Showing Myself Pt. 05


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"That was wonderful daddy." I finally managed to say.

"Yes it was Princess but I have to go to work."

"What time is it?" I asked.

"I woke up early and saw you and I just couldn't resist you any more."

"Good, so does that mean that you are going to fuck me every day until you find a girlfriend and start fucking her."

"That depends on if I can find one before you go off to university."

"You'd better get looking dad, do you want any help?"

"Maybe, we'll talk over the weekend. You stay there and go back to sleep, you had a late night last night, was it good?"

"Yes thanks daddy, it was great."

I resisted the urge to tell him what I'd arranged for that evening, turned on my side, cupped my pussy with one hand and closed my eyes.

I woke up again just before lunchtime to find Seth sitting on the bed looking down at me. Sometime while sleeping I'd turned onto my back spread my legs and was still cupping my pussy.

"Nice dream was it Lea? Your hand was busy when I came in, you looked beautiful."

"Don't you dare go all sloppy with me Seth."

"I won't, I can wait."

"What the fuck do you mean by that?"

"Nothing. Hey there was over £200 in that envelope last night."

"Good, you can put it towards a motorbike or however you're going to get to college."

"Yeah, I'm going to have to start thinking about that. So did you enjoy fucking that Luke last night?"

"He was okay, a bit like you and Noah when we first started fucking but we have all learnt over the weeks and you're now a lot better than Luke was last night. You and Noah know what I like."

"Thanks, so what are we doing today?"

"I'm going to have a lazy day doing nothing, I'm working tonight remember?"

"I hadn't forgotten, I might come along and see you now that I've got some money. I might go and see Noah, see if he's thought about how to get to college yet."

"Okay, seeya sometime Seth."

Seth left me still laying on the bed totally naked.

I eventually got around to getting up and having some breakfast then I did the chores that had to be done then went and layout in the sun, determined to have a few quiet hours before what would probably be a hectic evening.

I had the tea ready for dad when he got home and as we ate I asked him what time he was go to the pub.

"I wasn't planning to go until later on, to walk you home."

"Dad, I'm a big girl now, I don't need you to lookout for me all the time, besides Seth and Noah will be there, they can hang around and walk back with me. Why don't you come early then you can come home early and get a good nights sleep ready to wake me up like you did this morning."

"Hmm, I'd like that."

"So would I. So it's a plan then?"

"Okay Lea."

After tea and clearing up I went and had an outside shower and asked daddy to check me to make sure that no hairs had escaped the laser treatment and had started growing. Neith of us could find any but daddy was feeling a bit naughty so we had a bit of fun on the grass. It was a good job that I'd started getting ready early because I had to have another shower.

After getting dried I went up to my room to finish getting ready. Then I got out one of daddy's smart shirts and trousers and told him to wear those to the pub.

"What's wrong with that I'm wearing right now?"

"Humour please daddy. I want my father to be the most handsome man there tonight."

"Okay, but I don't see what the big deal is, it's only a village pub."

"Humour please dad."

"For you Princess I will."

"Good, now I'm off, you get smartened up and I'll see you in a bit."

As I walked to the pub I just hoped that Mac wouldn't let me down.

Ben was his usual cheerful self and things soon started to get busy. Then Mac and a woman walked in. It had been a few years since I had actually seen Mac and I wasn't 100% sure that it was him so I went over to him and what I hoped was his sister Angie.

"Mac, that is you isn't it?"

"Bloody hell, is that you Leanne, you never told me that you'd be naked."

"Yes it's me Mac, and you must be Angie, I'm so pleased that you came."

"So why are you naked Leanne?" Mac said as I shook Angie's hand.

"Naked barmaid, Fridays and Saturdays, it's not a problem for either of you is it?"

"Hell no Leanne, I can remember you running around like that when you were little." Mac said then turned to his sister and said,

"Angie, this Leanne, Harry's daughter, Leanne this is my sister Angie."

"Hi Angie." I said, I hope that this nude thing isn't upsetting you, I get lots of tips that will help me when I go to university."

"Not at all Leanne," Angie said, "if you've got it flaunt it is what I always say. Good on you girl."

"So how about you join me Angie, you've certainly got what it takes." I said.

"No, no, I couldn't, I'm old enough to be your mother."

"So what, you're still a looker." I replied.

"You need a man to appreciate you Sis." Mac said.


I took their drinks order and pointed them to the last free table.

When I took their drinks to them Mac said,

"I still can't get over you Leanne, you used to be so shy, your dad had to coax you out from behind the sofa to come and talk to us, and look at you now, letting the whole pub see everything that you've got."

"Not that I've got much to see," I said cupping my little tits. "I guess that I just decided that I should have some fun before I'm too old."

"And why not?" Angie asked.

"You look as though you are still young enough to have some fun Angie. You should join me."

"I don't think so." Angie replied.

I went and got on with my work, bending over and flashing my pussy at every opportunity and I know that Mac and Angie would have got an eyeful at least once, if they looked.

About an hour later I saw my father coming through the door so I almost ran over to him, gave him a big hug and said,

"Look who's here dad."

I took his hand and led him over to Mac and Angie then I went and got them all a drink then left them to it.

About 45 minutes later Mac came over to the bar whilst I was behind it. As I served him I asked him how it was going with my dad and Angie.

"They're talking and it sounds promising."

"Good, take these over to them then come back here and I'll get you fixed up with a game of darts."

"I don't play darts Leanne."

"You do now Mac."

Mac did deliver the drinks and come back to the bar and I took him over to the darts board where a couple of locals were playing darts and after introducing Mac I asked if they would do me a favour and teach Mac how to play. How could they refuse a naked 18 year old girl and I left Mac with them.

I got on with my job and posed for selfies and spreadies both inside and outside as well as the normal tasks of a barmaid. I kept looking over to dad and Angie and they appeared to be getting on okay and at the end of the evening I went and kissed Mac on his cheek and thanked him, then watched the 3 of them walk out.

Noah and Seth had come in towards the end of the evening and they walked me home. The lights were out and I wondered if Mac had left Angie there. I wouldn't know until I got into the house but before that I needed Seth and Noah to take care of the strong tingling that I'd had for the last 3 hours.

They again fucked me out on the street, Noah saying,

"One of these times one of the villagers is going to be coming home late and catch us."

"I don't care." I said as my mouth came off his cock to get some air and let him know my feelings.

I was unhappy when I looked into my father's bedroom and saw that he was asleep on his own. After a trip to the bathroom I gently climbed in alongside him putting my arm over his chest.


It was me who woke up first and I quickly discovered his morning woody which I wasn't going to waste. I was slowly riding his cock when his eyes opened and he said,

"We shouldn't."

"I'll stop doing this the day that you take Angie out for a drink without Mac being there."

"Well you better make the most of that Lea because I'm taking her out tonight."

"Not to the village pub hope daddy."

"No, a restaurant in town."

I did make the most of what was probably going to be the last time that I fucked my father, riding him until we'd both cum then I got off him and licked his cock clean. There's something about the taste of a man's cum mixed in my juices that I just love.

I has a quiet day at home with daddy which included me having to put a dress on for a while when we went to the supermarket but I did spend quite a bit of time bent over the back of the trolley and dad did tell me to stop flashing my pussy at everyone a few times.

I helped daddy get dressed up got his date then asked him if he wanted me to stay over at Seth's house that night.

"No, my generation don't jump into bed after a first date."

"So if I come home and you are on your own do you want me to climb in with you?"

Daddy didn't answer me.

It was another successful evening at the pub with goodness knows how many photos with me in them being taken. What's more my bank balance was starting to get quite healthy.

Noah and Seth saw me home again and the roadside got used again. Then when I went inside I saw that daddy's bed was empty so I went to my bed and fell asleep hoping that daddy as doing it with Angie somewhere.


I was disappointed when I woke up and went passed daddy's room and saw that he was alone, still fast asleep. Deciding that he might need cheering-up I quietly lifted his bedsheet and was pleased to see a morning woody. Slowly and quietly I climbed on and impaled myself before waking him by going up and down on it.

"Morning daddy." I said when his eyes opened. "I guess that you and Angie didn't end up in bed so I thought I'd give you a consolation fuck."

"That's very kind of you Princess but you shouldn't be doing that, I had a great night with Angie, and you're right we didn't end up in bed but things are looking good and I'm taking her out for the day in a couple of hours."

"In that Land Rover?"

"Yes, she doesn't mind not being very comfortable and it being a bit noisy."

"Well after we've finished here I'll go and clean it for you daddy."

"Thank you Leanne but that's not necessary. Ohhh, that's it, go backwards and forwards as well. I picked up Angie in it last night and she didn't complain."

"I'm still, oh daddy I'm gonna cum soon, going to clean it for you. You might want to fuck her in the back of it."

Shortly after that we both orgasmed then I went straight outside and got to work cleaning the Land Rover. It's not his Rover, it comes with the job and he has to put all sorts of things in the back of it so it can get quite filthy and smelly so I did a good job of cleaning it including hosing it out.

By the time I'd finished dad had had a bit of a nap, done his bathroom bit and got breakfast ready so we talked as we ate, me quizzing him about his date. I was reasonably happy about how things were going with him and Angie and just before he left to go and pick her up and I told him that I'd changed his bedsheets then disappear for the day, just in case.

I had Sunday lunch with Seth's family, none of them caring that they had a naked 18 year old at their dinner table, then we collected Noah and biked out to the woods.

As we rode through the woods we saw a couple of dog walkers but we didn't hang around to find out what they thought of the naked cyclist with a bit of a glazed expression on her face.

We enjoyed a couple of hours fucking and talking in the meadow before pedalling back through the village to Ted's farm for bit of skinny dipping. As we passed my house I saw that the Land Rover wasn't there but I didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

When I finally went home at around 9 p.m. dad wasn't there but I was pleased to see that the bed had been used and not made. It was a slightly happier Leanne that went to bed that night.


It was and wasn't a happy me that slid into daddy's bed early the next morning. I had wanted to use his morning woody but I had promised him that I'd stop fucking him after he started fucking Angie and I was eager to find out if I should climb on him or not.

Fortunately my days of fucking my father had ended and I was happy for him. Over breakfast I asked him when she was coming back to the house because I wanted to talk to her to find out if it would be a problem for her me being naked all the time.

I was happy when dad said that he was pretty sure that Angie wouldn't mind but I needed to hear it from her, I didn't want my nudity to become a problem for them. I was quite happy to find somewhere else to live for the next few weeks until I went to university. I was sure that Seth's family or Ted and Beth at the farm or even Ben at the pub would give me a bed for a few weeks.

It was the following Friday when I saw Angie again. It was when I was coming home from my night working at the pub. Seth and Noah had serviced me before I went into the house and I was and wasn't surprised to see both daddy and Angie laying on daddy's bed. Both were naked and both were fast asleep. I also observed that Angie had bald pubes just like me. I picked up my shower things and went outside to have a shower before going to my own bed to sleep.


I was getting breakfast ready when into the kitchen walked a naked Angie followed by my equally naked father. They had entered quietly and I jumped a little when Angie said,

"Morning Leanne, did you sleep well?"

"Oh, you startled me, yes thanks Angie, you both looked so peaceful when I got home so I'm guessing that both of you slept well as well."

"Yes thanks Princess." Daddy replied.

"I'll get my breakfast and go outside to eat." I said.

"No Leanne," Angie said, "unless that's what you usually do, I don't want anything to change just because I'm here, you two have been living on your own for so long and I don't want you to change just because I'm here, and that includes you walking around like that Leanne. Your father has told me that you've become a nudist for the summer and I expect that to continue, and I might even join you some of the time."

"Does that mean that you will come and work in the pub as a naked barmaid?" I asked.

"No, I don't think so I'm too old for that sort of thing."

"No you're not Angie, tell her dad."

"I agree with Leanne Angie, you look amazing, but it's you're choice. If you want to do it I will support you but if you don't I will respect that wish, and so will Leanne, won't you Leanne?"

"Of course daddy, I was just saying that Angie has the body to do the job."

"Fair enough Leanne but you're right, Angie does have the body but it has to be her choice."

"Thank you Leanne," Angie said, "but I'm too old to be running around and telling horny young men to take their hands off me."

I smiled at that then sat down and the naked 3 of us ate our breakfast.

Angie spent each weekend with us until I left to go to university and we got on like a house on fire. Daddy and Angie didn't go out much on a weekend so my fun with Seth and Noah was restricted to the woods or the swimming hole on weekends.

One thing that did happen on a weekend, twice, was that daddy took Angie and me to the coast. First time it was just the 3 of us but the second time Seth and Noah came with us. The journeys there and back only took a couple of hours but in the Land Rover it felt like like twice that time.

Daddy took us to a beach that is difficult to get to, along a dirt track. That wasn't a problem for the Land Rover but it meant that there weren't that many people there. Reluctantly I wore a dress for the journeys but as soon as we got there the dress came off and stayed in the Land Rover.

Daddy led us to one end of the beach and I was pleased that Angie stripped off when we put our towels down. There wasn't anyone within about 20 metres so it wasn't that brave of Angie although she didn't cover up when more people came and settled a lot closer than that.

Me, on the other hand, used the excuse of leaving daddy and Angie to talk on their own while I wandered all over the whole beach. I didn't ask daddy if it was an official nudist beach, I didn't really care, it was a bit remote and besides, Daddy is a Park Ranger and the beach is part of the Park that daddy works for and their logo was on the Land Rover so if anyone was going to complain about my nudity it would be daddy that they'd complain to.

Daddy insisted that Angie and I were covered in sunblock and he spent ages rubbing it onto the pair of us and he did linger quite a bit on Angie's tits and pussy. I would have liked that to be me as well but Angie was his girl now.

It was great wandering around totally naked and seeing people looking and staring at me, and my pussy was tingling all the time. I also explored the rocks at both ends of the beach and discovered a couple of much smaller beaches that I thought would be great for having some beach sex and I suggested to dad and Angie that they go and explore the ends of the beach. They did one time but I don't know if the found the beaches or if they had sex there.

Angie and I had packed a picnic and it was great just sitting and laying there looking out to sea and soaking up the sun. Every time that daddy and Angie got all lovey-dovey I got up and went for a walk. One time I went up to the car park on my own still totally naked and I smiled a the newcomers as they got out of their vehicles.

The second time that we went to that beach Seth and Noah came with us. I sat in the back of the Land Rover between Noah and Seth and some of each journey was spent with one of their hands under my dress on my bare pussy. It wasn't as good as the school bus journey's but it did help to pass the time.

I had been wondering if Angie was going to get naked when we got to the beach but as soon as daddy turned-off the engine Angie was out and pulling her dress up and off revealing that she too was naked under her dress. She wasn't at all concerned that 2 18 year old boys were seeing her naked.

I did the same and my dress again stayed in the Land Rover all day.

After putting sunblock on Angie daddy threw the bottle to Seth and asked him to cover me. Seth shared the work with Noah but they both ignored my tits and pussy. After they'd done me I did them, but they kept their swim shorts on so I couldn't have much fun.

The boys had their swim shorts on all day but none of us went swimming in the sea. The North Sea is very cold even in the middle of summer.

What the 3 of us did do was wander all over the beach and the rocks and we made use of the private little beaches to make up for the lost sex time.

Everything else went much the same for the rest of the summer holidays. I earned quite a lot of money working at the pub and nowhere near as much working on the farm. We helped Ted lifting the potatoes, ploughing and sowing some seeds in the fields. There was plenty of skinny dipping with both Beth and Ted joining us at times.

Daddy's romance seemed to going well and I stopped worrying about daddy being lonely once I'd moved out.

Damon from the rugby club phoned me towards the end of the August and the 3 of us went to another 18th birthday party with another young man losing his virginity to my pussy. As Damon drove us home that night I realised that I was going to miss taking the virginity of 18 year old guys with lots of other guys watching me.

Noah and Seth both got themselves little motorbikes to go to college on and at the same time their parents paid for driving lessons for them. Understandably they would rather that their son's were inside a car than just sat on a 'death machine' as Seth's mum called motor bikes.

All in all it was an amazing summer that I would love to do all over again. I just hoped that the next summer, after my first year at university, would be just as memorable.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I am guessing this is the last chapter? Hope not. I hope we hear about some escapades in uni as well as the next summer or maybe even school breaks. hopefully Seth see his mom naked as well, maybe even getting a little shag with her. Maybe during school break she and Angie and her dad could have threesome? whatever you decide thank you for sharing your talent.. Pappasleaze!

NewAgeEroticaNewAgeEroticaalmost 3 years ago

Hoping she gets a big gangbang sometime. Loving how casual she is about her body and giving it to men.

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