Showing Myself Ch. 15

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Present day, and a lot pf changes.
19.9k words

Part 15 of the 15 part series

Updated 05/19/2024
Created 11/04/2012
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Ok, in this chapter I'll come out and say that there is no sex in it. There is some implied sex and sexual situations, but no graphic, actual sex. I'm sorry! But sometimes life happens, and even I didn't see it coming. But I'm months behind, and if I do another chapter, I think there will be enough sex to make you happy.

If you go back a few chapters, you'll remember when I took out Kyle to a bistro and we met a couple of very nice young ladies., and this is the result of that..............

I don't how they pulled this off, but Kyle and Mike really did plan a dinner for everyone, and Carla and Kate were coming over. The best part was that Jim was also coming! He isn't a really long way off, but still he lives far enough away that he really had to put in an effort. He's so sweet!

The girls arrived first, and we did the normal chit chat, and they hit it off with Kari. Who wouldn't? She is just so kind and bubbly. I love having her around! I told them that everyone was here except for Jim, but he would be there soon.

The boys were working hard in the kitchen, and they handed us a bottle of wine and told us to just go somewhere and relax. We were in the living room when I got a text from Jim that he was just coming up my street and would be there in two minutes. I told the girls he was almost here and soon we heard a car pull up. They jumped up and looked out the window and there was Jim coming up to the deck.

"Omg, he looks just like Ryan Gosling! But ruggeder! Jenn, you are so lucky!"

He came in and he was just so charming to everyone, just like he always is. But he wasn't a flirtatious charming, just a kind and polite kind of charming, and the girls felt immediately at ease with him. Then, he went into the kitchen and met Kyle and Mike and offered to help, explaining that he cooks for himself every night. They gladly accepted, and we girls let them be. Then, I had an idea.

"Hey, I know, let's go to my bedroom and look through my closet and see if there's something you girls can use. I really do have a lot of nice things to wear that I don't use anymore."

Kate, Carla, and Kari went with me and I opened my closet.

"Kari has already picked out a few things, so we'll start with Carla. Here, I loved this blouse, try it on!"

She looked a little uncertain, so Kari spoke up.

"Trust me, at least she isn't standing here while you try on panties. This should be a breeze."

"Ignore Kari, we went shopping together, and she's just shy. Put that on, and I'll look for something else.

Carla took off her shirt, and I could see that Kyle was a lucky guy.

"Ok, you definitely need to show those boobies off. That blouse will look amazing on you! Here, this is the same thing, but in a different color. Sorry I don't have any bras that fit."

I found several other things, and she left the first one on, and she was genuinely appreciative for the clothes.

I then turned to Kate and said, 'You're so tall, so I doubt I have anything that fits. But I have a ton of accessories! Let's look around."

She was wearing a scarlet top and some nice jeans, so I knew she put some thought into her fashion, and I tried to see what would look good on her.

"Look, fall is coming, and I know this scarf would look great. And this belt? You could wear that now. And let's look at some purses, they are barely used."

The other girls looked through the things and helped Kate choose some items and we had a great time.

"Ok, this was so much fun, let's see where the men are with dinner! You know, they're trying so hard, so let's build them up!"

Just before we left the room, Kate pulled me aside.

"Jennifer, thank you so much. I really mean that. But I'll probably go now."

"Ok, but why??"

"Well, everyone here has someone, and I'm just a third wheel like always."

"God, you're not a third wheel, I want you to stay! Maybe Jim knows some single guys!"

"It's not that. Uh, I'm gay, and I just don't fit in."

"Oh Kate, I don't know what to say. If you think you don't fit in, that would make me really sad and I'd think I failed you. Please stay, I beg you!"

She sighed and said, "Ok, thank you, you've been a great host."

We left my bedroom and I quickly texted Jim.

"Jim, I need you to pay some attention to Kate, and be your usual charming self. I don't mean flirt with her, I just mean make her feel like she fits in. She's into girls, know what I mean?"

"She's into girls so you want me to charm her?"

"You know what I mean Jim. She's insecure because the other girls here have a guy, ok?"

"Ok, no problem."

We were all back in the living room while Mike and Kyle were putting the finishing touches on dinner, and Jim was talking to Kate about school and work and stuff like that. I wasn't really paying attention, and soon they had moved out to the patio and were sitting out there and talking. After about 15 minutes, Kate came rushing back in.

"You'll never guess what Jim did! He knows a guy at a big hospital in DC from when he was in the military, and he called him and asked if they're looking for physical therapists, and before I knew it he purchased me a plane ticket and hotel room and Uber card and set up an interview! He said he had tons of points he'll never use, and I might as well use them. I told him I couldn't accept that, but he wouldn't listen. Jennifer, he's just so wonderful!"

Jim never ceases to amaze me, and even I didn't see that coming.

"Kate, that's great, would you like me to come with you? I know my way around, and I can make sure you nail that interview! We could hang out in the evening and have some fun at the same time!"

"Really? That would be great, I've never even flown before! But I hate to bother you."

"Kate, I would be offended if you didn't want me to go, and I'll get the particulars from Jim. I'm so excited for you!"

We were all taking about the trip and what she should wear and they were googling the hotel that Jim booked, and then I noticed that Kari was very quiet, which wasn't like her at all. Then, I realized what it was.

I said to myself, "Jennifer, you're such an idiot! How would you have felt if you had knocked on Monica's door and another girl answered! That's how Kari feels right now! You would have been devastated and run down the street in tears!"

I pulled Kari aside and hugged her and whispered, "Oh, this is so sweet. You're jealous! But please, don't feel like that. I'm just trying to help her out, and I'd do the same for you. We're still going to have our own sleepovers, ok?"

She smiled uncertainly and nodded, and said, "It's just that I like you so much and I always have these crazy thoughts in my head where if Mike and I ever broke up, I'd never see you again! And now I see how easy it is for you to meet someone else, and I'd just be an afterthought!'

"Kari, I understand completely, and you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I mean, you could have ditched me last week when things got a little out of hand in my bed, but you stuck right beside me. And, I've told you all of my secrets, right? So it's a date? Wine and a movie and sexy clothes?"

"Yes, it's a date. Thank you so much Jenn! You're so giving, and I was just thinking of myself. I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, I would have felt the same way at your age. You're an amazing woman, but you don't know it yet. We'll work on that."

We joined the others again, and we had such a wonderful afternoon. I could tell that Carla and Kyle were really hitting it off, so I guess my playtime with him was over. Maybe I go too far sometimes, but I'm not a homewrecker. Everyone there loved Jim, which isn't surprising. He's so quiet and confident, which is what drew me to him in the beginning. Even Kyle and Mike talked his ear off like they were his fans. The girls loved him, but they were exasperated with me that I hooked him up with Lisa.

Kate and I had a chance to talk a little bit, and she graduated as a physical therapist and hasn't found the right position yet, so she's just working a regular job. She lives a few miles away from me, and comes from a town about an hour away. I really looked forward to going to DC with her, but there was something about her that I couldn't put my finger on. She kind of intimidated me, but not because she's lesbian, I don't care anything about that. I just thought she was this amazing person with a big shield around her or something. Monika built me up with so much confidence, but I couldn't figure out Kate.

Anyway, I did go shopping with her and bought here a few nice outfits for our trip, but I didn't treat her like I did Kari. I did make her think out of the box though, and she ended up with some things she never would have worn before! And before we knew it, thanks to Jim, we were on our way to DC.

We arrived at the hotel and we decided to change before dinner. I told her to save the lavender blouse and black skirt for her job interview, and wear the other outfit tonight. Even though we were just going downstairs to the hotel restaurant, I explained that you can never be overdressed and to always be prepared for anything.

She had a million questions about Jim and how we met and my job and things like that, and she also opened up a little more about her relationship with her family. As it turns out, they are quite religious and don't approve of her being gay, as though she can do anything about it.

"Well Kate, this will be the perfect place to start over and be yourself. I adore you already, and I promise that no one in my circle of friends will ever question you."

"Thank you Jenn, it just seems like I've been walking a tightrope my whole life, but you make me feel so at ease."

We had a nice dinner, and I told her that we'd go out on the town tomorrow night, but tonight I'd make sure she got to bed and was fully rested for her interview.

When we got back to the room, Kate changed into a cute top and shorts and hopped onto the bed. I had something similar on, and I hesitated before doing the same.

"You aren't freaked out if I sleep in the same bed with you, are you? It's huge, but I could also sleep on the sofa."

"Jenn, of course not, and I would never make you sleep on the sofa! You've helped me so much, and I can't thank Jim enough!"

I smiled and climbed on the bed, and said, "Oh, that's just how Jim is. He's a really nice guy, and I'm really glad it all worked out."

We had brought up the rest of the bottle of wine from dinner, and I poured it in our glasses.

"So, tell me about yourself. Why did you go into PT? Is your family excited about you getting this job?"

"I don't know why, I was always kind of athletic I guess, and I thought I'd be good at it if I could relate to injuries. Of course, I was naïve and thought all injuries were sports related, but now I know better. As for family, don't get me started. They don't even know I'm here."

"Oh, why? You don't have to say anything if you don't want to, but I'm your friend and I'm a good listener."

"Oh, it's ok, it's just that I'm a gigantic disappointment to them because I'm gay, and their idea of support is reading my name out loud at church and asking people to pray for me and humiliating me. I was a top student, never caused trouble, and they don't even care. That's why I didn't even tell them about this job interview."

"Well, give them time. Just continue doing what's best for you, and I promise we'll all help any way we can, ok? But, what about a love interest? Do you have a girlfriend?"

"A girlfriend? Right, I've never even been on a date. My hometown is out of the question, and I don't know how to meet people. Maybe DC will be different."

"Excuse my bluntness, and you can just tell me to shut up anytime, but I find you fascinating. Have you ever kissed or made out with a girl?"

"Only if you count kissing the back of my hand to practice. Pretty pathetic for a 21 year old, right?"

"Oh Kate, you are more normal that you can ever imagine. You know what? I was your age before I had my first kiss and my first date, and I was obviously still a virgin too. Nothing wrong with it at all. But do you feel desire? Do you daydream about falling in love? Do you have sexual feelings? Do you fantasize?"

She turned so red, and just nodded.

"Let me guess, your church doesn't approve of that either. Well, I'll tell you before I finally met my boyfriend, I was doing myself three or four times a day. I still do! Here's to self-gratification!"

We clinked our glasses, and I grabbed my I-pad and said, "Tell you what, let's see what kind of partners we're each attracted to. I'll go to a men's fashion site, and I'll show you who I like."

I brought up a page and started scrolling, and I pointed to a few guys, and I mentioned their broad shoulders and rugged jaw lines, just like Jim. She laughed and said she couldn't judge and couldn't see what I see.

"Ok, your turn. I'll bring up women's fashion. Remember, I realize that a person as a whole is the most important, but there has to be a physical attraction too, and we're just playing. So, who do you think is really hot?"

She pointed to a cute blonde girl with short hair, and then another girl with shoulder length brown hair, and then a few more similar girls.

"So, you're attracted to petite, cute girls? You're tall, so I guess that makes sense. There will be thousands of them in DC, I promise. And they're absolutely going to think you're hot."

She blushed again, and I continued my questions.

"Ok, when I'm in bed with Jim, we sleep on our sides and he pulls me close against his chest, and I feel so warm and safe. When you're in love and have a partner, how do you envision sleeping?"

"That's funny that you mention that, because I think of it often. I'd like to be on my back and have her lay in my arm with her head on my chest, with her legs crossed over my body. Does that make sense?"

"Yes, I think that's very sweet. Would you both be naked? I always sleep naked, even when I'm alone. I love feeling the silky sheets touching my body."

I could see her nipples grow hard under her top, so I know I struck a nerve.

"I know what you mean, and I sleep naked too. Of course, that's a sin in mom's eyes too, and she always gives me bulky cotton pajamas for my birthday so I won't be tempted to sin, and I just toss them in the trash can."

"Hmm, I never looked at it that way. I always wondered why I masturbated so much, but now I see it's because the sheets were leading me into temptation. Who knew."

We laughed, and I told her some old stories about Monika, and then I got more personal.

"Would it be wrong if we slept naked tonight? I mean, you're gay and I'm straight and I'm an old woman, so it isn't like we'd be hitting on each other or that it could lead to something. But I like you a lot, and I understand you, and we both prefer it."

She looked at me, and said, "Yes, that would be ok, and you're not an old woman! You're so hot! But I'm so self-conscious about my body. I'm tall and scrawny, and no one has seen me naked before."

God, what is it about young women and their view of their bodies?? First Kari thinks she's plain and fat, and now Kate thinks she's scrawny! But they're both gorgeous!

"Ok Kate, you're being ridiculous. I was going to suggest we turn out the lights first because I'm old and you're ten times hotter than me, but now we're leaving them on!"

I stood and peeled off my top and shrugged my panties to the floor. I rolled back the comforter down to foot level and laid down on the bed and turned on my side and looked at her.

"Your turn."

She stood, and I could tell that she was unsure if she should face me or turn around, so I said, "Face me when you undress. And yes, I'm going to look at every inch of your body to cure your shyness."

She took her top off, and she had a sports bra underneath that she shyly slipped off. She was at most a B-cup, and her breasts pointed straight out. She hesitated, but then pushed her shorts to the floor in one motion and hopped on the bed beside me. She made as if she was going to pull the blankets up over her, but I stopped her.

"We're just going to lay here like this and continue chatting. I want you to get comfortable with your body. I know I'm older, but you can look at me too, I don't mind. I even think it's exciting to have a beautiful girl like you looking at me."

I looked at her closely, and she had a very feminine figure with nice hips and long legs and very cute breasts, and I told her that.

"Ok, I just gave you an evaluation of your body, so now tell me what you see in mine. There are no rules."

"Well, you have breasts I can only dream of, and you have really nice skin, and......."


"Oh Jenn, I can't say it!"

"Yes you can, it all stays here. Just be yourself."

She hesitated and said, "You have an awesome body, and I was checking you out all day, and was imagining coming up behind you and putting my hands on your butt. Ok, satisfied?"

"Oh Kate, I can't wait until you meet someone, and don't be afraid to say something like that to her! Just hearing you say that gives me butterflies!"

She smiled, and I continued.

"Ok, lay back like you imagine you would if you had your future girlfriend in bed with you, and I'll lay on your shoulder, ok? Tell me if it's comfortable for you."

I slid over, and laid my head on her shoulder, and gazed downward over her body.

"Kate, you really are very sexy. I'm looking at you, and you have a nice, flat stomach, and perky boobs, and you smell so nice. The girls will be chasing you all over town!"

"You're so funny Jenn, I don't see that at all!"

"I'm telling you Kate, you have true romance in your future. You're very kind and gentle, and with a body to match. How do you imagine having sex with your girlfriend? And don't act innocent, I know you've thought about it."

"I don't know, I think of a lot of things, but I imagine laying like this and touching each other. And since we're not holding back, I imagine bringing my fingers to my lips so I know what she tastes like. I do it to myself too."

"Oh, I do that too! I think most women do. And, I had similar fantasies before I had my first boyfriend, and played it out over and over in my mind so it would be perfect when we finally did it! Really, I am so excited for you!"

I slid back to my side of the bed and we finished our wine, and I set the alarm.

"Ok, we have the address, and I'll order an uber for you. I'll just hang out here and read and wait for you to come back. Jim really talked you up, and if you're just yourself, it's a done deal."

"Thank you so much Jenn, I owe you."

"No you don't, people have been nice to me, and I'm just paying it forward. You'll do the same."

I turned out the light and we made ourselves comfortable. But, every other night when I turned out the light, that would be the trigger for my hand to start wandering over myself. But, after talking to Kate all evening, I realized she was very vulnerable, and the last thing she needed was to be creeped out by someone touching herself in the bed next to her! So, I kept my hands to myself and finally drifted off to sleep.

But, I will admit that while we were sleeping I gradually slid over and laid close to her, with my arm laying over her body. Finally, the alarm went off, and we both awoke. We looked at each other, and I told her I planned a ten minute snooze, so no need to jump out of bed.

"Sorry I got so close and invaded your space, but I always cuddle in bed, and I must have sought you out in my sleep." I started to pull back, but she grabbed my arm.

"No, it's ok, just stay where you are. We have ten minutes, right?"

I relaxed my arm over her body, and then moved my leg over hers, and said, "The girl who falls in love with you will be very lucky indeed."

"Are you sure you aren't gay or bi? I've never met anyone like you."