Shooting with Helena Ch. 04


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"Oh just upstairs with Lena." I said causally. "She's not feeling very well and asked me to send down her apologies, but she'd stay right there and go to bed."

"Is she okay?" Mom's voice held a note of genuine concern, and for that I felt a twinge of guilt about the lie.

"Oh she's fine mom. Just feeling a little queasy and wanted to get her beauty sleep."

Aunt Maddy snorted. "Hmph. Looks like you get too much beauty sleep" she said curtly. I threw her a puzzled look.

"How do you mean?"

Aunt Maddy waved a finger at my dress. "Seems like your clothes don't cover enough for the sake of modesty."

I frowned, looked at my exposed legs then back to Aunt Maddy. She was frowning deeply. I tugged at the hem of my dress, attempting to pull it down and cover some more of my thighs.

There was a laugh, and I reocognized it as mom's.

"Oh Maddy!" she said, almost on the point of tears. "Listen to you; like you never wore a short skirt in your time. Oh the clothes you would hide from mom and dad when you went out!"

"That was a long time ago." snapped my aunt, "and a different circumstance. I was never that provocative."

"Provocative?" said mom, and although she still worse her smile, there was a challenge to her voice now. "What do you mean, provocative?"

"Well she's a very......nubile young woman, and she ought to know the effect such clothes can have."

"On whom?"

"On young men." said Aunt Maddy. "My Jack is a growing man too, don't forget."

And the lightness to mom's voice returned.

"Oh don't be so silly" she said. "Jack and Cassie are cousins. This isn't the Appelachian badlands, Madeleine" said mom, referring to the rumours of some very close family units up there.

"Growing or not, I'm sure young Jack has the manners as sensibility to look at his cousin without staring at her thighs."

As if on cue, Jack blundered into the room. Hearing his name, his eyebrows crossed into an aggressive frown.

"I said what?" he said, knowing that he'd heard his name but nothing more.

"Nothing sweetie." said mom, gesturing Jack over. He sat down on the sofa with my mom, opposite me. His gaze lingered on my bare thighs for a moment or two.

"We were just saying that you've enjoyed seeing your cousins, but family's just family, right?"

"Oh sure!" Jack said, laying a hand on mom's knee.

"We can be close, right cuz? But still just family."

I saw him squeeze mom's knee and felt a wave of revulsion wash over me. Mom gently removed his hand and smiled across at him.

"Well," I said, breaking the newly awkward silence, "I'm bushed too. Has Rachel already gone to bed?"

"She has... retired" said aunt Maddy, having a florid hand. I got up, smoothing down my dress so that Jack wouldn't get a glimpse between my legs.

"Sweetie, before you go, take out these bottles for me" said mom.

"Sure mom." I said.

"Here, I'll help you." said Jack, springing up. Before I could protest, he had picked up one bottle and had handed me the other. I smiled, a little nervously, then said.

"Well, goodnight mom. Night Aunt Maddy." Mom winked and Aunt Maddy threw a brief, fake smile in my direction.

I wandered into the kitchen and put the bottle down next to the sink.

"Now listen Jack, I-"

I felt his weight crush into me from behind and it stole my breath for a moment.

"Don't bother cuz." he said, breathing into my ear. His breath smelled of mints and bourbon, and I could guess where he'd been all evening. He pressed me against the kitchen top surface and I felt the hard wooden edge press into my stomach.

"Jack, I-"

"Shut up, freak!" he hissed. I felt his hand shift behind me to grab my ass cheek again. This time, he dug his fingers into my flesh and I could feel the strength, the violence there.

"I know what you do with your sister, freak" He said, squeezing my ass with his hand. "Fucking dirty, lesbo freak."

"Get the fuck off of me" I hissed back, trying to wriggle away. Jack removed his hand but, before I could move a pace, I felt the hard stub of the wine bottle press up between my legs.

"Maybe you need some hard cock instead, huh?" he said. I felt him push the bottle between my legs, and it hurt. I shifted at last, even though it hurt more, and pushed him away.

"Yeah, like you could fucking help." I said, derisively. "Dickless."

Jack snorted, and patted the front of his trousers, where a long sausage shape was straining at the fabric of his jeans.

"I got plenty in here for you." he said, smirking.

"In your dreams" I replied.

"Well, we'll see about that, cuz." he said. He fished out a data stick from his pocket and waved it at me.

"'I love my sister so much'" she said, mimicking a girl's voice to taunt me.

I gave him a dry smile. "Asshole."

"You may not like me." he said, pocketing the data stick once more, "But unless you want dear Aunt Phoebe to find out all about you and your fucking dirty little sister's secrets, you'd better do what I say."

I wanted to shout back at him; challenge him or do something, but that would mean compromising the plans Helena and I had made. So instead, I challenged him another way.

"Really? And what does that include; sticking a bottle between your cousin's legs?"

"If I say it does, bitch." he said, his features a mix of lust and loathing. The perfect combination of the power-mad, I thought.

"Right here and now?" I said, adopting a classic drop-knee cheerleader pose, "With our moms waiting outside?"

I waited half a second for an answer but Jack just carried on patting his crotch. I snorted, then brushed past him.

"You're the freak." I said. As I went past him, Jack leaned close to me.

"You'll get yours, lesbo freak." he hissed.

I turned and blew him a kiss as I left.

"Were you and Jack having a nice chat, sweetie?" said mom as I walked through the main lounge.

"Uh huh. Just catching up, that's all. G'night."

"Night honey."

"Good night, Cassiope." said Aunt Maddy.

I went upstairs, opened the door and only then realised why the lights had been switched off when I flicked them on. Rachel stirred in my double bed and I quickly threw the lights once more. I listened to see if my entrance had rudely awakened her, but she carried on breathing lightly. I closed the door behind me and, moving through the darkness by memory alone, went round to 'my' side of the bed, stripped off, and slipped under the covers.

Normally I would have washed and got myself ready but I was tired, and had had a very exhausting day. I eased under the covers and closed my eyes, thinking how wonderfully exhausting it had been. Even Jack's little bullying tactic managed to fade into the background as I drifted off to sleep with thoughts of my beautiful little sister swimming in my head.

Behind the closed fastness of my eyes, as I drifted off to some Peter Pan slumber land, I drank in the image of my sister Helena. And not just the image. I dreamt and pored over every little thing about her. How her nose was ever so slightly wonky to the left side when she laughed, how she had a habit of flicking away two fingers on her left hand when there was something irritating her train of thought. How her eyes lit up when she got excited. How her hair - so similar to my own - would bounce and wave in the air as she walked.

And then, because I now could - I thought of all those little details a lover carries with them of their beloved. I thought about how she bit her lip at the moment of orgasm; how the water running down her skin looked so different from the sheen of sweat I'd given her when we last slept together. How her fingers felt when she slipped them inside of me. How soft her tongue is, and that slightly sweet taste when I kissed her and she opened herself to me. How the curve of her hip would rise just a little as she lay sleeping.

These thoughts rolled around in my head until I had gone beyond remembering them, but could actually feel myself touching her, smelling her closeness, reaching out with my fingers and lips and-

There was a brief moment of disconnect before I realised that I was awake. And I wasn't alone.

"Cassiope." said Rachel, in the most incredibly level voice I have ever heard anyone ever use, "Why are you holding me?"

I snapped into full consciousness, with the bone-shaking reality of someone suddenly caught with their panties down. I realised that I was lying in bed, cuddling up close against the pyjama'd back of my cousin Rachel, with my groin pressed against her ass and my arm around her chest, hand draped an inch or so from her breast. I did not move. Not one muscle.

"I, um. I usually hug my teddy bear at night." I said, after a long, painful pause. Another one immediately followed that.

"Do you call it Helena and moan to it?"

"Um, well. Ah, it's kind of, um, kind of embarrassing." I said, again resisting the urge to kick screaming from my own bed and allow the ground to swallow me up forever. Rachel had not moved either.

"Uh huh."

"Yeah. Um, you see, I had a big fight once with Lena. When we were very young." I said, by way of setting the scene for this new and inventive lie.

"See, the thing is," I continued, "right after that, I got this teddy bear at a funfair, and I said I'd call it Helena, so mom thought we'd made up. But really, you see, really - and this was the clever bit - really I'd called it Helena so that I could beat up on it when my sister annoyed me. So that's why I, um. Why I was, you know."

"You were dreaming about beating up your sister?"

"No! God No! I, um. Jeez." I felt like a victim of a courtroom drama. "Well, when I got a bit older, and, you know, discovered boys at school, mom used to make me go out with Helena so that we'd be together so there wouldn't be any, you know..."

"Uh huh."

"Well, I kind of used to like kiss boys and Helena would be there and I would moan at her to go away."

There was a very long pause. It seemed as though everything had stopped. I could not hear the clock ticking from my bedside cabinet, nor any noise outside the room for agonizingly long seconds. The only I could hear was the shallow breathing of my cousin. I held my breath and tried not to touch her breast with my hand. I heard Rachel lick her lips.



"Can I stop being your teddy bear?"

I moved instantly, rolling away with an urgency and relief I could not even begin to express. "Yep. Sure. No problem."

I lay on the very edge of 'my' side of the bed and listened to the desperate thumping beat of my heart. "Good night, Rachel."

"'night Cassie."

I suspect it took a long time for either of us to go back to sleep.


In the morning, I had woken up early with the first rays of the sun streaming through the cgaps in the curtain, despite the fact that I'd had little or no sleep. Rachel was still fast asleep and I didn't want to wake her up. Again.

Nevertheless, I needed a shower, so went to my cubicle and turned on the warm spray. I found my mind drifting to the intense lovemaking I had shared there with Helena, bu then banished it from my head. Today I had to focus on some college work and the problem of Jack. Helena said she had a solution to the problem of Jack, but I did not yet understand it. How could she give him what he wants and still get one over on him?

I got dressed as quickly and quietly as I could, slipping on some jeans and a white vest-top. I pulled on some socks and my soft brown boots then grabbed my cell phone and bag from the bedside cabinet. I then tip-toed past the still-sleeping form of Rachel and headed for the door. I opened the door and had taken one step out of it when Rachel said

"Morning, Cassie."

"Morning!" I whispered back, as brightly as I could manage.

I winced as I shut the door behind me, wondering what on earth my cousin must be thinking of me.

I jogged down the stairs and into the main lounge where I saw mom sitting on the sofa, talking to someone just out of view. Mom did not look pleased, and was dividing her stare from floor to the other person. She looked angry and upset in equal measure. I was just about to announce myself when I saw mom lean across out of view.

There was a forced-whisper exchange, I I heard mom use a swear word for the first time in as long as I could remember. I crept down the last few steps, wondering who or what on earth was going on. Just as I reached the bottom, mom sat back, with a flushed look on her face. She turned in my direction, but was looking at the floor, so I slipped behind the doorframe and held my breath. I could still only hear snatches of conversation, but it was clear that mom was upset, and the person out of view was her tormentor.

"Goddamit!" I heard mom say. "Don't be such an idiot. Anyone could-"

She was silenced by some utterance I could not make out. There was another long pause before I heard mom say;

"All right. God fucking damn it. All right. But I.... anymore. You have got to.... Give me... recording, all right?"

There was a moment of pause, then I heard some movement.

"This what you want?" I heard a voice say. It wasn't mom's. I recognised it, dimly; as though I'd maybe heard it once, or from someone I knew. There was another pause, with some words I couldn't make out. Mom was talking.

"...could be fucking watching! Not here, dammit!"

I felt my heart race, fearing that mom or whoever else was in there was about to walk right out and challenge me. But it didn't happen. What happened was that I heard a terrible sound. Something I would not associate with my mom. It was the sound of a zipper being pulled. There was a moment of more silence, followed by some rustled movement and a man's whispered voice giggling softly.

Slowly, as slowly as I'd seen in any cop show or FBI drama, I eased my head around the curve of the door frame and saw three things in succession; each worse than the thing before it.

I saw my mom, kneeling on the floor in front of a man; head bent low between his legs.

I saw mom's head bob up and down; her mouth enclosed over the man's cock fat, engorged cock.

I saw that the man mom was kneeling between the legs of, the man whose cock she had taken into her mouth, was Jack. My detestable cousin.

I leaned back out of view and held the very real urge to be sick. My life was turning into a nightmare. I stood for a few moments, hearing the soft rustle of movement form the room beyond me. Inters[ersed with that was the occasional wet noise of sex, and Jack's murmuring voice, telling mom that it felt good and that she was real good at sucking cock. There was malice and site in his voice, and I hated him enough to go in there and kill him. I felt my hands balling into fists and wondered if I'd have the speed, and strength, to rush him and do it. Just do it. Kill him once and for all.

I listened as the anger flowed out of me and was replaced by misery. My mom; the most wonderful and caring parent you could ever wish to hope for, was on her knees sucking the cock of the cousin who wanted to blackmail the beautiful relationship I had just begun to realise with my little sister.

"Oooh yeah, baby." I heard him say. "Not long now. Not long now. Just keep it- just keep- Oooh yeah! Fuck yeah! Unnnngh....."

There was a pause, and a choking sound. Then Jack was laughing.

"No no." he said, "You just stay right there, aunt Phoebe. You stay right there and just swallow it all. That's it. That's it. Whooo! That was good!"

Instantly angry again, I crept away from the door; determined not to be seen or heard by either mom or Jack. I didn't know what I was going to do, but I knew I had to do something. I made my way upstairs and towards Helena's room. We had to do something together. And whatever it was, it had to do two things. It had to find out what on God's earth mom was doing blowing off our hateful cousin; why it was that she had been on her knees between his legs, taking his fat cock into her mouth and swallowing his cum. It had to find that out.

If Helena and I were going to achieve any sense of normality through the illicit love we had discovered for each other, it was in our relationship with mom, and the stability of our home life she provided.

The other thing it had to do, of course, was destroy Jack.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
having fun

keep the story coming its great

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