinced, "I understand what you're saying, but... I have barely started. Anyway, what would you do instead of this?"

"Probably get into writing," Tilly mused as she took another drink. "What about you? Where do you picture yourself in ten years, Cece?"

The girl's eyes widened. Despite their age gap, there was a considerable maturity gap as well, and the girl shook her head, "I don't know. I have thought about being a model, but mostly, I want to design clothes for classy ladies."

"Hey, there you go! I think you'd be really good at that. While you're at it, maybe you can design some fashionable pants for women that have a little more crotch access."

Cecilia almost spit up her drink as she giggled, "Si, I will!"

The long haired brunette took a deep chug of her beer before pausing, "We should probably get back. I at least wanted to say bye to Kelly."

"You didn't want to see the match?"

"Psh, I've seen them shoot against each other a dozen times," Tilly stared into her drink and waved the comment off. "Those two are both so competitive; I think they've actually tied more than once. Can you imagine that: a tie between two people who are shooting jizz. How much more competitive can you get? I'll bet both of them are just trolling each other right now instead of taking the match seriously."

The girl nodded, "Do you think Kimber will be sad that her favorite rival is leaving?"

"Maybe a little, but she's already started bullying that new girl, Mitzi."

"Mitzi?" Cecilia asked in surprise. "She does not seem like she can be bullied."

"No, no, not in the traditional sense, I just meant that Kimber has taken a liking to her. Her shooting style is similar to Kelly's, and they both have that swagger and sense of competition."

"Really? She just looks mad all the time to me... I wonder if I annoy her," the girl looked furtively at the unlit fireplace.

"Naw, she just has resting bitch face," Tilly chuckled. "She's cool, at least from what I know about her. I'm sure she'll be perfect for Kimber; the two of them can duke it out for supremacy while I continue to take the lead..." Tilly sipped her beer and rolled her eyes.

Cecilia giggled again, "Sneaky."

"Hey, I can't help it if I have a tactical advantage," Tilly shrugged before yawning once more, "C'mon, finish your drink so we can get back."

"I can't drink it that fast; it burns!"

"Wha? This is coming from a chick who can pound three shots of tequila without taking a breath."

"Tequila isn't bubbly!"

"Okay, fair enough," The tall woman grinned, "I'll ask the waitress for a paper cup on the way out."

Fresh cum splattered down onto the arena as the lightshow played beneath it. A healthy rope launched from the starting line and flew past the four foot marker, and it glowed dully purple as it hit the blacklight. Kimber grinned and laughed as her raging erection pulsed out another shot, and beside her, Kelly was getting ready to blow a third load.

The girls sitting in the bleachers shouted and raved, each of them rooting for one of the contenders. It seemed like everyone was having fun... everyone but a petite girl who was sitting off to the side.

Ella looked on in dismay as the gorgeous woman in the red dress shot a load of cum almost six feet away from herself. She shook her head as the counter on the big screen overhead went up by several milliliters, and she blinked as she witnessed the woman fire a second round almost as far as the first.

"Oh my god..." she mouthed as she looked on, "This is what they expect me to do?"

The redhead sitting beside her noticed the look on her face and laughed over the sound of the bassy music, "Pretty damn impressive, right? If you're worried that you're not cut out for this, don't be; very few girls can shoot at contender level."

Ella nodded. She wasn't worried about performing in general, but when she'd last spoken with Janelle, it seemed like the woman was encouraging her to compete up to a professional league. She knew her own limits, and, based on what she'd witnessed so far, she wasn't worried about her output, but the sheer stamina that was being displayed by the two women was terrifying.

"It's always hard at first," Jessica leaned in close and explained to the girl, "Well, not for me, but I've been jacking off forever. Most of the girls have to train. People think it's easy cumming like that, but it takes a lot of control and practice. Don't expect yourself to get to that level right away; you'll be a nervous wreck if you do."

The glasses wearing girl nodded, grateful for the encouragement. There was still three minutes left on the clock, and it didn't look like the two contenders were stopping any time soon.

"Phew!" Kelly smiled as she slowed her stroking a bit, "That feels much better! Always nice to let a little out before you start really trying, right Kimber?"

The athletic blonde smirked as she mercilessly pounded her meat down to the hilt, "Got another six feet in you or are you just trash talking like usual?"

The dark skinned woman replied over the raucous sound of the cheering girls, "Considering you didn't even make it to the five foot marker, I'd say you're not one to talk about trash talking!"

It had been less than a minute since Kimber last let loose, and she laughed loudly before slamming her fist down hard around her shaft. The swollen red tip of her cockhead shunted out a thick wad that flew past her last load and landed past the five foot marker, and it was followed by a second and a third.

"So there is a little fight left in you," Kelly licked her lips and nodded. "Say, Kimber, what did you do to get ready for this? The usual 'taking five hundred vitamin pills' routine and curling a few weights?"

Kimber chuckled as a few drops of cum dripped from the tip of her cock. She'd cum four times already, but she was still as hard as when she'd first started, "Actually, I was spending some time with a really cute girl. Strictly exercise, nothing funny."

"I had no idea you were so romantic, you adorable musclehead," Kelly laughed along with her. "Me? I was talking with my fiance on the phone for like an hour; got me nice and primed."

"An hour?" Kimber winced as she began to stroke herself faster, "That sounds boring!"

"No more boring than lifting weights and doing pull ups," Kelly's fingers tightened around the base of her shaft and her red nails dug into her soft skin slightly, "You first or me?"

"You're gonna cum again already?" Kimber gave the woman a sideways look from her side of the playing field and offered her a cocky smile, "You don't have the balls."

"That I've got plenty of!" Kelly waved into the camera like a pageant queen before her dick started to spurt.

Kimber smiled. There were very few people who could get her blood pumping like Kelly, and though the woman had more overall stamina than she did, she was never very far behind. Besides, it wasn't all about how often a girl could cum, but also about the amount. The fit futa's balls tightened as she grinned, and her thoughts turned to the girl she'd been hanging out with earlier. She was very much looking forward to entertaining her new plaything, and just the thought of burying herself in that tight, athletic pussy was...

"Fuck yes!" Kimber growled as her cock erupted. The distance of her cumshot never passed the three foot mark, but for her fifth consecutive orgasm there was an incredible amount. For a moment, both women were firing at the same time, and both of their tickers were moving upwards, their numbers very close to each other.

"Fantasizing again?" Kelly asked coyly. "Haven't seen you blow like that in awhile."

"I haven't see you blow like that ever."

Kelly's eyes widened, "Oh shit, you did not just say that!" She laughed loudly and glanced at the clock, "One and twenty seconds, Kim; let's make it count, girl!"

Kimber sighed heavily and grunted as a bead of sweat began to form on her brow, "Okay, but only because there's so many newbies watching; gotta show em' what's what around here."

Back in the bleachers, Ella grabbed Jessica's shoulder and shook her gently, "They aren't seriously going to cum again, are they?!"

"Probably," Jessica giggled, "They're both such huge clout monsters; they'd probably cum themselves to death if we gave them more than five minutes."

"B,but..." Ella stared as the fit looking girl, Kimber, began to literally slap her dick around. Her eyes widened as she watched the woman batter her poor, swollen looking cock, and her eyes shifted over to Kelly, who was slamming her dick down so hard that she could barely see the woman's hand. "That's six times in a row. That's more than once a minute."

"Shit, I can cum more than once a minute," Jessica was clearly amused by how bewildered her new friend was. "You should look into the crowd to your left."

Ella glanced over, past the two furiously masturbating women, into the gaggle of girls that were cheering.

"See the black girl with the nice hair?"

Ella's eyes scanned the group and saw the person that Jessica must have been talking about. She was sitting away from the crowd at the end of the bleachers. She wasn't cheering or acting like an idiot, but instead, she was staring at the match like she was studying. Ella stared for a long moment as the clock counted down, and she felt something strange fluttering in her stomach, "What about her?"

"That's Mitzi. She's the newest contender. She's climbed the amatuer ranks faster than anyone, and she's broken the shooter girls sixty second cumshot record: four nuts in fifty seven seconds."

"Four..." Ella swallowed hard as she tore her eyes away, "That's crazy. My dick would fall off."

Jessica laughed as the clock counted down to twenty seconds, "Oh, this is the end!"

Kimber grit her teeth as she stopped smacking her cock and began to rail down hard on it. Kelly was doing the same, and both women were breathing hard and concentrating on the cum slick arena in front of them.

"Hands free!" Kelly bellowed with a smile, "For old times sake?"

"Okay!" Kimber nodded once and felt the sharp, unforgiving stab of a sixth climax rising up from inside of her.

Both contenders stopped stroking themselves at the same time and raised their hands into the air like they'd just stuck a landing. Both of their cocks looked red and angry as they began to dump whatever cum they had left to give. Three, four, five shots at least for each of them, and the girls in the crowd screamed their heads off as the tickers counted upwards at an astonishing rate."

"Time!" Mi-na shouted into her headset as she rushed up to the arena. She stood between both of the women and placed her hands on their shoulders, "No more stroking ladies!"