Showing My Sister Pt. 01


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Each time they passed a vehicle Zack looked over to the driver to see if he/she had noticed Mary. None had.

Zack told Mary to put her dress on only when the car was driving down their street.

One of the first things that Zack did when they got back was to go online and order Mary a laser depilator. He never wanted to see any stubble on Mary's pubes and pussy again. When it arrived he told Mary that she had to use it straight away and to read and follow the instructions about checking and using it whenever required.


A few weeks later, as summer was approaching, Zack and Mary's parents dropped a bombshell that made Zack very happy. Their parents were going on a 3 week cruise.

Zack's brain was in overdrive trying to think about ways that he could show his sister naked. He would have to go to work those 3 weeks but his sister would be at home alone during the day.

Whilst thinking about that he wondered if he could get Mary away from their parents on a holiday somewhere hot for a week or two. He thought that the odds were good because Mary hadn't said anything about going away herself. He made a mental note to book a couple of weeks holiday at work the next day.

Back to his parent's cruise, they were going away the weekend before Mary's college packed-up for the summer and his first thought was that he'd send her to college wearing no underwear and a really short skirt.

"Give the guys in her class something to drool over," he thought.

Then he thought of an additional thing to tell her to do, tell her to flash her pussy to a teacher or other member of her class whenever she got the opportunity.

Satisfied with that idea he moved on to a party. A party for him and his mates and get Mary to be the only girl there, the only naked girl there.

Thinking of Mary being naked at home he decided that he would keep Mary naked for all the time that their parents were away, apart from when she had to go to college, or go to the shops.

Zack decided to stop there, before he creamed his pants just thinking about the fun that he was going to have.


The next day he booked a couple of weeks holiday from his plumbing job and that evening he did some research on holidays around the Mediterranean. Places that had nude beaches and reputation for wild nights.


A couple of days later when all the family were at home Zack asked his parents about their cruise. His mother was keen to tell Zack and Mary all about where they would be going. After letting her drone on for quite a while Zack said,

"I've got a couple of weeks holiday coming up a week after you get back. I was thinking of going somewhere round the Mediterranean, spend a couple of weeks on the beaches."

"Are you going with some of your mates?" Zack's father asked.

"That was the original plan but none of them could get the time off so I might just go on my own."

"That won't be much fun Zack," his mother said, "Mary, are you planning on going away anytime over the summer break?"

"No mum."

"There you go then, you two can go together."

"I don't know that that's such a good idea mother," Zack said, "we might only be able to get a double room this late."

"Most holiday hotels in that part of the world sell a room with 2 single beds next to each other as a double room. I'm sure that you two would be able to manage without any embarrassing moments. What do you say Mary?"

"Anyone for a cup of tea?" Zack asked, "Mary, come and give me a hand."

Mary followed Zack into the kitchen, and whilst the kettle was boiling Zack told Mary that she was to tell her mother that she thought that they'd manage with just one room and that they could get changed in the bathroom.

Ten minutes later Zack was on his computer looking at some of the potential holidays that he'd previously found. He called his parents and Mary to the computer and showed them to everyone.

"I can't afford any of those, I haven't go a job." Mary said.

"Don't you worry about that Mary." Her mother said, "We can't have you being the only one who can't go on a holiday, your father and I will pay for you won't we father?"

"Yes darling."

Then Zack's mother spotted a topless girl in one of the photos of the hotel pool.

"Oh, I don't think that you two should be going there, there's a girl without her bikini top on."

"Don't worry mother," Mary said, "I'm sure that my big brother will stop me from doing anything that I shouldn't be doing."

"That's right mum," Zack added, "I'll make sure that she does everything that I tell her."

Zack was happy and he booked the holiday right then. Later, when he was alone with Mary he said,

"You'll love it there Mary, a lively resort with a nudist beach just up the road."

"And I'm guessing that that's where you will take me every day Zack."

"No, some days you will lounge around the hotel pool and let the people there see your naked body."

"There will probably be little kids there Zack."

"No there won't, it's an 'adults only' hotel. There will be no kids for their parents to get upset about you being naked."

"And the kids on the beaches."

"I doubt very much that the kids will give a damn about anyone being naked, it's just their parents that get upset."


The next couple of weeks dragged for Zack then finally his parents were wheeling their suitcases out to the taxi. Both Zack and Mary waved them off the Mary went to her room.

Zack had other plans for her. When he found her in her room Zack went in and said,

"Mary," Zack said, "whilst our parents are away there's a few things that you need to do differently."

"Like what?"

"Firstly, whilst you are at home you will be naked all of the time, and that includes if we have any visitors. Secondly, whenever you go out you will not wear underwear, you will also not wear trousers, jeans, tights or shorts and your skirts will be no longer that 8 cm below your pussy."

"Does that include college? Because I still have 3 days left there."

"Yes Mary, it does include college. I'm glad that you mentioned college Mary, you will decide what you will wear on each of those days, the night before and you will seek my approval for what you want to wear."


"Thirdly, the being naked all the time here includes the back garden, and if it is a sunny day, and you have nothing better to do, you will sunbathe out there naked so that you get an all-over tan ready for our holiday. Fourthly, when you go to bed you will sleep on top of the duvet, leaving your bedroom door open."


"Do you have any problem with any of these things Mary?"

"No, if that's what you want me to do then that is what I will do. Should I take my clothes off now Zack?"

"Do you have to go out for anything?"


"Then strip right now."

"Yes Zack."

"Good, I'm glad that we are on the same page."

Zack was really looking forward to the next 3 weeks and he'd already arranged for a few of his mates to come over that evening for a bit of a party.

Both siblings went about their normal day until early afternoon when Zack told Mary to put on a dress and shoes because they were going to the supermarket. Being a reasonably warn day, Mary came out wearing a summer dress. Mary's nipples told Zack that she wasn't wearing a bra but the dress wasn't thin enough for him to be able to see if she was wearing knickers.

"Lift the front of your dress Mary, I need to check that you aren't wearing any knickers."

Mary did and Zack was pleased when he saw her slit and bald pubes.

"Good girl, come on, let's go."

Fifteen minutes later Zack was pushing a trolley round the supermarket and Mary was filling it with what every Zack told her. Needless to say that Zack had her bending over quite a lot although her goodies weren't on display because of the length of her dress.

During the drive home Zack said,

"Mary, after we've got the food sorted for the party, we will go through all you skirts and dresses, you will put on the ones that I tell you and I will decide by how much you will shorten them."

They did, and they did, Zack explaining that 2 of skirts were to be shortened more at the front than at the back. The fronts being so short that anyone walking up to her would be able to see her slit. Then Zack told Mary to start on the shortening work.

Mary got stuck into the dressmaking work and didn't realise that it was getting into the evening until she heard the boisterous voices of some young men. Coincidentally, at the same time, Zack was thinking that it was about time that he introduced his younger sister to some of his work colleagues that had never met her before, and he was sure that the other guys that were there would also want to get re-acquainted with her.

Zack went to Mary's room and told her to stop working on the skirt that was on the sewing machine, and to make a blindfold out of some of the off-cuts that were piled on the floor.

Not asking what Zack wanted a blindfold for, Mary got to work and 10 minutes later there she was modelling the blindfold. Zack tried a few things to make sure that she couldn't see anything.

"Shall I get back to finishing the skirt I was working on Zack?"

"No Mary, you've done enough work for today, it's time for you to have some fun, keep the blindfold on and come with me."

Mary didn't object when Zack led her down the stairs and into the lounge where half a dozen of his mates were drinking.

The room went silent as soon as Mary walked in wearing nothing but the blindfold and with her hands beside her hips.

"Fucking hell Zack, who is this?"

"Everyone," Zack shouted, "this is my little sister Mary. Tonight she is here to please your eyes, and only your eyes. None of you will fuck any of her 3 holes. And, she needs to keep the blindfold on at all times so if you are talking to her you can give her a false name and tell her that you are a billionaire if you want to. It you want, you may photograph or video her, but please guys, this is for your pleasure, not for everyone around the world to see, so keep it private."

Turning to face Mary Zack continued,

"Mary, my sweet little sister, you will not attempt to take the blindfold off even if you think that you recognise the voice of the person talking to you and you want to confirm your suspicions. Oh, and the guys here include some of my friends, some of my work colleagues, some of your college mates and a couple of your girlfriend's boyfriends."

"Oh gawd, really Zack, this is so embarrassing."

"It's meant to be embarrassing Mary. But at the same time I'm guessing that you will find all this a big turn on so whenever you want to masturbate just do it wherever you are. And feel free to ask anyone if you can borrow their fingers or tongue."

Well, of course, just about all the guys wanted to talk to Mary, get a close-up look at her naked body and take some photos. It was like an 'excuse me' at an old fashioned dance as the guys tried to get to talk to her. Zack was always close by, watching her, not that he was worried for her, he wanted to see how she was reacting to all the clothed men talking to the naked her and her not being able to see any of them.

Someone gave Mary a glass of something to drink and after a first sip she decided that it was the tequila that she had been told that it was, the rest of the drink disappeared quite quickly.

Watching Mary was exciting for Zack as well. He found himself getting hard as Mary was getting turned on and touched.

It took a while for any of the guys to find the courage to actually touch her, well that's touching her to do more than turn her or direct her in one direction or another. It was one of Zack's mates that actually touched a tit first. He used a finger and thumb to pinch a nipple causing Mary to gasp then moan. Zack could tell by the way her body relaxed when her nipple was pinched that she enjoyed it. If her nipples could have got any bigger they would have as more and more guys went over to her and had a play with them causing her to moan some more.

When Mary had her first orgasm, Zack checked to see that no one was playing with her butt or pussy then was pleased that the cause of the orgasm was just the situation that she was in, and the fingers on her breasts. Zack had never before heard of a woman orgasming just by breast stimulation but he was pleased with the knowledge that his little sister could do that.

At first it was only a couple of the guys closest to Mary that realised that she was cumming but one of them shouted,


And soon all eyes were on her as her fists clenched and her whole body shook.

Zack was proud of his little sister.

Zack lost count of the number of times she was asked why she was naked and doing what Zack told her and every time she replied with the same thing,

"I don't really know, I just felt like I should and Zack said that I should."

Shortly after that first orgasm people started eating (the buffet). It was only a small buffet as there weren't that many people there and it started disappearing fast. A couple of the guys fed sausage rolls, vol-au-vents and cocktail sausages to Mary as she stood there trying to answer the questions that she was being asked.

But overall, Mary was attracting less attention because of the food.

That changed when all the food was gone and one of the guys suggested that Mary get up on the table. Quite quickly the table was cleared and Mary was lifted up and pushed down onto her back.

By then everyone had had a good look and probably a play with her tits but she was now on her back and her bald pussy was attracting the eyes of everyone in the room.

Before long hands were caressing every square millimetre of exposed skin, tits and pussy included. As hands caressed her pussy her legs unconsciously opened revealing a bit more skin that could be caressed.

One of Zack's friends said,

"Zack, mate, you said that we couldn't fuck her but you didn't say that we couldn't finger fuck her. So can we?"

"You may use your fingers in any of her holes guys, just not your cocks."

Needless to say that all those hands got even busier and they easily brought Mary to first one, then a second, then a third orgasm, all in rapid succession. After that third one Zack told everyone to back-off for a while. Telling them that she needed a rest.

Everyone did, going to what they originally expected to do when they arrived at the party, drink, talk and watch some football.

Zack went over to Mary and asked if she was okay.

"Yes, but I need a pee."

Zack told her that he would take her, reminding her to leave the blindfold where it was.

"But how will I get up the stairs and into the bathroom?"

"I said that I will take you Mary."

"Maybe I should get you a white cane." Zack said as he directed her along the landing into the bathroom.

"Planning on keeping this blindfold on me are you Zack? And are you going to put me on the toilet and watch me pee?"

"Yes Mary, you've watched me pee so now I'm going to watch you."

And he did, Mary taking her time relaxing so that the pee would actually come out. When she'd finished he watched her grope for the toilet paper then wipe herself and then flush the toilet.

"There Mary," Zack said, "I think that you'd survive being blind."

"No thanks Zack, I don't know how truly blind people survive."

"Neither do I, I don't think that I could. Now, back to the table. If the football game is any good you might just be able to get some sleep."

"You're kidding, I'm naked in a room with a dozen or so virile young men, no chance. Just thinking about it has got me wet already. Finger me and see for yourself, you might as well, everyone else here has."

There was no way that Zack was going to miss an opportunity like that so he did causing Mary to moan and the cum again.

"Wow, you have a very sensitive pussy Mary."

"Put any girl in this situation and she'd be on the edge all the time brother, and can I take this blindfold off yet?"

"No Mary, not until everyone has left. You are not to see any of their faces."


"Because I want you to look at all my friends in the future, your male college mates and your girlfriends boyfriends and wonder if they had groped your naked body and made you cum."

"You know Zack, you can be a right bastard at times."

"I know, but you'll do anything that I tell you to and that includes enjoying yourself. You can't tell me that you're not enjoying this evening."

"Yes I am enjoying it, even if it is so embarrassing and humiliating."

"And you'll enjoy the next 3 week being naked all the time, apart from when you have to go out."

"I don't want to do it, it's going to be so embarrassing."

"But you'll do it."

"If you tell me to do it."

"Good, now lets see if anyone wants some dessert, GUYS, WHO WOULD LIKE SOME DESSERT? SORRY BUT WE ONLY HAVE ONE FLAVOUR."

Zack shouted as he got Mary flat on her back on the table again. Mary automatically spreading her legs.

There was actually 7 guys there other than Zack and each one of them, in turn, dragged themselves away from the TV to go and have their dessert, each one of them making Mary cum. By the time everyone left, Mary was exhausted.

"You can clear-up tomorrow." Zack said as he carried his little sister up to the shower, helped her shower, dried her and carried her to her bed before going back down to his mates.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Loved this story, thanks much!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
MORE !!!

ignore neg comments, people who read a whole story that they don't like, are actually mental, Please write more, Thanks

Jorvik1220Jorvik1220almost 4 years ago
Screw the haters!

Honestly, some people on here are expecting prize winning fiction... Unless it's got subtle characters and depth, they'll dislike it. Those people need to get over themselves.

Yes, the premise is ridiculous, but erotic fiction does not need to be serious. If you take it as I think it's supposed to be- namely something a bit silly and light but enjoyable for people who like light control, exhibitionism and group stuff, then it's fine in those lights.

7Clubs7Clubsalmost 4 years ago
Message to ‘Critics.’

When a story is not to your taste, please stop reading it. If you think you know how the author can improve for the future then by all means provide CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Don’t assume that you speak for all the readers and then declare the story trash or stupid in the comments.

Remember, this website is not a paid subscription, and you are not entitled to a story tailor made to your likes. The author is writing purely for their own enjoyment.

LeBaron1987LeBaron1987almost 4 years ago
Good work

Good work Vanessa, well done; as always.

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