Shorter and Shorter


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"Ick, oh, shit. Phil, what are you doing? I didn't cum yet." She had her hand between her legs to catch the spillage as she struggled to turn around.

He looked back. "Oh, you didn't? Well, I did. I guess you'll just need to finger yourself like the last time." He walked into the bathroom and a shortly after she heard the water running.

She really wanted to climax, but his actions were way out of normal and she wasn't in the mood to play with herself. She had hoped he would go down and lick her to an orgasm. More than wanting sex, she had wanted to get him down there so she could say something the next time he tried to avoid Mark's advances. Maybe later this week, she thought.

The week was a strange one. Monday, Phil texted that he would be home a little late. Tuesday he went to the gym and stayed later than normal. Wednesday he came home and walked in quietly, catching her by surprise as she looked at her phone. She jumped when he greeted her.

"Something wrong with your phone?" He was sure she was wondering why she hadn't been contacted by Mark yet. On a "normal" schedule, he should have set up a motel meeting this week. Next week she would not be available for woman reasons.

Denise looked up quickly, then back to her phone. "No, nothing wrong. I just thought I might have misplaced something."

The week swept to its ending, Saturday morning Phil did his two hours in the gym, then he showered and ate lunch. Late in the afternoon he pulled out his first surprise for his wife.

He found her in the living room, told her to close her eyes, and carefully led her to their bedroom. "I thought maybe this dress thing was taking a bit too long, so I bought you a new outfit for tonight. You can open your eyes now."

She opened her eyes and her mouth quickly followed in opening. "It's ... Phil ... oh my god, are you serious?"

On the bed was a new outfit and she could tell without even trying it on that the skirt was more than an inch shorter than last week's outfit. There was a flower-patterned halter that buttoned in front and wrapped around the back of the neck. He had not provided a bra to go with it, though almost any bra would show and look ridiculous. There was a pair of black lace panties. Black, back seam stockings with a lacy top band were laid out next to them. The skirt was a bright pink with a red belt. A pair of black ankle boots on the floor finished the ensemble. The boots were one of the biggest surprises. They had rings on them in various places.

Phil smiled. "Yes, I'm serious. Unless you want to say it's too much." He had her now, one way or the other. She had been expecting him to call it off, to say it was too much. To lose and be forced to serve her. And now he understood why.

She looked dazed. "Oh, no, no, it isn't too much. Sure, it might be fun showing off so much." She recovered and smiled, and her mouth was sincere, but her eyes showed fear.

They had a dinner that was surprisingly quiet, then washed up a bit and she put on makeup before dressing. He was downstairs waiting when she walked into the living room. He almost laughed when she reached behind her and tugged the hem of her skirt downward.

"It looks like you're having some trouble getting used to the extra breeze back there." He looked at her with a huge grin.

She was not quite as happy about the situation. "Phil, are you sure about this? It's really short and if I bend at all something is going to show."

She turned around to let him see. The curves under her ass cheeks were clearly visible even while she stood straight, but just a little bending showed where the lace panties curved around her ass and disappeared between her legs. It was exactly what he wanted for her tonight.

"So you're saying it's too much? It's still legal, you know." He was a little afraid she would back down.

That got her turned around in a hurry. "No, I'm not saying that. I thought maybe you would say it, but if you think I'm going to just roll over you're wrong. I told you I'd take the hem all the way up to my waist and that's what I plan to do."

"Ok, let's go then." He heard her huff a bit as he walked out of the room. As always, she brought nothing except herself, and today was warm enough they didn't even need jackets. She was going to flash a lot of people as they walked to the club. That would be used against her later.

Denise did get attention as they walked from their car to the club. She got even more attention once in the club with people, both men and women, seemingly passing closer than they needed to and brushing hands over her ass. A few times she was fully grabbed and squeezed, but Phil didn't seem to notice even when she eeked out sounds of surprise. They dance, she drank, and once again, on her third drink she handed her glass to Phil and went to use the restroom.

He watched his wife work her way to the hallway where the restrooms were, jumping and moving hips to avoid too many grabs. At one point a smiling girl walked in front of Denise and suddenly his wife jumped. He assumed the girl had grabbed her from the front. What was most fun for him was knowing she wasn't comfortable with this. She was only doing it because she had in her mind from months ago that she would win.

The grabbing and jumping and twisting continued when she returned about ten minutes later. She had a confused look on her face, as if something was out of order. He grabbed her and gave her a kiss, then gave her drink back. He heard a soft, "Damn," from her as she turned and took a gulp, aware that she normally initiated the kiss under different circumstances.

It was still well before midnight when he suggested they leave. Since her night had not gone as expected, she agreed and they made the walk back to their car. There were a few less people moving on the sidewalks than when they arrived, but many of the ones there had been drinking. Calls and whistles and grabs were made frequently and she was surprisingly happy to get into the safety of the car. Phil got into the driver side and drove out of the garage, but turned the opposite direction from a normal drive home.

"Where are we going?" Denise asked. She suddenly sat up straighter, looking around as they gradually moved out of the retail district.

"Oh, I didn't tell you. I have a business connection I need to make, and since we're so close now, I thought I'd just run over and have a look around. I don't intend to leave you drunk in the car dressed like that, so you're coming in with me."

She looked at him for a long moment. "Oh, well, ok. I guess that makes sense."

He parked near a metal door on the side of a large brick building and turned off the car. Before the lights in the interior faded, he found the key he needed, then got out and went around to her side to open the car door. He helped her out and locked the doors, then led her to entry to the building . It squeaked as it opened, then closed with a loud clang behind them, leaving them in darkness. She felt him pull on her hand.

"The light switch is over here somewhere. I just need to find it." She followed along as he looked for the switch and grew hopeful when he stopped. There was a soft jingle just before she felt something on her neck, then it tightened and she gasped. Reaching up, she got her fingers around a leather band and realized it was a collar just as he buckled it. From there he grabbed her wrists and easily put her into a hammerlock. A louder jingle sounded just before metal touched her left wrist. She tried to twist free, but he blocked her move and the sound of a handcuff ratcheting down soon followed. With one hand locked, he slid his hand down from her elbow, held her other wrist, and closed the other cuff. Only then did he turn on the light.

She struggled with the cuffs, arms locked behind her back. "Phil, shit, what are you doing? What stupid game is this?" Her eyes widened as she saw him take a pink vinyl dog leash from a hook on the wall. His finger was in the ring on her collar and he clipped the leash to it.

"No stupid game, Denise." He started leading her out of the hallway, passing through a door and stopping to turn on a bank of lights that showed they had entered a large, mostly empty storage area. "I'm just playing your game, except not the way you wanted it. Let's see, what was the largest number of men you've had at once? I think it was three?"

She tried to talk, but just sputtered, changing sentences every two or three words. He backed her against an I-beam, removed the leash before passing the handle between the beam and a pipe about three feet above the floor, then he threaded the clip through the handle and clipped it to her collar again before he backed away to look.

She tried to reach, but the only part that would release was the clip and there was no way she could reach it with her hands cuffed behind her back. Every move seems to push her skirt up her hips and she was constantly trying to push the hem back down. He breasts made the halter top jiggle invitingly. "What do you want?" She still had some defiance in her.

Phil pulled a small lock from his pocket and slipped it onto the collar with a soft "snik" sound, locking it on until he decided to remove it. "I want you to make a decision, but first, I'm going to make a little money. Actually, I've already made it, so what I want is for you to cooperate with the men when they come in here in about 10 minutes. You won't have much choice in that, so it would be to your benefit to behave for them."

Now she stopped struggling. "Men? What men?"

He smiled a little. "Eight men have paid me to have time with you, so it's going to be a long night. You know four of them. The other four are gym rats I recruited. It's funny that one of the four you know never set up a motel time. He was always part of a threesome, wasn't he? Bi, if I got the description right? That was the plan for me, wasn't it? No, actually, Mark likes to cuck the husbands. A simple threat got out of him that he's done this before with other couples."

"You can't just sell me. I'm not a prostitute. Or a slave."

"That gets back to the decision you need to make. The way I see it, you have three choices. Choice one, we stay married and you put up with me making some money setting up sessions like this now and then. Choice two, you say fuck it and I file for divorce on Monday citing your whoring as the reason. I've got pictures of your texts, and the guys I contacted admitted to fucking you. Choice 2a is that you find a place to live on your own. Choice 2b you find one of these guys to take you in."

He waited for the options to sink in. "Either way, we're done sexually. You've been cheating on me, with multiple men, either doing lunch quickies or after work motels, for over six months now. And then there were the blow jobs at the club while you were using the restroom for 15 minutes. It just took you a long time to get to where you'd kiss me without a quick wash from your drink first. Tonight you'll sleep in the spare room. Argue and I just file for divorce and have you tossed out on your ass. If we stay married, you'll spend every night in the spare room, or you can let me know your plans and spend the night at your fuck buddy's place."

His phone alarm went off. "It looks like our love chat is over. Time to bring in the boys." He walked over to a door and opened it. Eight guys, led by Mark, walked in. They each had a beer in their hands and they whistled and made other appreciative sounds when they saw how she was dressed.

"Ok, guys, I'm not going to hang around and watch my wife getting fucked. There's an all night diner not far away and I'm going to get a coffee and do some work for a couple of hours. We've discussed the three rules, but for her benefit, let me repeat them. One, she stays here until I collect her later. Two, nothing gets broken. And three, nothing gets posted to the internet without clearing it with me first. Got it? Good, then Mark paid extra for the first turn. I expect you guys will play nice and there won't be any fights over her. She isn't worth it."

Phil walked up to Denise and held her head in his hands. "I'd kiss you goodbye, but now that I know how many cocks you've had in there, I'll just wish you good fucking." He turned and walked to the desk sitting in the open space. "The key to the handcuffs goes in the middle drawer, if you want her hands free. There's 300 feet of rope in the bottom drawer." Then he walked to the door he had entered with Denise a half hour ago.

He paused for a while, watching as the guys started undressing. Mark grabbed Denise by the head and pulled her to her knees, shoving his large cock into her mouth. Somehow she managed to take him deep, but she always gagged when he pulled out. After a minute he moved behind her and pulled off her panties, then her short skirt. He motioned and the next guy shoved his cock into her mouth as Mark slid in from behind. That was when Phil left.

It was almost three hours later when he got the text that the men were leaving. He drove back to the warehouse and went in carrying a blanket from his trunk. She was on the floor on her belly, hands cuffed again, collar leashed to the pipe, with her ankles and knees bound with white rope. She moved when she heard the door open, but didn't look up. He came over and first unclipped the leash before starting to cut the ropes. Jizz was everywhere on her body, and probably in it as well.

"I have no idea what made you think I would ever agree to suck a cock. That's not my thing. Of course, with you unavailable, we either get divorced so I'm free or I need some other outlet. Why did you start running around with other men? Or were you cheating from the time we got married?"

Denise mumbled something, then stopped and said more clearly, "I met Mark about a year ago. That was the start. He was just so smooth, and good in bed, and made it sound so exciting. Now, Phil, I hurt. I really hurt from what they did. Are you happy now?"

He cut off the ropes at her knees and turned her over, helping her sit up. "No, I'm not happy. I'm really sad, because the woman I loved cheated on me, tried to turn me into a cock sucking wimp, and thought it would be fun. With a little threatening the guys told me a lot. You would fuck a guy at lunch, then two guys in a motel after work, then come home and fuck me and tell me you love me. There's nothing to be happy about."

He wrapped the blanket around her and held her up as she wobbled toward the door. "The blanket is to protect my car. I'd be fine with you running naked behind it if I thought you'd make it home. I'll come back and clean up tomorrow. Or later today. It's almost sunrise. I want your decision by six tonight. We stay married and you do this whenever I want to make some money, or you get the hell out and I file for divorce Monday. No discussion, no begging, and don't waste time on apologies for the last year. Too much time and too much shit."

As they walked out, he turned off the lights. In the brief moment between lights out and when he opened the door, Denise felt like the darkness was now her only life. There really was no choice. None of the men would take her in with what they knew. She was a serial cheater, because she had cheated with them. She couldn't afford to live on her own. That left only two choices, and she found herself wondering which one was better.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Two words, "Fucking Cuck!"

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 2 years ago

Well now. False imprisonment and rape. I think when the cops show up at the house he will wish he filed for divorce earlier

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Could you write a sequel about how much Phil enjoys prison?

lbeachamlbeachamover 2 years ago

Sorry........She can have him in jail tomorrow. Wives, no matter how bad they are have lots of rights, more than men.

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