Shudder - The College Years Ch. 05


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Connie's slightly cold hands interrupted a particular steamy fantasy about a stacked red head while he had been taking Connie from behind. Aubrey shook the professor's head as if to reorient herself. She hadn't completely believed her brother's account of the events that lead him to sleep with their father as their mother. He had always defended it by saying that he had become lost in her psyche. She now totally believed him. While diving into the professor's brain, it had become easier to think like him, to be him. His eyes looked down at Connie's hands on his chest. The erection Aubrey felt was almost painful in its intensity.

"What did you find out?" Connie asked.

"He, uh..." Aubrey's voice said. She had slipped out of character when she reoriented herself. "He never has."

"'re not telling me something," Connie said, her hand slowly, smoothly sliding up and down his shaft. "And please, keep talking like my husband."

Aubrey tried hard to think, but it was difficult with Connie's hand on the professor's dick. It felt amazing. Every time she pulled it, it felt amazing. Having a penis was great. She thought she understood why boys seemed to touch themselves all the time. The professor's voice finally spoke, "He fantasizes about them while...fucking you."

"How often?" she asked, and now her face was very close. Aubrey could feel her hot breath.

"Just some of the times," the professor's voice lied.

"Is that the truth?" Connie asked. Then she kissed her husband. It was a long, deep kiss that curled the professor's toes. When it was over, Connie continued her interrogation. "In order for this to work, Aubrey, I'd like you to be honest with me. Can you do that? Can you be honest with me?"

Her hand had begun to stroke the member faster and Aubrey was finding it harder and harder to think. In the back of her mind she realized she would do anything to keep this woman touching her cock right now. "Yeah, honest, absolutely. He, uh, he fantasizes about them a lot."

The speed of the strokes increased as she asked, "Has he ever fantasized about you, Aubrey?"

Aubrey could not help but ask the question in her mind. She had never brazenly pursued the professor like so many other students, but had mildly flirted with him. She saw the professor's mind recall some of that flirtation. Then saw herself as the professor saw her, as a bright, pretty young student. A student with lovely brown hair and large breasts that he would like to suck on. He had imagined her naked. The image was wrong because, well, he had never seen her naked, but he wanted to, and his imagination had made her breasts even larger than they were. The connection to the professor was stronger than ever now, but it was still so strange to be so turned on by the fantasy of the professor lusting over herself.

Connie spit on her hand and continued stroking. "Answer me Aubrey? Has my husband ever thought about fucking you?"

Aubrey felt the orgasm rise inside her host as she cried out, "Yes!" And she came all over Connie's abdomen.

Connie gave her husband a peck on the cheek. "There, is that better?"

"I...why the fuck did you ask all that while jerking me off?" Aubrey asked in her own voice.

Connie smiled as she began to get dressed. "I know what he likes, a bit of dirty talk. It's interesting that you seem to have to search for the answers instead of just immediately knowing it. If you knew everything about my husband all at once, you'd have known I've teased him about inviting one or two of those girls over for a three way."

The professor's mouth hung open as Aubrey immediately searched for that memory. Try as she might, she couldn't find it.

Connie watched with veiled amusement as her husband's face contorted from thinking so hard. Finally she erupted into a fit of laughter. "I'm kidding. I mean, that's something I've fantasized about, but I'd never tell him. He'd be asking me about it nonstop. I was saving that possibility for a special occasion or if I ever felt the spark was going out."

"Don't do that to me!" Aubrey whined.

"What? It's not like you could do anything about it now."

The professor glanced down at his limp dick and sighed. "I know. It's been fun, but I'll be glad to have my multi orgasmic body back."

Connie made her way to the bathroom to towel off the mess her husband's spunk had made. "Why are you in such a hurry to get your old body back? Don't you want to learn how to control this amazing gift?"

Aubrey had thought about it. Why should Derek get to have all the fun? And she could hop back into her body at any time. "I mean, I kind of would like to, I guess, get a turn at this. But my brother would be stuck in my body while I experimented."

"Right," Connie said thoughtfully. "So your body would die if he were to hop out and you weren't there."

"Pretty sure that's how it works, yeah."

"I wonder if you were on a ventilator if you could... I'll think about that later. I still think there's a strong case for you learning. Maybe you wouldn't get found out next time," Connie teased. "Tell your brother about me. Convince him that I can help, and tell him you need time to learn how to, what do you call it, hop people properly."

Aubrey thought Connie had a point. But she didn't know if she was confident enough in her power of persuasion, maybe with her brother, but definitely not Nevyn. If she got her brother on board though, maybe together they could convince him.

"Get dressed," Connie ordered. "I'll make us breakfast and then we can leave. I'd like my husband back to himself sometime today, and you're supposed to be going to see your parents."

A short while later, the Kendricks strolled onto the college campus and headed towards Aubrey's dormitory. Just yesterday there had been throngs of people milling about, walking to and from classes. Now it was mostly deserted except for a few stragglers or the small minority that didn't wish to visit home or explore some new exotic locale. The scant few people that remained were instantly targets of focus for the husband and wife. The way they eyed each person was like one would do when trying to select the perfect piece of ripe fruit at the grocery store.

"What about that one?" Connie asked, spotting a woman entering a building.

"She's too old," Charles answered.

"Excuse me," Connie said indignantly. "I'm pretty sure she was around my age."

"Um, sorry, just, don't want to freak my parents out by coming home with a body a decade older than my own."

"That guy looks about your age," Connie said as she pointed out a tall, lanky man who was approaching them.

"Like I said earlier, I'd like to have more than two orgasms a day."

"Why is having an orgasm so important to you?" Connie asked as they entered Aubrey's dormitory.

Aubrey couldn't immediately respond to this. When had sex become so important? Was it because of Derek? He no doubt had increased her sexual appetite, but since hopping the professor, it seemed to consume her thoughts more and more. "I don't know, it's just, it is. I'm hoping it's just this male brain I'm possessing."

Like a plane on autopilot, Aubrey guided the professor's body up a flight of stairs towards her floor, then towards her room. Connie followed her lead, but had to ask, "Going someplace in particular?"

"Oh, I guess, my room. Sorry, wasn't thinking."

Connie glanced at her husband's crotch and noticed the bulge there. "You were thinking, just not about anything helpful."

The professor looked at his wife curiously, then understood. "Oh, that. Yeah. It seems just walking can make it come to life. I don't really have any control over it. Don't know how guys walk around with one all the time."

Aubrey stopped outside her room. She wasn't sure why she was here. She should go to a common room and look for candidates to hop, or the cafeteria. She thought maybe the professor's dick might allow for a quickie on her bed though, and since it was calling a lot of the shots at the moment, she opened the door. Aubrey hadn't heard any sound from outside, but as soon as the door was cracked, she heard the sound of a zipper.

Aubrey immediately noticed that Lola's side of the room was bare. Her belongings had vacated the premises, and all that remained were the clothes that Lola had just zipped up inside of a large suitcase. Lola spun around at the sound of the open door. She eyed the two people with a mix of alarm and confusion. She pulled the heavy suitcase off her bed and onto the floor and positioned it between her and the intruders.

Aubrey was also confused as she asked in the professor's voice, "Lola? What's going on? Where's all your stuff?"

Lola didn't answer. Her eyes darted to the spaces between bodies and the door. She was looking for an opening and not finding one. She glanced at the window.

Connie had correctly read the situation and pushed her husband inside so that she could close the door. She braced herself for confrontation as she calmly asked, "I'm guessing this is your roommate Lola?" Lola's face registered shock at this statement, but then her eyes narrowed as they continued to dart around the room. When nobody said anything else or moved, Connie continued. "I'm Connie, Professor Kendrick's wife. Sorry to intrude, Aubrey just wanted to show me her room. Are you moving out?"

Aubrey's voice answered first. "What? No, of course she's not." The professor's expression was hurt as he looked at Lola. "Are you?"

Lola stepped back, her retreat stopped by her bed. "I...a friend said I could move in with her."

"But, I thought we were friends?" Aubrey said.

Lola gave a harsh laugh. "Friends? That's a joke, right? I don't think we were ever friends, Aubrey. I think your brother...did something to my head to make me think that."

Connie waited for Aubrey to rebut this, but Aubrey's silence was like a confession shouted from the roof top. The professor's eyes started to well up with tears and his body took a step towards the angry, frightened girl.

"Don't you touch me!" Lola shouted. She was looking wildly about, trying to devise a means of escape. "I don't want you inside me!"

"Have you told anyone about what Aubrey and Derek can do?" Connie interrupted. It was important to keep her talking so Aubrey could make her move.

"I...I haven't told anyone," Lola said, her voice rising.

Connie had her doubts about this, but needed the girl to quiet down. Despite the fact that most people were gone, they still didn't need the extra attention. "Are you going to tell anyone?" Connie asked. She glanced at Aubrey and gave the slightest motion for her to lunge at the girl. Aubrey wasn't moving though.

"I, I might unless you leave me alone."

The professor was sniffling pathetically. "Look, I'm sorry. We needed your help and...I don't know why you always seem to hate me so much."

Lola's voice was approaching a yell. "Well before it was because...fuck! I don't know. It's like my brain has holes in and all these memories leaked out or have been changed. That's the reason I hate you now though. Is that okay? Can I go now?" She eked around to Connie's side, trying to pass by her and use Connie's body to block any attempt Aubrey might make to touch her.

The professor was still just watching her, making no attempt to move. "I, I guess..."

"Aubrey, no," Connie said firmly. "She's a liability. You can let her go after you get Nevyn's help to fix her memories properly."

Lola let go of the suitcase and shoved Connie towards her husband, causing them to topple against a dresser. Lola flung the door open and had one foot out but went sprawling as Connie was able to stick one of her feet out to trip her. "Help!" Lola called.

"Do it now!" Connie hissed at Aubrey. "Before it's too late!"

Aubrey knew Connie was right, but it felt like another line was about to be crossed, one that she might not be able to come back from. This was shaping up to be quite a mess. She didn't know what all would happen if the world got wind of their secret. Too many people knew already. She hated what she was about to do, but felt she had to act. The professor righted himself and moved quickly.

Down the hall, a door opened and a face popped out. It was Charlene, the Resident Advisor for their floor. "Is everything alright?" she called.

Lola had taken a hard fall but she was almost to her feet. She looked to her RA beseechingly as she stood. "Make them stop!" A strong hand gripped her shoulder. Fear and panic seized her as she began to shudder. "She's taking over!"

Charlene was now hustling down the hall, a can of mace outstretched before her. "Let her go!" Charlene was ready to protect one of the girls entrusted to her care, but pulled up short as Lola seemed to relax and smile at her.

"Sorry, Charlene," Lola said, looking embarrassed. "It's not like that."

"Girl, what are you smoking?" Charlene chided, still eyeing the professor who now stood perfectly still, one hand still on Lola's shoulder. "I almost maced this fool! And what do you mean she's taking over?"

"Uh..." Lola stammered.

"She's talking about me," Connie said, stepping into the hallway. "My husband here asked me to sub in for a few of his lessons to discuss the part genetics play in modern pharmaceuticals."

Lola gave her biggest smile, and pointed at Connie. "That. I mean that. I prefer her husband's lectures. He can go real deep inside...a lesson."

Connie shot a glare at Lola, but recovered quickly. Charlene didn't know what to think as she asked, "Lola? I think that's the first time I've seen you smile this year. You sure everything's alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, sorry. I'll be, uh, we'll be going now."

Lola started to go past Charlene, but was interrupted by Connie clearing her throat. "Um, didn't you leave something in your room?"

Lola's feet ground to a halt as Aubrey realized there was a packed bag ready for her to take for a trip out of town. "Right. Of course. We'll get that and then, uh, be on our way. Have a good fall break Charlene."

Lola went to walk past Charlene again back towards her room, but Charlene's hand grabbed her arm. "Why are you acting so... friendly?"

"Uh, just glad to be on break and spend some time with my boyfriend, I guess."

Charlene stared into Lola's eyes, as if trying to mine the depths of her psyche. Aubrey felt like someone on the hidden side of a one way mirror as Charlene tried to peer through it, looking for the intruder beyond. Aubrey readied herself to hop into her at a moment's notice. Then there would be three people she'd have to worry about making forget. Two was going to be enough trouble. At last, Charlene let go of her arm. "Sorry, I...sorry. All the noise and then, well, strange day. Have a good break."

Charlene walked away and Lola and Connie let out a sigh. Aubrey hurried Lola back into their room and grabbed the suitcase. It was quite heavy, but on rollers. As she came out, she looked at the professor and said, "Take this to the car."

The professor obediently took the handle of the suitcase and rolled it along the hallway floor. The two women walked behind him. Connie was shaking her head at her husband's mechanized gait. "How far could you push him?"

"What do you mean?" Aubrey asked in her voice.

"I mean, would he do absolutely anything you told him to do right now?"

Aubrey thought back to some of the memories she had gleaned from her brother during the times they had shared a body. She remembered clearly a time when Nevyn had order her to strip for her brother. She had begun to without hesitation until Nevyn had stopped her so he could hop inside and seduce Derek himself. "Uh, pretty sure, yeah."

"Fascinating. That could be very useful."

"Yeah, but it doesn't last too long, remember, I told you that last night. It varies depending on the person and how long they've been possessed. You were one of the quickest recovery times I think I've seen."

The professor stopped and began looking around. He dropped the handle of the suitcase and it flopped on the ground next to him. He then whirled around to stare wide eyed at the two women. He didn't say anything, or act confused. He knew what had been done to him. Aubrey had erased nothing so all of his actions, all of Aubrey's explanation of past events, were all coming quickly back to him. He took the briefest of moments to shoot a questioning look of betrayal at his wife, then spun back around to run. They might have had a hard time catching him had he not immediately tripped over the suitcase he had dropped and went sprawling in the hallway. The two ladies were over him in a second.

Lola's hand moved quickly to grab the professor's arm. Aubrey thought about being him, wanting to take him over, and she felt herself leaving Lola's body.

The professor's arm began to shudder and he looked at his wife with desperation. "Why are you letting this happen?"

She shook her head at him with a sad smile. "Cause we're scientists, honey. Or at least, I still am."

The subtle dig at his lack of ambition lately was not lost on him as his vision blacked out.

A few seconds later, the shudder had subsided and the professor stood up and dusted himself off. He looked at Lola who still was stooped down on the ground and said with authority, "Lola, please get your bag and we'll help you put it in the car."

The trip to the hospital on the other side of the campus was eventful. It was a very short drive at a very slow speed, and every 60 seconds Aubrey would hop from the professor's body to Lola, and then back again 60 seconds later. Connie had suggested Aubrey do it that fast lest one of them regain control, panic, and cause them to wreck the car. All the while, Connie kept asking questions. It was all stuff she and Nevyn and Derek had asked themselves a thousand times. What made them special? How come Nevyn couldn't possess Derek, but then had been able to swap bodies while Nevyn had been having sex with Derek as his mom? How come they had just experimented with monkeys when they could use multiple human test subjects with no repercussions as long as Derek was as adept with memory manipulation as Aubrey said?

The last question Connie asked as they pulled into the hospital parking lot caught Aubrey off guard. "Are you as horny in Lola as you are in my husband?"

Aubrey was in Lola that second. She'd hop into the professor in a minute, but she thought about how she felt in Lola's body. She was horny. It wasn't a desperate need or anything, but was definitely there in the back of her mind. The more she thought about it, the more it came to the front and threatened to shove out every other thought. She remembered eating this body out in shower and caressing the smaller breasts and athletic body. She remembered kissing this body eagerly while letting her fingers run through the short, silky blonde hair. She was breathing heavily as she responded, "Uh, yes. I seem to be."

"Curious," was all Connie said. Aubrey didn't notice the grin that had appeared on the gorgeous woman's face.

They parked the car and went to Derek's wing, or at least, the wing that contained Derek's soul. When they got outside his room, Aubrey transferred from the professor to Lola. The professor's body made to follow her inside, but Connie stopped and gripped her husband's arm. In hushed tones, she told Aubrey, "Order Charles to stop following you please. We'll wait here while you update your brother on recent events."

"But..." Aubrey started to argue.

"It'll be better if I'm not there at the start. But there is a clock, remember. My husband will be himself in just a few minutes. Tell Derek we need his help with that, and do it in a way that lets me keep my memories please."

It was a tall order, but Aubrey nodded Lola's head, then started to open the door. She immediately heard moaning, the kind of moaning she might make when... Aubrey rushed in and saw her body writhing under a thin hospital sheet while Derek used her hands to get off.